Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening

Chapter 3: Where Am I?

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Huh?! I gasp for air, dammit! Slowly opening my eyes. Something about a crystal? I'm--DESCENDING!

I feel my lungs shifting into icicles, slowly but surely. Gazing at my hands as the breeze embraces my back. I close my eyes.

Is this where my adventure concludes? Converting into a book? I don't have enough magic to land securely.

Cracking a smile, Ah, I'm up for some Onigiri right now. My smile slowly vaporises.

I'm sorry...Forgive me...I'm just a failure.

Velocity is beyond great, preventing me from controlling my own neck. Gazing at the moon.Ah, such a beautiful moon to meet my demise. As if an angel is reaching toward me.

A delicate yet magical appearance. Aha, I'm just r--rambling ar--aren't I? Gradually closing my eyes.

I sense my body being transported, somewhere...

Opening my eyes?! Where?! I receive a sudden barrage of strawberries attacking my nostrils. Ah?! My vision is blurry as heck! Waiting a few seconds to adjust to my new surroundings.

What? What is this?!"AH!" I partially cover my mouth, softening my sudden surprise, gazing at the walls. IT'S ALL PINK?!

Am I on a dual bed? I mean, the mattress is beyond comfortable. Fixated my eyes on a strange golden button to the right of me, causing my jaw to drop.

"Cake?!--"I meant café... I'm beyond gobsmacked. As I scan the room, I detect a figure observing me."AHH!" I let out a girly yell.

A stunning woman in a lengthy silver dress with roses filling the bottom as if finalising a desert with whipped cream. Her arms folded, just gazing.

Strands of silver hair connect to form a ball at the back of her head. Is that a low-bun hairstyle?

"So," She approaches me."You're finally awake." She frowned, sounding like a robot.

I point at myself, Did I do something wrong? She towers over me as if I was inferior. No, a speck of dust in her presence.

"What happened?" Her foot slapped repeatedly against the floor as if she was listening to a melody.

"I found you falling to your demise? Did you have a skirmish?" She tapped more hastily, flickering a strand of hair out of her eye.

A cold nerve pierced my spine as she spoke. My body trembling like an obedient lab rat being scolded.

I seize the blanket."I-I'M SO SORRY?!" I scream, covering the blanket over me like a frightened child. Sweat slides down my forehead.

"I-I saved you?!" Clearly irritated, she clutches onto her blanket.

I feel resistance yanking the blanket! I resist with all my strength. Her attempts failed as I poke my head slightly out of the blanket.

"What occurred last night?" She taps her elbow furiously.

Her body language expresses she's mad although her tone of voice sounds neutral. D-did I jump headfirst into a lion's den?

I drag the blanket over my head again, shit?! I don't even have a single clue of where I am. What do I do? How do I answer?! AH?! Just pretend to be calm.

I come out of my comfort zone, resting my chin on my hand.In a deep voice. "I-I don't remember," I mumbled.

A bright light consumed me, my body drifted into a memory fragment.Sometime during the clash with Dexis.

"Otonashi?! Otonashi?!" Diana roars out to me, then smiling in her shattered but still shining armour.

Blood forms in my throat, causing me to spit it out as I float down. Her smile kept me fighting.

"One who seeks only to obliterate is doomed for failure. Otonashi." Diana gazes in my direction, positioning a thumbs up.

"I'm glad you switched before becoming a monster." Diana's eyes flashed beyond a shooting star, before turning to Dexis.

A form of an angel smiles upon us. Her palms positioned together as if praying.

"You four are the last bastions of light." Her angelic smile."I know you four came from a different world. Earth was it? I apologise for dragging you into our world's issues." This angelic figure closes her eyes.

She opens them with fire raging inside her iris."BREAK THE CHAINS OF CAPTIVITY! THAT'S HOLDING YOU BACK!" She yelled before the light altered into debris and fell onto the soil below.

I glance at my chest, my wound?! It's healed?! I crack a smile, as a chant magically appears in my head as if I used to countless times before.

"Become a light during our darkest hours, no matter how much darkness consumes the world, A light will always pierce through." I chanted as my hair alters to neon green.

"Hex: Dual Blades Of Fire!" Two blades developed by fire materialising in both of my hands. The warmth from the blades feels deadlier than before.

I death stare at Dexis, Leaping into the air.

"Pathetic," Dexis commanded two of her black spider legs in my direction.

I launch one of my blades toward her leg, inserting it as if entering paper. Being scorched until nothing remained. Her final leg charged toward me as I faced my remaining blade high in the sky, spinning like a car tyre rolling down a hill. Dexis's arms twitch a little.

"Pff, just a fluke..." Dexis smirked, her long black hair floating as if snakes were scrambling. Six dark spider legs approach me at a rapid velocity.

If I remember correctly spiders on Earth have eight legs, So if I obliterate these two, It'll be over.

One by one, slicing through her legs like left-out ice cream on a summer day.

"GO ON OTONASHI?! END IT!" Takashi raised his fist into the air.

I was so close to Dexis now, I swipe my blade that was glistening with sunshine.

"Wh-what?!" Dexis hopped back to avoid my blade, releasing a sinister smile.Her shoulders burst two more legs as sharp as a blade. 

"THAT'S---""GAH!" I feel immense pain in my chest. Blood seeped out of my mouth like I'm vomiting.

"You all mention spider bullcrap, eight legs? Right?" She smiled."Well, you're not wrong about those inferior little bugs." Her eyes blazed red, cracking her knuckles, before positioning her hands on hips. "We're not quite spiders." She cackled.

You are reading story Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening at novel35.com

She glared as I slowly drifted to the ground. Her menacing eyes, the look of pure insanity. I alter my attention to a figure with short blonde hair. That's Felix!

"WE'RE NOT FINISHED YET?!" He yelled, using his remaining strength to slice one of the spider's legs.

"PERISH?!" Dexis was enraged, seizing Felix's face as he screamed in agony with his face smoking.

Diana held her arm facing Dexis

"NOT SO FAST?! Hex: Fire Blast!" Diana chanted, and a red pentagram assembled in front of her hand. A fireball materialises and charges toward Dexis.Smashing right into her back.

"AH! IT BURNS?!" Dexis patted her back to extinguish the fire. Dropping Felix in the process.

"That's wh-what f-fire does." Felix smiled, his face entirely coated in blood as he plunges from the sky.

Takashi stares at the fire blade that I used earlier, selecting it as his hands start to burn.

"Yo-you m-moron on-only the c-caster -is --safe." I struggle with my words. I clutch my chest, shit.

I smell Takashi's burning flesh as he leapt into the air, slicing Dexis's last leg.

"GO END THIS?! TAKASHI!" I roar, my fist raised toward the sky. My vision switches like a light switch.

"COME ON!" Felix smiled, covering his burnt face.

"YOU GOT THIS!" Diana smiled collapsing to the ground. Holding her stomach wound.

"Goodbye Dexis." Takashi smiled, slicing Dexis into two.

"GAHHHHH!" Dexis wailed, seconds later her voice vanished.

I notice some strange dark liquid squirting out. Landing over Takashi's armour. It shortly faded afterwards.

Her body vanished? Did we do it? I smile, I use Hex: healing to heal my chest, not closing completely.

I felt my face receive a slap, destroying my memory fragment and bringing me back into the present.

"Hmph! Stop ignoring me!" she complained, her vein popping.

My hands shake profusely, the blanket copies me."AHHH! NOT HER?! DID WE NOT PREVAIL?!" I let out a blood-curdling scream.

"What's wrong?" she smacked my face. Her numb voice brought me back to life."Eh?" I blink twice.

"What do you mean eh?" She leans over me.

"You spaced out, and out of nowhere started to scream. What's wrong with you?" she pressured me, pouting at me. Shortly, realising she's so close to me, she steps back and stares outside her square window.

I don't wanna inform a stranger so... quick, make an excuse.

"Aha, frightening vision, I'm a horror geek, aha." I scratch my head to cover up my embarrassment.

"Guh, honestly stupid." She pouted, closing her curtains.

"Aha, why not start with introductions?" I smile awkwardly. I can feel the sweat slide down my forehead.

"Oh... right, I'm Sakura, although everyone calls me the ice queen," Sakura spoke to me with no emotion whatsoever.

I kinda see that now. I observe around the room.

"So Sakura" I point toward the walls.

"Why is your room all pink?" I wondered.

"Pff, I love pink," Sakura stated, cold as ever.

I scratch my head, smiling awkwardly. AHHHH! THIS IS SO AWKWARD!

Out of the blue, I feel immense pain in my back."Ouch! Guess I'm not fully recovered." I lean back in Sakura's bed.

"Right then," Sakura faces her door."I have some errands to run" Sakura approaches her door, holding onto the door knob, opening. 

"Don't steal anything or you'll be murdered." Sakura smiled, mimicking a knife as she closed the door.

What a manufactured smile, Am I in a serial killer's room?

Some time passed as I stared aimlessly at the ceiling. Emotions build up inside me as I sniffle. Covering my eyes with my arm.

A flash of a memory in a bar, with Diana, Felix and Takashi.

"CHUG! CHUG! CHUG?!" Takashi hit the table, observing closely.

"Aha, I'm betting Diana will come out victorious." I smile, grasping my glass of cola mixed with a little whiskey. Devouring a little as the liquid falls down my throat at my command.

Seconds later, Felix vomits as Diana stands on a chair.

"FI-FINALLY!" She burped. Her smile shined throughout the entire bar.

Like turning a page, it faded.

Huh? I feel my face as tears flow down my cheeks.

Like a book of memories that will slowly burn, until eventually... only shattered fragments remain.I curl into a ball, grasping my chest tightly, I'm afraid to be alone...again.

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