Fake Boy

Chapter 10: 8

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Chapter 8 – Please Take Care of Me

Lu Yao’s voice was bright and clear, he wasn’t a heavy smoker. Only once in a while, when he had to maintain his leader image, he would smoke one or two to look cool.

This was what he was reading aloud: “Regarding the fact of jumping off the window to go out to sing and watch a movie, I…”

Li Mingzhu’s eyelids twitched when he heard the two words ‘jumping off’.

She vaguely remembered that Lu Yao lived on the sixteenth floor, if this bastard wasn’t Superman or Iron Man, jumping off the window would have already turned him into mincemeat, how could he be standing on the stage safe and sound.

For the first time, Li Mingzhu poked Gu Xiaofei.

“What did the art class do?”

It was the first time Li Mingzhu took the initiative to talk to others, so Gu Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, then told her the whole story.

Gu Xiaofei’s narration was upside down, but fortunately, Li Mingzhu was a master at reading comprehension, so she immediately caught the main point.

A few days ago, the young masters of the art class decided on a whim to go to the nearby Wanda Plaza to sing at the KTV and watch a movie. But Yizhong Provincial High School’s dormitory had a ten o’clock curfew, once the gate got closed if someone wanted to go out they had to climb over the wall.

That night, Lu Yao made an appointment to go out with his disreputable friends and some rascals from the International Department, the management of the International Department wasn’t as strict as that of the ordinary departments, at 11 or 12 o’clock there were still people in the teaching building.

Lu Yao jumped off exactly from the second floor of the International Department, outside the teaching building was the highway encircling the city, and there was a shed for parking bicycles. Lu Yao led his gang and jumped from the second floor to the shed, and then onto the ground.

He was very skilled in this matter, as he did it seamlessly, but one of his comrades wasn’t as experienced, in addition, he was a little prosperous, so when he jumped down he made the shed collapse and his leg got broken, he groaned on the spot, attracting the attention of the dormitory caretaker.

Their escape immediately got exposed, the education director, Cai Gou, in the middle of the night, rushed out of the teacher’s dormitory only wearing pants, upon seeing Lu Yao and his gang dressed fashionably, he immediately got angry.

“Director, we came out just to get hot water.” Lu Yao opened his noble mouth and explained.

“Get hot water! Ten people getting hot water together! Huh? With earrings and ripped jeans, so fashionably dressed just to get hot water?! Why don’t you form a band and debut!” Cai Gou yelled at them.

The fatty who broke his leg was sent to the hospital by ambulance, while Lu Yao and the others were brought to the education office, where they stood at the door and were blown by the cold wind for half the night.

Hearing this, Li Mingzhu’s mouth uncontrollably leaked a trace of emotion, Gu Xiaofei seeing her restraining her smile, got very curious.

“Li Ming, you know these people?”

“No.” Li Mingzhu immediately scowled.

‘The weather is turning cold, but Lu Yao still dared to wear ripped jeans, being blown by the wind all night, he’s going to catch a cold.’ Li Mingzhu couldn’t help but think.

On second thought, whether he caught a cold had nothing to do with her, rather it would be better if this brat became severely ill and didn’t torment her anymore, she would be very happy and have to set off two strings of firecrackers and beat gongs and drums to celebrate.

Lu Yao’s speech was quite long, his trousers were rolled up revealing his fair ankles, and underneath was a pair of surprisingly clean sneakers.

Li Mingzhu knew that this brat was a bit of a clean freak, the young masters who grew up with a golden spoon just had many problems.

His trousers were pulled up so high that Li Mingzhu couldn’t tell whether he was here to farm or to study.

‘He isn’t even wearing long johns, the temperature plummeted in October. What is he thinking? So heedless, so unbecoming!’ She thought.

While Li Mingzhu was thinking about this, she didn’t realize how far her thoughts had drifted. Seeing Lu Yao dressed like this made her upset.

Lu Yao’s self-criticism became more and more strayed.

“…The art class lacks a good learning atmosphere and the students’ independent learning ability isn’t high. After three days and two nights of careful deliberations, on behalf of the art class, I formally request the school…”

Li Mingzhu became more confused the more she listened, not only her, the teachers and students present were all at a loss.

How come this young master went up to do a self-criticism, but ended up as if he was making a meeting?

“Lu Yao! You want to rebel!?” The instruction director called out from the edge of the stage.

Lu Yao turned a deaf ear, holding the microphone and not letting go, his eyes were no longer on the script, but passed through the crowd and met with Li Mingzhu’s eyes, who was at the northernmost side of the sports ground.

Alarm bells rang in Li Mingzhu’s head.

“I hope the school can allow the students of the art class to audit some of the classes of the excellence class, or use one-on-one tutoring, so that they can consolidate the learned content while mentoring the art class, killing two birds with one stone…” Lu Yao continued.

‘He even learned how to use idioms.’ Li Mingzhu thought.

The director couldn’t bear it anymore, he went up to stop Lu Yao’s nonsense and drove him down the stage.

Lu Yao’s words caused an uproar.

It wasn’t because what he said resonated with the students, but because the students truly admired Lu Yao’s braveness, who dared to go against the school directors. Someone clapped their hands, leading all the students to clap together, the applause was even more intense than the one after the headmaster’s speech.

Lu Yao waved to them like a general, calmly walked back to the student team and received a warm welcome from everyone, someone whistled and cheered loudly. The director kept shouting “quiet, quiet!”, but to no avail.

The art class was in total disarray.

“You’re awesome, brother Lu!”

“I really admire you!”

“This is the most arrogant school self-criticism I’ve ever seen. Look at Empress Dowager Wu’s face, is turning blue!”

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Empress Dowager Wu was the principal of the first department, a serious woman with an afro hairstyle, her nicknames were: Empress Dowager Wu and poodle.

Lu Yao waved his hand, showing an indifferent demeanour.

“How did you come up with such nonsense? Hahaha. Attending class with the excellence class, the Empress Dowager Wu is furious!” Lin Junhui said.

“Who said is nonsense? I’m serious about my proposal.”

“Oh, Brother Lu, there are no outsiders here, there’s no need to act in front of us!” Wang Miao signalled to him with a wink.

“You think I’m joking?” Lu Yao snorted coldly.

Everyone looked at each other at a loss, then their faces turned pale: “No, for real, you are serious?! Attending classes with the excellence class? God, kill me!”

“After you die, I’ll order a good coffin for you.” Lu Yao said, “Buy one get one free, does anyone else want to go together?”

“No, Brother Lu, why such a proposal? Killing eight hundred enemies and losing one thousand!” Sun Yu said.

Attending classes with the model students of the excellence class was undoubtedly a kind of torture and it would also shorten their life.

“You came to school to study or for something else? You don’t have any motivation to improve yourselves, I’m doing this for your own good.” Lu Yao said shamelessly, ignoring their wailing.

Lu Yao seemed to be in a good mood, he was almost floating when walking.

On the way back to the classroom, he was being secretly watched by many girls, but Lu Yao was not a bit shy. He was giving off his charm while walking, he winked experiencedly at the girls on the sides with a gallant and elegant attitude, like a young scholar riding a horse on the street proud of his success with red sleeves waving at him all over the buildings[1].

Lu Yao’s name once again overspread all over the school forum, half of them wanted to be his girlfriend, and the other half were sensibly selling Lu Yao’s daily life photos.

Gu Xiaofei scrolled through the forum after class, from the first to the fifth page, they were all about Lu Yao.

“What’s the background of that Lu Yao of the art class? Just this year’s freshman?” Du Yuxuan asked when handing out the test papers.

Like a dog that sniffed the scent of meat, Gu Xiaofei immediately answered: “You haven’t heard of it yet? After the welcome party, his height, weight, zodiac sign and hobbies have already been published on the forum!”

“Who visits the forum every day like you!” Du Yuxuan laughed, “You are everywhere!”

“Hey, class president, you are the one who asked me!”

“Wrong, you butted in to answer.” Du Yuxuan said.

“I heard that he was already quite famous when he was in junior high.” Lin Xia turned around and rested her chin on her hand, joining the conversation.

She was directly promoted to Yizhong High from the attached middle school, differently from the ones like Li Mingzhu, who came from an outside secondary school, she knew a lot more than them.

“Lu Yao is from the attached middle school?” Yang Ke asked, clearly she was very interested in Lu Yao’s personal affairs.

“Yeah, he transferred here on the first year of junior high, he isn’t native here, very handsome, and was in the basketball team? I remember that he was very good at playing games.”

“You even pay attention to how good he played games!?”

“No way! At that time online games got popular and everyone could see the regional rankings on the phone, Lu Yao was ranked first!” Lin Xia said, “He was already very popular in junior high, but with his grades, to be able to get into Yizhong High it’s really a miracle!”

“Alas, what grades do you need when you’re handsome! I’m willing to use my grades in exchange for a handsome face out of this world!” Gu Xiaofei sighed deeply.

“Does he have a girlfriend?” Yang Ke asked all of a sudden.

“He dated a few in junior high, now I don’t know, but judging by his appearance, he should.” The school bell rang, Lin Xia turned back.

“I don’t think so, school has just started, what do you think?” Yang Ke asked persistently.

“Who knows! Yang Ke, you aren’t thinking of robbing the cradle, are you? Don’t you have any morality?” Gu Xiaofei shouted, “What if his girlfriend also got into Yizhong!”

“Your mouth just can’t say anything nice!” Yang Ke grabbed a book and threw it at him.

“Anyway, I admire him, daring to go against the teachers like that during the self-criticism.” Gu Xiaofei sighed, “What he said in the morning, studying with the excellence class, he really can think of how to gross someone out, what study, it’s already great if they don’t start a fight.” 

Gu Xiaofei jabbered on for a long time, talking to oneself: “Don’t you think it’s strange? Why did Lu Yao make such a weird request? Could it be that he has a masochistic tendency?”

“Don’t you have some romantic cells? Maybe he did so to chase someone!” In front of him, Lin Xia said.

“Damn, then he’s too arrogant, what an honour to the one he’s chasing!” Gu Xiaofei jeered, “You might as well say that he did so for revenge!”

“Are you done talking? Noisy.” Li Mingzhu said coldly.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the surrounding temperature dropped ten degrees every second, directly going below zero.

Everyone tactfully shut up.

Li Mingzhu’s phone vibrated frantically in the drawer, the contact named “Little Brat” sent an unread message.

[Hehe, teacher Li, from now on, please take care of me.]


1. In ancient China, the top scorers in the imperial examination would go around the city to celebrate their success and, on the buildings on the sides, girls would wave their sleeves or handkerchieves to attract their attention. 

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