Failed Hero’s Second Chance in a Magicless World

Chapter 15: 13 [a 3PM affair]

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After a short train ride to Bishan, we quickly arrived at the shopping mall Seberas had picked as our lunch spot. Owing to its central location in the heart of Singapore, the mall was a popular destination for students and working adults on their afternoon break; a lively and energetic pulsed to the beat of Celine Dion’s That’s The Way It Is while people bustled about shopping and getting their lunches. 

“Are you guys okay with anything for lunch?” Seberas asked, and seeing that no one had any particular requests, flashed a grin. “I heard that Saize opened a new store here, wanna give it a try?” 

“Saize?” Terasia asked curiously. 

“Ah, I guess you haven’t heard of it before. It’s an Italian-style Japanese restaurant that’s popular among teenagers here,” Yong Yu explained. “Don’t worry, the food is generally quite delicious—and it’s easy on the wallet too.”

“Avery, have you tried Saize before?” Seberas asked. 

I shook my head. “I don’t really eat at restaurants often.”

“Wow, dude, you’re seriously missing out.” He sighed and thumped his hand in a fist against his chest. “Right, Yong Yu, let’s show these two how good Saize is!” 

The Saize restaurant was located on the second floor, so we took the escalator up and joined the queue at the entrance. A waitress in a red uniform approached us with a cheerful smile. 

“Will you be taking out or dining in?”

“Dine in,” Seberas replied. “Table for four, please.” 

“Sure thing, you can enter after Table 15 leaves.” She passed us two black plastic booklets. “Here are the menus, please scan the QR code at the bottom to key in your order when you are done.”

Seberas nodded his head and handed one booklet to me. “Lemme know when you and Terasia have chosen what to get, alright? I’ll collate everyone’s orders on my phone, so you guys can just pay me later.”

“Okay, got it.” I opened up the menu and shared it with Terasia. “I don’t know what to order yet, so you can go ahead and order yours first.” 

“Oh, mm, let’s see…” She hesitated for a moment before pointing at a brightly-coloured picture of a dish. “Aglio e Olio sounds interesting to me, I shall have that.” 

“Pasta, huh.” I glanced at the list of unfamiliar Italian dishes under the ‘Rice’ section. “I’ll go with the salmon doria then.” 

“Done ordering?” Seberas asked. We relayed our orders to him, and he nodded his head in approval. “I’ve tried the salmon doria before and I can tell you straight, it hits different. Not sure about the pasta, though.” 

“What did you and Yong Yu get?” I asked out of curiosity. 

“We’re sharing a large beef and pepperoni pizza,” he said. “Yong Yu also ordered mushroom soup, while I got myself a pint of Tiger beer.”

I gave him a surprised look. “You drink beer?” 

“Don’t mind Seberas, he’s a true alcoholic at heart,” Yong Yu said with a resigned chuckle. “I’ve seen him drink soju before entering the hall to take the Promos last year.” 

“Bro, drinking alcohol before an exam paper clears the mind,” Seberas said haughtily. “You’re always so stressed out over school because you don’t drink.” 

“Yeah, because I don’t wish to become an alcoholic at the age of eighteen like you,” he rejoined.

The waitress stopped by us again to take our menus and show us to our table inside the restaurant. We were seated right next to the kitchen, so from where I was sitting, I could see the white-capped chefs ceaselessly serving dishes after dishes of steaming hot food from the stoves to the kitchen counter.  

“So, Terasia, what kind of place do you live in?” Seberas asked casually to break the awkward silence. 

Yong Yu chimed in, “do you have any siblings? Or is it just you and your parents?” 

“I currently live in a rental studio apartment,” Terasia answered. “And no, I don’t have any siblings. In fact…I’m living by myself at the moment.” 

“Living by yourself?!” Seberas and Yong Yu exclaimed in a burst of astonishment. I turned my head to give her a surprised look as well. She had never said anything about living alone, hadn’t she? 

“W-well, it’s really not that big of a deal,” she said self-consciously, faltering from our dumbfounded gazes. “My parents are staying at their workplace which is too far from school, so they arranged for me to live in a more convenient location.”

Seberas gave a low whistle of amazement. “Are your parents, like, very rich?” 

“Erm…” Terasia hesitated. 

Yong Yu didn’t hesitate to smack him on his forehead angrily. “Oi, how can you ask such an insensitive question to someone you barely know?”

“Sorry, my mouth just slipped on its own,” Seberas frantically said, bowing his head at her in apology. “Please pretend that you didn’t hear me ask that question just now, Terasia.” 

“It’s okay, I was just not expecting that question out of the blue.” She smiled faintly. “It’s not wrong to say that my financial situation isn’t a cause for concern, I guess.” 

“I’m jealous…oh, I think that’s our food!” He waved his hand at the waitress carrying two large trays towards our table. 

“One Aglio e Olio, one salmon doria, one mushroom soup and one Tiger Crystal?” she said, setting the trays down at the side of our table. “The pizza is still being prepared in the oven, so we’ll bring it over once it’s ready.” 

“Thank you,” Seberas said. “Avery, the doria is yours, right? And the pasta should be Terasia’s.”

The waitress placed our piping hot plates in front of us before excusing herself. 

“Wow, your food looks really good,” Terasia commented, eyeing the crispy juicy-looking salmon which laid atop a bed of fluffy baked rice topped with cream sauce. “I would have gotten that if I’d known it’ll look this delicious.”

“You haven’t even tried your pasta yet, how’d you know if it’s not better than mine?” I laughed and picked up my spoon and fork. “Come on, let’s eat.” 

Nodding her head, she slowly twirled a strand of pasta around her fork and took a bite. “Mm…the garlic and olive oil is pretty flavourful. It’s a little too dry for my liking, though. What about yours?”

I scooped up a spoonful of rice with a bit of salmon and brought it to my mouth. “Ooh! Wow, it’s very creamy.”

Giggling a little, she suddenly whispered in my ear, “I know of something even creamier.”

I almost choked on the rice that I was swallowing. Barely suppressing her bursts of laughter, Terasia quickly patted me on my back while I coughed violently for a few moments. 

“Yo, Avery, you alright?” Yong Yu asked in a concerned voice.

“Y-yeah, all’s good,” I wheezed, shooting Terasia a pointed look when Yong Yu and Seberas were distracted by the approaching waitress. 

“Your beef and pepperoni pizza.”

“Thank you so much!” Seberas eagerly grabbed a slice for himself before the waitress could even set the plate down properly on the table. “Jesus, finally, I’m starving like mad.” 

“Oi, you selfish chibai, don’t push the plate to your side!” Yong Yu chided, claiming two slices of pizza in one go. “Damn, this pizza’s bussin…”

I was just beginning to chew on another mouthful of salmon and rice when Terasia quietly leaned into my ear again. 

“Avery…I…” she whispered, fidgeting hard in her seat as she crossed and uncrossed her legs. “I…can’t hold it in anymore.”

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This time, I somehow managed to swallow my food without choking. “W-what are you talking about, Terasia?” 

“You know…” Her gaze shifted down to her thighs, which were rubbing against each other. “I…I have been resisting it all day…I think I’m at my limit…” 

“The restrooms are round the corner, you know,” I whispered back, slightly alarmed by her sordid words. 

“I…if I stand up now, I don’t think I can control myself.” She shook her head vehemently and tugged the sleeve of my shirt. “Help me, please…”

Struggling to eat another bite from my plate, I forced myself to act normal in front of Seberas and Yong Yu as I put down my fork. “H-how do I even help you?” 

“Like…this…” She slowly pulled my free hand under the table to her quivering thighs and slipped her skirt up a couple of inches. 

She has to be trolling me right now…right? My breath hitched in my throat, which felt as dry as sandpaper all of a sudden. The moment my fingers made contact with her soft and warm flesh, it took everything in me to not move a single facial muscle before Seberas and Yong Yu. Thankfully, they were too engrossed in savouring their pizza slices to notice the shortening distance between me and her. 

“What are you thinking?!” I mouthed to her frantically. 

The corners of her mouth turned down into an adorable pout. “Avery, i-if you don’t help me, I will…” 

“F-fine, I’ll try to help, but what can I—” I drew in a shaky breath as she moved my hand further into her skirt, shoving my fingers into the apex of her thighs until they brushed against a hot, sticky wetness. 

I immediately tensed. 



W…what am I actually supposed to do here? Perhaps Terasia had some experience seducing humans as the Demon Lord, but I’d have either been killed in my past life or jailed in this life if I dared to do such shameless acts in public. 

So truly, I was completely at a loss. 

And she actually isn’t wearing any panties underneath?! 

“C-can you please hold your hand against it?” Terasia whispered, her voice getting more and more desperate by the second. 

“Yo, wanna share the last slice of pizza…” Yong Yu said to Seberas, but I couldn’t hear the rest of his sentence anymore. 

“What are you trying to do?” I mouthed urgently, my other hand holding my spoon trembling so much it was knocking against the side of my plate. 

“I…I just need to relieve the pressure…a little…” She squeezed her eyes shut, and at that moment, I felt an alarming moisture spread out from her pussy and onto my hand. 

No way. Absolutely not.  

“Terasia, y—” I had to force my voice down to a hiss when I felt Seberas’s questioning glance on us “—you can’t do that here now!”

“S…sorry, Avery, I’m trying my best…” Wincing as her body shuddered from exertion, she let out another tiny squirt that slowly trickled into my palm. 

I would certainly be lying if I didn’t admit that this was weirdly turning me on. Hell, in this world, there’ll definitely be someone out there willing to pay good money to be pissed on by a demon. But, I was freaking out so much from the fear of being discovered by the others sitting across the table from us that I could scarcely breathe. As my mind raced to think of a way out of this odd predicament, I hurriedly grabbed a few napkins from the table and shoved them into her hand.

“Use this to soak it up,” I mouthed, signing to her desperately with my eyes. 

Squirming uncomfortably in her chair, Terasia tentatively pulled her skirt up to her waist. She tried to squeeze the napkins under her naked butt while gingerly massaging her peehole with a finger in between mine. 

“Sohai, why are you putting chilli flakes in your soup?” Seberas chided Yong Yu loudly. 

“What are you talking about? It’s a normal thing to do,” he retorted and looked at me. “Avery, you agree with me, right?” 

Taken aback by his sudden question, I hastily opened my mouth to say a reply—but my breath froze in my chest when I felt a particularly large spurt drench my hand with a warm and wet stickiness. A stream of fluid overflowed and sprayed all over my pant leg, pooling on the floor in a small puddle around my and Terasia’s feet. 

“Avery?” Yong Yu asked, tilting his head to the side. “You okay?” 

“Y-yeah…” I managed to croak out after a few seconds. “I was…just distracted. Sorry, what were you saying?” 

“Man, you weren’t listening?” He sighed. “Never mind, forget it. By the way, you haven’t touched your food for some time, are you feeling full already?” 

“Uh-huh…?!” A startled gasp nearly slipped out from my mouth when Terasia suddenly pushed my hand harder into her soaking wet opening. Before I could stop her, she began rubbing her hot, throbbing nub up and down against my fingers repeatedly. More piss gently drizzled down her legs and onto the floor. Goddamnit, is she doing this on purpose? 

“It’s already past 3 PM? Time sure flies, huh.” Seberas finished the rest of his beer in one satisfying chug and stood up to excuse himself. “I’m going to pay the bill first, you guys can finish your meals in the meantime.”

“I’m done here too,” Yong Yu chimed in, nodding his head at me and Terasia. “We’ll wait for you two outside the restaurant—”

A soft moan escaped her lips at that moment. Blinking in surprise, he stopped and gave her an awkward look. 

Terasia somehow made up a convincing lie on the spot. “S-sorry, I wanted to burp but I couldn’t…” 

“No, no, I should apologise for staring,” Yong Yu quickly mumbled before leaving in a haste. 

Once he was out of earshot, I finally sighed a breath of relief and hurriedly grabbed a wad of napkins from the table to dab against her inner thighs. 

“That was close…” Shaking with the release of pent-up tension in her body, Terasia relaxed and shifted a little to readjust her urine-saturated skirt around her knees. “S-sorry for making you go through that, it really did slip my mind that humans have to use a specific contraption for this sort of thing.” 

That…actually makes some sense considering her circumstances? I’m certain demons don’t have the concept of sanitation, since in the first place, they don’t have civilisations in the human sense. Terasia herself may only have a vague understanding about the use of toilets till now. But still—

“You nearly gave me a heart attack, you know?” I hissed, reaching out to take another napkin to wipe my wet hand. 

“Wait, Avery, p-please don’t use the napkin.” She held my wrist and glanced around at the restaurant, making sure no one was looking in our direction, before brushing her hair aside and lowering her head to my hand. 

“Terasia, what are you…” My voice trailed off as she licked my hand in one tender motion, savouring the drops of liquid rolling down my palm. Her tongue lapped at both sides of my hand a few more times before she looked up at me and smiled coyly. 

“Are you fine with just watching me?” she whispered, pouting her lips. “I didnʼt wear panties or go to the restroom at all today just for you, you know.” 

So, are you doing this on purpose or not?! I shouted the question in my head. 

However, my irritation soon gave way to…some sort of morbid curiosity, I guess? I tried to convince myself to go ahead with my irrational decision with the non-zero chance that there was someone out there in this world that would willingly pay big bucks for such an opportunity. 

“I-itʼs not like I have a piss fetish or something, okay?” Feeling my cheeks burning red, I slowly brought a damp finger into my mouth and sucked on it lightly. 

An unexpected warmth enveloped my tongue, and I tasted a mild salty bitterness that wasn’t all too unpleasant once I got past the ick factor. A musky aftertaste lingered in my mouth after I licked my finger clean—even after I realised with horrifying mortification just how low I had sunk as a former Hero. 

Maybe this subconscious fucked up side of me was the reason I failed as the Hero in my past lifetime, I mused wryly as we stood up together to leave the restaurant, the coquettish Demon Lord’s arm wrapped tightly around mine.

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