Evolution: Conqueror

Chapter 94: 90: Fail...

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(A/N: Try listening to Heilung-krigsgaldr on repeat for this chapter)

Some minutes earlier,

Torug's POV,

Not long after I left Govan with Urim, I noticed a new icon in my vision. It looked like a green health bar, but for what, I had no idea.

After a few seconds, the green bar began shrinking at varying speeds and I began to suspect this had something to do with the quest. A strong sense of urgency set in and I became restless, the others felt it as well.

"Bro..." Urim tried asking but I cut him off, "We need to hurry".

'If my calculations are correct, then it would take about 20+ minutes for the carriage or whatever the system is projecting to...' I frowned, 'its not that simple, something else could happen and I won't even get to Thann's end within an hour'.

'Do I have to use a Sacred order? no too risky... Right!' My frown relaxed, 'might as well...'

I decided to ask the goddess for help and began to pray inwardly, 'protector of souls, witness me in my time of need. Great guardian of the abyss grant me ...'

"Careful Torug, This might become a Habit for me" A sultry voice came from my side as I found myself somewhere else entirely.

Surrounded by a vast plain, an Enchanting Moon could be spotted in the distance, like it was resting on the earth. The floor below looked like it could devour light itself...

Not long after spotting all these things, something flashed behind me and began tracing it's fingers over my tattoos, "Hmm... strange animals..., I see you have began using the Abysmal mana as you call it".

"I.." I tried speaking but was cut off again, "Careful though, the Abyss isn't as simple as you might think"

"When you gaze into the Abyss, the Abyss gazes back"She states eerily before giggling and flashing towards the direction of the Moon.

"Don't worry, I shall grant your request...I knew Your wish the moment you prayed to me" Her laughter could be heard in the distance.

The world seemed to twist and I was back on Alpha's back, dashing towards Thann's end.

30 meters ahead of us, we saw a strange Black door appear with eerie vibes, it projected fear to the wolves but I quickly calmed Alpha down by stroking it's and said, "Don't worry, Go!"

It hesitated for a second and rushed forward, I teased Urim who happened to have slowed down, "Who knew the Great warrior, Urim would be afraid!".

"Who says I'm afraid?!" He roared while charging with his wolf.

"Good, I shall not have a coward for a brother!" I said with a laugh, "The Goddess is on our side".

With that, We Charged in. On the other side of the door, we arrived at a treeline, staring at a walked city or town at the distance.

Thann's end, a popular business hub built with a panorama of the surrounding land. From the towers that stood amongst the walls, watchers were on high alert and ready to take action.

Steadfast walls were built for defence in an age that was defined by jealousy, greed and the love of power as much as honour, nobility and loyalty to the crown.

Now though, A blaring sound kept ringing out from within the city and it attracted the wolves attention, they growled lowly but my attention were at the gates.

It didn't take long for a Speeding carriage to burst out from the closing gates, mounted knights chased after it with reckless abadon.

The Moongret flag waving in the distance allowed me to notice the watchers preparing to fire their arrows.

On the carriage driver's seat, I could spot Janetta Sewell trying to fight off her pursuers.

"Urim, we'll help her" I say while going into stealth with Alpha, With a nod, Urim did the same and we rushed forward.

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We broke out of the treeline and charged at the knights, then I noticed a particularly eye catching one with Purple hair.

'Davis Fairchild?!' A dark thought came to me when I confirmed that it was the protagonist, 'How much would fate change, if I killed him now'.

Without hesitation, I chose to confirm this with my own hands. I urged Alpha to use <Haste> and when I was finally within the 16 meter range, I Leaped off Alpha's back and landed in between the Carriage and Davis

A chaotic ripple effect spread out with me as the center and I grabbed Davis who had been sent into the air by his head. I smashed it to the ground three times, hoping to crack his skull but as expected it didn't happen.

Surprisingly, despite the successful ambush, he didn't drop his sword and succeeded in cutting my arm. I threw him to the ground on reflex, the recovered knights charged forward.

"Save Ser Davis!" a Knight with an accent yells and rode his horse towards me. From behind, Urim steps in front of me, charging at both horse and man before lifting them up together, tossing them at those behind.

With a grin, I looked at the downed Davis while bringing out my axe for an Execution.

[Name: Davis Fairchild

Race: Human Guardian Knight (Champion)

Level: 30(Order of the Third circle) [Incomplete].

Power rating: 23444+3000(Equipment Bonus)

Alignment: Lawful Good.]

When I looked at his stats, I was shocked by the incomplete next to his level and then it hit me, 'The human age restriction on Evolution?, aren't I lucky, I believe he should still be in his teens now and hasn't been recognized as a.d.u.l.t by the world'.

'Humans and elves sure have it hard' While musing I approached the young Hero, ready to cut but...


I blocked an arrow aimed at my head, I looked at that direction. A man holding a bow, stood on the wall like a rod without thinking too much, a name came to mind, 'Frank'. He was another impressionable Character.

With a frown, I glared at him and Davis. The latter seemed to have recovered somewhat but was still bleeding profusely, He began to mutter some words and a gold colored light wrapped around him as his wounds began to recover.

I couldn't help growling at him, as I used reckless charge to attack him. my intent was to use the short boost in damage to slice him in half, 'Things are beginning to get troublesome'.

Unable to move, Davis could only stare wide eyed as I got closer to him, the sound of an arrow leaving it's bow was heard but I chose to take the blow just to kill him.

Urim's roar could be heard as he smashed a knight's head with a rock.

The arrow was ruthless as it pierced my shoulder, but my Axe succeeded...or that's what I thought, until a transparent bubble broke, taking the blow for him.

'F"cking plot armor' without hesitation, I retreated while glaring.

"Alpha" My voice had a tinge of anger as I pulled out the arrow and Urim mounted his wolf while glaring at Frank on the wall. The knights were to scared to approach and we left immediately.

Frank looked like he had no intention of chasing and Davis was too scared to move, probably traumatized. 'Good for you' I spat, I already begun making plans on how to infiltrate the city...He won't be safe for long.

We chased after the carriage, luckily she wasn't stupid enough to take it directly to our territory.

Once we spotted her, I ordered her to stop and quickly placed the Aether in my inventory.

"Hop on" I said to her with a frown, while glaring at Thann's end once again before moving.

We rushed for the valley first, to throw off any spy before making a bee line towards Govan.

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