EX rank supporting role’s replay in a prestigious school

Chapter 87: Early hours of Saturday morning.

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Early hours of Saturday morning.

The most famous bakery in Eun-kwang-gu that was open at this hour was ‘MITRON’, at the west gate of the school.

I decided to prepare an additional gift here, as an apology.

‘They have a waiting line even on Saturday, at this hour.’

As I waited for my turn, I checked my device and someone was just sending me a new message.

The message was coming up in a group chat room with Nam-wook Jang and Sang-hoon Yoo.

[Sang-hoon Yoo] Hey

[Sang-hoon Yoo] is this Nam-wook Jang?

[Sang-hoon Yoo] (Article link)

‘What did Nam-wook do to get published in an article?’

I immediately clicked the article link to check it out.

[Player Military Academy High School 1st grade, Master’s Day Surprise Mass Game]

Below the headline, the body of the article contained one video.

A thumbnail of hundreds of players of the Military Academy High School.

‘It seems like the entire first years. And this…… is Nam-wook Jang.’

Cadets lined up in robes.

The person in the front-facing all the cadets was Nam-wook.

[Nam-wook Jang] Yeah. That’s me.

[Sang-hoon Yoo]?

[Nam-wook Jang] It was an event that was prepared by first years on Teacher’s day. Si-hoo was looking at old recordings and suddenly asked to do it.

Nam-wook’s explanation was as follows.

With Si-hoo Do in the lead, the first-year cadets are well unified.

They were planning a Teacher’s Day event as a group when Si-hoo was mesmerized at the mass game.

‘Some mass game takes more than a year to prepare, depending on the size. Even in the military, only the honor guards do it.’

Until 10 years ago, Player Military Academy high School cadets had to participate in mass games without exception.

Mass games need harsh training, but it doesn’t help with battle skills at all.

Only after the widespread joke that students did not apply to the military academy because they did not want to do the mass game, did the stars who graduated from the academy start to abolish the mass game.

‘And they did THAT voluntarily. They must really love their teachers, maybe like our school.’

At first, they only gathered volunteers.

However, in one day, all the first-year students of the high school were gathered.

[Sang-hoon Yoo] Why didn’t Si-hoo Do lead?

[Nam-wook Jang] dunno, somehow it happened that way……

Si-hoo Do did all the planning, but perhaps he thought Nam-wook was more suitable since he was very precise and was good at nagging people.

‘Let’s see how Nam-wook did.’

When I opened a new window and played the video, Nam-wook’s commands rang out, coinciding with the performance of the military band.

It was impressive to see the card section that made different names one by one every time the command changed.

Hundreds of people were moving in synchrony across the screen, and I was amazed.

‘They made all the names of their high-school teachers.’

The last thing that came out was a Carnation and the Players Military Academy Insignia.

When the carnations and insignia were made and the military band stopped playing, the teachers, who were sitting in the four columns of the regiment, enthusiastically gave a standing ovation.

In the four rows, there were mostly people in teacher’s uniforms, but there were also people who wore military uniforms.

When I saw the badge of rank on their uniforms, I suddenly felt wide awake.

‘There are stars on the badge! There are General officers that came for Teacher’s day?’

I had to give it to them, not chickening out and performing the mass game without mistakes in front of general officers.

I got why Nam-wook appeared so out of energy in the chat group.

[Me] That must’ve been a lot of trouble. Eat well and get some rest.

You did well, Nam-wook.

[Sang-hoon Yoo] Well done

Those simple two words weren’t enough to compliment what Nam-wook went through today.

[Nam-wook Jang] Thanks, Ui-shin, Sang-hoon. I need to go back to bed, I haven’t got enough sleep lately. The instructor told me and Si-hoo to wear our formal uniforms and go to him during lunchtime, so I’m going to sleep until then.

The day after the standing ovation of the generals, the mass game planners and conductors are called to come in formal attire?

I could clearly see who Nam-wook was going to have lunch with, but kept my mouth shut to let him sleep.

As I closed the group chat screen, something popped in my head.

‘Maybe Si-hoo did this on purpose to give Nam-wook credit.’

Although he tried not to show it, Nam-wook, who was not able to fight at all during the Jamsil Baseball Stadium incident, was a little depressed.

That may have been the intention of Si-hoo, handing over the command of the mass game to Nam-wook.

The experience of succeeding in anything gives you confidence.

Or it may have been because Si-hoo felt lazy to do it himself.

“Welcome. You came with class 0 students in Grade 1 at that time, right?”

“Yeah, Hello.”

It was my turn, so I stood in front of the counter.

It was the man that claimed to be the patissier.

That famous player who Jiho said that ‘he has a very strong blessing from an Original clan.’

‘He remembers me from that day? Huh. I didn’t even wear my school uniform today.’

Like a player should, he has very good memory.

I chose a crème Brûlée set with six flavors.

Also, a Sorbe ice cream cake made from seasonal fruits like mango, strawberry, and cherry.

These were the two presents.

“Is this for someone?”

“Yes, please gift wrap it.”

The patissier smiled and finished wrapping it.

After exchanging goodbyes and coming out of the store with a dry ice-packed gift box, I noticed something strange.

‘Does the baker do gift wrapping as well?’

On weekend mornings, too.

It was strange, but now I had more important things.

* * *

Myung-ho Hwang’s mansion in Eun-kwang-gu.

I arrived through the golden fence and maze garden.

Jiho, whose eyes sparkled as always, greeted me first.

“Come on in, Ui-shin Cho. You’re late.”

It’s not even past 9 a.m.

Rather, it’s impolite to visit people’s houses earlier than this.

However, Hwang Ji-ho expressed that it was ” late.”

It was annoying, but I couldn’t help it.

“Hi, Ui-shin oppa! You’re late!”

“It’s Ui-shin hyung! I thought you were coming yesterday······.”

“Hello, Ui-shin Cho hyung.”

The three siblings greeted me half with disappointment and half with joy.

“I’m sorry.”

I just apologized because if I made an excuse for this, it would hurt the children’s hearts.


The three siblings were not the only ones I had to apologize to.

My Olmu came up to me and rubbed her head, avoiding eye contact.

She was happy I came, but upset that I didn’t come yesterday.

“I’m sorry, Olmu.”

I lowered my body, stroked her head, and apologized.

No response, though.

Oh, well.

She didn’t push my hand away, so that means I need to pat her until she forgives me.

I repeated the stroking for a while.

By the time I heard Jiho sigh and click his tongue in disapprovement,


Olmu raised her head, looked at me, and barked quietly.

She slightly licked my fingers.

I think she’s forgiving me!

I hugged Olmu out of sheer happiness.

“Thank you······. Who’s a good girl? Olmu’s a good girl!”

Bark bark!

Olmu responded to my words with a clear bark as usual.

I was so happy.

“Ui-shin Cho, Every time you’re in front of Shinsu, your intelligence drops sharply.”

At the touching moment when I and Snare reconciled, Jiho was talking nonsense.

I hope he becomes more like Ho-gun Baek, who watched this without saying a word.

Today, I decided to invest all my time in the three siblings and Olmu.

The gift I had originally prepared for the descendants was a VR game machine and software.

I prepared three of the same thing.

‘You need three so they won’t fight and to multiplay.’

The three siblings were not familiar with it at first but soon began to play excitedly.

Their most favorite was ‘VR Theme Park’.

‘They must be really interested in amusement parks.’

Every time they finished one ride, they immediately took off their VR gear and told me their impressions.

You are reading story EX rank supporting role’s replay in a prestigious school at novel35.com

Jiho, who was watching them, said a word.

“I’ll have to finish the acquisition before summer.”

Soon, the owner of Namgung Mulsan Theme Park in Seoul will change to Hwangmyeong Group’s Theme Park.

“Are there any more VR gear? I want to play with Ui-shin hyung and Mr. Golden Tiger, too……”

“Shinsu can’t put these on, can she? I want to ride with her too……”

“I want to go to a real amusement park!”

Seeing the three siblings slightly disappointed, I immediately understood how Jiho felt right now.

Our smart Olmu knew what we were talking about and acted all cute in my arms.

Bark bark!

As a gift for Olmu, I prepared leashed in a variety of designs and colors, so she could choose when going on walks, and a mat so she did not have to sit on the cold floor.

I put Olmu down on the mat for a test, but she whined and came right back into my arms.

She wanted to be in my arms while I was here.


All my uncomfortable feelings of Jiho “wasting” money disappeared as Olmu leaned her head on me.

What’s wrong with rich people wasting money, anyway?

Yeah, no problem at all.

“You better buy that fast.”


I want Jiho Hwang to buy the theme park as soon as possible and go to play with them.

* * *

Time went by so quickly, and it was night.

After going out to the maze garden to see the moon and having tea time, it was time to sleep.

“Can’t we sleep with Ui-shin hyung?”

“I want to talk more.”

“There’s a lot left to talk about······.”

The three, dressed in pyjamas, held pillows in their arms and looked up at me.

It was cute, but I had to say no.

When I was wondering how to refuse, Jiho Hwang said it first.


Jiho said strictly.

He usually said yes to whatever the descendants said, but there were lines they couldn’t cross.

“Ui-shin is seventeen, and Yi-ho, you’re sixteen. And you want to sleep in the same room? I can’t allow it.”

For the first time in a long time, Jiho said something like a man who had experienced the time when Confucianism was the national religion in this country.

“Then Yi-ho noona sleep somewhere else. Instead, me and Seo-ho hyung should sleep with Ui-shin hyung!”

“Only you two, that’s not fair! No!”

“Go to bed. Sleep early, wake up early, and you can talk with him in the morning.”

In the end, the three descendants of Silver Tiger returned to their own rooms.

“……They’ve never asked me to sleep together.”

Jiho disappeared, leaving a sad, lonely comment.

I remained in the guest room.

Of course, I’m not left alone.

Bark bark!

“Yeah, Olmu. Use my arm as a pillow!”

My smart Olmu understood my words right away, held my arm tightly, and leaned her head.

I quickly became drowsy due to Olmu’s high body temperature.

When I was about to sleep, Olmu licked my cheek.


“Olmu? What is it?


When I opened my eyes, Olmu barked with a relieved look.

Why is she doing that?

“Okay, okay. Let’s sleep.”

I adjusted the way I was hugging Olmu and drifted off to sleep.

Just then, Olmu woke me up again.

Arf, arf arf……!

Olmu was very anxious.

I had no idea what was causing her behavior.

It was after Olmu woke me each time I fell asleep, and this was repeated several times.

Knock knock.

I heard a knock.

“Yes, come in.”

The door opened and Ho-gun Baek entered.

Thanks to the dimly lit hallway lights, the silhouette of Ho-gun was definitely visible, but I couldn’t see his expression.

No need to check, his face was probably expressionless, but he seemed more tall and overbearing without his face.


I said a bit hoarsely because I had just woken up.

Hogun Baek came closer to me and Olmu.

Arf arf……! Arf!

Olmu barked quietly at Ho-gun.

He just stood there, listening to her barks.

After a considerable amount of time, Ho-gun opened his mouth.


What is he sorry for?

What does Ho-gun have to be sorry for?

I took some time trying to figure out why, but I couldn’t come up with an answer.

But I decided to answer anyway.

“It’s okay.”

He was my final playable character, and I could let him get away with whatever he was sorry for.

But even at my answer, he remained silent.

Ho-gun looked down at me without saying anything.


Just then, Olmu whimpered pitifully.

‘Oh, is he apologizing for Olmu’s bad sleeping habits?’

The descendants of Silver Tiger said that Olmu was staying in White Tiger’s bedroom.

Since it was basically me, a guest, sitting for Olmu instead of him, he could’ve felt sorry.

But I was okay with Olmu being clingy.

I was about to say so when,

“Someone came.”

Ho-gun Baek turned to the door.

A little later than Ho-gun, Olmu perked her ears and looked at where He was looking.

“Let’s go.”

I lifted Olmu up and wore my slippers.

There could be no trouble inside Jiho’s house, but something didn’t feel right.

“You guys are here, too.”

At the front door.

Jiho was standing there.

Behind Jiho was Red Tiger.

Before I could say hello, Red Tiger spoke.

“There were movements in the Pig clan.”

So the pigs finally made their move.

That’s why Red Tiger, who was spying on the Pig clan, came here in a hurry.

But something was odd about Red Tiger.

He had a hazy impression.

“Red Tiger? Why are you using the Red Smoke in front of me?”

Red Tiger was using Red Smoke?

I couldn’t sense it now, but because they were in the same clan, Jiho Hwang seemed to feel it.

“Golden Tiger, you can’t tell the child.”

The child?


With those words, Red Tiger collapsed on the ground.

Red smoke enveloped him for a while and vanished.

Then, the jacket Red Tiger wore, and the floor under him became covered in red blood.

<Word from the translator>

Hi guys. For a few chapters now, I’ve been using Korean words like Noona and Oppa. As some of you may know, those Korean words are well known, along with Unnie.

Noona is used when a man calls an older woman, and it means ‘big sister.’

Oppa is used when a woman calls an older man, and it means ‘big brother.’

Unnie is used when a woman calls an older woman, and it means ‘big sister.’

These three words are well known due to K-pop, so I used these terms freely in my translation. However, the term used when a man calls an older man, ‘Hyung,’ is less known so I haven’t used this before this chapter. I did use hyung in this chapter, and it didn’t seem so bad.

It was really weird using the other three terms but not hyung, and these terms are almost impossible to translate into English (an expert translator of 30 years’ experience said so too). I am giving you guys a heads up just in case you don’t know the meaning of hyung (or any other brother/sister terms). I will continue using hyung as well as the other 3 terms. Thanks!

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