Eternal Melody

Chapter 255: 254 To each their own tale Part 3

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Still, Soujiro understood how much she disliked these places. But it was in a place like this where he met her. Even now he could clearly remember when he first met her. He remembered it clearly like it happened yesterday.

That young eleven year old girl.


Six years ago - Ibuki Family Manor, grand hall-

Soujiro could not believe the words that escaped his young fiance lips. What on earth is she thinking? This is the first time he has heard a member of the elite behave in this manner.

This girl says some funny things. Solitude? Does that only apply to her? Who isn't alone in this society? The time when their connection to others was the core of their selves has vanished.

In this world where everyone is watched over by the system and live within the system's standards, a community isn't necessary. Everyone just lives in their own cell, and the system tames them by giving them each their own personal serenity. It was something he had noticed a long time ago, after noticing it he realised that what he had to do.

What a person in his position had to do. . He realised it at a young age, realised why his older brother treated him with such coldness and told him never to follow him around. He realised it. That ' Us Royals are the very opposite of free'. Makoto Souijro recalled those words quite well, since it was the first time he had said it out loud. Despite having such thoughts for long, he never said it.

No that is not what it was, they never permitted him to say such words since it meant speaking out of line. However after hearing her thoughts and conversing with her, he said it without thinking. If it is her then maybe something would change, such a foolish thought briefly crossed his mind.

He had heard many things about the Princess from his elder brother, during the rare occasions that they had dined together. Elegant, graceful words that described the perfect noble lady. Soujiro had been a tad bit concerned about the age difference, although he was no more older than fifteen years old. He was under the impression that she was still a child and even with his brother's words sought to discover whether or not it was true.

That was why he tried to meet with her before the arrangement. His arrival though was in secret and he informed that the guards did not mention a word of his arrival. He wanted to see how the Princess reacted naturally.

Indeed like his brother informed him his fiance is indeed a ' Perfect lady', there was no doubt about it from her manners and speech. How she conducted herself as a leader at a young age was something quite remarkable.

Soujiro didn't want to leave with a greeting though and so greeted the girl's father in private whilst his guards remained outside by the gate waiting for him.

'Hoho, I am glad your curiosity took over you and you came over to see for yourself. Indeed she's an excellent wife for a noble. However, she may be perfect. I'll believe you'll find that she has her own share of imperfections too.'

He hadn't realised that he would learn the meaning to those words so quickly.

During the night of the formal banquet, he met her and indeed her manersim plus her behaviour was the same. The seating arrangement had puzzled him but he had no intention of questioning the Princess. 'Act as I see so fit' eh? To him it was quite amusing in a sense and wondered if this is what the girls father meant by imperfections.

When he retired to his chambers, he wanted to think about his interaction with her carefully. He wanted to analyze her behaviour and see if he could find a pattern. If he could find a pattern then perhaps the next time they spoke she would not render him speechless. It was a close one earlier, she almost saw right through him. But before he could do that, he heard a knock on the door. The person did not greet him and strolled into the room.

"Tell me what is happening in the battle field now."

Soujiro stood there feeling quite puzzled, at the brown hair girl that stood in his chambers. Her hand pointed to what looked like an old map. There was a serious look in her eyes. Yet despite his confusion at her abrupt visit and behaviour he didn't let it show.

He wore his usual smile on his face."What is this all of a sudden?"

"It is not sudden. I have been looking up this matter long before the fuss started. I want you to tell me the state of how each group is now." Sumire said her voice sharp.

"Just what do-" Soujiro trails off when he saw the map in the girl's hands. He looks down at it and shifted over until he was beside her. "This map is quite old."

He thought so when she brought it out. But now that he got a better look, Soujiro could saw some areas which no longer exist.

"There are restrictions here..." Sumire paused as though she was thinking whether or not to say the next half. "That is my fathers wish. But there are those who wish so otherwise. The soldiers and squires here are excellently trained. But they have not fought since they have to protect me."

So the rumours about the girl's father being all peaceful was true. A leader who dislikes wars huh? Indeed during his conversation with the man before he felt such a presence from him.

He doesn't have any obligation to answer her questions, especially if her father wishes for her to remain ignorant. But such a strong look in her eyes.

There was something about it that peaked his curiosity. This woman is not a typical noble lady, it should disgust him that she was acting out of line and yet it piqued his curiosity.

"Where should I start?"

"What is happening at the Iga border?"

He glanced down at the map and pointed to the area in the center." That battle was left in stalemate."

"If that place disappears then it is all over."

She really has been looking this up huh? Indeed normally one wouldn't hear any random princess talking about war, let alone know the areas and what's been going on.

So this is what that man meant by flaw. Indeed if other nobles knew of this side of her they would look at her with disgust and condemn her. She must hide this.

"Oh yes what of the civil war in Uto? I heard that the pro Iga forces are in a dominated position but it can change tides anytime."

Yes, she is certainly different from all the other princesses. She isn't just a pretty face to be paraded around. It seems like his brother chose wisely for him. When they first spoke about his marriage, Soujiro said it did not matter who he married. But he also said that he did not want to marry one of those shrieking women who only care about wealth.

Soujiro did not reply. He thought he wanted a doll like wife, somebody meek, quiet, pretty and would listen to whatever he wanted. Somebody who would stay put. But now he is starting to change his mind.

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Soujiro removed his coat and waltz over to the velvet red couch. "Honestly talk of war so early in our meeting?" He sat down. " Can you not behave in a more subdued manner?"

It was a joke of course. He was very interested in this side of her. For a mere eleven year old child she speaks clearly, and with elegance. But there is a strong look in her eyes. Such strength and determination for knowledge where does it come from?

"I am starving for knowledge."

"I did not come here to provide you with that."

Sumire's determination didn't disappear. "But I want to learn. I do not agree with the methods my brother has been using to deal with the matter. And my elder sister is ignorant when it comes to such matters."

"As a Princess should be."

The brunette's gaze darkened slightly. "That is true. But never once have I believed that following the rules blindly like that would help. The law doesn't protect people. The people protect the law. But no you are right, forgive me I am well aware that's not your purpose."

Just now the look in her eyes changed. There seems to be a different feel around her now. "War isn't exactly a matter you should be dealing with." Soujiro commented.

Forget her age, her status in the elite world as a Princess makes it impossible for her to get involved with political affairs

It is true that if anyone heard what she said. they would report it to that person immediately . Although that person is fond of her, even she won't be able to get away with this. But he did not intend to tell on her.

There are those who may merely laugh at her. A girl of no more than eleven years of age speaking of war. But it was quite amusing to him, seeing such difference.

"What a cheeky woman you are. Sit down Sumire, I am not fond of people looking down on me."

The brunette doesn't say anything and stared at him for a few moments.

He merely stared back. "Must I repeat myself once more?"

Sumire shook her head and sat down."No I heard you. I was just a bit surprised."

He didn't say anything but he wore a puzzled look on his face.

The strength in her eyes has vanished and there was something different about her tone too.

"By what?" Soujiro decided just to ask her. He is no good at dealing with people he has yet to figure out

She smiles at him. "There is no one in the castle who calls me as Sumire. I find it refreshing."

Huh...such a matter makes her happy? Indeed even though he wasn't an expert on people's emotions, one could tell that there was something about her expression aside from the smile that made her happy.

So her change in tone moments ago was because she was happy? This woman is very unusual.

Soujiro ended up laughing. "Haha what confidence."

"That's because there isn't, is there?" Sumire countered.

"Haha you speak the truth." He was very amused.

"What then?"

He didn't respond and looked away for a few moments. The girl was looking at him intently like she wanted answers that he could not give.

"You do not smile like you did during the day." Sumire suddenly commented.

It was only a brief look in the girl's eyes, but he already saw everything he needed to. It wasn't the girl's curiosity over war that was the unusual aspect that man mentioned. No, the difference was certainly this.

Soujiro reached over and grabbed a strand of the girl's locks in his fingers. "It would be nice if you were a mere simpleton."

He couldn't believe the words that left his lips. The words that left were the opposite of what he was thinking. If she were merely the same as those people then he would have kicked her out by now.

Right now is he ought to reprimand the girl, as her fiance that is his role now.

He is supposed to turn a blind eye to her bizarre behaviour and not think much of it to maintain the marriage. But by saying such words he just confirmed that she isn't like the others.

"Hmm I see..." She trails off. She smiles at him. " I am happy you showed me your true feelings Soujiro."

"Is that so? Then will you do the same?"

At that comment Sumire laughed and she stood up. "If that's what you want from me, you will have to earn it."

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