Fallen Knights of the Abyss

Chapter 1: Meet Kase and Walker

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[Earth 9077]


The Earth has become a wasteland within the last two decades of the last Earthen War between Ucrana and Grae Bril. With all of the damage done to the planets, many cities have been lost in the destruction, including the one that had once been called home to thousands of people. 


The soil had long since been unable to grow anything more than grass and weeds, which only serves to show the state of this planet as it is now. The sound of a steam engine could be heard in the distance, causing the residents of the nearby town to look up curiously towards its source.


A large sky blue hovering car sped along the streets wildly as a man in the drivers seat carried on screaming at the top of his lungs, not caring about how much danger he was putting himself in as he continued to speed down the street.


“Walker! You are going to get us into trouble!” The long snow white haired man shouted. 


“Oh, screw you Kase! We both know that speed limit doesn't matter anymore! ” Walker yelled back.


People on the street screamed as they ducked for cover as a streak of blue light flew passed them before coming to an abrupt stop in front of a local pawn shop. A young girl, about seven years old, slowly peeked out from behind her curtains while watching the two men get out.


A woman standing behind the child looked on happily as she watched her daughter giggle and jump up and down whilst waving to the strangers as if greeting an old friend. She knew that she shouldn't, but couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight.


“Walker! Kase! It has been a very long time!” The woman smiled. 


"Hetty! Long time no see!" Walker laughed.


"You said you needed help?" Kase said quietly.


She turned to see her child dunking from the window view as she ran into Walkers arms  and hugged him.


"We need your help," she said softly. "It's... complicated."


“Well then, I suppose we should start by getting money up front,” Kash grinned.

Hetty sighed in annoyance.


"Fine!, I don't know what kind of trouble you've gotten yourselves into this time, Walker, but I'm ready when you are!” She shouted. 


She led them to an unused room in back of the shop, where a small table sat in front of an old television set. The screen showed static and an image of a woman dressed in a bathing suit , with blonde hair tied neatly into a ponytail. Her eyes were covered by dark sunglasses and her face was concealed under some sort of helmet. She stood on the side of the road, a small red sports car behind her.


Cars pulling up could heard from outside making Hetty panick  slightly and turn away to hide the embarrassment on her face.  Kash instantly gets up from his seat to meet the gentlemen outside dressed in black suits holding DSR-Precision DSR 50 Sniper Rifles.


Another vehicle pulled up as the passenger door opened and out stepped a tall man, dressed in a pair of grey trousers and a white shirt. He ran his finger through his crimson red strands of hair, trying to smooth out the unruly locks.


"Who the fuck is this robot?" The man smirked.


Kase frowned adjusting his elbow and wiping the bronze metal as he moves it back and forth in front the stranger. Walker watched in the distance nervously , waiting until Kase finished before he approached the man.


As he reached him, he grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in. Kase knocked the man back watching his stunned expression as he stumbled backwards. Walker looked between the two, confused as he watched the other man rub the top of his head.


"Anyways, Mr. Roboto! Where is Hetty?" He asked.


The long haired man of snow white stayed quiet , looking up at Walker before returning his gaze to Kase who continued to refuse to answer. He sighed rubbing his temples as he walked forward into the pawn shop ahead. Walker's eyes widened as he followed him, quickly following after him as he entered the shop.


The interior of the pawn shop appeared exactly like Walker would expect it to. The walls were painted in the same colours as the windows, although there were a few patches of paint missing. The floor was made up entirely of a wooden board and falling apart  at every step.


“Hetty! Where the hell are you?” He yelled. 


There wasn't a single piece of furniture in sight except the cracked glass displaying used jewely boxes and watches. Everything seemed to be broken or in shambles, except for an old computer sitting off in the corner, the screen completely black and the keyboard cracked and bent out of shape.

“Who the hell is that damn robot outside? Are you planning on killin me or somethin?”


There was barely any light inside the building aside from faint yellow lamps on the tables, and those provided little illumination. The air itself was stale and the atmosphere felt almost empty.


“Is this how yer gonna treat me now?!” 


Hetty came out silently from the backroom where the three had just entered, a large brown bag slung over her shoulder with her jacket on. She tossed the bags down at the mans feet  before looking at Walker who had remained silent throughout the entire exchange. 


“Ten thousand straight now leave!” She suggested. 


"And why would I wanna do that?" He said.


He gave Hetty a dirty look, but the woman didn't seem to care. His fingers reached for her waist pressing his hand down her side moving upwards  to grab hold of her breast. She shrieked  and tried to squirm away, her hands trying desperately to remove his hand from her body. The man’s mouth stretched into a cruel grin as he squeezed his hand around her chest harder.


"Just take the money and go!" She exclaimed.


"Nah, I think I'll stay a bit longer," He replied.


The man moved forwards until his lips met with hers, his free hand sliding under her jacket as he pushed her up against the wall, forcing her legs open as he thrust his tongue inside her mouth.


The man felt something on his back turning to find Kash glaring at him  angrily, fists clenched. His teeth gritted together, Walker shoved the man away pushing him off of her.


“Kase…” Hetty whispered. 


Kase’s arm began hissing letting steam off. The man leaped back as the metal arm shot out at him, slamming him against the wall before smashing his head into it before smashing his head into it. The man's eyes glowed an amber golden against the single light bulb in the darkness as the arm retracted slowly, leaving the man to collapse to the ground.


Walker and Kase team up on the man cracking their knuckles simultaneously as he moaned and rolled over onto his stomach, blood dripping from his nose and ear.


The mumbled words they could not hear. A sudden gust of wind swept through the pawnshop sending dust particles flying into Kase's face. 


"Hey, what was that? Did you say something?" Walker chuckled.


"Shut up" Kash spat as he glared at Walker.


"Bunch of dumbasses!" The man spouted.


"Huh?" Walker shouted.


"Radiant Fissure!" The man shouted.


[Knight of Gaia activated]


He slammed his fists into the ground creating an earthquake  as his feet lifted off the ground, a large crater forming beneath the man and throwing the othersup into the air. Walker ran towards him, jumping into action as the man smashed himself down onto the surface of the crater, the shockwave spreading across the ground. 


“What the fuck! A system user out here?!” Walker shouted. 

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[ Gunslinger activated] 


[-500 Health 800/13000]


“Arm up!” Kase yelled. 


[-400 Health 12900/13500]


[Bionic arm activated] 


[Fallen Angel System activated - Walker] 


Walker's gun large wings bolted upright on his pistols, a bullet ready at the end of the barrel. He smirked  as he pulled back his arm, aiming for the head in a swift motion. His finger tightened around the trigger ready to fire as he aimed for the neck, but stopped, realizing something, or someone was standing between him and that target.


[Fallen Angel System activated - Kase]


Kase's arm burned bright orange through his bionic arm. The pain was almost unbearable, and it caused a burning sensation deep in his veins, causing him to grit his teeth from the sting. 


The metal rotated as wings swirled creating waves of heat around him. His skin crawled at the sudden temperature change. His breathing became rapid and shallow as he struggled to control himself.


“Don’t fucking tell me you are the white knight of Pirn! I recognize those features! That white long stringy hair! Those golden eyes! The metallic bronze arm!” The man argued.


“Hey! What about me?” Walker cried.


The man stared blankly at Walker who stared at him with anger  as he held his pistol at the man's head, his finger resting gently on the trigger.


“I no longer live in Pirn and Walker stop being egotistical!” Kase pointed out.


Kase raised his left forearm above his head and charged at the man as he rose to his feet.

Walker jumped in the air and swung his fist at the man's head knocking him clean off the edge of the crater.


With a loud crunch and a scream the man hit the bottom, smashing through the concrete floor, and shattering the rest of the tiles beneath him. 


A spray of bullets came from outside  hitting the glass display case and the door, causing it to shatter, before hitting one of the shelves behind them. The glass broke loudly, falling to the floor and scattering pieces everywhere.


"I am still in here you dumbasses!" The man yelled.


The noise quieted as a suited man looked in through the window. There was a pause as they stared at each other.


"Sorry about that sir!" The gunmen replied nervously.


He noticed they disappeared the man turned away to gawk at Kase and Walker straight in the eyes nervously, before shouting at them again.


"Get them! Get them! Get them!" He shouted.


"Right boss!"


He dashed after the two motioning for the men to shoot . They took aim and fired, but Walker quickly moved to avoid the shots and punched one of the gunmen straight in the jaw, sending him back against the wall  and dazing him momentarily.


“Do not use your system on these normal ones!” Kash noted.


“Yeah…yeah…” Walker sighed.


He spun around and kicked another gun out of its holder and sent it flying against the opposite wall. The gun slid down and crashed to the floor near the entrance, and Walker grabbed it, running for the doors before being stopped abruptly as a bullet flew past his neck.


"My dear little brother, Levon! Oh, Kase?" A voice chimed.


Levon looked shocked seeing the armor his brother walk in confidently past Walker and Kase, and then looked at the bloody figure crumpled next to the doorway. 


"Well don't keep the woman waiting. You know she gets impatient when there is something important on the line, especially if our sister is involved.." He added.


"Y-yes!" He shouted.


He quickly went inside the house to grab the sack of money and run out handing it to  the armored man. He gazed back at Hetty silently. 


"I would like to extend how sorry I am to you, my lady." He said.


Hetty stayed far back. Her arms tightly crossed over her chest as she shook slightly. She couldn't understand how this man knew her name, why is he apologising to her? Why did he save her from that man and why does he seem so familiar… 


"Thank you" Hetty replied politely.


He pulled his helmet off , revealing black hair and gray eyes behind round lenses. His smile seemed to grow larger as he bowed lightly before taking the money and walking towards the exit.


"Oh and uhm..." Levon paused.


His eye caught onto Kase. He froze in place with a horrified gasp, staring wide eyed at him before turning around quickly.


"Kase, I hope you been well." The man said calmly, as if nothing had happened as he left.


"Come back here with Hetty's money!" Walker yelled.


"Shh!" Kase scolded.


They could hear the cars take off down the road,  tyres skidding slightly on the loose gravel of the parking lot  while the engine whined as it raced down the road. It soon faded away into the distance.


Walker noticed the serious expression on Kase's face and placed his hand on the mans shoulder.  


“Look, Hetty were gonna head out now.” Kase said. 


"No worries, I can manage." She smiled. 


The gunmen felt guilty, ashamed and afraid all at once, but the anger was still raging in his heart for Hetty and what was taken from her. They decided to remain silent while they left watching the little girl from earlier  as she watched them leave.


Her eyes followed them as they walked toward the car and she frowned deeply, wondering what kind of people the men were and where they were going now.


“We will be back!” Walker shouted.

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