Evolution: Conqueror

Chapter 128: 124: Are you confident?

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Earlier that Day,

"Failure!, another Failure" A mage with a distorted face yells in frustration, "what am I missing?".

"Paxim, are you sure it is possible?" Someone says from behind, attracting the seething mage's attention.

"What nonsense are you spouting Kharag?! do I need to remind you Everytime?...also, how come you are yet to find another striped creature, I mean if you are having trouble finding another, why don't you give me the one you took away?!" Paximus sneered at the orc seated lazily before him.

"Forget it, after I'm done...I might consider it" Kharag Greyeye says while standing up with a yawn.

"Tch...I can't be bothered with you, if you think finding the essence of life itself is that simple, then your deceiving yourself" perhaps ranting at the orc calmed him down but The mage quickly cleared up the magic array, disposing of the bloodied corpse and the other things on the worktable.

"Do I really have to capture an elf?...oh Kharag, what about the weird orc you spoke about?" He suddenly asked like he wasn't about to pounce at the orc a few minutes ago.

Kharag simply signalled one of his warriors before saying, "another time, mage...I have something to attend to".

"..." Paximus watched the Orc's retreating back and sneered, 'You think I don't know, your just waiting for me to succeed, so you can steal my work... unfortunately for you, I would be a God should I succeed...if only I can get the late Simon Weiss's Grimoire, according to legend, it was burnt down along with his body at the battle of Munbat's Grove all those years ago...such a waste of such precious artifact.'

The mage finished wiping his work table and whispered, suddenly, blue flames appeared on the work table, burning lightly as Paximus stared in a daze. His dark hair blocked the right side of his face and his pale blue eyes showed great hatred, once he recollected himself, he used his right hand to raise his unruly hair, exposing the burnt skin it was hiding before saying, "just you wait...Bring in, the next batch!!".


"No...No... curses!"Paximus raged once again as he knocks down the work table.

An Orc guard rushed into the makeshift lab and looked at the mess, understanding what went wrong, it sneered at the mage for a second but it quickly changed its expression.

"Where's your Chief?!!"

"Hunting" The Orc guard gave a Curt reply.

"Have a patrol team search for him, I require his presence this instant" Paximus ordered in clear orcish tongue.

"..." Without much of a choice, the Orc went out immediately.

An explosion and several wails could be heard in the distance. Paximus immediately became pale as he rushed towards a bunch of scrolls, "No, No, No..." he cried out repeatedly.

"Anyone?!!! Where are these fools when you need them?" immediately an Orc rushed in saying, "Puny human, we go"

"Huh? no wait...take this... and that one!" Paximus's anxious yells could be heard.

The orc soon grunted in frustration but did his best to help, "let's go" the mage finally says.

After exiting the room, they ran into a bunch of warriors heading outside and followed them.


several bolts were shot in through the exit, taking the lives of several orc warriors with each sound. Presently, Paximus regretted not making a second entrance all this while.

'Well, the enemy shouldn't be too powerful...at least I hope so' He thought.

"Razos!!"Paximus yells as a huge flaming ball flew out the exit.

A booming roar that brought great pressure rang out from said direction, "ENOUGH!!!".

A sound wave knocked everyone out of place, leaving only Paximus standing... barely.

a fog made of smoke spread across the surrounding but soon cleared up slowly, exposing everything it had hidden from him.

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A group of tattooed Orcs riding on strange sized wolves and a b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.ted, two meters tall Orc with even more tattoos, thick black hair and piercing golden green eyes, in his arms, laid a Halfling female glaring at him.

"wolves?"Paximus muttered in confusion and then he seemed to have thought of something while completely ignoring the Halfling, 'Blackmoon clan?'.


Torug's POV,

[Name: Paximus Rufford

Race: Advanced human rune mage

Power rating: 32802+4600(Equipment Bonus)

Relationship: Banished disciple of the Grey Tower, Heretic of the sacred church of Knowledge, outer member of Al'varux(The Hand)

Alignment: Chaotic neutral.]

Seeing this mage's information, brought a frown to my face, 'To think I'll be able meet one of them so soon'.

For the Greyeye clan to have contact with the Al'varux(the hand), this further makes me wonder what really happened in the Orc lands that weakened them to the point of not being able to put up a fight. Perhaps my actions today would further affect the trajectory of things or even the flow of fate's thread once again.

'This mage...' I took a few steps towards this disheveled person, his dirty blonde hair covered his face, so I couldn't tell the look on his face.

When I was only few steps away from him, I tilted my head with a frown..."What do I do with you, human?"I deliberately made my voice sound deeper and threatening.

But there was no response from him, his lips kept muttering something...

Without hesitation, I attempted to grab him, only for him to port several meters away while dropping his scrolls, this allowed me know the direction he teleported to.

Looking at the magic circle, I was reminded of the ill.u.s.tration for the rune magic, 'Searing rain'.

'Good, for a minute I was worried about him running away...' I grinned, "Are you confident?"

Unfortunately, he ignored me and kept chanting with utmost focus. I immediately charged forward, my reckless charge was now many times faster and went further than what it used to be, once I added Mana.

In response, the mage waved his left arm, erecting a translucent barrier in front of himself.

'Dual casting?!!' I was genuinely shocked but too bad for him, I knew a fatal weakness for this kind of barriers.

at the end of my charge, I continued my combo by using while the damage bonus from was still in effect.


To crown it all, I activated reducing his stats.

A loud groan was heard when he was knocked into the air, at the same time, he never stopped chanting... instead he removed the barrier while releasing an instant cast of a lightning attack.

Seeing this, I paused...

Everything happened within a few minutes but without any hint of denial, I am thrilled.

I looked at my hand sheepishly for a second while opening and closing my palm as I tried to ward off the minor numbness. 'His casting speed...' I turned in the direction of his Mana and was greeted with the sight of him gasping for air, he was completely unable to chant at the moment as he tried to catch his breath.

His situation reminded me that he wasn't a fourth circle mage yet, at that time, they're somewhat or almost no longer affected by space.

Finally turning my body towards him with a grin I said in an amused tone, "Are you confident?"

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