Evolution: Conqueror

Chapter 133: 129: Haran

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Moz's POV,

"You don't know... unless you try"

I turned in the direction of the voice and found that it was...Raal.

Once again drunk with his wolf by his side.

"What do you mean?" I asked, He picks up a bowl and began to drink something.

When done swallowing it all, he belched loudly before laughing afterwards, his laughter disrupted the calm and solemn atmosphere at the lakeside.

His laughter was more like he was mocking himself than expressing happiness.

He then looked at me before standing up to leave, he said, "You know what I am talking about, if you don't... it's also fine, just know that if you continue like this without letting him know, you'll just end up like...me".

"..." Silent, I watched his retreating back only for him to fall and his wolf snorted at him, leaving without looking back.

"Wait for me! how can you leave your master like this!!" Raal yells a few seconds later after recovery, "Hey! Hey! why aren't you stopping, My wine!!...Ugh how could you take wine off a fallen warrior!! ..."

His voice slowly disappeared as he chased after his wolf.

"What do you mean, I will end up like you?" I muttered, only for my wolf to shake her head.




The following day,

Blackmoon Town,

Lord's Manor,

Torug's POV,

After a busy night, I felt it was time to wrap up with the Grey eye clan, but first...

"My Chief!...General Haran would like to see you" Dabok's voice came from behind as I observed the fireplace. It was still the early hours of the morning and I just started the fire, mostly to light up the hall than to warm myself up.

"Are you really going through with this?"Dabok asked once again for the umpteenth time since he my plans.

"..." Irresponsive, I continued to stare at the fireplace without bothering to look in his direction, Him knowing that I wouldn't say anything further, he walked towards the entrance...

"Have I ever failed you?" I asked.

"..." He sighed before leaving.

"I can't fail, I'm not allowed to fail" I muttered.

About a minute later, the sound of slow footsteps could be heard from the side as I pulled off my cloak and tossed it towards my throne, it casually fell on it's arm and I slowly turned towards the approaching figure.

Red hair, and a golden pupil scanned the hall with a somewhat disinterested face before stopping on my figure.

She scans me from head to toe before locking eye contact with me, I felt this was a test, a test to see what kind of person I was.

At this time, Dabok walks in but stops not too far from the door...unsurprisingly we both ignored his movement.

[Name: Haran Bloodmane

Race: Royal Witch Orc

You are reading story Evolution: Conqueror at novel35.com

Level:40 (Order of the fifth circle)

Power rating: 145847+6677(Equipment Bonus)

Relationship: Matriarch of the Bloodmane clan, 2nd Great General of the kingdom of Degr, 3rd in line to the throne of Degr, Mother of Nazu Redmane, leader of the ...

Alignment: Lawful Evil]

"What is the meaning of this?" she finally says, Obviously she meant the whole invitation and me marrying her daughter despite knowing who she really was.

She squints at me with every word as her head slowly tilt upwards in a threatening manner while trying to feel me out.

A subtle pressure appears as the atmosphere in the hall got tensed, despite noticing all this, I acted nonchalant and said instead, "I'm surprised you came...".

"I didn't come for you" She says but still had a posture that said she was willing to hear me out.

Unsurprisingly, the subtle pressure increases it's intensity ever so slowly as I subconsciously swallowed hard.

Seated before me was one of the top 10 most dangerous characters in the Novel, not for overwhelming power or anything but for her madness and unpredictability.

She was someone who had almost succeeded thrice in killing Davis Fairchild, in fact, she had succeeded one time during an ambush on her battalion but Ragol played dirty, resulting in a public outrage amongst the Gods, too bad there was no God standing up for the Orc lands.

From her posture, I began to make corrections to my plans...

"I have a business proposal" I say while taking a few steps to sit opposite her and not on the throne, this was mostly to buy myself time as I arranged my thoughts carefully.

"I don't remember saying I do business, little chief" She says with a small laugh but it obviously didn't reach her eyes, perhaps she might have even considered killing me and taking Nazu by now... luckily, the ceremony of souls can't be ignored.

"But I know you need money and supplies" I said this while locking eye contact with her, I then leaned forward as I deepen my voice, in order to emphasize on the seriousness of the matter, "especially at this time when the king has begun suppressing your clan, unaware of the dangers brewing from outside the orc lands."

"..." Silent, she looked at me without distaste for the first time.

Noticing my action, she looked in Dabok's direction just in time to him signaling someone outside.

Immediately, the warriors came in dragging the disfigured Paximus into the hall.

This time, Haran looked at me with interest, probably surprised with the outcome of things.

"To top it off, We have traitors in the orc lands, colluding with humans to slowly make a mess of things" I stated casually but had a solemn expression on my face. earlier today, I had used my last branding slot on Paximus and now he would become an important piece to further my goals.

Haran observed me with her eye and said, "speak clearly..."

"I sent you that letter, because of the information I got from this human...and considering...we would be family and the fact that the Great king was suppressing you...I" I let my words linger as I sighed repeatedly.

"..." She silently looked between me, Dabok and Paximus. "What did the human say?".

Immediately I signalled the warriors to wake Paximus up.


A series of slaps was given and the Unconscious mage woke up with a wail as he looked around warily.

"human... Repeat what you said earlier today!" I ordered.

"I was sent to gather information on the Orc lands over the years and have been working with the Grey eye clan all this while", He says, as he began to narrate the story I had fed him after the branding.

Hearing his words, she looked me in the eye and says with a small laugh, "So you are saying you called me out here to inform me of this?".

Obviously she was putting up a show, so I indulged her, "Of course not" I responded with a small laugh of my own and leaned back into my own chair.

I then pulled out a transparent glass container, within it laid the grounded Mana stone Lovan had helped me make and I said, "After all, I said I had a business proposal..."

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