Eye System

Chapter 5: 5:Central High School

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After registering and paying the 200 spirit coins fee to the registration department of the academy, he made his way to a clothes store and brought some simple clothes for 100 spirit coins.

Rushing towards the heaven soaring academy, also known as central high school, as he sharply turned left on the last residential corner to see massive walls covered with a golden foil and had exquisite carvings of different divine beasts and humans surrounding a large area big enough to be a city with a line of youths queuing outside. and walked in the direction of the academy while noticing the various flying hovercars zooming past him and parking

He saw the doors opening and many handsome men in expensive clothes with their maids or having 2 girls in each hand while flaunting their superiority, walked near the gate which had beautiful carvings of dragons and was totally red in colour with golden lines flooding everywhere.

[As expected of the top academy of the earth] Lex thought.

He retracted his hoverboard inconspicuously and joined the queue of youths silently.

[I have finally reached central high school] he thought to himself joyously, excited for his next adventure.

Lex stood there for about 10 minutes until his watch made a 'ding' signifying it was 8:00.

As soon as that happened an elderly man with a long white beard seemingly weightless, and appearance-wise it was like a gale of wind was sufficient to sweep him away, leapt over the enormous wall and gently landed, not even making a noise in front of the youths queuing.

And suddenly gently yet authoritatively state, " All those willing to enter the central high school must be under the age of 16 and LVL 5 if you are not please leave immediately or lest I eradicate your families if you annoy me!"

[How Bold] thought Lex and everybody else who heard his threat.

[He didn't shout at all, yet it was plenty for everyone in the range of 2 km to hear him clearly] scrutinized Lex and some others.

The elder while observing that no one left out of the tens of thousands sighed.

As a school that was the hope of the youths and with the headmaster as the strongest leveller on Earth and one of the leaders of humanity, he could do as he pleased on Earth.

He declared that allowing kids to undergo the cruel world early on, would make them more powerful and mature and improve humanity's overall power in the universe.

The headmaster was a very fair-minded person and didn't like going through the dull and monotonous process of signing and naming out documents.

Alternatively, he would preferably send someone to examine newcomers first and then enable them to begin training and empowering themselves straight away.

Examining his aura thousands of foolish youths deeming they could sneak in or use their family's status or wealth to get in, until the elderly man released his aura which caused those youths to be pale-faced as they were quivering uncontrollably.

They were currently suffering the burden of 10 times normal gravity, some of them almost genuflected and some were reclining down or plummeted unconscious, witnessing this largest of them withdrew and escaped with their tails between their leg.

What stunned Lex most is that nearly 70% of the personages standing there ran away or took some sort of transportable vehicle to escape in fear.

Seeing the space before him after so many people ran away, he paced forwards to make the queue denser.

"All those left follow me inside" commanded the elder man as he swung around and began to stroll into the large city-like structure filled with a huge building made of celestial ironwood and sliver blue stone which stunned Lex, but after refocusing on the elder he commenced running following after elder.

As he ran with all the thousands of youths, that were racing with all their haste, they were only barely able to keep up with the seemingly walking elder, whose feet appeared to be hovering above the earth and any step he took would traverse 10 meters of terrain.

Sprinting as fast as he could Lex only barely managed to keep up while some others started to lack behind.

[This elder is managing precisely the same distance my footings are traversing in my absolute speed as an LVL 5, so the ones that can't keep up must not be up to the academy's standard] observed Lex perceiving that the distance between him and the old man didn't change even as he ran at full speed.

After sprinting for approximately 30 minutes the elder man finally reached a halt.

Lex and the approximately 1000 personages were able to keep up, pantingly were anticipating for the elder to announce something, some of them were like Lex who was tired, exhausted, and covered in sweat, however, while they were racing, others seemed to be trotting and weren't tired at all.

"We have now weeded out the fraud who used temporary strength-enhancing medicine and burned to get above LVL5. Now every one of you can go to that young lady over there and get a credentials badge that will be implanted into your wristwatch, and you shall start your first task of reaching LVL 50 by the age of 20 to stay in the academy premises. We will present the portal to the Mortal Beast Dimension and the safe zone there, nevertheless, you will have to utilize your personal ability to gain beast cores and shape your body " he revealed pointing towards a frame where a beautiful fashionable woman sat.

Those that were rich and had high status would always attempt to use their wealth to fund ways to artificially boost strength through forbidden medicines or body qualification, but it would have remarkably low probabilities of success and were incomparable to real levellers.

Lex was bewildered when he learned about those that artificially rose their LVL with forbidden drugs.

Apprehending this everyone was considerably startled, all they had to do was rush after him and queue outside the institution, and they were authorized to enter the Heaven soaring academy.

Nonetheless, no one refuted and crowded around the woman who sat at the counter and formed a queue.

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It was that simple and all of them became a student Heaven soaring academy.

Not rushing because he didn't want to attract attention to himself, he gradually walked along with the other thousand youths that had successfully enrolled with him.

After about 20 minutes, he finally reached the front desk.

"Name please" she uttered lazily.

"Lex Luther" he replied.

"LVL and age" she enquired.

"14 and 2 months, LVL 5" he replied.

She lay a tag onto his wristwatch which then appeared to blend and fuse with his watch.

She aimed towards a small residence and lazily stated, "Head to room 467 and you may relax there until tomorrow morning where you will be given the authorization to enter the Mortal Beast Dimension".

Lex strolled towards the building with a pleased smile on his face.

[I have secured it this far, and will commence from here my goal to help humanity evolve and develop for the greater] he said in his mind pleased that he had developed thus far.

With his state of mind, he wanted to act like a hero and overshadow the negativity with positivity, but he was gradually discovering out that, that wouldn't work and the further he was wronged the less of an obligation he felt to care.

Despite that, he felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment that he was able to join the most prestigious academy on this planet and was beginning his journey.

6 days ago, he was still an LVL 1 scrap and was almost killed by ruffians, but in 6 days he had come so far.

As the gateway to the elevator opened after examining his watch, he walked into the elevator that headed up, then left, stopping right in front of his designated room.

Walking in, he found a clean set of uniforms and common wear, that were of much higher quality with higher protective capacity from the thin metal woven into them, from the standard clothes that he wore, and then there was a simplistic lavatory and a bed.

He had a delightful, plentiful lukewarm shower after everything he had been through in the former week, he still hasn't had time to really shower and relax.

After half an hour of showering, he changed into the new clothes and lay down on the comfy lodging with new sheets, and instantly fell asleep allowing his fatigued figure and spirit to get some rest.

12 hours later.


A very sharp and unbearable ringing alarm resounded throughout that whole small building which almost made him yell due to irritation.

"Please head to the portal to proceed to the Mortal Beast Dimension immediately" announced a voice through the speaker he had in his room but never realised.

Spontaneously he was jumped up and dressed into the new uniform as he ran straight down the stairs without taking the lift.

Rushing down the stairs and exiting the building he saw other youths rushing towards where the elderly man guided to as the portal area.

Soon he was engulfed by the swarm of youths who came to a halt, as he was trying to squeeze through to see where he was going.

"Be cautious, if you die, we are not responsible and you are here to empower yourself and become pillars of humanity, those afraid of death and full of cowardice please return your identification and leave before it is too late" advised the elder.

After viewing that nobody backed off, he smiled.

"You may enter now!" he commanded.

The swarms of youths carrying Lex with them ran into the huge barrier that appears to be made of a semi-solid liquid and everything that touched it was instantly engulfed in and disappeared.

Along the surfaces of the wall were mysterious patterns, runes, and symbols, that Lex didn't recognize and was radiating with purple colour and seemed to be the mechanism for portals to work.

As Lex ran through full of excitement and being propelled by everyone around him, he felt a warping sensation and spontaneously felt he was being engulfed into another place.

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