Eternal Melody

Chapter 498: Desire

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She closed her eyes for a few minutes when she heard the familiar ringtone from her phone. Sumire clicked the answer button but put it on speaker.



"I heard you just got discharged. Are you back home now?"

"Mmmm, a few minutes ago."

"Your show tomorrow night, I don't think you should attend."

It was only when he said those words did Sumire realize something was off. His tone sounded weird, and there was a strange noise in the background. If she listened clearly, she could hear the sound of firing--gunshots?

"Where are you?" Sumire said, alarmed.

"It's just a mission."

"I told you to refuse the SF orders! They are onto you spying and being suspicious of them." 

She exclaimed.

"Refusing directly would seem strange. Besides, this is the first time they have shown themselves like this."

Sumire frowned at those words. She felt increasingly anxious by the minute. Did they show themselves openly? That didn't seem right. Moreover, Sano said the leader would stay in hospital due to a flare-up of his condition. Should this be the time to appear before the special forces?

Before she could say another word, she heard the sound of an explosion.

Her face turned pale. "Shin?"

He didn't reply right away, and she became uneasy.

But after a few minutes, she hears a weak and muffled voice. "I'm okay."


"I'll hang up, get some proper rest Sumire." Shin hung up before she could say anymore.

Sumire tried to call him back, but Shin wouldn't answer. Her gaze dimmed, and she threw the pillows across the room. That stupid guy! For somebody with such a high IQ, sometimes he could act like an absolute idiot. She already warned him before that the Sf is suspicious of his movements. 

Refusing the order would indeed make people more suspicious, but at the very least, he would be safe. The reason she suspects the SF is because of the incident last year when those people kidnapped her. Some of the kidnappers looked like people from the SF organization. While they were careful not to wear the uniform, the way they spoke, their demeanor and mannerism. 

If that were the only lead she had, she wouldn't be suspicious but how they reacted to Shin bringing her to the SF headquarters. Her visit suddenly gets canceled, and several other strange incidents

A deep sigh passed her lips. Even though she has been very happy, it seems many people want to destroy the peaceful life she has now. Sumire recalled Yuhis concern. She understood where he was coming from.

She does have more things to lose now.

In the past, this was one of the key reasons why she avoided getting close to people. Sumire knew if they got close to her, they would end up targeted. Some have naturally grown to dislike her in the entertainment or delinquent world—a strong dislike enough for them to target her life.

She thought back to what happened recently when she went to visit that group with Yuhi. The things those people said remained firmly in her mind.

'I thought I was used to hearing such things, but it seems that isn't the case. If Yuhi didn't come with me, I might have had a breakdown.' 

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It seems she can no longer live without Yuhi. She remained cautious towards him initially; she wouldn't let him get too close to her. But she allowed him to come within arms reach. If she thought about it carefully, she didn't have to do something like that. The old her would have just pushed him away.

When he first became a member of the underground organization Holy Knights, she coldly pushed him away and pretended they never met. But Aki-san decided to mess around and put Yuhi under her care. 

No matter how coldly she treated him, he never left her side; before she knew it, she had warmed up to him. She still didn't reveal that she knew him before, nor did she bring up that promise. That was fine for Yuhi; he mentioned focusing on the present.

When he said those words, she felt ashamed. She didn't want to meet Yuhi again like this to have him see her working as a member of the underworld. She wanted their reunion to be on stage. But all of those thoughts seemed foolish. 

She learned so much about Yuhi that year, and they gained an irreplaceable bond and trust. She was working alongside him as partners who had each other's backs. She liked it a lot.

Her thoughts broke off when Yuhi entered the room with a trolley of food on the top. The moment he got close, she pulled him onto the bed and hugged him.

"What's wrong?"

She didn't say a word and continued to hug Yuhi tightly.

'It seems I am unable to let this person go. I feel so attached to him.' The attachment she felt is far stronger than their first or second meeting. Now she can say for sure that she is unable to live without him. But with the recent dangerous events, can they be together forever?

It is hard to say; the future still looks so bleak to her. 

"My love?"

Sumire wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her lips to his neck. It occurred to her how quite some time has passed since she last drank any blood or had any urges. It seemed the medication Sano made her take every day led to suppressing her urges.

"Do you want some?" Yuhi asked.

"I haven't had any urges for a while. I think I forgot how to do this."

Yuhi chuckled. "Just bite; it's like when you give me a hickey. But your lips are there longer."

Her cheeks reddened at those words. This man is way too calm. 

"You don't have to hold back, Sumire."

"Hmmm, I don't think I will be able to. Your scent is driving me crazy."


"But I think I understand why Sano tried to suppress my urges. Deep down, he most likely hasn't accepted this side of me yet."

"Have you accepted it?"

"Even if I am against it, it would make no difference. It is pointless to struggle when the situation is like this."

"So it's simply because you can't fight back?"

"I suppose, but at the same time, I don't mind this. I always thought that my thoughts towards you were unusual, but now I have an excuse. These uncontrollable urges and desires whenever I am around you are because I am a hanyou. I am a beast, but I am a human too."

"Since when did you have such thoughts?"

"It was the moment we first worked together as partners when we were both in danger and surrounded by the enemy. You held my hand for the first time to reassure me that you would get me out of there. It was only for a moment, but that moment was it all it took for me to understand." Sumire trailed off. "I desire everything about you, I want more than the warmth of your hand. I felt a sense of security and safety. I wanted to give everything."

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