Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 64: The Affair Plan (2)

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Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

We have arrived the restaurant at the top of TV Tower of our city on 19:30 pm.

This restaurant is known as the highest restaurant of the city. It’s located at the top of the TV Tower. The base constantly rotates slowly all the day. Every rotation is about an hour. Sitting in this restaurant can almost take the night view of the whole city in a glance.

Of course, the price is very high too.

As we step out of the elevator, Jojo slightly tidies up her appearance, then takes a look at me and reaches out her hand into my arms. Then she holds my arm and we two walk into the rotating restaurant.

Far away, I can see two young men are sitting at the table near the window. One of them is the fionce, who is forced to come to let Jojo under arranged marriages

He has a famous name: Marrio Puzo.

Marrio Puzo??? Fortunately, I have checked with Jojo, his first name is Marrio, not Mario.

But by looking at this name is so alike the famous novel master’s, just feels like a practical joke. I always have an urge to beat him. Damn, he wants to marry Miss Jojo should be pulled out and beat already. He even fakes the name of the master. If we don’t play a practical joke on him, it will be unconscionable!

(The poor translator: In the original novel, the master’s name is another famous Chinese Wuxia novel writer’s name: Mr. Gu Long. But I think most of you might not be familiar with him. So, I choose the one you know him more. Mr. Mario Puzo. You don’t know who he is either? So, you just go check the “Godfather”, no matter the novels or the movies, all are the most classic. Mario Puzo is the writer of these novels.)

He is twenty-nine years old. His family was originally in the east province. There are many businessmen and plenty of rich people from there. His family has quite some business and several factories. It’s considered as a distinguished family. He depended on family’s wealth, studied abroad for several years, earned a degree at the University of Plymouth in England, and then returned home in the glory of returning from abroad.

What makes people angry most is that this guy came back as a good overseas returnee without thinking about how to use what he has learned abroad to develop his career. The first thing is to think of marry our Miss Jojo.

Although his family is rich, but Jojo’s background is even better.

Jojo is the only daughter of her family. Under such circumstances, two men and women who are strangers to each other want to get married. If you say the Puzo family is not covet the Jojo family industry, who believes?

But this Marrio Puzo is said to be Jojo’s mother’s choice. Because his family is good and he has a high education background.

“FXXX! I gonna have him doctored!”

I almost slip and fall, just take a look at her.

“What are you looking? Your Jojo mama likes it!” She curls her charming red lips.

Sometimes I really feel scare of her. It’s the feeling of die before a refulgent sunset.

How to say, just like you see an innocent girl who is a singer, she wears like a high school student, walks cautiously to the center of the stage. But when she opens her mouth, it’s the hoarse voice singing heavy metal… It’s such a huge contrast.

That Marrio Puzo looks in a good appearance. He is a little thin, wearing top brand clothes with no publicity. In fact, the more high-grade clothes, the more introverted it seems.

As for the man sitting opposite him, he looks a little more handsome than Marrio Puzo. The skin is bronzed and dressing in a casual way. His face is handsome and quite a bit heroic. But his eyes look so indecent. The lights in eyes is too bright to like a wolf!

I know, in fact, I am jealous. The two men look better than me from appearance.

Marrio sees Jojo from far away, and immediately stands up and pulls away a chair beside him. It’s a gentleman, but not popular here.

“Hello, Jojo!” Marrio’s voice is good. The voice is thick but sweet, and it is a very masculine voice. My malicious thought is that if his family is bankrupt, he will not starve to death if he makes a living as a singer. But I don’t show it on my face.

Marrio introduces the handsome man beside to Jojo: “This is Donald Fong, my classmate in England.” Then he also introduces Jojo to Donald Fong, and looks at me with an inquiring glance, “This is?”

“Chen Yang. I’m Jojo’s friend.”

Maybe he was back from western. Marrio doesn’t mind Jojo holding me to comes in and shakes hands with me.

After sitting down, he doesn’t forget to praise gently: “Jo, you are beautiful tonight.”


If I or Azle say that, Jojo intentionally could laugh directly and then says: “Do you surging of lustful desire?” But now she looks a little shy and timid, just likes a real lady does. She whispers: “Thank you!”

Marrio looks at me and laughs: “I’ve always wanted to meet Jojo’s friends. Let’s have dinner together tonight and have a casual chat. We’ll be friends in the future.”

Then he calls a waitress to start ordering.

Here’s the western style restaurant. Marrio orders a shrimp, Donald orders a fried goose liver, and I order a steak at random. After looking at the menu for half a day, Jojo suddenly raises her head and whispers in a very cultured tone: “A cage of steamed buns, two salted duck eggs.”

All three men here are speechless altogether.

The waitress is probably depressed. It was probably the first time she met someone who order steamed buns in such a fancy western restaurant. She almost can’t come again to herself. She glares at Jojo: “Mi…mi…mi…miss, What did you say?”

Jojo quickly says again, still the elegant lady looks like, dignified!

I am familiar with this. The people in the mental hospital estimate all like this way!

Marrio looks a little embarrassed, but that Donald who’s responding the fastest. He quickly takes out some banknotes and hands them to the waitress: “Please find a way.”

Money means do things well.

So much monies are enough to buy a lot of small cage buns! The waitress is running away with an utterly pale face. Donald talks to Jojo with smile: “Miss Jojo’s character is very interesting.”

Marrio takes a sip of tea to hide his embarrassment, and then turns to look at me as if he wants to break the embarrassment by talking to me. “Where do you work, Mr. Chen Yang?”

“Oh, I do financial work.” I reply.

“Oh? In the bank? Or an accounting firm?”

“An underground bank.” I reply with a calm voice, “The high interest loan, you know?”

“…” Marrio is probably choked by the tea. He stares at me for five seconds before he back to his sense. He mutters a few words, “Well… It’s very… It’s an interesting job.”

Jojo immediately wipes her seductive little mouth and shows a fascinating and indestructible smile. She smiles sweetly and say: “Yeah, Chen Yang’s work is fun! Last time, I accompanied him to dun for debts, and we set on fire of the house of the person who owed money. It’s so interesting!”

Marrio is pale with fright: “Burned… burned a house?” He swallows hard, “But… Is that not… Is it illegal?”

I stubbornly hold back not to laugh, and pretend to be very imposing, waving my hand: “What is it? Pay the debt is perfectly justified! The guy never repentant, he even stood on the rooftop to frighten me and said he would jump down! He dared to scare me? You say illegal? FXXX!, I do this job, certainly have my ways. Who dares not pay back the money? Brothers give him the white in and the red out!” Speaking here, I point to the top, mysteriously, “I have someone there!”

Even the graceful Donald’s face changes a little, and it seems that he can’t help moving his chair a little to away from the other side.

Then the waitress is serving our foods. I look at the steak in front of me, deliberately rowing several times with the knife in the plate, making the plates creak. Marrio and Donald try to maintain their elegant posture, pretending that they are deaf and not hearing anything.

Jojo gives me a look. I know it is time to bring out the biggest gun.

I scold, and throw the knife on the table heavily: “FXXX! This knife is not sharp enough!”

Then I get up, lift a leg on the chair, pike up my trousers and pull out a folding knife from my shoe.

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This is the kind of folding knife that hooligans use it often. I hold it in my hand and wave it a few times. I am very skilled in action. After all, I have practiced Kongfu and I know a little about how to play the knife.

Just sees the knife shining brightly, and the steak on the plate has been cut to pieces. I fold the knife and look at the mess in the plate, smile proudly: “Sorry, it is too ugly! Usually I chop real people more frequent, and cutting beef is not very skillful.”

Marrio and Donald have already wanted to stand up and run away. And Jojo thumbs up to me there.

Marrio draws a long face: “Mr. Chen is a gangster. Sorry I didn’t know it.”

I sigh and turn to look at Jojo: “Sigh! Gangsters tie their heads to their belts every day. When I take this job, I’m always ready for it! I just can’t bear Jojo to be frightened, so I decided to separate with her.”

“Pooh~!” Donald is drinking tea to hide his embarrassment, and when he hears the words, he sprays out, staring at me and Jojo.

There is a touch of anger in my eyes, looking at Marrio: “You must take good care of Jojo! Otherwise! Hem… Hum!”

Marrio looks very strange and wants to get angry. But he dares not. There are some panics, some frustrations, some disdains. He just smiles bitterly.

At this time Jojo also contributes a strong dose of medicine. She takes out a paper towel and wipes her tears, and cries in miserable, “Chen Yang… You are so kind to me… Wuh..wuh…wuh… ”

Marrio watches the two of us looking at each other affectionately. Finally, he can’t bear it. He slaps the table hard and standing up. He stares at me angrily, and is about to speak. But suddenly we hear a voice coming from behind, with infinite surprise.

“Jojo! It’s really you? I didn’t expect to meet you here!”

Looking back, Azle walks the wolf’s steps up, with a leek smile on his face.

The stallion, dresses as an artist, is wearing a wrinkled cloth. There seems to be a bit of oil paint, but look at the brand. It’s a set of Giorgio Armani!

He has long hairs, with a rubbing droop on his forehead, covering half of his right eye, and a little melancholy on his handsome face. But now he’s laughing with a little sneaky. It seems that his acting skills are still not good enough.

Marrio was already angry, but when he sees other people coming, he controls his temper immediately. Such a highly educated person does value his honor.

“Who is this?” He looks at Jojo. Who knows she is staring at Azle, eyes suddenly burst out a trace of infinite surprise, as if it has not seen him for a hundred years! Then, with a cry of joy, she is jumping up and plunging into Azle’s arms like a baby swallow returning home. They embrace each other in a passionate, zero-distance way.

Marrio’s face is already on the brink of collapse. He sits through of two people separate. Jojo holds Azle and comes to us with a red face: “This is one of my previous… well… friend.”

This cover up is shown the more.

When a woman uses this tone of voice, this look, to say such a sentence, in fact, it is like telling everyone: “This is my old lover.”

Azle is a man with great presence. He shakes hands with Marrio and Donald and introduces himself to me. He takes out a business card and hands it to Marrio.

“Please call me Azle. I’m an artist.”

With his good manners, he immediately puts Marrio’s temper down a little.

After all, this fellow came back from abroad, and the atmosphere is more open abroad. The occasional encounter with his fiancee’s ex-boyfriend is actually not as embarrassing as our domestic people’s feeling.

We all sit down, but then Azle mention casually makes Marrio is almost crazy.

“Well, I am a painter specializing in body art. Jojo and I are old friends. She used to be the professional model for me for several years, I painted many works for her, and had won many praises in the exhibition.”



Still silence!!!

I guess this Marrio must be willing to kill people now.

In fact, I think Jojo is too ruthless. For any man, he must have been vomiting blood!

His fiancee has been a model for a ‘human body painter’ for several years. At the same time, with her painting as a model, also won a lot of praises from many exhibitions.

I don’t know the men in other countries. Anyway, in our country, it estimates few people can stand!

Looking at Marrio’s expression, I try my best to hold my smile.

At that time, Wood is coming on the stage finally.

We only see a man with scattered hair, a serious face and cold eyes, is staggering toward us. The most important thing is that he wears a windbreaker without buttons. He shows the blue hospital uniform under his clothes on purpose.

The blue striped jacket has a red and striking handwriting on the chest.

“XXX Mental hospital”

Wood is wobbling up and coming. His manner looks like a cold-blooded murderer, suddenly standing upright, staring at Jojo, lips trembling: “Jojo! Jojo! Why do you want to leave me? Why choose him?!”

Marrio and Donald are shocked. People in our table all stands up. Wood stumbles up to us and say to himself with a nervous voice: “I’m going to kill him! Kill him! Kill him, you are mines then!”

Then there is a wild look in his eyes, staring at us shouting: “Who? Who is the man robbing you? Who?!”

Azle and I immediately raise hands in a very tacit way and pointing to Marrio.

Wood is roaring, flinging toward Marrio suddenly, and turning the arm and slapping down. With a huge ‘Pah’ sound, Marrio’s whole person is beaten three hundred and sixty degrees in situ, and then falls to the ground.

Wood is rushing up and kicking him on both feet. I see Donald is jumping over, pulling Wood apart and blocking him from attacking Marrio.

Actually, I am trying to protect Wood. This way of pulling off the shelf, I have been very proficient at the age of fifteen.

Marrio is sitting on the ground, covering his cheeks, with eyes dull. Then he’s suddenly waking up and screaming: “You dare to hit me? You dare to hit me?!”

He’s jumping up, pointing at Jojo and scolding: “You… What rubbish friends do you make? A group of smashed! A bunch of garbages! If I have known you are such a woman, will I be eyeing on you? They are crazy, you are also crazy! You such a crazy woman! If you aren’t from your family, you thought I would see you?” Within shouting and screaming, this man is suddenly crying.

He is even crying?

Then he bumps his head into Donald’s arms, hugging him, and weeping in a creepy tone: “Don… He hits me! How does he dare to hit me?! Let’s go back! Let’s go home!”

Donald looks at us angrily and holding Marrio affectionately. He says softly: “OK! I’m here. Don’t be afraid. Well, as I said earlier, women are all no good! You just didn’t listen to me and try to covet her family property. Let’s go! Now!”

Then, two big men embrace with affection and run away quickly, leaving four of us male and female hooligans dumbfounded, you look at me, I look at you, are all somewhat rigid.

“Damn!” Jojo suddenly comes to her senses.

Then Azle is also responding: “FXXX!”

“Damn it.” I spit, “They are… It’s…”

“Male homosexuality.” The final conclusion is from Wood.

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