
Chapter 1:  chapter 1 – The Mysterious Figure  

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  chapter 1

The Mysterious Figure

  black cloud of horror, and mystery that had not been known until now, was woven over the big apple and was immersed in the pursuitof drugs, sex, and savagery including various strange pleasures.

The rain continued pouring mercilessly, swallowed by the earth, hungry for water, insatiable! The bright sign of the McDonald's onJamaica Ave was revealed in all its glory. It was looking like the eighth wonder of the world in this stormy weather. Surprisingly,there were five hungry diners inside. A 6-year-old girl walked up to the entrance carrying a school bag on her shoulder, wearing layers of warm clothes, and looking like an Eskimo. She looked hungrily at the giant picture of a bun with a hamburger inside that Gulliver ate in Lilliput, and almost swallowed her tongue. In a dark, and concealed corner of the building, facing the entrance, stood a man wearing a wide hat and a long raincoat. As the girl turned her head fearfully in his direction, the tall, and thin Stranger peered at the girl and moved back into the darkness. The girl entered the restaurant, and ordered a hamburger. The Stranger observing her from his hideaway seemed to be brewing dark schemes towards the innocent girl like the tentacles of a giant octopus and increased the cold, fear, and anxiety brewing at the dark heart of the gloomy weather. The Stranger walked slowly, and stealthily to the restaurant's glass window, watched the girl pick up her bag, and walk towards the exit with a big smile of hamburger delight. The Stranger quickly moved back to his dark concealed corner. The girl slowly walked towards the bus station near the restaurant, and waited, as she imagined the hamburger sliding down her throat with a sigh of satisfaction as the Stranger looked at her this time determinedly, and began walking towards her like a starved panther seeing his prey. The scared, and worried look on her face expresses the fear of the unknown. like a mouse in a trap and the feeling that something terrifying was about to occur. She noticed the profile of the intimidating Stranger. The darkness closed in around her like a horrible spider web paralyzing her without being able to say a word, seeing directly into the gaze of the angel of death smiling at her meekly, spreading his hand out welcomingly, and whispering without a voice.

"Come to me! you are mine now! Come now!"

Suddenly, a luxurious car appeared and stopped right in front of the girl as the Stranger was forced, once again, to quickly hide in the shadows. Out of the car stepped an impressive man hugging the girl warmly. The girl hugged him back, and reacted in fear, mingled with happiness.

"Hi daddy, I'm so glad you came…it is so scary here. "

"Sorry… I'm so sorry I'm late. Come in the car, sweetie. Mommy

and I were worried about you. Let's go home."

The car quickly disappeared, screeching, splashing dirty water, and mud on the Stranger following them, like an eagle in the sky whose prey was taken from him. He banged his right hand on the wall and began straightening his appearance as he looked at his watch. Suddenly, a police car appeared, and stopped in front of him, and blocked his way. Maybe if he wanted to, he could have escaped in the blink of an eye, but surprisingly he didn't. The appearance of the police only caused him to sigh impatiently. The squad car driver remained behind the wheel as two uniformed officers at the rank of deputy chief jumped out quickly, approached the Stranger, and faced him so that they were not mistaken. Suddenly, the Stranger hugged the two. It was Chief Michael Holmes! N.Y. police chief of Westchester County.

"Everything is okay! The girl left with her father. This girl was lucky!" Roger, one of the deputies, a brute with an impressive belly, asked him, disgruntled.

"Well, Mike? The ‘singing pervert’ continues to evade us… Is there

a new plan of action?" Wally, the second deputy, stormed.

"When are we going to get him? I'll do anything to get my hands on him!"

The chief continued hugging them affectionately, led them towards the squad car, and waved at the driver, Steve, waiting patiently while the motor kept running, and sighed cynically.

"What did you think? That he would walk up to us and turn himself in! Sadly, his identity is still a mystery! But we must continue to use our informants, and carry on the line of questioning, check,

and search for any lead that might help us in this investigation! Come on; let's go back to the station! We'll go over his file  and see if we have missed anything important.”

The police car disappeared quickly with a usual squeal of the tires.

An outstanding, and razor-sharp lightning sliced the sky like a knife, followed by deafening, and frightful thunder amidst the whistle of strong chilling winds that caused the city that never sleeps to resemble a ghost town where no one dares come outside. The state became a graveyard of the ever-vibrant life and wild parties! Abraham Menis' old blue Ford moved with surprising lightness on Scarsdale's freeway, where Eve, his ex-wife, lived! Abraham, dressed in a trendy black tracksuit, seemed younger than 45 years, on account of his muscular body, and brown face. It was due to his lifestyle as a standby bit on the movie, and television productions, which was his ambition, and reason for life. To be famous, and thrive as a movie star despite his inability, and lack of talent! He drove the car with a puckered face, disgruntled at Michelle’s, his spouse, decision to join the drive. Something that rattled his already rattled peace of mind!

Michelle was his life partner, a 35-year-old handsome, tall, and sexy woman working as an accountant in a big firm in the city. They lived in the ground-floor apartment with a yard he owned in the suburbs. He looked again at the inner panoramic mirror and noticed the smiling smug faces of Michelle, and Isaac, his 5-year- old. Isaac was usually so ordinary, and shy. He was the biological son of Abraham, and 40-year-old Eve, a beautiful, sexy, and controlling woman working as a practice manager at a private medical Centre, where she met Dr. Gideon, the Gynecologist. They both lived in her luxurious private home, along with Isaac. Michelle

and Isaac sat together in the back seat of the car. Abraham does not understand, and how they can have such an enjoyable time on this nasty annoying trip forced on him. At the same time, thunder, and lightning sliced the sky, and the rain pouring down, added another gloomy aspect to the depressive mood around him. Michelle stroked Isaac's long silky hair gently. She hummed Louis Armstrong's song "What a Wonderful World," cynically as Isaac bobbed his head from side to side in a ‘Stevie Wonder style, according to the tune, a little happy that Michelle joined them on the ride. Isaac did not enjoy a ride with his father, who usually makes him feel uncomfortable, and even a little anxious.

"It feels so good to have someone smile and notice me. Someone to treat me nicely. Thankfully, I'm not alone with my disgusting father."

Abraham attempted to see the tiresome road signs through the pouring rain and cursed at the windshield wipers. Michelle's singing abilities were worthy to be buried in doom and added to his helplessness. As he glanced at her through the panoramic mirror, he didn't understand what Isaac and Michelle find so funny, and enjoyable. The car passed by the vast mountain of garbage called "the landfill," which always looked weirdly somber, and frightening with its unclear dark shape! Michelle once again filled the air with her off-key singing. Abraham ground his teeth, watched her in the rear-view mirror, and wished for the blessed moment when she would have a heart attack, and leave him in peace!

At the landfill, José, the homeless, wore his best rags, sitting on a chair beneath the shed located at the foothill, listening to the radio that had seen better days. José was wrapped in blankets that he had found in various places, but this was not helping his thin, shaking body bear the cold, and his teeth chattered. He tried to overcome the winter by often jumping and dancing like a doped-up grasshopper to the songs' beat playing on the radio. Suddenly, he stopped, searched for new stations, and stopped as he heard the broadcaster delivering the newscast. His curiosity had peaked.

"The police are increasing their search… but unfortunately, there is no news regarding the disappearance of the boy from Queens – Benji Aronson! The singing pervert's identity remains a mystery,

, and the police are once again asking for the public's assistance…"

José shut off the radio angrily and continued to jump, and dance like an epileptic patient spewing curses at the pervert, and his family.

Abraham's car moved away from the landfill and continued its way. The three passengers were thoughtful and reminiscing about happier times. Abraham turned his head, and looked at Michelle, and Isaac, saying:

"That's it! We're here! This is where my ex…Eve lives. Wait for me in the car, Michelle. I'll go, and let Eve know we've arrived. After we drop Isaac off, we'll be going back to the apartment."

"Okay, Abraham. Please do what you must do, and let's get out of here." He left the car, and then remembered something important:

"Watch over Isaac…so he doesn't disappear." He laughed meanly. "His mother…she is the devil…,and he is a little devil…" Michelle looked at Abraham with disgust, and despair, and whispered, "When we have our baby…, and you behave with the baby like this, you will never see both of our faces ever again. Understand? You will remain alone like a sorry, pitiful dog."

Abraham retorted, "I told you when we met that I am not interested in getting you pregnant and that you should always take your pills! If you try to trick me, it will be your end! Don't forget you're a guest in my house, and if you annoy me," he lied adamantly. "I will kick you out like I kicked Eve out… to all hell." He laughed sarcastically. "I will always be happy to introduce you to hell."

The heels of his shoes were the only sound for miles around. He strolled up to Eve's house, hoped, and prayed that Eve won't interpret Isaac's early return as a declaration of war. Rain began pouring down again, darkening the atmosphere, and causing a vague feeling of unease. Michelle's lids became heavy, and she napped as Isaac watched her with an affectionate smile, stroking her hair gently. As Abraham moved closer to the house, he noticed a strange movement by an unfamiliar figure from one of the guest rooms' windows, and stopped in his tracks, curious, and worried. He hesitated for a moment but gathered up his courage and approached the window peeking in beyond the slightly drawn curtain in the living room, which is suspiciously dark. As he noticed more details, the sight revealed to him struck his brain harder than the slap he received last night from the Chinese chick he met in production. While she was bent down to fix her shoes, he peeked into the cleavage of her bra, and checked out her brilliant breasts with an educational goal to complete his anatomical, and medical education!

Abraham froze, his mouth opened, his eyes wide open, and his brain refused to accept the sight before him. In the middle of the living room, he saw Eve, and a stranger wearing only his underwear. They were dancing tightly and making out. As Abraham's eyes took in more detail, he tried not to laugh hysterically. The Stranger was wearing Eve's lace underwear, as she tried to undress him. Occasionally, they sipped from the wine bottle on the table beside them as they giggled, caressed, and kissed passionately. Abraham envyingly focused on Eve's divine body, which she had used to expertly seduce him in the past. She was now dancing with herself in a sensuality that drove his senses crazy as it did in the past, like a venomous cobra hypnotizing his unfortunate victim until the moment he gave him the kiss of death. The strange man also watched Eve hypnotize himself, unable to move. She sips from the red wine bottle, and the wine flows down from her full voluptuous lips to her neck. Her other hand was quickly drawn towards the man's genitals, grabbed it painfully, and squeezed despite his desperate attempts to protect his lost honor with shaking hands. A muffled scream of pain was drawn from his mouth.

"Ouch! Those hurts!"

Abraham was smiling to himself, and without notice, he giggled aloud while Eve froze in her place.

"Did you hear that? There's someone outside!"

Eve and the strange man froze in place as they heard Abraham's laughter. Eve paled and held fearfully onto the Stranger's arm. Having realized they had heard his idiotic laughter, Abraham hurried to the door, and put on a miserably indifferent look on his face like someone who hadn't seen or heard anything! He rang the bell apathetically and prayed that this would pass peacefully. The noises from within the house ceased immediately. Eve and the Stranger wore identical robes, and Eve called aloud, frowning,

"Who is it? One second…" The Stranger looked a little confused and showed some discomfort. He asked Eve worryingly

"Are you waiting for someone? Who could it be?"

Eve told him to be quiet, and approached the eyelet of the front door, and peeped out curiously! Abraham's tormented face was revealed through the aperture, causing her to laugh out loud at the grotesquely disproportionate face, as seen by a fisheye-style picture.

At the eyelet, she disgustingly sighed, opened the door suspiciously,

, and without interest:

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"Was it you we heard outside by the living room? Are you peeking into my house now? I should call the police?"

A smirk appeared on Abraham's face, and he retorted in cynicism mixed with gloating:

"Sorry…I've only just arrived…,and I have better things to do than to peek at your disgusting house! I came to bring back Isaac. "

"Why are you bringing him back today? We agreed about tomorrow. You have no right to disturb me. "

His body recoiled. He felt the full strength of Eve's power and influence on him. Like a press on a cockroach! He remembered how she used to make fun of, and humiliate him about his intelligence

, and his low socioeconomic status. Abraham forcibly restrained himself instead of wringing her gentle white neck and spoke cynically while he giggled

"Isaac decided he wanted to come back to you today…he misses his

pimp mother and her pervert partner."

"Psychopath... You can shove your innuendos up your ass, and get the hell out of here, and another thing, why haven't you wired to my account the alimony payment this week, as promised?"

"I think you should have gotten the electric chair instead of alimony. But don't worry, I promise to give you the money soon, next week,” Abraham lied.

“You should know I'm writing a script for Hollywood. There are a lot of production companies interested in it…soon I will be famous like Tarantino, and rich like Rothschild. In the meantime, I brought back your son, Isaac."

"Scum…it's your son too…get Isaac, and leave…your trash! I've heard your stories before. About the wonderful actor, you will be, how you'll win the Oscar, and now the script you're writing. Your delusions will bury you! Well, where's my sweet Isaac, my baby." Suddenly, next to her, appeared the face of the Stranger, now dressed in a robe. Eve hugged him and turned to Abraham condescendingly.

"This is Dr. Gideon… my new man, and my lover, who also collaborates with me…, and this is Abraham, my ex – thank God! Isaac's father." Gideon politely smiled and stretched his hand out to Abraham.

"A pleasure, my friend…nice to meet you. "

Abraham is surprised by the awful news he feels he is about to throw up any minute! He squeezes Gideon's hand reluctantly, watches him with anger, and disgust, and quickly drops his hand.

"Congratulations to both of you, " he mumbled to himself. "I hope you get AIDS, and bird flu together." He smiled at them sweetly.

"I'm going to get Isaac…Michelle is watching over him in the car,"

Gideon, surprised, asked Abraham with saccharine sweetness,

"Excuse me, sir…who is Michelle?"

Abraham looked at him venomously and hurried toward the car lest he kicked the esteemed doctor in his sexy lace underwear that fitted him. On the way to the vehicle, Abraham managed to overhear some of Eve's explanation to the doctor.

"Michelle is his new woman! A washed-up faded bimbo to match the screwed-up psychotic creature he is." He sighed in despair. "I couldn’t fathom until today how I married that pathetic creature called Abraham  and had Isaac with him."

Abraham soon returned to the house with Isaac asleep on his shoulder. He passed him to Eve and waited by the door! Eve put Isaac on the living room couch, as Abraham watched her screaming at Gideon.

"Gideon, move your ass…help me with Isaac…get a blanket from our room until we move him to his room. "

Gideon read the paper and seemed indifferent; he was neither happy nor excited about taking care of Isaac, who is, of course, not his son. He didn't respond, and Eve was enraged and screamed at him.

"Move it, fatty…leave the newspaper, and help me." Gideon, realizing he had no choice, dropped the paper, gave Isaac a glance of disgust, and helped Eve move Isaac to his room while Abraham yelled in her direction.

"Come back here when you are done; I need to ask you something privately." Abraham waited by the door; thoughts and tough questions bounced around his head.

"Why did you lie to me? You said you would love me forever, why did you steal my sperm to get pregnant? Why didn't you have an abortion? Why did you tire of me after Isaac was born? Why do you continue to make my life a misery?"

Eve returned, and mumbled shortly, "I'm tired. What do you want? Get to it already, and leave."

Abraham looked at her hatefully. For a moment, he wanted to believe that she still felt something towards him. Even a little bit of consideration would have been enough, and maybe some magical minutes of understanding, and humanity. But he knew it the whole time. She felt nothing for him. He was just Isaac's babysitter when it was convenient for her. He knew he was her private ATM under the excuse that the money was for Isaac. His hatred towards this monster, this vampire called Eve, intensified daily, and he whispered to her,

"Where did you bring that asshole from?" He laughed. "He is a combination of jellyfish, vampire…I'm sure Isaac is afraid of him, right?"

"Yes, and Gideon can't stand Isaac or you either, and I can't stand you, and your limbo! Do you have anything else to complain about?"

"You trash! As usual, you're using me, right? You asked me to watch Isaac because you're having girlfriends over, right? Couldn't you tell me the truth? That you're entertaining this asshole, Gideon? The jellyfish in lace underwear? , and you continue to use me!"

Eve watched him indifferently with a smirking smile, not bothering to answer him, which caused him to scream hatefully, "That's okay, Eve. One day you'll pay for this…you're walking cyanide. A devil with breasts!" Abraham turned back and started walking toward the car as Eve screamed at him.

"Are you threatening me? I don't care about you, and your shitty psychopathic threats." Abraham turned back, and spoke, "The day of reckoning is approaching Eve…you're evil personified! Even the lord hates your evil self." Abraham continued to walk and reached the car.

Eve screamed at him, "Don't you dare show up here again! You piece of junk, psychopath, maniac, schizophrenic!" Michelle listened and watched them with amazement mixed with laughter from the car window. Abraham entered the car with a frozen face

, and was horrified to hear Michelle's laughter.

"Why are you so pale, Abraham? Is she so horrifying for you? Did she?"

Abraham whispered sadly to himself, "Live I alone…all of you are


He started the car and drove off as the thunder, and lightning storm raged on.

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