Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 3: CH 3

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[Chapter 3 - Someone wants to hang themselves in the side yard] It's clearer to see from here!

T/N: Another homophonic wordplay again: When Shen Qian Ling's second brother is introduced is in this chapter, there's a pun about his name being Shen Qian Qian (沈千谦) which sounds weird and that people will get remind of 倩倩(qian qian - beautiful, or a lady with a nice smile) or 芊芊(qian qian - exuberant). I'm leaving it as is and putting the context here for flow. 谦(qian) means humble, modest.

"What are you doing, not resting in your room, but running over here." Shen Qian Feng smiled and walked over, and reached out to adjust his collar.

"Can't sleep." Shen Qian Ling fully exerted the acting muscles of a best male lead winner; slightly creased eyebrows and worried eyes, successfully creating a beautiful figure that anyone will feel for.

"You feel being in your room is stuffy?" Shen Qian Feng asked.

"No." Shen Qian Ling sighed, walking silently and somberly to a gazebo; it has been smooth sailing up till now, but as he was too engrossed in acting, he didn't notice a rock on the ground.

In this kind of situation he must, of course, fall down.

"Ah!" Just traveled through time and falling on his face; this is simply a tragedy he does not want.

"Fu-ren, careful!" At this critical time, a red shadow swept down from the trees, and caught Shen Qian Ling in his embrace.

"What did you call him?" Shen Qian Feng is clearly shocked by his form of address.

"Eventually he will be married to me, addressing him like that early is no big matter." Qin Shao Yu carried him and stood up, "I'm bringing him back to his room."

"How can he even faint in fright from a fall?" Shen Qian Feng tried his pulse, "Seems like his breathing is also not stable."

Shen Qian Ling continued to close his eyes tightly, and shouted in his heart, try getting carried by someone, it's normal to not be stable alright.

Furthermore his stomach still has his.....

Death seems like a better option.

After carrying Shen Qian Ling back to his room, Qin Shao Yu placed him on the bed, and got Bao Dou to steep some tea.

Shen Qian Ling continued pretending that he's dead.

"Since he's unconscious, might as well take advantage now?" Qin Shao Yu talked to himself.

"Don't be so mean." Shen Qian Ling's eyes flew open in exasperation.

He just knows that he can't trick this vixen.

Qin Shao Yu smiled like if he's owed a beating. (1)

Shen Qian Ling pulled over the blanket, covering his head.

"Thinking of finding Qian Feng, so that he can stop me from taking you away?" Qin Shao Yu sat by the bed.

I dare you to even guess more accurately. Shen Qian Ling really wants to pull his collar and hysterically shake him.

"Even if you don't take me into consideration, you should still consider the child in your belly." Qin Shao Yu sighed, "But if fu-ren truly can't accept, of course I won't force the issue."

"Really?" Shen Qian Ling pulled down the blanket, suspicions in his eyes.

"Of course." Qin Shao Yu's eyes are full of grief, "Although I really want this child, but I can't bear to force fu-ren."

"Rest assured." Shen Qian Ling sat up in one movement, and excitedly pulled his hand over, "Young warrior, you are so handsome, in the future you will find a suitable and beautiful woman; how can we take this child out?"

"Don't know." Qin Shao Yu helped him to tidy his hair, "But don't you worry, even if the fortunes of Zhui Yin sect are exhausted, I will still help you find a way to abort it."

"It's that difficult?" Shen Qian Ling frowned, the advertisement phrase "A relaxing three minutes, painless abortion without a trace" (2) flashed past his mind. Although ancient times can't compare to the modern era, but there should still be demands for children to have the same parents? In the movies, wasn't it all solved with a bowl of saffron?

"Of course it's difficult." Qin Shao Yu lightly rubbed his thigh with his hand, and worried said, "With this situation, where is the child going to come out from?"

This topic is simply too hardcore.

Shen Qian Ling's mind turned to stone once again.

Previously he was only shocked by the cruel reality of pregnancy, and completely did not consider where he's going to give birth from. But there seems to be only one possibility.....he wants to die.

"Originally after 10 months, Ling-er's body will undergo some changes." Qin Shao Yu said by his ear, "The child can be safely given birth to then, but if you want to abort it now, I'm afraid there's danger."

"Changes?" Shen Qian Ling's voice trembled.

"Yes." Qin Shao Yu rubbed his nape, "But there's no need to be scared, after giving birth it will change back, there won't be any differences compared to an average man."

There's even the changing of sexes?

Shen Qian Ling instantly started crying.

"No matter, I will think of a way." Qin Shao Yu wiped his tears away, "Trust your husband."

"There's really a way to change back?" Shen Qian Ling is incomparably anguished.

"Of course." Qin Shao Yu helped him to sit up, "I will immediately get a dove and send a letter back to Zhui Yin sect, and get people to paste notices everywhere."

"Paste notices everywhere?" Shen Qian Ling stared at him with wide eyes.

"Yes." Qin Shao Yu said, "So there's no need to worry, fu-ren, the world is vast; there will be someone who can alleviate fu-ren's suffering."

"Wait!." Shen Qian Ling grabbed him, "How do you intend to write the notice?"

"Just to write that a certain man, because he mistakenly ate the inner core of a fox immortal, is now pregnant; so now he's looking for people with relevant talents to help to abort the pregnancy, if successful, Zhui Yin sect will thank them handsomely!" Qin Shao Yu said.

A certain man? Shen Qian Ling worried, "Will outsiders guess that it's me?"

Qin Shao Yu frowned, "I'm afraid so."

"Why?" Shen Qian Ling is full of tears, "There's so many men in the world." I just casually asked, don't give me such an horrifying answer.

"Although there are many men in the world, but to let Zhui Yin sect exhaust its funds, there can only be one." Qin Shao Yu said so affectionately till he can't bear to look him in the eyes, "Even a fool can guess who it is."

"We can think for a while first." Shen Qian Ling crumpled back on to the bed, in utter despair.

If this matter really gets out, then not only will the Shen family burn him at the stake, but the whole world will also right?

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"Young master." Bao Dou passed the message from outside, "Second young master is here to check on you."

"Look happier." Qin Shao Yu tucked him in, "Or else Qian Qian will chop tables in half again."

Easy for you to say. Shen Qian Ling is in agony; the one pregnant is not you anyway.

"Ling-er!" Second young master Shen pushed the door and came in — his name is quite novel; no how Shen Qian Qian is heard, it's easy for people to think of Shen Qian Qian, as in beautiful or Shen Qian Qian, as in exuberant; it sounds especially not imposing. Second young master Shen was very bothered with about this, and raised an uproar about changing his name when he was young. In the end his father and big brother teamed up, beat him and threw him into the firewood room; he starved for three days and three nights before finally giving up; he accepted the cruel reality while crying and eating a chicken wing.

"Second brother." Shen Qian Ling weakly looked at him.

"I came over the moment I heard of it." Second young master Shen said urgently, "Why are you getting weaker and weaker; even a fall can frighten you into fainting?"

"Probably because I hurt my head previously, and haven't recovered fully yet." Shen Qian Ling's mood is bitter.

"Shao Yu." Second young master Shen turned to look at his brother-in-law directly, "Now that Ling-er is like that, are you still willing to not leave or give up, and to take care of him till death?"

Shen Qian Ling vomited blood, what does this have to do with you, quickly shut up.

Qin Shao Yu's reply was very standard, "I'm willing."

Second young master Shen's eyes immediately flood with tears, "I knew we haven't chose the wrong person, then please take care of Ling-er from now on."

"I'm not willing." Shen Qian Ling said feebly.

But no one notice his protest at all.

This is truly a huge tragedy.

Members of the Shen family all know, second young master Shen is a chatterbox, and so during his incessant talking, Shen Qian Ling's head begun to feel faint again; even his face paled.

Second young master Shen looked at him worriedly, quickly grabbing his hand, "If Ling-er feels faint or uncomfortable, just tell second brother."

I'm dizzy because you kept talking without stopping.

Shen Qian Ling grumbled in his heart, hugged the blanket and turned over irately; he obviously doesn't want to talk to him.

Second young master Shen sighed and sighed again, and looked at Qin Shao Yu once more, "Ling-er has been spoiled all his life, that's why his temper is like this, don't be appalled by this."

I dare him to be appalled, Shen Qian Ling shouted silently, anger churning in his veins.

"Of course not." Qin Shao Yu's eyes are full of affection, "I will dote on him properly."

Shen Qian Ling pulled the blanket over his head, and can't bear but start to think, I wonder about the me in the other world, what's happening with him?

If the soul of this body has been transported there, then....it will be hard for him to explain right?

That night, due to Shen Qian Ling's strong dissent, Qin Shao Yu finally agreed to go to the guestroom to sleep.

"Arid weather and dry items; be careful of fire." The night watch passed by from a small alley; Shen Qian Ling tossed and turned on the bed, not a hint of sleep coming.

And in the guestroom close by, Qin Shao Yu is also standing by the window, deep in thought.

"Sect leader." A black clothed man flew in.

"How's the matter going?" Qin Shao Yu turned and asked him; his eyes are a bit cold.

"The demonic sect has intentions of obstruction, this subordinate has already increased the manpower." The black clothed man said.

"It's within expectations." Qin Shao Yu sat by the table, "You, be careful when doing things also."

"Yes." The black clothed man nodded, then hesitatingly said, "When is sect leader planning to go down south?"

"I will try my best." Qin Shao Yu said, "Shen Qian Ling lost his memories suddenly; the plan may have to change."

"Lost his memories?" The black clothed man said, "Could it be because of.....so he's doing this on purpose?"

"Not likely." Qin Shao Yu shook his head, "Comparing the him now and before, he seems like a totally changed person."

"Then what are master's plans?" The black clothed man asked.

Qin Shao Yu, however, did not reply.

On the morning of the second day, Shen Qian Ling was woken up by noise from the outside, and so he got off the bed, wanting to check it out.

"Young master you have woke up." Bao Dou heard sounds of movement, and brought hot water in.

"What's happening outside?" Shen Qian Ling is curious.

"It's truly bizarre." Bao Dou helped him to twist dry the towel, "Second young master paid a lady's ransom from Fu Rong Yuan (3), now the mistress has already cried for an hour, wanting to hang herself, saying that she has failed in teaching her son and cannot face elder sect leader after this."

"Ke ke." Shen Qian Lin instantly swallowed the saltwater he was using to gargle; his second brother still has such interests?

"Does young master wish to go take a look?" Bao Dou patted his back.

Shen Qian Ling firmly nodded.

"But this is still strange." Bao Fu said while helping him to change clothes, "Second young master has never been the kind to be interest in such places, who knows what got into him this time." After buying her, it's still alright, but bringing her home openly; no wonder his mother wants to hang herself.

"I don't deserve to live anymore!" In the side yard of the main house, a lady with a head full of gold, pearl and jade hairpins is standing on a chair, hanging a white damask cloth from the three, "To raise such an unfilial son, how can I still face old master."

"Mistress please think clearly, don't do foolish things!" The servants surrounding her also let out sounds of grief; the scene is particularly moving.

Shen Qian Ling, held by Bao Dou, jogged over to see the commotion, but before entering the yard he has already heard someone call, "Ling-er ah!" The voice is full of delight!

Shen Qian Ling raised his head, and really saw that on the third floor of the house in the yard, his mother, who is old sect leader Shen's first wife, is currently leaning on the railing, eating melon seeds while enjoying the scene.

"Come up." Lady Shen happily crooked her finger at him, "It's very clear from here, be careful not to fall."

(1) owed a beating: 欠揍 - lit. owe beat. Basically to make someone want to beat up the person, usually though actions or expressions.

(2) A relaxing three minutes, painless abortion without a trace: 轻轻松松三分钟,无痛人流去无踪 - seems to be commonly used phrase?

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