
Chapter 19: Chapter 19        The famous Psychiatrist

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Chapter 19        The famous Psychiatrist



A loud thunder, appearing after the great flash cutting the skies and signaling the beginning of the terrible thunderstorm, merges as one with the loud banging heard when the gavel hit the podium in the courtroom. The whisperings and murmuring cease at once.

"Quiet in the courtroom!! This is becoming intolerable and my nerves are at an end!!"  The open mouth contorted with the rage of the judge reminds everyone present in the courtroom of a threatening hippo's mouth. Everyone looks down aside from Michelle that decides to say something to Abraham at the wrong and inappropriate moment and is received with threatening calls for quiet!!! The judge himself is startled by the force of the threat he yelled at the crowd and immediately seen smiling his conniving smile and turns to the prosecution.

"Ms. Anita McCoy…you may call your first witness".

"Mr. William Peters…you are called to the stand…for your testimony".

Anita McCoy calls towards the center of the room and everyone look forward to the action beginning. Her eyes like Abraham and Michelle, Eve and Gideon and everyone else's eyes follow the plain clothes man with the sharp features that approaches the podium. One of the cops hands him a bible and explains

"Mr. Peters…do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth or else punishable by the court?"

"I do"

He sits down on the witness chair, his hands on his knees and looks around

"Your honor, the man in front of us is deputy William Peters, head of forensics in the police department". 

Anita McCoy stands up. She holds in her hand a bag with an unidentified object and turns towards the judge.

"I ask this item, which is a grey-black Rolex be registered as item no. 1 for the prosecution".

Anita McCoy stands by the judges podium and displays to the jury and then to everyone else, the pen found in Abraham's yard which is marked item no. 1. Abraham's eyes are on fire and as if swallow inside him the important item. Anita smiles lightly and places the pen on the witness podium…she then checks some documents and proceeds

"Mr. Peters…how long have you worked in forensics, and please tell the court what this object is and where it was taken from"

Peters examines the objects from all sides and explains

"Your honor…I have been in forensics for the last 15 years, five of which as head of the department. Item no. 1 is a pen given by Henderson Bank type Rolex color grey and black engraved with the inscription" with regards to our friend Joshua Solomon 2006" This is a pen usually given as a promotional gift for opening an account or depositing a large sum of money in the bank".

"And where was the pen found? Can you explain?"

"Yes Ms. McCoy…on Sunday afternoon, 24 hours after the boy, Isaac, was missing, police arrived at Abraham Menis' home to begin investigating. At twelfth o'clock after canvassing the house and yard the pen was found in one of the corners of the yard partially hidden"

"And what did you find on the pen?"

"The pen was taken to the lab sealed in an evidence bag! It underwent strict testing and we found the defendant's fingerprints on it. Joshua's fingerprints and the prints found on the pen were compared by a police lab and were found to be identical".

Abraham smiles in satisfaction. He shakes Michelle's hand in excitement and she smiles at him in understanding. He whispers frighteningly

"This is how you prepare the noose around a crazy killer's throat…I trust the prosecution and the media and the judge to know what to do…kill this heinous criminal who murdered my son".  

Anita McCoy turns to the judge.

"Your honor, I'm done with this witness". 

She sits in her chair and whispers to her assistant. The judge turns to the defense table.

"Mr. Stein…if you'd like to question the witness…he is yours"

David Stein whispers to Joshua and then slowly approaches the witness. He watches Peters with a smile

"Hello Mr. Peters. How are you today? Please tell us… our esteemed friend…what makes you a reliable professional? Your rank? Your seniority? You're..." 

The assistant stands up suddenly...and snaps at the direction of David Stein

"I object your honor!! Mr. Stein is badgering the witness!! Your honor…this behavior is unthinkable…that…"

The judge's gavel lands harshly on the podium, startling everyone. The judge reprimands David Stein aggressively

"I'm warning you! Stop badgering the witness"

He says in sarcasm…

"It's unbecoming of a famous tried lawyer such as you. Rephrase your question".

"I apologize your honor…"

he turns towards Peters with a smile…

"Mr. Peters...didn't you make a mistake in the matter of identifying the pen or the fingerprints?"

A winners smile appears on the witnesses face and he answer condescendingly

"Your honor…the pen belongs to the defendant who even admitted it in questioning …and the comparison of the fingerprints was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt!! I guess the defense expects to hear otherwise but the facts speak for themselves".

Abraham smiles enjoyably. The smell of victory is in his nose…he enjoys watching the defense's defeat reflected in Mr. Stein who seems embarrassed and frustrated and about to burst into a whining spree. He paces by his desk.

"Well, my friend Mr. Peters! I congratulate you on your answers…you were well prepared…"

Abraham almost claps his hands with excitement. A great weight seems to have been added to the witness's weight with all the arrogance and pride in him and he starts getting up to leave but suddenly David stands before the jury and asks aggressively

"With your permission, Mr. Peters, I have another small question before I release you! My client's fingerprints were on the pen. What about other fingerprints? Were there any other finger prints on the pen? Did you check?"

The jury is intrigued and curious. Abraham freezes and Peters' mouth falls open…he pales considerably and holds the podium. He is confused and stammers

"Hmmm...hhh…the truth is there were other prints on the pen but we only checked the defendant's prints". 

David Stein stands with his boy closely to the witness and slams his words in his face

"In the event that the defendant is not the killer…is it possible that his prints are on the pen? Among those you didn’t check?"

Abraham wants to jump out of his seat and strangle the filthy lawyer taking care of the defendant as if he's an innocent lamb! The witness retreats in anxiety, shaking and sweating from the humiliation and shame.

"I don’t know counselor… I just had to make sure that Joshua's prints matched the ones on the pen"

Mr. Stein smiles kindheartedly and puts his hand in fondness and gently on his shoulder trying to relax him.

"Thank you Mr. Peters…you are a serious and professional man. Your honor…I'm done cross examining".

"Mr. Peters...we thank you…you may step off and return to your seat".

Abraham leans over and speaks harshly to the prosecution as they appear to be helpless and their faces are gloriously red. The slam a few documents on the desk and even mumble a few curses at David Stein's mother…the crowd whispers tensely and the judge smiles and slams the gavel again.

"Quiet in the courtroom!!"

He waves his hand towards the prosecution

"Mr. Abraham you are requested to sit quietly in your seat or I'll have to take measures against you…is the prosecution ready for its next witness?"

Abraham doesn’t even respond. He returns to his seat and stares at the judge in a blood curdling look. He prefers hitting the gavel at the judge's head. Anita McCoy looks at her documents again, consults with her assistant and quietly says

"Yes your honor, I would like to call Prof. Floyd Bismond. Unfortunately he is still not here. He informed us he would be twenty minutes late".

"I suggest we take a half hour recess and hope that by then the professor will arrive".

He turns to the defense.

 "That is if the defense is ready for a break…what do you say Mr. Stein?"

"That's fine, your honor…we'll take a short recess and then continue".

The judge bangs his gavel on the podium signaling recess.

"The court is now in recess"

Calls the bailiff loudly.

"All rise. The honorable judge Stephen Walls is now leaving the courtroom… everyone is asked to return by 11 o'clock".

They all stand as the judge leaves the courtroom into his chambers. David Stein and Joshua stay inside the courtroom talking. The prosecution representatives go outside and sit on a bench by the door way! Abraham and Eve send chilling looks towards the defendant who pays them no attention. Abraham turns to Michelle

"I'm going outside to talk to the prosecution…you can come with me or stay here"

"I'll join you, dear"

"Just be careful not to say anything stupid...don't interrupt me...and don’t do any harm when I'm talking to them"

Michelle is going to respond angrily but he quickly leaves without waiting for her. She would rather stay in her place and mumbles

"You are such a shit. I'm in the way? Harmful? You life partner!!! I'm the mother of your baby!!" 

She says bitterly and sadly

"Sometimes you can be so cruel and vicious that I don’t understand what I'm doing with you".

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Abraham approaches the prosecution angrily. They smile at him but he angrily says

"How did you let that idiot lawyer make a fool of the witness and worse…laugh at you? What kind of prosecution lets the defense do whatever he wants…and with a first time lawyer? You said there are enough fingerprints of the killer on the pen…why he suddenly talking about other fingerprints? And why is the judge accepting the defense contention? He's bias right? The judge? He's in favor of the defendant?"

Jack Jones is ready to answer but Ms. McCoy holds his arm to keep him quiet and interrupts Abraham's tirade

"I understand that you don’t like it…but this is the way things are run in the courtroom…sometimes the prosecution wins some points and sometimes the defense does…and don’t think the judge is bias…he's doing his job very well!! He makes sure everything is done according to the letter of the law! It would be better if you wait till the end of the trial, until the jury's decision and verdict!! Remember one thing…even if the defense wins a few battles…the prosecution will win the war!! I promise you the killer will get his punishment". 

Abraham is pleased with the things he's heard and smiles satisfactorily. Jack Jones pats his back cordially. 

"We want just as much as you do, and maybe even more to give that heinous killer what he deserves".

Some of the crowd begins entering the courtroom and the prosecution prepares them to go back in.

"I hope your next witness is more successful than the last one"

Abraham whispers at the lawyers and they stop what they're doing. Anita McCoy winks at him

"It's OK Abraham…it won't be easy as pie for the defense…"

They all laugh a loud freeing laugh and quickly return to the courtroom and take their seats. The defendant and David Stein stop talking and watch them worriedly. Abraham watches Michelle and is surprised to see the harsh gloomy look on her face. He hugs her but she retreats. He is shocked and asks

"What's the matter? I can't hug you anymore? I can't touch your stomach and our baby? What's wrong?"

"Everything's fine with the pregnancy and the baby…what's wrong is you, Abraham!! You and that nasty mouth of yours"

If he didn’t know any better Abraham would think she was under the influence of drugs and was high as a kite. He holds her arm threateningly and whispers

"What are you talking about? Have you gone insane? Or did you find your heroin? What's going on with you?"

She snaps at him

"You're mean to me because you have to talk to the prosecution? Are you normal?"

Abraham freezes and his hands shake with rage…he seems sad, desperate and depressed...he retorts in his scary threatening voice

"You can't be petty all the time and hang on every little word I say…stop getting on my nerves and stepping on my toes…you forgot that you wanted to have my baby…are you surprised that I'm nervous and on edge? Instead of being considerate and supporting me, you torment and humiliate me"

Michelle lowers her eyes to the floor in shame. She feels the wall between them is getting higher day by day. They are both silent miserably. Suddenly the court bailiff's voice is heard above all

"All rise for the honorable judge Stephen Walls…"

The courtroom is silent and they all stand up as the judge enters. He watches everyone with a serious gaze and slowly sits down in his chair with a half frozen smile. He swings the gavel in the familiar way to slam it on the podium but instead leans towards the microphone and calls out

"Is everyone here?? No one is missing? Good! Since everyone respects me with their presence I would like to continue the hearing". 

He looks at the notes on his desk

"Ahh...yes....counselor McCoy…has Prof. Floyd arrived? Can we ask him to get on the stand?"

"Yes judge…he is here…" She turns to the professor…"

Prof. Floyd you are requested to come to the witness stand. A short, fat bald man aged 58 wearing a grey shirt under a faded ancient blue suit that belongs in a museum by now, stands up from the bleachers and walks towards the witness stand quickly. He is using an expensive decorated walking cane. He stands up slowly by the podium and because he is so short his egg like head is barely seen. The officer in charge of swearing in the witnesses hands him a bible and explains

"Prof. Floyd…do you hereby swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth or else punishable by law?"

"Of course…I swear to tell only the truth".

Anita McCoy stands before the witness and kindly says

"Prof. Floyd please tell the court who you are and what is your occupation"

In a singing tone due to his Italian origin the professor answers

"Hello to the honorable judge Walls, the prosecution and defense counselors, the jury and the large crowd…my name is Floyd Bismond. I am a professor of psychiatry and I am the manager of the therapeutic institute called "Dream reality". I have been practicing for about 30 years, 20 of which as the head of that institute". 

Ms. McCoy is about to ask the next question but the judge quickly responds and ask curiously

"And where did you acquire your education and necessary practice…my esteemed Prof. Floyd?"

"Well…in the late forties I began my studies in the University of Milan and received my professorship in Italy. In the sixties I moved to the US and shortly after that was appointed as the manager of the therapeutic institute "Dream Reality" in NY. My main practice is in diagnosing psychiatric and psychopathology issues relating to mental and effective disorders, neurosis, personality disorders and impulse control problems! If you ask me what the common thread is for all the mental problems I have just mentioned, I would explain that the common area of them all is delinquency and crime that is caused by these psychiatric problems…from the most juvenile ones like theft to the hard core ones which is murder".

Those present in the crowd who do not understand a thing of what he said sit with their mouths open. They seem in awe. The witness seems pleased with him and watches everyone from high above in his psychiatric Olympus..Abraham is uncomfortable and feels bitterness towards this strange man and his vagueness. He is afraid the alien witness and his incoherent words will disturb the process of the trial and damage the prosecution. He whispers to Michelle

"First the prosecution loses with the last witness about the pen…and now who do they bring…a bloated fart that's in love with him"

The judge looks at Abraham in threatening look that forces him to smile defensively. The judge quickly says

"So…my scholarly friend! If I understand you correctly…and I hope I did…you specialize in psychiatric crimes"

The witness jumps up from his seat and loudly squeals

"That's correct your honor…an excellent definition!! Even I couldn't have said it better"

"Prof. Floyd…did you examine the defendant? And under which terms and circumstances?" 

Anita McCoy stands before the witness and asks authoritatively. Everyone is curious and Abraham tenses up.

"Yes…I have examined the defendant at the request of the police and prosecution. My only demand was that he be brought to my office in the institute so that I can examine him under the most relevant and optimal terms. About a week ago he was brought to the institute accompanied by police officers in charge of this investigation. Sadly I don’t remember their names. And by his counselor David Stein who was present at the time. I can satisfactorily say that Mr. Stein was a passive witness and did not interfere with the course of the examination and diagnosing. Well…I explained to the defendant the purpose of the interview which was to determine his mental state at the time he committed the crimes he is charged with. The defendant did not object to the interview but informed me strongly that he is not guilty and does not understand why he is being harassed and that he is saner than any sane person."

He smiles and adds

"For your information 98% of those accused of a psychiatric crime claim they are not guilty, that they are being harassed and that they are saner than I am. Eventually they are found guilty beyond reasonable doubt that they committed the crime for which they were charged…each and every one of them". 

Everyone start laughing loudly but the judge slams his gavel on the podium and they all fall silent immediately. The professor continues

"I will summarize the meeting and explain that despite the general appearance of the defendant which was reserved and hesitant, I didn’t find any signs of obsessive thoughts or clues to a psychotic or depressive state! The defendant's attitude towards the examination was suspicious and hostile with an emphasis on denial and arrogance…no signs of mania or paranoid disorders were found. He was sweating and biting his nails which indicate a state of anxiety and stress. One might mention that the conscious state of the defendant with all its components created a positive impression without any disorders at all! The defendant's feelings during the examination were of anger, hostility and aggression. The intensity of the emotion was average and regular and the stability pointed to monotony. There is a balance between all the components of emotions as seen by me and as expressed by the defendant! During the examination he did not reveal any perceptual disorders such as sensory of stimulation perceptions or problems of illusion and delusion! I also did not find with the defendant and thought disorders which include rhythm, shape and form disorders or in the content of thought aside from the obsessive belief by the defendant that he is a prophet of wrath and a representative of God and as such were given the power and strength to become the leader of the "Bible disciples cult". I have to emphasize that I have examined again and again the defendant's type of thought and did not find any signs of a paranoid, manic or bi-polar disease. His intellectual level, functionality, perception and developmental process indicate an above the average level and I was also impressed positively but the defendant's ability to act rationally and judge reality objectively".

The witness is silent for a few seconds and the crowd waits silently.

"To sum it up, I can unequivocally say that the defendant Joshua Solomon is not mentally ill and does not suffer from psychopathology of any kind! He is fit to stand trial and should stand trial for the murder of Isaac".

Most of those present in the courtroom still don’t understand the professor's tirade. The prosecution representatives smile satisfactorily. Eve, Gideon and Michelle seem happy and Michelle does not understand why Abraham seems tense and gloomy. She whispers to him

"What is it, Abraham? Isn't that what you wanted to hear?"

"I know that's what I wanted to hear, but I'm worried about the defense…they'll probably find something to mess up his testimony"

He says in fear and terror

"I hope that don’t find something new and decide he's insane and call of the trial"

The judge turns to the prosecution

"Do you have any further questions or are you done with this witness?"

"The prosecution rests your honor!! The witness can go back to his seat".

David Stein jumps up quickly.

"Your honor, before the witness goes back to his seat can I rebut?"

"Of course Mr. Stein…of course"

Silence falls on the courtroom. Abraham pales…he was sure that the witness was finished…and now the defense is going to mess it all up! David whispers something in Joshua's ear that surprisingly seems at peace, pleased and even smiles!

"Prof. Floyd…When you first started speaking, you talked about how 98% of people who were eventually found guilty…what happened to the remaining 2%? Could it be that my client belongs to the remaining 2% who claim they are not guilty and are indeed not guilty? Because they became victims of circumstances? Victims to a plot? Suspects easy to frame?"

Everyone present freeze…they sense something is going to happen. Abraham senses the defeat and holds his head in his shaking hands. The witness slowly and impressively sits up and whispers frighteningly into the microphone

"You're wrong Mr. Stein!! The defendant belongs to the 98% who claim they are not guilty but their guilt is proven in court and they will pay for their crimes" he adds sarcastically "the other 2% are found not guilty but you know why? Because of two reasons! Either they are diagnosed as mental patients, or they succeed in proving that they are innocent before the trial is over".

David freezes, watches Joshua in embarrassment and turns to the witness in a weak shameful voice

"I have no more questions".

The judge quickly turns to the witness.

"You may step down…you have my and the court's thanks. This hearing will be resumed tomorrow morning at 9am. Thank you to the jury, defense, prosecution and the crowd and media". 

The witness smiles, bows his head and returns to his place in the courtroom. The bailiff says loudly

"All rise!! The honorable judge Walls is now leaving the courtroom".

Everyone stand quietly. The judge stares at the defense and prosecution and then disappears into his chambers. The TV cameras and personnel continue filming and reporting as the courtroom is buzzing. The defendant and David Stein sit quietly with gloomy faces. Michelle, Eve and Gideon shake hands excitedly. Abraham hugs the lawyers of the prosecution hysterically nearly chocking them unintentionally and his angry threatening stare meets Joshua's ice cold eyes.


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