Eye System

Chapter 3: 3:Going Back Home

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Lex trained that entire day sharpening his Telekinetic Control Eye by consistently elevating massive objects and attempting to uproot out trees.

He was now LVL 5 at 14, which can be deemed as a prodigy, although he used pills, a regular human body can incorporate at most 20% of their medical properties. Whereas for a prodigy of SSS rank they can barely incorporate up to 90%, and with his retention rate of 100% upon the cooperation of the system, he can be regarded a prodigy among prodigies by which he can enter numerous giant companies, institutions, and armies.

The end pill he took strengthened and assisted the recovery of his body to the zenith state, although it wasn't sufficient for him to rise in LVL and LVL UP to LVL 6.

However, Lex as an orphan and without having a senior figure in his life to guide and encourage him was very naive and believed that bullying is the most extreme punishment, but didn't understand the authentic terrors of the world. 

But despite his naivety, he was still aware of the cruelty of humanity and was still opposed to the system of humans who simply crave power and are motivated by greed and thirst for power and wealth.

[I crave to follow the rebel troops to help them topple the aforementioned world's government and restore it with a whole new world of fairness, equality and further consolidates those of inferior statuses and the 90% who aren't born with the talent for levelling] he contemplated immaturely.

The rebel troops were an organization composed of those of more inferior status who were striving for those who couldn't fight for themselves and desired to topple the prevailing government.

It held all foolish massacres as they weren't capable of achieving anything and continued being killed and crushed by the much more powerful and compelling government and additional levelling families.

In an environment where levelling and strength were taking over, the largest of those of the upper echelon didn't even place the rebel troops who chiefly had to rely on technology and didn't even possess access to the resources needed to empower themselves.

The prevailing Earth was split into the government, the rebels, and the levelling families, with most of the other organizations coming under the government influence and the levelling families.

It was apparent to everybody who grasped what was going on in the world, that the rebels were solely buzzing, annoying houseflies and simply weren't a threat to the levelling families and the government that were co-existing with the levelling families but still inferior in strength.

He was frustrated concerning his contemporary prospect on life and was driven by his contempt for his past bullies, but still wanted to be a genuine person and support those in an alike situation to him, by joining the rebels.

Lex's psychic state was all across the place and he continued seeking to find a goal for himself and he both loathed humanity but also desired to be the strength for the oppressed with his Eye System.

The naive thought of signifying a hero and being revered by all kept performing itself within Lex's mind, but he held no concept about how the world operated, and the comparingly trivial bullying and abuse he underwent was nothing contrasted to the ruthless real world.

Lex felt that life following the Eye System integrating with him was progressing too swiftly and he was grappling to keep up, as he senselessly stormed towards the future with his eyes shut, hoping for the best and moving with the flow of whatever transpired.

Albeit all the erudition Lex had within his mind from investigating on Skynet consistently, he didn't know about or understand how the world operated as he was constantly running about with impulsive objectives while being oblivious to reality.

Ought to be trained and now stood at LVL 5, he could certainly endeavour to haul himself up above the cliff and he determined that if he struggled himself to his boundaries, he should be able to.

Rising parallel to the 20-meter cliff at the foundation, he leapt as high as he could to preserve as much energy as he could and used his Telekinetic Control Eye to elevate his body.

He sensed his eyes and brain were being strained massively by elevating the mass of his body, but now at LVL 5, it was somewhat more lenient as he carried himself, feeling like he was flying and begetting the chilly air stroking past him.

However, the higher he progressed the more active the gravity was on him and the more arduous it was becoming to elevate himself higher.

Sustaining the tremendous pain in his eyes and spirit he kept exerting himself to his boundary and he ultimately achieved the placement of his feet atop the edge of the cliff as he toppled forward and collapsed onto the dirt before him.

"I am back and better than ever," he pantingly bellowed in joy.

Submerged in perspiration and dirt, Lex left the woodlands that he had been held in for the past 5 days joyfully.

Apprehending that he must have been proclaimed as dead or missing and the government would simply cover it up as they didn't care about Lex, who they didn't see as an asset worth anything to themselves, he wasn't too anxious about being marked.

Yet, still simply to be secure he held out his wristwatch, that was standard issue of the government, and stomped it with his footings hard, but even while being LVL5 which is 50% stronger than a normal adult, he was still incapable to destroy it. A

After and additional half an hour of throbbing and stomping, finally, the watch split, which he followingly projected down the cliff.

[System show me my status].


Name -Lex Black

Power - Mortal LVL 5

State - Healthy

Eye Powers - Telekinetic Control Eye

Talent: E (SSS)

Skills- Weapon Creation - Unused}.

[Oh, I almost forgot about the weapon creation skill, let me try that out].

He uses the inventory to withdraw the skill book and a silver book with an exquisite layout and transmitting remarkable brilliance that was chilling to attain materialized in his hands.

{Ding, Weapon Creation skill has been detected, does the host wish to acquire this skill}.


{Ding, Weapon Creation skill has been acquired}.

As this vibrated through his mind, currents of erudition, and how to use the skill raced through his mind as he felt very familiar with it as if he had been studying the skill for lifetimes.

Following the program, he deluged his energy towards his right-hand moulding a blue dagger made of pure energy which was seemingly weightless and had a tint of a blue thunderbolt in his hand.

Glancing at the dagger, he felt he could manage it much more naturally than other objects.

[It is weightless due to it being made up of energy and is exceptionally sharp and I don't have to fret about it snapping in midst of a battle as it is made up of energy. Nevertheless, it had its cons as it needs a constant supply of energy to be intact] thought Lex as it hovered and flew around him under the control of his Telekinetic Control Eye.

[I can utilize this skill to form weapons with just a thought for resistance and aggression, having an unfathomable defence and unequalled attack power], he thought to himself, presuming himself having hundreds of various weaponry darting around him.

His residence was in the slums which conveniently resided next to these woodlands that he was in and he dubiously knew his way around the area.

He dashed towards his residence, that was provided by the government, all while attempting to be overlooked and execute sureness that the intelligence that he was deceased wasn't proven wrong as it would allow him to enter the rebel troops stealthily and without anybody knowing of or investigating his whereabouts.

Entering the vulnerable rebel troops was a remarkably stupid and risky decision, but without any family figures or anybody to guide him his entire life, Lex was travelling blind in the cruel world.

Using telekinesis, he somewhat lifted his body up to make it much more comfortable and more agile to run.

He dashed from tree to tree heading towards all the bright lights of the city he could see on the horizon.

Following about 5 minutes of racing, he ended at the edge of the empty woodlands and was now on the outskirts of the slum area where his residence presided as well.

The accommodations provided by the government were of notoriously inferior quality and struggled to accommodate the requirements Lex needed to live.

Lex dashed atop the petty, rustic lodges and blitzed through the murky alleyways of the repugnant slums crowded with a redolence of gutters and despaired or dark characters sprawling or squatting adjacent the street, that was opposed to the prosperous and gorgeous central city.

With the higher tolerance of a leveller and the still residual energy from the pills in his body, he didn't have to stop moving to rest.

Following an hour or so of racing, he arrived at his residence which was situated in an aged and rundown hotel on the edge of the slums.

Lex sneaked up into his chamber from the fragile and shattered windows of his pitiful apartment on the initial floor, as to not cause any undesired uproar from his next-door-neighbours and those in the same building as him.

Assembling all his outfits, valuable belongings, canned food and placing them into his inventory, which wasn't much anyway, he heads to the corner of his tiny bedroom where there was his ancient and defective desk, with an antique model computer connected to Skynet, that he had previously found and fixed from a dumpster.

He ignorantly searched 'rebel organizations' attempting to find any knowledge assuming that he could obtain a way to join them or find means to get into touch with them.

In spite of all the research he had done and all the knowledge he acquired with his great memory over the years, intelligence, in customary is subjective, and isn't only about data but needed him to experience life and the world, which he hadn't.

{Ding, the host can query the system for erudition, as the system accumulates all it can from Skynet for the time being, and will be able to gain deeper secret data as the system upgrades} the system proclaimed to him.

Hearing this he was grateful and fortunate to have such a heaven-defying system.

[Where is the nearest rebel troops entering station] he asked ignorantly requiring to get to them as soon as possible to get an objective and an aim to accomplish with his newfound power.

He then installed the rest of the movables and belongings into his inventory, comprehending that it won't cause a massive commotion as thievery was common in the impoverished slums, and didn't want to leave behind anything that he could use in the future.

{Ding, there are no accompanying stations nearby as the rebel troops are currently in a war with the government as the government has the rebel force's leader in custody, the rebel troops wouldn't exhibit where to join otherwise they would have been exterminated by the government. But from scanning the area, they are battling 50 miles west, outside of the city in a nearby forest}.

Hearing this he was even angrier with the government and touched the rebel forces' loyalty to their leader which made him even more impressed and willing to join.

Little did he know was that with no other option and their leader captured the rebels were soon to get wiped out as they are slowly by slowly picked off by the government, which is the reason that they started the all-out, suicidal war to at least die gloriously.

After taking all his clothes and the small number of spirit coins he had accumulated up from his allowance which are soon going to be used up to get another wristwatch from an unlicensed business he left and headed west towards the battlefield.

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Knowing his pace, it would take too long to run there on foot and would tire him out making him weak and vulnerable.

Thinking about a faster method of transportation he designed his own unique way of travelling based on the hoverboard cars that he had always wanted, but were always way too expensive for him to afford.

Using Weapon Creation, which seemed to have no limitation apart from his energy and his imagination, he created an oval-shaped board, and due to it being made of energy it made it almost weightless, making it perfect to be used as a hoverboard.

Despite it not being what is known as a weapon, Lex didn't let the name of the skill restrict him and used the skill to form whatever he pleased.

He stood on the board and activated his Telekinetic Control Eye and lifted the board as it hovered above the ground.

His legs began to shake as he became slightly scared, but after a while, he began to stabilize, and after regaining his balance increased his speed.

Surfing through the air, at the speed he was going he would be able to cover the 50 miles in not much more than half an hour, with an extra half an hour and agonizing 500 spirit coins to form a false ID: Lex Luther for his new wristwatch.

Despite it being most of the savings that he had accumulated by skipping meals and cutting down on costs for the past few years, he knew how essential that watch was for levellers and it was worth the investment.

After materializing the board and controlling it, he realised that what he created with his energy was almost weightless and restricted less by gravity so the board would soothe the strain on his eye and would reduce the pressure on his Telekinetic Control Eye by acting as a barrier under him.

Lex continued skimming through the buildings, and stayed as close to the ground as possible, Lex was covering the distance quickly, while making sure to go through alleyways and empty areas to avoid any problems and soon reached the walls of the fortress where he knew there was a secret tunnel, through which he came outside.

After half an hour of hovering on the hoverboard, he reached the approximate area the system had described until there was a sudden uproar.



He felt the area shake as a bulky purple bodied mecha was propelled toward the ground by a golden mecha cruising in the air producing huge trembling and a shock wave that almost propelled Lex off his hoverboard.

The mecha would only be used by the rebels and weak government soldiers who still relied on technology to make up for their inferior levels.

Identifying the symbol on the golden mecha, Lex knew it related to the government soldier and assumed that the purple mecha was that of a rebel pilot, who was automatically ejected from the purple mecha which exploded soon after causing another huge shockwave which successfully threw him off.

Lex as fast as he could, diffused the hoverboard and made a huge sphere around him to avoid detection through thermal or any other apprehensions.

The rebel was flung flying backwards because of the enormous explosion.

Discerning this Lex hid behind some wreckage, watching the battle unfold silently, scared to even let out a breath.

Seeing the rebel injured, the government soldier docked his mecha in front of the rebel.

Exiting the mecha with a slender sleek sharp rapier-like blade in hand and a sinister smile, the soldier went towards the rebel.

Half-squatting down and looking straight into the rebel soldiers eyes he began to chuckle, " Tsk Tsk Kris how long have we been fighting...I remember when we first met as enemies and look who has won and who lost? "reminisced Baron

Kris, "..."

They seemed to know each other and have a long history battling against each other. Both had quite high rankings within their own constituencies, yet in the eyes of those in the larger levelling families and the powers of the planet, they were merely ants fighting against each other.

Suddenly bloodshot eyes glanced at Kris and with a blur of movement, a long and sharp rapier-like-blade was soon seen pierced into the thighs of Kris which was forcibly torn off by the sword and skewering it.

"Aargh..Aha!!!" came the blood-curling scream of Kris. 

Lex watched aghast, knowing what destiny anticipated the rebel.

[I must help; however, I am too weak to be of any use, Tch, looks like I will have to stake my life and perform a sneak attack].

As all his past scenes rushed through his mind displaying it as a film and everything he wanted and needed to achieve, Lex couldn't give up and allow someone he said he wanted to join die in front of him.

He steeled his determination and with a clear glance of indomitable will and resolution, he glared at the government soldier despite being afraid, and conjured a small thin blade within each hand and activated his Telekinetic power.

Controlling the two blades in the two hands and with the hoverboard under his feet, he raced off, at the soldier to rescue the rebel.

The government soldier seeing a 14-year-old kid rushing near him holding two daggers chuckled.

"Humph! Kris you guys are shameless enough to even recruit a 14-year-old child and force him to fight to his death in this damned war, I shall take this opportunity to relinquish this soul from the clutches of you insane rebels"

Kris the rebel soldier having drained into despair was aroused when he heard Baron and noticed the direction he was chuckling and saw a teenager rushing with 2 daggers on a hoverboard and mumbled to himself.

"Hopeless, seems like a juvenile kid is attempting to be a hero, a pity, only death awaits him!" nevertheless, hoping for a miracle to occur.

Both were weak cannon-fodders in the grand scheme and were merely pawns struggling against each other in the eyes of the upper echelon.

The rebel had already yielded to his fate and closed his eyes lest he sees another being die and as the Baron raised his dark blade covered with dried blood, he threw the scabbard at the young Lex who never expected it.

Lex lost his balance and his two daggers fell from his hands as he went rolling forward in the direction of Baron.

Lex quickly dispersed the hoverboard and formed a hexagon orb shaped shield while half-kneeling, managing to barely block the strike and save his life.

The pain his brain was suffering was unimaginable due to the constant pressure on his shield from the government soldier that was 10 LVLs higher than him striking at him with full power. 

Baron shouted, "Talented kid to be capable of blocking my strike by hiding in this turtle shell of yours, but looking at you I don't think you still have the energy to be alive to see past dawn"

The rebel Kris saw this and muttered, " Looks like god is not on our side after all ".

Lex's energy and spirit unable to hold any longer, the shield started cracking as...!

Baron lifting his sword was inclined to sever it down with all his might for one final strike!

Nobody noticed Lex instead of being scared, crying and begging was currently full of smiles and smugness under to the dirt covering his face. 

Kris viewing this just sank back pausing for a moment, which was the death of him.




A head rocked down DUM!...DUM!

The former body that was wielding the sword-severing down powerlessly fell backwards against the soil.

The rebel soldier, Kris, witnessed this with his eyes that were now practically protruding out of eye sockets from the shock of what he had just seen. 

" How?! Frr....om where di..d these two daggers resemble!? "

Two daggered had formed from behind the government soldier who didn't notice that the daggers that fell to the ground were sustained by energy and disintegrated, while Lex formed two more and controlled them to attack the soldier's neck from behind.

Blood flooded out, colouring the entire area red, with corpses omnipresent and the severed pieces of mechs spread throughout the battlefield.

Lex rubbed his face feeling a heated fluid splattered upon his face, and his fingers began to tremble. 

It seemed as if everything within the world ceased, time seemed to stop and all Lex could hear was the thud of his heartbeat THUMP - THUMP... 

It was just calmness, he didn't vomit or was disgusted unexpectedly, he just stood there staring at blood, when a trace of ruthlessness glazed in his eyes.

Following who knows how many hours Lex was awoken by the rebel soldier, he just stared at him without any expression. 

He felt the life around him evolving slowly into a pool of blood with countless corpses calling his name.

But he was promptly bought back into consciousness from the nightmare by the roars of other government soldiers, as he swiftly seized the rebel soldier and managing his hoverboard raced into an abandoned warehouse long and far away from the battlefield.

Lex didn't know how to feel when he saw the rebel soldier coughing blood out and looking at him as he was a monster.

[I saved him, but I just killed somebody].

The thought continued spreading like a wildfire within his mind.

With blood on his hands, he now understood how cruel the world really was.

Letting go of the rebel as it strained his eyes massively adding onto the strain he had after carrying himself on the board all the way, he physically carried him into a broken building nearby.

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