Fairy Tail: The Curse Of Contradiction Part 1 Chapter 1

Chapter 3: Fairy Tail: The Curse Of Contradiction Part 1 Chapter 3

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1. Sangeet: Hoohoo this meat is so tasty *munch* *munch* and this soup also *slurp* *sangeet pour some food in his rice and eat like crazy* Can you add some more rice? And soup also.

2. Irene: Ye-yeah. *irene give sangeet some more rice and soup* I haven't meet anyone in my entire life who can eat more than you.

3. Sangeet: Thank you for delicious meal.

4. Irene: *with shocked voice* That was way too fast. Anyway you say you are from future aren't you?

5. Sangeet: Yeah.

6. Irene: (It sounds stupid but let's give it a try.) In your era are there any medicine that can make people sleep, eat or any normal things that human do in their daily life.

7. Sangeet: Yeah there are many medicines but i don't recommend those type of medicines because it have side effects. *sangeet get up from his chair* Well if you have those problems then i can fix it for you. First of all touch my hand.

8. Irene: (How can he be so sure that he can fix my problems but he doesn't look like he is lying.) *irene touch sangeet hand* And?

9. Sangeet: "Steal" 

10. Irene: Hmm nothing is happening.

11. Sangeet: Something is happening you just can't  feeling it happening.

12. Irene: Huh... no way... i feel sleepy... all of a... sudden.

Irene was about to fall on ground but sangeet catch on her on time.

13. Sangeet: This scene is like a prince is catching his falling princess. *chuckles in evil style* Ahem anyway where is sleeping room. 

Sangeet wander around giant tree house carrying irene like princess and after wandering a while he finally found sleeping room.

14. Sangeet: Oh she is sleeping quitely what a cute child. Here *sangeet place irene on bed* now where should i sleep? Hmm well time for another bed searching time. 

Sangeet wander around giant tree house a little while. After wandering a while sangeet finally found a giant room. 

15. Sangeet: Hmm what a big door. And some kind of rays are coming from it. Could it be next to this is a treasure room? Hehehe today is my lucky day. *yawn* Oh no i should find a bed quickly or else. *sangeet run around a house try to find a bed but couldn't find it* Damn it. Is it already time for it? *suddenly sangeet collapsed on ground*

The next day.

16. Sangeet: *he slowly opens his eyes* Huh is it morning? *he get up* *yawn* Finally that nightmare is over. Hmm *sniff* *sniff* oh what a delicious smell. 

Sangeet follow delicious smell and found irene cooking something.

17. Sangeet: Oh irene good morning *yawn* by the way did you get enough sleep?

18. Irene: Yes i have slept well.

19. Sangeet: Really? Glad i could help you.

20. Irene: By the way can you bring erza? It is time for to eat food.

21. Sangeet: Okay (Did i really sleep that long?)

Sangeet get back to room where erza is sleeping.

22. Sangeet: Hmm no matter how many time i look at her she looks cute as hell. But she is still sleeping. 

Sangeet carefully catch her in his hand and began to go downstairs.

23. Irene: Oh she is still sleeping give her to me.

After eating delicious meal.

24. Sangeet: By the way irene you said this is a dragon era. 

25. Irene: Yeah that is going to end soon. A man named acnologia is killing dragons one after another. Not only that all dragons over the world are also on war with each other. 

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26. Sangeet: Hmm so dragons era are going to end soon. But do you know where can i find most dragons. 

27. Irene: What is your reason? Do you have a death wish?

28. Sangeet: Death? Hahaha in my dictionary there is no word such as death. I can't die due to an curse. 

29. Irene: Well whatever your reason is if you want to find dragons then go to continent named ishgar  there you can find many strong dragons. 

30. Sangeet: Ishgar huh *sangeet get up from his chair* well thank you for telling me and see you on few months.

Sangeet opens a portal and he disappeared within it.

31. Irene: (Teleportaion Magic only talented people can learn it and it needs a lot of magic to do it. He cast such an hard spell like it was nothing just who is he?)

On ishgar town was burning in flame, people was running here and there to protect themselves and a huge dragon was killing a lot of people by throwing his flame. An portal opens on middle of town. 

32. Female Nun: *with loud and panicked voice* Minerva, minerva where are you?

33. Kid Minerva: Waah sister pls help.

34. Female Nun: Mine- *gasp* ignia sama. *with loud voice* Please let minerva go you cand end my life instead of her but please please let her go- 

35. Ignia: Shut your mouth.

Ignia fires fire from his mouth towards sister. 

36. Kid Minerva: *with loud voice* SISTER.

Fire was about to hit sister but suddenly it disappear.

37. Ignia: (Huh my flame... but who can? Can it be? Did old man decided came out.)

38. Sangeet: Well that was certainly hot and powerful flame.

39. Ignia: Hmm who the hell are you? If you are a wizard did you not get my notice?

40. Sangeet: I don't know what you are talking about but i came here to eliminate all dragons.

Erza snapped out. 

41. Erza: Ouch (My head hurts like hell.)

42. Sangeet: So did you get all answers you want to know?

43. Erza: Yeah. 

Erza suddenly hug sangeet.

44. Erza: Thank you. Although you are not my biological father but the things you have done for me and my mother-

45. Sangeet: Don't mention it. *sangeet gently pat erza head* Any parents wants their children's good. As your father i want your happiness more than my life. So how is your guild? Is everyone good to you?

46. Erza: Yes. Everyone is like second family to me. Although there are bunch of idiots. It's a pretty fun place we always laugh together, cry together, in a hard time we share our pains with others that is fairy tail. Dad i can't thank you enough for giving me a wonderful family.

47. Sangeet: Huh (He is coming.) Erza can you return to guild? Tell them i have some things to do so i will come late.

48. Erza: Ye-yeah. (He wants me to leave this place but why? Is someone coming?) Well then i will take my leave. 

Erza disappear and sangeet looks at sky. All birds and animals which were near sangeet began to run, dark clouds cover all the sky, thunder starts to cry on sky, heavy rain starts to pour. After looking at sky for some minutes an giant blue azure dragon appear and it came towards sangeet at high speed. After some seconds they were face to face with each other.  

49. Mavis: *mavis falls on ground* *she was trembling on fear* h-h-h-h-he is b-b-but how is this po-po-po-po-possible?

50. Irene: Well i didn't expect to see him this soon. I wonder what is his business with sangeet.

Notice: Due to some technical issues the mysterious power chapter 23 will be delayed.

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