Falling In Love With My Love Rival

Chapter 40: Chapter 37: Grouping

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"Class, before we start our lesson, I just want to introduce our new transferee." Olivia said as she beckoned Mickaella to walk in front and introduce herself.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mickaella G. Delos Reyes, and I hope we get along well."

The students give responses before the class start.

"Class, please help Mickaella get used to this school, okay?" Olivia said as she began her lesson for the day.

"Rozkarl, can I share with your book? I.. I forgot my book." Mickaella lean towards Rozkarl and asked.

Nishery, who's been uncomfortable since the beginning, becomes annoyed.

'Argh!!! What a bitch! Making a move with Rozkarl, huh?! Don't you dare think you can pull that move smoothly!'

"Eh, Mickaella, do you forget your English textbook?" Nishery raised her voice a little, which caught the attention of the others, especially the boys.

"Is that true, Mickaella? You.. you can use mine." a boy in front of them give his textbook shyly.

"You can use mine instead." the girl beside the boy said.

"No, don't listen to them. I don't totally need it, so you can use it." another boy offers his book.

'Damn it! Nishery! I.. I didn't expect you to be this sly! Hmmp.. just wait and see!' Mickaella angrily thought as she complicatedly accept the offer.

"Uhm.. I.. then, thanks ?" Mickaella randomly picks a book from someone.


"Thanks, Gerry." Mickaella said with a smile, which fluttered the boy.

Some boys were also attacked and can't help but blushed.

The first class ended, and the four felt already somewhat exhausted.

"Okay class, since the second semester was about to end, I'll give you a group project. Group yourself into five, and create ten math problems applying the lesson we had discussed with a complete formula and illustration." Nicolas seriously said, making his students complain silently.

"It's up to you who you want to group, but all of you better give me some output, or else, I'll fail you without hesitation, understand?" 

"Rozkarl, let's group up." Mickaella, as if she finds an opportunity, immediately asked Rozkarl before smirking at Nishery.

'Hmmp... What do you think now?! Don't ever think that you can stop me from clinging to him, loser! You can't do anything now, hahaha!!'

"Okay, how about you Nishery, and Tyron?" Rozkarl said a little hesitant.

'This.. this is uncomfortable! Nishery must be angry at me, right? Well, I hope she's not.'

"Well, I'm in." Nishery said.

'If you think you can get close to him, then you must be dreaming! I don't think to give you a chance to get close to him!'

"I'm in too." Tyron said nonchalantly.

'These three! So annoying!'

"Uhm... guys, I.. I.. can I join as well?" Sophia who quickly leaves her seat, asks the four.

"Okay, that's fine." Mickaella said, wanting to friend some of her new classmates.

"What? Should we really group her into our group?" Tyron, who's quiet from the start, said in strong opposition.

'She's just wanting to touch me again, that shameless girl! To think she would try to kiss me yesterday, she must be planning something again that's why she's joining my group!'

"What's wrong with grouping with her?" Nishery asked.

"Sophia was also good at math, so it's not a loss to join her in our group, you know." Rozkarl agreed.

"Well, if.. if.. Tyron doesn't.. want me.. to group with him, then.. I think.. I should be.." Sophia suddenly becomes disappointed and tears can't help but form in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Sophia? Are you okay? Well, just ignore Tyron and join us." Mickaella comforted Sophia while glaring at Tyron.

The class continues until lunch break came.

"Rozkarl, do you want some?" Mickaella, offering her glamorous lunch, sweetly offers her food.

"Uhm.. sorry, Mickaella. But.. I have my own food." Rozkarl rejected before moving to Nishery.

"Well, then, Tyron, do you want some?" Mickaella to save some of her faces from the class who's watching them asked Tyron.

"Okay." Tyron helps Mickaella since she also helps him.

"Damn it!" Mickaella whispered before eating her meal.

"I said to you already. Just give up with him." Tyron advised but still did not look bothered.

"No way. I hate to see them together."

"Well, it's up to you after all."

"Nishery.. here." Rozkarl gives some of his food to Nishery with such affection, embarrassing Nishery.

"Rozkarl.. you.. you don't need to act like this. We're.. in.. our classroom." Nishery, with a red face, whispered.

"Ahm.. you're right, sorry."

"But you can give that to me since you already put it in my lunchbox."

"Really? Then here."

'Ahh! So.. those two were really dating?!'

'That's so obvious. Just look at how close they were! And how red Nishery was!'

'Ah.. so sweet! I'm so super jealous!'

'Damn it! So envying! I also want to have such a boyfriend!'

'How did Rozkarl get Nishery?! So lucky!'

'Well, it's not actually that hard. Rozkarl was just too lucky to have such a figure.'

'You're right. If I were him, I would already get Nishery from the very beginning.'

'That Nishery, she's such a liar. To think she deny she didn't like Rozkarl but ended up with him in the end.'

'But they look good together!'

'I.. I can't rebut you there. They're.. so.. so.. good together!'

'Eh.. is it just me that finds Sophia to be a bit sad? Shouldn't she supposed to be with Tyron?'

'You're right! Why did she didn't use this opportunity since she already has no rivals?'

'Did.. did something happen yesterday? Didn't they meet, so maybe something happened.'

'Well, that might be possible.'

'Hahaha, to think that Tyron was the one who's fighting over with at first, but now, the situation took a turn and Rozkarl become him.'

'Yeah, and not only that, but the one who's fighting for Rozkarl was two hot and beautiful girls! So lucky!'

'Who's your talking about? Does someone also like Rozkarl?'

'Are you dumb? Can't you see Mickaella like him?'

'Eh, she likes him?'

'You idiot! Of course, that's too obvious. Can't you see how Nishery and Mickaella glared at each other?'

'So, that's why I felt that the atmosphere between them was so intense.'

'Now, you get it?'


"Sophia, what's wrong with you?" Rose worriedly asked Sophia.

"No.. nothing." Sophia said before running towards the restroom.

"Ignoring my situation, but.. did you might do something wrong with that girl?" Mickaella asked as she point at Sophia.

"Huh? It's not me, it's her."

"What she's done to you?"

"She just kiss me, and I didn't like that."

"Kiss? What's so bad about that? Shouldn't you be happy instead?"

"Why would I?"

"Well, you get an opportunity to kiss such a good girl."

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"Hmmp.. but she's not my type."


"Nishery, did.. did you get angry at me?" Rozkarl anxiously said.

"What? Why would I?"

"Uhmm.. about her."

"Oh.. don't worry about it. I'm not that childish, and also, it's between me and her."


"Yeah. And besides, I'm sure you will only like me, right?"

"Of course, that's true."

"Then, there's nothing to worry about it."

After school, before Rozkarl and Nishery went home, they first go to the nearby cafe and spent time together.

"Nishery, do.. do you think.. you can be friends with her?" Rozkarl asked anxiously.

"Nah! With that girl?! Impossible! Just look at how she treats me? I don't like her at all." Nishery said with a temper.

"Then... That would be too bad." 

"Why? And besides, why do you always want me to befriend her? Do.. do you possibly like her?"

"What? What are you saying, Nishery? Do you doubt me?"

"Well... it's just because of you.. you act like this, and when we're in class, even though I'm looking at you... you.. just look at her and you.. even.. treat her well." Nishery said as she lean closer to Rozkarl.

"Do.. do you not like that?"

"What? You... you see, it's.. just natural that I would be jealous. I.. I only want you to act like that towards me. Haha, I'm greedy, right?" Nishery tightens her grip, as if afraid of something.

"What? How would you get greedy by that? Don't think like that, okay? And to be true, I'm even more greedy than you. I don't want you to be even close with any boys, even with Tyron, so I think it's just natural for us to feel this way. And besides that, I'm happy if you feel that way." Rozkarl embraces Nishery, before comforting her.

"Re..really? Do you.. feel like that too?"

"Yes. That's because I like you." 

"Hahaha... So sweet, aren't we?" a high-pitched voice echoed with such a sarcastic tone.

The two look towards the table behind them and were surprised to see such a familiar figure.

"Elzaine? What are you doing here?" Rozkarl asked.

"Rozkarl, are you stupid or what? Can't you tell that it was a cafe, of course, I came here to drink and chat with my friends, duh." Elzaine responds while glaring at Nishery.

"You, did I perhaps do something wrong to you?" Nishery asked.

"So what if you did?" 

"Then say it so I can know how could I anger you."

"Hmmp... Whatever. And to think you would be so lovey-dovey here with him, are.. you perhaps like that with other guys too?"

"Elzaine! How dare you say that to her. And you even have your friends, do you know shame?"

"What did I wrong?! I'm just asking, ah?!"

"If it's about what happened back there, then I'm sorry. I did get carried away and did it with your brother, but I'm not that kind of girl that you think, so please be careful with your wording."

"Hmmp... acting innocent and pure, tsk. I really hate girls like you."

"Elzaine, stop! And besides, why are you always angry at us?"

"Rozkarl, you're stupid! Can't you even tell why I'm angry?"

"Rozkarl, let's just get out of here. My brother was already waiting for us at the school gate." Nishery, knowing the true reason, dragged Rozkarl away before glaring at Elzaine.

"Girl, if you don't like me, then I don't like you too. But the thing you're thinking right now, you better throw it away since that would be too impossible." 

"You..!" Before Elzaine was about to slap Nishery, Rozkarl pulled her faster and manage to evade.

"Elzaine! How.. how could you...!" Rozkarl was so angry, and just leave with Nishery to avoid any further trouble.

"Elzaine... are you okay? Why would you slap her?" an adorable girl asked.

"Nica, why are you saying it was my fault?! Are you my friend?" 

"Of course, Elzaine."

"Then why are you siding her?"

"It's not like Nica is siding her, Elzaine. It's just that we think.. you went overboard." another girl explained.

"Do I?"

"Yeah. And besides, is that the person you like?"

"No. That's just the couple who like the one I like."

"What? I think.. you said something wrong."

"Hehehe... what you're thinking is right. That handsome boy and that hitch like the same person I like."

"What?! Then.. is..is that guy a bi?"

"I don't know."

"Ah.. what a handsome guy. I almost think my heart would explode, especially when he save the girl."

"Nica, I feel you. They look good together. And that guy looks so cool."

"What are you saying?! Is that cool already?! He can't even be compared to the person I like."

"What? Then.. is he more handsome than the gay just now?"

"Of course. Those two even like him, didn't I already say that?"

"Ah.. I'm getting excited and curious to see that person. Can you introduce us to him?"

"No way. What if you tried to steal him from me?"

"What? Hahaha, you're so possessive Elzaine. Don't worry, and besides.. do you forget? You're the only single among the three of us."

"What are you trying to say? Guys, don't be ao cocky okay?"

"Hahaha, we're not acting that way. So, could you introduce us to him?"

"Of course. This Sunday."

"Really? Then it's fine. Anyways... how did you know those two? Those two look like a rich kid, you know."

"What.. didn't I tell you before?"

"What did you tell us? No, we don't know anything about you."

"Well, my family was one of the top four richest families in this region."

"Wh.. what?! What did you say?!" Nica and Mash exclaimed in surprise that they even spilled the drinks they were drinking.

"Guys.. don't overact, it's not a good sight."

"We're just surprised. Top four.. then that means, those two are also..."

"Yeah. And the person I like was my brother."

"Wh.. what?! Your brother?! Are you fucking insane?!"

"Nica.. I don't like what you said to me."

"Well.. it is just because he's your brother.."


"It's.. it is forbidden."

"So what? I.. I just like my brother."


"I don't know."

Then the three continue to chit-chat for a while, until the surroundings dimmed.

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