Evolution: Conqueror

Chapter 114: 110: Was I wrong?

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Torug's POV,

I made my way to the Breeding house but ran into Dabok and Lovan.

"MY CHIEF!!" Lovan says in an exaggerated manner but you could feel the relief washing over the goblin, Dabok looked at me strangely for a few seconds before asking, "Where have you been?".

"What is Janetta doing outside of the village?" I counter asked as I turned in the direction I felt the bond.

"She went with Nazu for a 'stretch'..." He says teasingly but I only nodded in response before saying, "come".

I led them to the Breeding house and made our way in immediately.

When we got in, what greeted us was the sight of 43 over grown dire wolves suddenly opening their eyes, giving the impression of fireflies in the dim lit breeding house.

Lovan yelps and hid behind me, I couldn't blame him because the visual effect really had a strong impact to ones phsyche, surprisingly Dabok didn't budge at the sight.

"Dabok" I called out, attracting his attention. "Do you still have contacts within the borders of Degr kingdom?".

Genuinely surprised for second, he went silent.


"Good...Have them send a message to the one eyed Haran"

After waiting a short while he asks, "What do they tell her?".

"Tell her I have news about Toro and I would like to meet her a day after the coming purple moon".

"..." He watched me silently for a while and I said, "They had a hand in what happened to me and Urim".

"Now you don't have to push me to deal with them anymore, after all we can never live under the same sky" A solemn vibe lingered in the air till Lovan asked a question.

"So what to do with them?"

I watched the eager wolves with wagging tails before saying, "Train more riders...Lovan, have your people start making alchemy stones and you transmute them...till you notice your transmutation change"

"..." a lost expression painted the goblin's face.

'right' Realisation donned on my face as I changed my words, "Make more boom rocks and do your glowing hand thing till you notice something different".

"Oooh" he finally understood, "I finish the Liquid fire".

"Really??" I asked in surprise and Dabok added from the side, "it was rough but I added a repulsion force with my totem and was able to do something that was close to what you explained".

"just being close is amazing on it's own... tonight you show me"I said with a grin, this made them visibly relax. perhaps my serious attitude had placed them on edge.

What Lovan likes to call liquid fire was a flame thrower, I knew he had Raz the blacksmith helping him but I didn't know Dabok had been dragged into the mix.

"The Greyeye clan wants war, they already hurt one of us and I intend to return the favor."I changed the topic while looking at Dabok.

the latter unceremoniously blurted out, "We're no where close to being able to fight them and he probably has an alliance with white mountain's Blood horn clan".

I wasn't angry with his statement because he was speaking with the details of a few days back.

But when we talk about now, "If I said, In a few days we'll be able to clean up the Greyeye clan and Blood horn clan would follow not long after that... would you believe me?"

He paused for a second and looked at me closely once again before saying with a sigh, "I believe".

A laugh subconsciously escaped my lips as I said to the old Orc,"I will make you confidently shout, 'I Believe!' next time."

with my words, I confidently headed outside of the Breeding house. I would come take them out later in the day to train more riders.

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I returned to the main hall after observing the village for a while. I ordered for Shev and Cail to be brought while I brainstormed on what my next tattoos would be.

If I'm not wrong, these are the last ones and my next evolution would only upgrade the existing ones.

First thing that came to my mind was a wolf but then a snake came to mind, I even thought of some ancient beasts from my previous life. While thinking about these, I found that the idea of a tiger being brought into existence by the system just to make the sigils work, highly possible.

First of all, dragons already existed in the world but there has never been tigers, Dabok reported seeing a tiger evolve...I quickly shook my head at the thought, 'This won't do...I can only confirm after seeing the tiger'.

But then my mind was drawn to the creature in the black moon lake and I couldn't help being tempted. What kind of effects would I get, how would it affect the state of things, what...

My thoughts were disrupted by someone making an entrance into the hall.

A purple haired beauty walked into the hall seductively, accompanied with Nazu following behind. Both of them were dressed in the standard black moon clan battle skirt worn by the females, same goes for the upper torso as well.

Perhaps Janetta felt my change in demeanor and decided to tease, "Master" She says with a smirk as she bows slowly.

Nazu feigns confidence as she bows, "my chief".

Perhaps due to my evolutions, I could literally smell emotions much clearly than before, each had a different scent and I could immediately tell what was what.

'Why is she always anxious?' I wondered as I casually responded to their greetings.

"Do you know what you have done?" I immediately asked Janetta.

"Yes, although I didn't initial understand but I do now" She says.

Nazu watched our exchange in confusion and I couldn't help but ask this question,"Do you regret it?".

The purple haired Janetta smiled and says, "No".

Her response only made me nod repeatedly, but she soon wore a solemn expression, "I want to go back and challenge Selliqei".

Hearing her words, I stood up slowly from the throne before saying, "You can go, you are ready".

'After all you can't die' I added in my head while wondering if I should take the same oath but I quickly dismissed the idea, 'I'd rather die than have my life in someone else's hands'.

Janetta nodded before walking out and Nazu alternated between looking at me and looking at the door.

"Say it" I said, she looked confused at my statement.

"What you have in your head, say it" I clarified.

"I...I..." She tries to get the words in her head but I teased, "I never thought that the great Nazu would not be able to speak a word at..."

"you disappeared" She responded sharply and I couldn't help looking at her strangely, "You were worried?".

"..." She glares at my question and I raised an eyebrow at her reaction.

"here, I feel like everyone is helping but you never have me do anything...I feel...I feel" Nazu tries to state her worries without acting weak but at the same time her real worries open itself to me.

My curiosity kicks in as I paced around saying, "Alone, forgotten, Useless".

"N..."She tries denying but seems to think of something else, "You say you would have me but you never give m..."

"You fear that you would be left behind..." I finally understood something, everything within the clan was advancing at a frightening pace and although she cared, she chose to remain still till I came to her... The silly Royal pride hidden in her bloodline must have set in but now she couldn't sit still anymore, she craves for attention, she wants to be useful and be a part of things. Admittedly, although she has been a part of the inner circle, it's only due to the fact that she brought her clan here and was the leader, aside from that I had refused to give her any chance due to her trying to claim me in public.

I read it as power hungry but... it seems I may have been wrong.

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