Eternal Melody

Chapter 442: The Past- Mamoru And Sumire Part 5

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When the girl woke up, she naturally didn't recognize Kein but did not question this situation. She seemed very happy to see him. Mamoru had to avert his gaze a few times because her smile was just too cute. Maybe because he hasn't been around many females since he arrived in the institute, he found everything this girl did cute. Then again, the few females he has been around acted so viciously and cold. 

"I knew if I waited, I would get to see you."

Mamoru blinked when he heard those words. Wait, don't tell him – "You didn't get permission?"

Sumire tilted her head innocently. "It is more like I said I wanted to take a walk for some fresh air."

"And they just let you?"

"I told you my circumstances are different."

She did tell him that, but now that he knew the story, Mamoru understood something. It is not like they are deliberately giving her a lot of freedom. It is more to do with the fact that if they don't do what she says, there is a chance of her recovering her memories and hurting them all.

Mamoru watched Kein from the corner of his eye. The man was huddled up fixing a few pocket watches like usual. But he noticed how the man kept occasionally glancing over.

"And the snake bites?"

Sumire laughed softly. "Uh, I accidentally tripped."

Mamoru sighed deeply. This was partly his fault, so he couldn't scold her too much. "I am sorry for not keeping my promise right away."

He should have at least sent her some form of message, even though it would have been risky.

The girl looked down. "I know you stayed away because visiting frequently would be riskier."


"But Mamoru-kun, I wanted to see you again. I don't remember when was the last time I smiled around somebody my age, let alone feel comfortable in their presence."

At those words, he felt his cheeks burn red. What did she just say there? Mamoru repeated the words in his head. There was nothing ambiguous sounding about them, but others could take it the wrong way. If they were a few years older than

If they were a few years older than they were, it wouldn't be wrong for him to interpret that she has feelings for him.

Sumire's gaze fell towards Kein. "Did that mister heal my wounds?"

Mamoru nodded. "Yeah, but-"

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence since the girl suddenly stood up and rushed over. She tugged on the man's cape. "Thank you for saving me, mister."

Kein, who seemed gloomier since he asked about the past, suddenly seemed odd. No, since he saw Sumire, Mamoru noticed how shy he was acting. Uh, hold on, this guy isn't into little girls, is he?

"Mamoru, if you keep thinking that way, I will throw you out," Kein warned.

Right this man has an ability too, the mind-reading ability. It isn't very useful when he needs it the most, though.

"You should explain things to Sumire." Mamoru trailed off. "I mean, she more or less has things figured out."

"I am Kein, master of this tower. I was a former researcher in the institute."

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"Master of this tower but isn't this place--"

"This is the only neutral ground in the restricted zone. I don't know whether you have noticed it, but we are not in Japan, but at the same time, we are." He trailed off. "The best example would be we are in another dimension."

"Another dimension?"

It looked like the girl was struggling to believe, so Mamoru pitched in. "For example, whenever you go hunting here, sometimes you can't go further even though birds can go past. There is a black wall surrounding this place. A forcefield."

"Is that so?" It looked like something came to mind since Sumire nodded. "I don't think it is a forcefield, though. If it was, then birds shouldn't be able to go past. Has anybody tried going through the black space?"

At those words, Mamoru blinked, surprised. He did think that she was the same type as him. But to think she is also sharp like this. 

"I did have a crazy idea of running through it, but Kouji stopped me."

Sumire sighed. "He also stopped me."

Mamoru grinned. "Great minds think a like. Tut Kouji, what are you doing stopping us from achieving our dreams?"

"I wouldn't go that far."

"Eh, but it sounds cooler that way. Besides, Im sure you tried something crazy, and that's why Kouji stopped you."

At those words, the girl turned red, and he laughed. "Your facial expression gives it away."

"Hush you."

This is fun; when was the last time he spoke to somebody his age this way? Kouji was a nice guy, but he was very quiet, and the kid didn't get his jokes most of the time. 

Kein coughed. "So back to what I was saying. In this restricted zone, there are three territories, The institute, the castle, and the mafia hideout."

"This place?"

"It is a neutral ground, so I wouldn't include it as one of the territories."

"I've seen the mafia hideout, but why have I never seen this castle before?" From the name alone, Mamoru wanted to see it. It isn't every day where one gets to see a real-life castle. But no matter how much he searches, he can't find it.

"Probably because around the time you joined, they started a battle. Right now, they are having a huge power struggle to obtain more subjects, subjects they call the gifted. The ones with the strongest ones will win in the end. Recently it has gotten especially worse since the mafia has obtained somebody powerful."

So that's why the researchers seem more ruthless than usual. He supposes that made more sense. But it still bothers him, especially since he doesn't understand why they need to collect so many talented individuals. What use is there obtaining so many people with unusual abilities? If the outside world learned of their powers, Mamoru knew people would never accept them.

They will scorn them and treat them like freaks. Mamoru already felt the burden behind the heavy gazes of the normal workers in the institute, let alone in the outside world.

"Isn't it obvious why?" Sumire suddenly said. 

Mamoru blinked at the girl's words. Wait, she already has this figured out? Even though he has been struggling with this the entire time. Mamoru glanced at her with anticipation. He already figured out that this girl is pretty smart, so she has most likely reached the same conclusion as him.

The next few minutes before the girl spoke felt like torture to him; eventually, he hears a sweet voice say.

"World domination."

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