Falling In Love With My Love Rival

Chapter 38: Chapter 35: Changing Mood

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Rozkarl and Nishery have a good time together and didn't notice that it was already late at night, if not for Jack to call his daughter worriedly.

"Nishery, where are you and Rozkarl? It's already late at night, ah!" Jack said seriously on the phone.

"What? Is it already late?" Nishery look at her watch and found that it was indeed already 9:30.

"You better come home now. I agree to you to go out with him but not until this late, understand?!"

"Hey, Rozkarl.. I think my dad was angry at me now, so let's go home." Nishery became anxious since she knew that she shouldn't let her dad angry at her, even though reluctant, as their order is still about to be served.

"Is that so? Well, it was indeed really late at night." Rozkarl agreed as both of them went home.

The two arrive with Jack waiting patiently at the entrance in such a gloomy mood.

"Where did the two of you go?!" 

"Uhm... to the nearby mall next to the sports complex." Nishery answered nervously.

"Hmmph.. then what did the two of you do?!" 

"What? Of course, shopping and watching movies! Dad... What do you think we did there?! Are.. you.. thinking.." Nishery suddenly felt something wrong with what her dad said and get annoyed.

"Uncle Jack, I.. I wouldn't dare do.. that, so you can.. rest assured." Rozkarl also know what was behind those words and immediately tried to clarify.

"Oh... well, then I'm glad. Anyways, I don't like her being outside until this late, okay?" 

"Yes.. Uncle. I'm sorry.. I didn't know that." 

"Well, just take it as a reminder. So, did the two of you already eat?" 

"No, since you called us!" Nishery said as she pulled Rozkarl inside.

Shane who was also waiting for the two was able to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw the two entering together, with Nishery seeming to be a bit angry.

"Oh, thank goodness you're both alright. Nishery... what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Yes! Dad was so annoying!" 

"Well, did he do something to you again?"

"Nothing, Auntie. He.. he just doubts us doing.. something." 

"So, that's why? Well, don't get angry at your father, okay? You know he's just worried about you. And besides, that, did the both of you eat already?"

"No, but we're about to eat outside if dad didn't call us."

"Well, fortunately, Kelly and Max had brought some food over to our house." Shane said in a good mood, as she took the food.

"Well, just wait a moment, I'll just try to heat it." 

"Uhm.. Auntie, did my mom and dad come here?" 

"Yes. They got worried about you since you still didn't come home, and already bring your uniform and materials for your school tomorrow." 

"And Kelly really wants to meet you too, Nishery. Too bad you're having fun together with him." Jack, who appeared suddenly, surprised the two.


"Yeah, but since both of you weren't here, they also went home after a while. Oh, Rozkarl, your dad seems to ask me to give this to you." Jack said as he took out a key.

"What?! Really?! Did.. did my dad really give this?" Rozkarl look at Jack with such an excited face and happily took the key.

"Yeah. He said you can take a look at it at your home." 

"Rozkarl, what's that? You look so happy." 

"Well, I really want to have a car of my own and my dad buy me one." Rozkarl looks at the key in his hand before carefully keeping it away.

"Hmmp.. what's so good about having a car?!" Hero, who was present the whole time in the kitchen, angrily said, but not as hostile as before.

"Brother, you're here?" Nishery seems surprised.

"Yeah, from the very beginning!"

"Oh, the food seems ready." Shane said as she serve the two, while the three of them went to the living room.

"Oh, before you eat, try to sleep early, okay? You need to attend to school early."

"Yeah, Auntie."

"Yes, mom."

"Do you really want to have your own car?" Nishery was still curious and asked as the two of them eat together.

"Not really. But, you know... Tyron has his own car, and my friends too, so I just don't want to be outdone. And besides, having my own car, means I can go to you every time I want." Nishery almost choke when she heard what Rozkarl said, and her face become red.

"Hey, eat slower. Here, drink water first." Rozkarl becomes worried and moves beside Nishery to assist her carefully.

"Th..thanks. But don't say something like that when I'm eating, okay?" 

"Why? Did I say something wrong?" Rozkarl felt wronged as he didn't think he had done something wrong.

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"No... It.. it just.. make me..blush."

"What? Is.. is that so?"

The two awkwardly finished their meal, before going to the living room as well, where they saw the three watching some drama series.

"You finish eating?" Shane seems to notice the two and asked.


"Auntie, what are you watching?"

"Ah, just some drama."

"Dad? Dad, why are you crying?!" Nishery who sat beside her father was surprised to see tears across Jack's face.

"He's just moved by the drama." Hero said who also have tears on his face.

"What?! Mom, why.. why these two were acting strange?!" 

"Well, the drama was really good and so sad that make your father and brother be carried away. Why don't you two watch it as well?" 

"Well, I already watch it, Auntie." Rozkarl said, looking sideways as if trying to hide something.

"Is.. is she the one.. who has a child with you?!" a sad voice came out from the huge flat screen, as the beautiful woman look pitiful in the rain.

"Why don't you answer me?! Answer me!" the beautiful woman was desperate and sat on the road, wet all over while the man was just standing with a woman in his embrace.

"I'm sorry, Jessica." The man apologizes before slowly walking away.

When the two walk away, the mistress looks back and smirks at the wife, before leaning affectionately.

The wife yelled pitifully and cried alone on a lonely night, before passing out.

The drama ends, but Hero, Jack, and Rozkarl can't help but get angry at the man.

"Damn him! How dare he do that to her?!" Jack said angrily before wiping his tears.

"That man deserves to die!" Hero said, having the same expression as Jack.

"So, if you dare do that to my sister, I will kill you... eh?" Hero then look at Rozkarl, still disapprove of him, and threatened but was taken aback to see him crying as well.

"Brother, Father, why are you crying?! That's just some drama, ah?! What are you, a kid?!" Nishery was embarrassed for her father and brother and tried to get Rozkarl's side but was stunned to see him.

"Don't worry, brother. I won't do that.. as well." Rozkarl quickly wipe his tears, but his eyes were red, making him feel shy at Nishery, whos looking at him with shocked eyes.

"You cry as well?" 

"No.. Uhm.. the drama was too great." 

"Hahaha, looks like you three have the same traits after all." Shane said happily, as she felt like they were a true family.

"Don't you ever dare to call me, brother, got it?!" Hero just digests what Rozkarl said.

"Hero, didn't you approve him already?" Shane asked.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean he can call me brother. They're still not engaged!"

"It's fine, Auntie. I'll just try hard to make Hero let me call him brother."

"You! How arrogant! Hmmph... Who do you think you are?!" Hero asked as he walk upstairs angrily, as his mood to watch the next drama was ruined.

"Don't mind him, Rozkarl." Jack said, still not able to move on with the drama.

"You're still crying, honey?" 

"What's wrong with that? I just feel how the woman would feel, right, Rozkarl?" Jack tried to defend his pride.


"You two, you should go to your bed now, it's already late at night, and you still have school tomorrow. Rozkarl, you can sleep in the guest room, your stuff was already there." Shane who has the mother's nature, of course, would get worried about the two, thus making them sleep early.

"And, if you want, you can sleep with her, but no immorality, got it?" Jack teased the two, making them shy.

"Dad! What.. what are you saying, there?!" Nishery glared at Jack and didn't dare to glance at Rozkarl.

"I.. I don't.. really.. want it, Uncle." Rozkarl said, unintentionally hurting Nishery.

"What?! You don't want to sleep with my daughter?" 

"Honey, don't tease them, okay?" 

"Ye..yes." Rozkarl, who thinks it would be best to lie, makes Nishery feel hurt and angry.

'He.. he don't want to sleep.. with me? Am.. am I not that..  attractive? Aren't boys mostly want to sleep with their.. partner? How.. how dare he say that!'

"Oh, that's unfortunate." Jack seems to notice the change in his daughter's mood.

"Mom, I'm going to sleep now!" Nishery angrily walk upstairs without even glancing at Rozkarl, making the latter confused as to how did he make his girlfriend angry at him?

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