Eternal Melody

Chapter 63: 63 Is this how she flirts?

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Kissing Ibuki Sumire made Terashima Yuhi feel like he was on the moon, surrounded by a sea of stars. It was that special to him. Despite how abrupt these kisses are with her, Yuhi treasured every single one of them.

Yuhi recalled what happened the other day and he stopped, he pulled away from her. He looked away, and placed his hand on his black locks - messing it up.

What on earth was all of that about?

'Even though, even though I knew. Even though that has happened already. Why did I do something as bold as that?'

"Sorry." Yuhi apologized.

The black hair boy thought that she would run away again. No, that is the normal reaction. But instead she shook her head and wrapped her arms around him, causing his eyes to widen.

Before he could say anything though, she was walking towards the door and turned back. A smile on her face, " Shall we go home? It's getting late".


Yuhi was still completely stunned and yet grabbed his stuff and hers, following her out. Sumire talked about his upcoming live. He was only half listening really, doing something like that. Him doing something like that isn't she...?

After all, the last time she reacted that way. How can she suddenly be okay with that? He stares at her carefully and then he saw it.

Red creeping onto her cheeks, a dark shade. Come to think of it, the stuff she has said for the past few minutes since they left the library doesn't make sense.

It's almost as though she rambled on to ease her nervousness over what just happened. Yuhi blinked when he realized that was most-likely the truth.

So that's what this was about.

He chuckles, what a fool. Did she think that she could hide it from him? Then again this little girl seems to think she has the upper hand whenever they talk.

His reaction did not go unnoticed though. "W--why are you laughing?" Sumire questioned.

"Hmm I wonder why."

"Gee! Tell me already."

At that he leaned forward slightly, and brushed his lips against her neck. "Do you really want to know?"

"U--n--pleasant..! Really unpleasant. Eep what are you doing honestly..."

She really is quite foolish huh? Though it's not exactly clear what her feelings are just yet. Perhaps it would be okay for him to find out. After all it really is exactly like what Atushi said.

When Yuhi back perhaps it wasn't just him who has been acting nervous due to the girl's bold actions towards him. Perhaps he overlooked it this entire time because he kept in mind that they could not have anything more. But now? Now something seems to have changed.

His silence seemed to have worried her since she tugged on his sleeve. "Yuhi?"Sumire asked, a worried look appeared in her eyes.

Really foolish.

"You're cute when you blush."he stated simply.

"Idiot!"she half exclaimed, hitting him and yet he kept on laughing. When was the last time he laughed so carefreely like this?

He wants to continue spending these peaceful days with her. But eventually something will have to change. Yuhi paused when he saw her shiver. "Why are you wearing such little clothing again?" He asked.

Sumire looked down at her clothes. "This is knit."

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The girl wore a knitted off shoulder white dress, and black tights, alongside a white cap with a small black ribbon tied to the side.

He squeezed her hands. "I think you need more layers."

"I thought you would like it Yuhi."

At that comment he raised his eyebrow. "You want my opinion?"

She nodded. "I waited for you to say something this morning but you didn't."

He did notice her different clothes this morning. But Yuhi did not say anything since for him, she looked good in everything. She always looked good, even if she wore simple clothing. Then again, Sumire likes honest people doesn't she? He brought his lips to her ear. "I think we need to have a long talk." Yuhi mumbled. "I like seeing your legs."

"Does Yuhi have a fetish?"

"Yeah, I do. I like it when you wear tights."

Sumire sighed. "Men and their strange tastes. But Yuhi-san, since it is you, I will make an exception."

Yuhi raised his eyebrow at that comment of hers. "Were you not the one who wanted a compliment for me?" He placed his hand on her legs. "Don't act so haughty now."

She brushed her fingers across his lips. "Can you stop me?"

The way Sumire said those four words drove him crazy. This girl is purposely trying to stir him up isn't she? Then again it is his fault for letting her get away with it. Still when she does things like this with him, is she flirting? Yuhi watched as she pulled away from him and pulled out her phone.

He saw the complicated look on her face. "Who is it?"

Sumire raised her phone to show a familiar number. It was Sanos' number of course.

"I had to unblock him since we have to discuss your concert stuff. But," Sumire sighed. Her gaze dimmed. "He keeps contacting me for personal reasons."

Yuhi frowned when he saw the text messages.

- Is the weather not nice today?

Sano attached a picture of him after he finished having a shower, so he was shirtless.

- I found a nice place to eat, why don't you join me for a meal?

- I was browsing through my phone and found some old [pictures. Does this not ring a bell?

Sumire tried to hide the photos but Yuhi already saw one. A picture of the two kissing rather intently. He could not miss the intimacy and sexual-like poses. "Send those to me."

She looked at him puzzled. "Send them?"

"Police report."

Sumire rolled her eyes and laughed. "I understand how worried you are Yuhi-san. But its fine. If he goes overboard, I will tell him straight up to stop or even file a complaint for harassment myself. Besides I want to see what he is up to. I still find it weird that he apologized."

Her reply did not make him happy at all. Yuhi does not want Sumire to think of Sano at all. Whatever that guy is plotting, she does not have to think of it at all. The more curious she gets, the more troublesome it will be later on.

"Anyhow, let me help you block these kinds of images. I will show you on my phone first." Yuhi took his phone out.

His thoughts broke off when he saw Sumire casually leaning forward. Yuhi thought it was a coincidence before but now? Is this how she flirts? Not touching directly and casually getting close? If this is her technique then Yuhi is very impressed. Does she have any idea how torturous her actions are?

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