Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 – Visit & Arisa’s Sudden Proposal

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~Elementary School (3rd Grade)

"It...*sniff* hurts... *sniff*: (Shizuka)

In a park, which was oddly empty, was a girl, with shoulder-length black hair and a pair of beautiful cerulean eyes, holding her left knee with both her hands while crouching.

"Cheer up, Shizu! Here, let's go to my house and have my mommy heal you!" (Kei)

Crouching while having his back turned towards the girl, a black-haired little boy, along with purple eyes, could be seen. Asking the sobbing little girl to get on his back.

"After she patches you up, we can ask her for candy!" (Kei)

"Y-you sure...?" (Shizuka)

"Of course! So, what do you say?" (Kei)

"U-Unn..." (Shizuka)

Kei Ichinose and Shizuka Sakurajima, who back then were like a older brother and a little sister, despite both of them having the same age. However, maybe it was also because of that—

—that eventually one of them, couldn't see the other as nothing more than that.

An older brother.

~Present Time

Infront of a two-story house, which had a refined yet also a humble feeling to it, stood two people. One was a young brown-haired boy, which possessed shiny green eyes. The other one looked like a prim and proper young lady, with long black hair, that had the same colour as her two beautiful eyes. 

The name plate infront of the house read 'Ichinose'. It seems that both of them where discussing on what to do next. That was until—

"Areh? Riku... and Sachi!? What the hell are you two doing here!?" (Kei)

A young boy with black hair and purple eyes, holding what appeared to be grocery bags, called out to them.

It was the person that both of them wanted to meet.

Their best friend, and currently their main source of concern—

—Kei Ichinose

~10 Minutes Earlier

Train Station (2:30 P.M.)

Sachi's POV~

I was currently waiting for Riku, who asked me to meet up with him at this trains station, at about 2:20.

"He's kind of late..." (Sachi)

I recalled yesterday's conversation, as I waited for him.

Why don't we pay him a visit tomorrow afternoon?

Even though I agreed... I've never visited a friend's house before... let alone a boy's house...

I'll buy the gift for them so don't worry about~ It was my suggestion after all~

He said with his carefree smile...

He's nice... wait... what am I thinking!?

I tried to think about something else, however a little bit later...

"Yo, sorry for the wait. Shall we get going?" (Riku)

Riku came. I calmed myself down and then replied to him.

"Sure, let's go." (Sachi)

I replied with my usual smile. We started walking side by side, and after a few minutes, Riku spoked up.

"Say... Sachi..." (Riku)

"What may it be?" (Sachi)

"Are you... by any chance... nervous...? (Riku)

"E-e-eh...!? Me!? Nervous? Absolutely not!" (Sachi)

"Then stop looking away." (Riku)

"......Haa~ S-so you noticed, huh? Truth is... I-I never visited a friend's house before, so i-it's quite of nerve-wracking..." (Sachi)

"Actually me neither... Looks like that's something which changed after we met Kei, huh?" (Riku)

"Looks like it..." (Sachi)

Riku, who apparently knew what was going on inside my head, asked me.

Back in middleschool I never had any friends. Reason being because I had trouble making some, due to my formal way of speaking, so usually people will distance themselves from me. However, Kei approached me and offered me his hand. For that I'm grateful.

That's why, I have to talk to him and make sure he's okay!

"I mean, you were fidgeting a lot before, now you only look a bit restless. Don't worry, the Ichinose household has quite the etiquette with welcoming guests... I guess... Ah! Here we are... this is the place." (Riku)

Said Riku as he stopped on his tracks and look at a property at our left.

How do I put it? Hmm... Ah yes...

Eh...? Isn't it a little to normal!?

I mean... I wasn't expecting anything colossal... However, due to Kei's pattern of speech and etiquette... you could say... I was expecting a little bit more...



It was a really pretty and well-maintained residence.


Riku's POV~

Why does she look kind of disappointed...?

As we stood infront of the Ichinose residence, I glanced at Sachi who seemed to be kinda... disappointed...? So to say... Then I snapped her back to reality.

"I'm gonna ring the intercom now~" (Riku)

"You mustn't Riku! A-at least not yet... how should I greet them!?" (Sachi)

"...introvert..." (Riku)

"I heard that!" (Sachi)

"Haa~ hurry up then~ don't have all day, you know?" (Riku)

Sachi, who seemed the be hella nervous, tried to keep her composure, however she fidgeted. 

Areh...? Suddenly my image of Sachi is crumbling...

However... it was kinda cute not gonna lie...

As I waited for her to calm down—

"Areh? Riku... and Sachi!? What the hell are you two doing here!?" (Kei)

—Kei appeared, holding what looked like two grocery bags.

Kei's POV~

As I was returning home from buying the groceries mom requested, for today's lunch and dinner.

I suddenly saw Riku and Sachi infront of my house... 

What the...?

"A-anyway... for know... let's go inside... okay?" (Kei)

I said, as I didn't want to stand outside for long.


"Mom, Riku Ryouzaki... and Sachi Sadataka, the friends I've told you about..." (Kei)

"Welcome. Thanks for being good friends with my son." (Kaho)

"I-it's nothing, really..." (Riku)

"We should be the one thanking him, he's been of great help to us. Ah! We brought a gift..." (Sachi)

"Oh, that so~? Well thank you!" (Kaho)

"W-well anyway... Riku... Sachi, this is my mother, Kaho ichinose." (Kei)

"Once again, it is a pleasure to meet you." (Kaho) 

Greeted my mother, as she bowed to the two of them.

""The pleasure is ours."" (Riku & Sachi)

Areh...? Isn't the mood quite different...? 

"Changing topic. I believe there was something you two wanted to tell me?"

"Ah yes. Can we talk for a bit? In private... that is..." (Sachi)

"I see. Then... mother..." (Kei)

"Understood. Let me prepare some drinks first before you leave then." (Kaho)

"Thanks." (Riku)

"S-sorry for the inconvenience..." (Sachi)

"It's nothing~" (Kaho)

After that we waited for a bit, and after receiving the drinks from my mother, we headed upstairs, to my room.

~Ichinose Residence

Kei Ichinose's Room

 Currently sitting on the edge of my bed; were settled two of my 3 best friends, Riku & Sachi. 

It seemed like there was something they wanted to say to me, that's why they came all the way to my house. 

After inviting them inside, the atmosphere became kind of unpleasant and the room was silent.

"..." (Kei)

"..." (Sachi)

"..." (Riku)

A few minutes passed with such an atmosphere... until—

"I'm gonna get straight to the point... Kei—" (Riku)

—Riku spoke.

"—Are you okay...?" (Riku)

If I'm okay... huh...? Well—

"—Of course am okay? What are you saying... haha... ha..." (Kei)

Both Riku & Sachi froze at my attempted smile, however it was evident the sorrow that was behind it.

"*sniff* of course... *sniff*...I'm not fine..." (Kei)

They stayed in complete silence, as I continued.

"Since when have they been seeing each other...?" (Kei)

...We've been friends for a while now...

How come I never knew...?

"Why did Shizu never noticed any of my approaches...?" (Kei)

Have I failed somehow...?

"Why... Why!? Why isn't it me who makes her smile like that!?" (Kei)

Even though I was subtly shouting, it wasn't enough for it to get out of this room.

"What does that person has that i don't, huh!? What did I had that she didn't like!? WHY ISN'T IT ME WHO STANDS BY HER SIDE!? I TRIED... I REALLY TRIED, EVERY F**KING DAY I TRIED TO APPEAL TO HER AND WHAT? IS EVERYTHING GOING TO END LIKE THIS!?" (Kei)

They both flinched, at my sudden outburst.

Shizuka Sakurajima, was I not attractive enough? Was i not... to your liking...? 

"I don't... *sniff* understand... *sniff*" (Kei)

At this point... I was already in tears...

"I don't get it... I realy don't..." (Kei)

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

I don't understand.


"Hey... Riku... Sachi—" (Kei)

"Y-yes!?" (Sachi)

"Hmm..." (Riku)

"—am I really—" (Kei)

I couldn't help it...

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"—That unattractive...?" (Kei)

""!?"" (Riku & Sachi)

Both of them froze... at my words...

Third Person POV~

At Kei's sudden words, both Riku and Sachi froze.

Currently, they were seeing a side of Kei they never knew about, and of course they never wanted to know.

Kei probably has never found himself in such a disgusting amount of dispair.

"So I really am... huh...? Guess that explains it..." (Kei)

Kei seemed to had took both Sachi's and Riku's silence as confirmation.

"That's not it!" (Sachi)

Contrary to her gentle and quiet demeanor, Sachi, who rapidly stood up from Kei's bed, shouted.

"I can probably speak for Riku also, that you are someone important to us. Not only that you are one of the most outspoken people I know—" (Sachi)

"Not like you know anyone else other than us though..." (Riku)

"—Shut up! Anyway... Riku and i look up to you, Kei Ichinose, who saved us from having a lonely and gloomy middleschool and highschool life!" (Sachi)

Riku nodded at her words, clearly Riku understood why Sachi was so indebted to Kei, as he was also feeling in such a way.

He stood up and went to where Kei was. The latter, had his face down and both of his hands on his knees, then he continued as he rested his palm on Kei's shoulder.

"You know man. It's embarrasing to say but... I'm grateful to you... You were always there, never expecting anything in return. You never cared if people liked you or hated you. You said it yourself didn't you? 'As long as there's people who believe in me, I can still move forward.'" (Riku)

Kei flinched at his words. Certainly, in the past, there was a day where they clearly heard people bad-mouthing Kei. However, even though both, Riku and Sachi, were upset... Kei reassured them... telling them those exact words.

"So cheer up!" (Riku)

After that Sachi kneeled infront of him and placed her hand in his.

"Let's hang out the three of us! It may take a while, but we know you can move forward..." (Sachi)

Both, Riku and Sachi, showed him great smiles. So Kei–

"Pfff... haha... you guys really are something else..." Said Kei as he wiped his tears with his black shirt.

"I feel blessed, having amazing friends. Sure, let's do it." (Kei)

Kei knew... that even, though there was no chance for him to get with Shizuka now... at least—


He had friends who wouldn't sell their friendship for anything in this planet...

 ~Ichinose Residence

~6:30 P.M.

Kei's POV~

About two hours ago. After calming down from my breakdown. Both Riku and Sachi, went home after some more small talk.

After they left, I looked all over the house for my mother, who was nowhere in sight.

And then, while i was making myself a cup of coffee—

*ring* *ring*

—My phone suddenly rang.

The screen read:

Arisa Kamihate

...Speaking of which... she did say that... she would call... anytime over the weekend...

"Hello? Kei speaking." (Kei)

I said, as i picked up the call.

"Hm? You really answered, huh~" (Arisa)

Said Arisa, at the other side of the line, with a carefree smile.

"I mean... If you called... then you expected me to atleast answer... right...?" (Kei)

"Fufu, guess so~ Unn...? Rather, Kei. Isn't your speech quite paused today?" (Arisa)

Asked Arisa, seems like she was worried. I wasn't surprised at her observation, she was quite sharp.

"W-well—" (Kei)

I told her about today's events. From both of my best friends visit, until my breakdown. She listened carefully, and once I finished she took a bit of time and spoked up.

"I see... Actually that was another reason why I called you..." (Arisa)

"'Another'? So... that wasn't... the main reason... for your call?" (Kei)

"Well it kind of is~ It has indeed something to do with this but... U-uhm... okay... I'm going straight to the point..." (Arisa)

Arisa paused for a moment, then i heard her exhale from the other side of the phone.

She isn't... trying to sell me... some crappy love charm... right...?

"I wan't to hang out with you more." (Arisa)

"...eh...?" (Kei)

Her words, which I luckly managed to hear, due to her small voice, surprised me.

"You may think it's sudden... However, after seeing you like that the last time we met... and hearing about the 'you' from today—" (Arisa)

She continued.

"—I made up my mind." (Arisa)

During the whole 'exchange', I was listening closely to her. As I didn't understand what she meant. 


"So... Kei Ichinose... will you let me... Arisa Kamihate—" (Arisa)

—Be your miracle?

Some outrageous words came from her mouth.




~Kamihate Residence

~Arisa Kamihate's Room (7:45 P.M.)

Third Person POV~

After Arisa gave an outrageous proposal to Kei, who the latter nervously agreed, Arisa found herself in her bed. With a blanket that covered all her body.

What in the hell did i just say to him!?

Arisa's mind,was in turmoil.

'Let me be your miracle'!? What kind of crappy line is that!? AAAHHHH.

The reason for her current confusion and embarrasment was simple.

Arisa had told Kei to let her 'Be his miracle'. Which not only caught Kei, but also Arisa, the one who said it, by surprise.

Arisa didn't know why.

She didn't understand what the feeling she had deep inside meant.

Nor as to why she behaved that way, or said does things.

The only thing she knew is that, not only when she first met Kei on the park, nor when she spoke to him a little while ago.... she only had one thought in mind, that never dissappeared.



'Maybe this time, you can look at me... Just me...'





It was a feeling that was too early for her to understand. Yet, little by little, she will eventually know.... as to why she did and said all those things.





Kei ichinose

Someone who couldn't confess to his childhood friend... Someone who probably didn't know what 'love' really meant.







Arisa Kamihate

Someone who met him through his older sisters, and friends. Someone who somehow wanted to be there for him, at his lowest.





The story of two such people—






was just about to begin.


~Story Arc 1: Shizuka & Kei, Kei & Arisa [END]




And that's it for the first story arc folks! 

The next arc, arc 2, will be a slice of life arc. It won't be filled with as much drama as this one.

The next arc is called:

"Story Arc 2: Daily Life Without You By My Side"

Or at least, that's the idea, the title isn't final.

Anyway, before we move on to the second arc, I'll upload an intermission on Wednesday. See Ya!

~Coming Next: Intermission - Kei's Wrong Theory About Love


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