Eye System

Chapter 267: Flaming Monster

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Lex's body had been brimming with so much energy after breaking through and consuming extreme amounts of energy that he would either have to release it or take time to digest it.

Since he was in the middle of a battle and could end things quickly by using such amounts of energy, he obviously opted to do so. 

And what better way was there to use large amounts of energy than through the Hell Blaze Flame?

He also used the Fire Elemental Energy Transformation that he had spent a lot of time training while training the use of the Hell Blaze Flame and the Fire Manipulation Eye.

They were currently his most powerful, wide-scale and explosive abilities, but also the abilities that used the most energy and were the most difficult to control.

But in the current situation, without any innocents in the surroundings, he had no reason to hold back, and the massacre began.

With their leader taken out by the flaming monster that Lex had turned into, the members of the Blood Moon Group began fleeing in all different directions, trying to get away from him.

But it was to no avail, and he unleashed waves of red and black flames that consumed anything they came across and burnt them all into ashes.

Everything was burnt and barren in the area by the time Lex was finished burning them all with his Hell Blaze Flame, and he had also expended most of the energy he had in the process, so he no longer had to worry about having too much energy in his body.

He had been able to achieve and defeat so many powerful individuals without even resorting to his Third Eye or the Originator Eye Demon, while Ella and Angela couldn't help but be shocked and amazed by what they saw.

After breaking through, Lex's power reached an entirely different level, while they also hadn't seen him using his Hell Blaze Flame and Fire Elemental Energy Transformation to such an extent.

While his physical capabilities had also improved by leaps and bounds, and they also knew that he had many other abilities that he didn't even use in their battle.

However, as soon as he deactivated his Fier Elemental Energy Transformation, forgetting that they were watching him through space itself, he showed his naked body for a moment.

Obviously, his clothes were burnt by the Hell Blaze Flame and even Kano was likely to be burnt by it unless it was given enough energy to be able to ward off the flames.

Instantly, Angela and Ella's faces were flushed red as she closed the Spacial Peering Skill that she was using and tried to calm down, while Angela was doing a much worse job than her.

Lex didn't really care, and it was their fault for spying on him, as he put on another set of clothes, then Kano on top of them, and returned to his Portable Sub-Dimension to recover and stabilise his cultivation.

It didn't take long and he would be fine without doing so unlike most cultivators, but it was still best for him to do so just for security and having a stable foundation.

After a few hours of cultivating, basking in the dense energy in his Portable Sub-Dimension, Lex teleported to Ella and Angela's side.

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As soon as he appeared, an hour had passed, but they were still quite flustered after seeing him naked.

"Come on. After everything we have been through together, seeing me naked had that much of an effect," he said.

Ella was maintaining composure more than Angela, but it was clear that she was trying very hard in order to do so as Lex burst out into laughter and began mocking how immature they were.

But in the process, he merely turned their embarrassment into anger as they began launching attacks at him.

After a short back and forth, they managed to get rid of the awkwardness and Lex smiled at Ella, happy that she was showing more of herself as they grew closer and was also very close to Angela.

It was hard to believe that the same flaming demon that had burnt hundreds of cultivators into ashes was the same handsome youth that they were friends with, but that was the world of cultivators.

Quickly regaining focus, Lex turned to the slaves that had been freed and harboured by them and needed to think of a way to get rid of the slave marks they were branded with at birth.

It was what restricted their lives and made others recognise them as slaves, and was usually on the hands or face, so that it couldn't be concealed.

While even if one cut off the body part that the slave mark was on, which many people had attempted to do, it would just appear somewhere else on their body.

Helping them was important and Lex wanted to make sure they had somewhere to work and live before he continued on his adventure, but he knew that the issue was something that couldn't be solved overnight.

For him to ensure that such things don't happen any longer, he would need to reformat how the entire continent was likely to have worked for thousands of years, and the only way to do that, was to grow stronger.

Working together, Lex used his knowledge and Perceptive Eye to lead the process of dispelling the slave marks, Angela would freeze them and halt any of the effects it might have on their bodies, while Ella aided Lex in getting rid of it.

It required all three of them because the slave marks were very complex and intricate

If it sensed that someone was trying to break it or remove it, there was an automatic mechanism in place to kill the individual it was branded on.

That was what Angela was responsible for halting, while the two others working on breaking it together, coherently breaking it apart bit by bit.

It took them a few minutes together to break each one, which went to show just how difficult it was, and by the time they had freed them all, they were all extremely mentally strained and fatigued.

However, seeing the elation on the face of the newly freed slaves made it all worth it, while it also made the hatred in their hearts towards those that harmed such innocent people even stronger.

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