Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 164: The invitation from Sophie

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Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

“It should be said that this is an opportunity given by God.” On the way back, Tiger is driving ahead, and I sit in the back row with Papa 8. I do not speak, just listening quietly to the Papa 8. I know, he will certainly tell me everything. All the questions in my heart will be answered by him. Before that, when facing Mr. Sorin, I just kept silent appropriately.

“Damn El Nino? No, no, it should be the great El Nino! Who invented this term? Thanks for this climate, several successive hurricanes in South America at the beginning of this year caused huge losses to the plantations of drug suppliers in South America. You know, the goods for the America have always been supplied by plantations in South America. As for us, we come from the East, the drug market in the America always not our share. But we have fought to get a little market share. But the market can be developed by force, but we have no supply. America’s supply has nothing to do with us, our goods have always been from the East, the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia! We ship the goods from there to North America and snatch business with those guys. But after all, in this place, we are not the mainstream. The Angels of the Hell has controlled most of the Canadian market, and we can only compete with the Vietnameses, Indians and Iranians for the small share of the business.”

“The drug market in the America has been always stable. But this time, the beautiful weather gives us a good chance. Drug plantations in South America have been badly damaged in this successive hurricane climate. Now the problem is that this year’s output will certainly not meet the market demand! The message I received was that the Angels of the Hell have done their best to mobilize supplies. But don’t forget there’s a Unite States beside Canada. The Mafias and several big families of US are also going to nibble away some of their supplies. There won’t be enough supply. They have to share with them, and the share would even be less!”

“But they don’t have enough supply, but we do! Because of historical reasons, we all buy from the Golden Triangle. Now the Angels of the Hell are facing the problem of either come down off their horses and cooperate with us, or they are facing a situation in which addicts’ needs all over the Canada can not be met this year!”

“Actually, almost all of the Mafia forces are industrializing in a group way, and many traditional businesses have not kept up with the times. We have also been looking for a way to develop, and now we are working with the Angels of the Hell to commit digital crime. Do you understand digital crime? Fake credit cards, Internet fraud and so on. These are all profitable! At the same time, the earned funds are invested in real estate and other industries to be laundered. After the money is laundried, it becomes clean! The problems we have been facing before is that we never belong to the mainstream society here. Many businesses are monopolized by the Angels of the Hell. This time will be a good opportunity to let us grow up!”

I have been listening to Papa 8 quietly, now I just slowly opening my mouth and ask: “Papa 8, you mean: use our drug supply, to exchange for their other markets’ shares?”

“Yes!” Papa 8 sighs. He pushes a button and a metal drawer is popping up from a miniature cabinet in the car. He takes out a bottle of wine and opens, takes out two glasses from the cabinet and pour the wine into the glasses. Then he takes a look at me and says slowly: “I just said, the traditional underworld activities have gradually failed to keep up with the trend and the times. Nowadays, high-tech crimes will be the mainstream! We must move closer to the mainstream, take the way of collectivization and industrialization! Otherwise, we can only gradually move towards to extinction!”

I take the wine and toast with him. He drinks all the wine in the glass one mouthful! Tiger, who’s driving in front, sees in the mirror and says: “Papa 8, your health…”

“It’s all right. I’m very happy today.” Papa 8 is smiling lightly and puts down his glass. I find that his face is showing a sick redglow immediately after drink the wine.

“My only regret is that inside us, many brothers still don’t see the reality clearly. My proposal to exchange drug market with the Angels of the Hell in other markets was fiercely opposed by many people. Alas, even 7 doesn’t agree with me very much. They are all afraid that the Angels of the Hell will eat up our drug supply and the market share. These guys… Alas, drugs do make money, but they are really too hot! Now the government is striking harder and harder day by day. And in the future, organizational industrialization is a trend. We are the most deficient in this respect. This is the most excellent opportunity, if we can exchange the drug supply to a part of the mainstream market, then we can use this opportunity to make the transition!”

He’s staring at me with a long focus and says slowly: “The time is changing. Now the underworld is not the same like twenty years ago!” Afer a pause, he says, “What do you think, Little 5?”

I take a sip of the wine, think better of it and say: “I think we have a long way to go.” My tone is very serious. Then I continue saying frankly, “I don’t quite understand these things you just said, but I think what your words are very reasonable. At least in terms of development, I feel you are right.”

I put down my glass, take out my cigarette, light one for Papa 8myself, and light another one for myself. As I brewing my words, I say slowly: “When I was in mainland, Ocean told me: What is the real dark? If the dark and white are all mixed up, it is called the real dark!”

“If a mafia wants to have long vitality and keep growing, it can’t always stay in small scale. Some traditional businesses do make money. But the business models are doomed to only make a fuss! Especialy the drugs, this kind of business will never last long, not to mention the publicity! But if we want to grow, we must be civilized and close to the mainstream society. So, I think you’re right. Maybe we give up some of our drug supply business and lose its profit in the short run. But in the long run, it’s an opportunity.” After I finish, I’m laughing, “I’m just telling you something about my own opinion. Of course, I don’t know enough about these things yet. So…”

“That’s all right.” Papa 8 is shaking his hand and laughing, “I’m satisfied with you have such an opinion. Now I can explain your doubts…”

I’m embarrassed to see him staring at me. Frankly speaking, I’m surprised by his words of I would be one of the most powerful people in Vancouver.

“I need someone, preferably a new face.” Papa 8 is sighing, “I said, this business, many old brothers do not agree. But most of them have been fighting for all their lives for the group. So, we are still very united and there will be no mess. But it’s impossible for them to do this thing. I have to find someone to help me as my assistant. This person must have no prejudice about the new business. You qualify for it. Secondly, I need someone who can satisfy me, at least now I still like you very much.”

I nod with the serious face.

“Little 5, I’ve asked Ocean to send me all the information about you at home in the past few months. I know all your grievances. If I leave this business to any other old brother, I don’t feel relieved because they have the prejudices about it! If I give it to a new person, I’m not sure too! Our new generation are all born and raised here, have not had too many concepts about mainland. I myself still tend to believe in the man from mainland. It’s just my personal inclination. You are my temporary assistant. You can rest assured that I will not delgate the power to you at once, I am not so daring!”

“But if you can satisfy me, I promise you will get everything you want here! Unlike the traditional local gangs, we came to North America 20 years ago, relying on blood and guns in our hands, we were fighting so hard to open a new world! We don’t care about seniority. In my place, as long as you are your own person and you show your ability and the capability, I will ensure that you can get ahead!” He takes a puff slowly, staring at me and smiling, “The precondition is: if you can live!”

The car is running smoothly. Papa 8 pulls out a small table under his seat, dips his finger in the wine and draws four circles gently.

“We need to cooperate with Hell Angels. The first thing we need to solve are four troubles…”

“First, Vietnamese. Second, Indians. Third, the Iranians. Fourth, the local traditional gangs.”

“Basically, we don’t worry much about Indians, because there are some extremist groups in India behind the Indian drug trade. Those guys are terrorists! Terrorists have always been associated with political movements. But we are only the gang, nothing else. Likewise, the Angels of the Hell are reluctant to get involved with terrorists, which can cause serious trouble! So, it’s hard for Indians to compete with us.”

“Then the Iranians. The Iranian gangs have a strong religious color, and they are all religious fanatics. Now the diplomatic relations between the United States and Iran are not good. If Uncle Sam is chasing us, the consequences are serious. So, in order to avoid these risks, the Angels of the Hell won’t cooperate with Iranians. At the same time, Mr. Sorin told me privately that himself also do not like religious fanatics either.”

“The third is the Vietnamese. Vietnamese gangs are powerful in Canada. In fact, when we came to North America 20 years ago, Vietnamese gangs were insufferably arrogant here. Even those traditional local gangs need to watch their faces, sometimes are even bullied by them. Vietnamese also have obvious advantages, their country’s geographical is in Southeast Asia, can easily draw on the relationships with the Golden Triangle. And their personnel qualities are also very high, many guys are the veterans with the military service background. Over the years, we have been fighting with them. Don’t know how many people died. Overall, we have the upper hand.”

“As for the fourth…” Papa 8 is shaking his head and sighing: “Fourth, the traditional local gangs. Most of these gangs come from mainland, but many of the members are the second or even third generations. They have been separated from mainland for too long and too far. Emotionally, I hate to fight with them. But we have to do it! Because, in fact, when we first came to North America, it was these guys who were most excluded us!”

Papa 8 takes a puff heavily, then stubs out the cigarette-end, slowing down his breath, and restores a little calm: “Little 5, you are the person I value. You are young, have potential, and experienced quite a lot, Ocean said you are a potential talent. I believe it now! You have passed my test too… Now I’ve decided to let you be my assistant. Whether you can satisfy me in the future depends on your performance.”

He’s smiling: “Our negotiations with the Angels of the Hell will continue, but you don’t have to deal with it. You don’t need to wash cars from tomorrow. I’ll have Tiger teach you something every day. When you’ve learned enough, I’ll let you take charge of something. If everything goes well, in this year’s transaction with the Angels of the Hell, you will be in charge of contacting them directly as my representative. To say it simple, you will be my plenipotentiary representative.”

My heart is trembling.

Someone said that life always gives you a magnificent turn in an inadvertent moment.

I think I do have an oppotunity now!

A big oppotunity!

I really don’t have to wash the cars anymore. Although I’m still living in the dormitory building with Silo in the same room. But every day, I’m called into the office, and Tiger teaches me a lot of the things face to face.

What I learn first is how our group came to North America! I read the material and listen to Tiger a whole day. Both of us keep smoking in the house. Tiger is the first generation to come to here. When he rolls up his sleeve to chat with me, I see the bullet scar on his arm. They did fight a lot to get today’s group’s position.

“Tiger, can I ask you a question?” I stare into his eyes, “Papa 8 is going to arrange an assistant, why not look someone around him… For example: you. You should be a good candidate who he trusts.”

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Tiger is silent for a moment, just stuffy smoking, then he’s suddenly laughing and coming to pat me on the shoulder, and says: “Boy, this is only known by Papa 8 himself.”

At that moment, I see a trace of helplessness in his eyes, or a trace of unwillingness.

I begin to learn English. Papa 8 arrange two teachers to teach me English systematically. Two teachers, one teaches pronunciation and the other teaches me the grammar.

In fact, there are many language schools, but quite some of them are the cheaters. They are just cheating the gold diggers who have just come to North America. However, the two teacher who are teaching me are obviously not.

To be honest, I’m miserable.

Even learning killing skills with Old Cat and Konny, I didn’t feel so tired!

As God testifies, reading and studying English are always the most annoying things in my life. But I know the importance of learning English for me. Now I just have to work hard for it.

One month later, my English conversation is almost all right, but my English writing is not very good.

This afternoon, I’m lying on the bed and hearing the music poems. I become more and more like to hear it recently.

Suddenly my mobile phone is ringing. I take a look at it. It’s a strange number. After anwser it, I hear a delicate voice.

“Hello, baby!”

I’m stunned, then I smile: “Hello, my highest princess Sophie!”

“I’m not good.” At the other end of the phone, Sophie’s voice suddenly is falls low: “I’m not good at all! I’m angry with you! Why haven’t you looked for me since last time?”

I smile and apologize: “Sorry, I’ve been busy all the time these days, and I don’t have your number either.”

“That shouldn’t be an excuse.” She’s puncturing my excuse immediately, “I don’t have your phone either, but I can find it. And you just didn’t even work for it.”

I curl my lips.

Indeed, I never wanted to look for her again. Although she has a perfect body that almost drives men mad; has an angel-like face and a devil-like coquettish technique for making love. That kind of stimulation, enjoy once enough.

Seeing me silent, she wisely does not continue this topic, but changes her tone: “Baby, I’m always missing you. Really, you are amazing. I was really impressed that day. After that, I couldn’t forget you. Even if I try to find other men, but they’re too far behind you…”

I frown slightly.

Her words let my interest to her reduces a lot once again.

“Do you have anything to do with me?” I ask.

“I need your help.” Sophie is saying in a charming voice, “Right now, immediately!”

I misunderstand that as she’s anxious to have sex with me. I say with a bitter smile, “Your Highness Sophie, it’s really not a convenient time. I don’t have much interest today.”

“My God!” Sophie gives out an exaggerated screaming and then laughing, “What are you thinking of? I don’t mean that… Ah… But it really reminds me! I think if we have time tonight, we can try it again!”

I’m just holding my mobile phone grinning. I really can’t communicate with this western girl and her attitude towards sex.

“Well, I’m really looking for you.” Sophie stops laughing and saying slowly, “Can you accompany me on an occasion tonight? I’m going to meet someone.”

I’m curious: “Who is that?”

“It’s…” Sophie hesitates for a moment, “It’s… Her!”

I smile bitterly and speak nothing.

Sophie is pleading: “Just to ask you to be my partner. Maybe I’m sorry to say that. I just want to protect myself! You should be able to understand this feeling. I just want to show that I can’t be looked pathetic! Let her think that without her I am still happy!”

Seeing I’m still keeping silent, Sophie’s tone is gentler: “I heard that you and my father are talking about a business corporatioin recently. If you may give me a little help, maybe I would make some compensatory returns at the right time in future!”

I don’t hesitate this time and agree immediately.

Everyone knows the position of this highness princess Sophie in the heart of Mr. Sorin, and no one denies the influence of this beautiful Princess Sophie on her father too.

“Well, time and place, just tell me, I’ll get ready right away.”

“Oh, great! Baby!” Sophie is screaming excitedly, and then quickly says, “Oh, in the China Town, there’s a restaurant where Chinese food is very good. You know, she likes you, black eyes, yellow skin…”

I put down the phone, begin to dress up immediately.

This thing sounds a little boring, but sometimes people have to do something boring, right?

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