Falling In Love With My Love Rival

Chapter 51: Chapter 48: Pranking

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In a certain boat that going towards the Unknown Island, a sweet couple was taking selfies non-stop, as they got fascinated by the scenery. Water that was as blue as sapphire, distant greeneries, and cloudy weather made the sweet couple relax as they continue to board the boat.

"Boarding a boat was actually nice." Rozkarl said as he stand with Nishery in his embrace.

"Uhm.. Sir, Ma'am, it's.. it's better for you two to sit down. It's a bit dangerous since the boat might get unstable." the uncle, Henry, said worriedly as he was anxious if the two would fall from his boat. If the two got injured, he will end up spending money.

"Uncle, it's fine. Don't worry about us." Rozkarl assured the uncle as they mimic the posture of the Titanic movie. 

"The air feels good." Nishery exclaimed as the two of them sat down since they got already fed up with standing up.

"Uhm.. Uncle.. do you know the way to go towards the Unknown Island?" Nishery asked, kinda curious since it's their property.

"Well, the one who you go with earlier tell us the way to go to the Island, so that's why we know about it." Henry answered as he got kinda envious of the two who spend their youth merrily.

"Oh, so that's why. But.. do you know some place different than what my brother told you to bring us?" 

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, as I do not know any place other than the place where your brother told us."

"It's fine, Uncle. Nishery... why are you asking that? You have something on your mind?" Rozkarl asked Nishery as he seems to know that his partner has planning something.

"Well, I just want to make Hero and Mickaella have their times alone together. I'm sure those two will develop feelings for each other." 

"Eh? Playing as Cupid? Well, seeing Hero and Mickaella going together is kinda interesting. And also, Mickaella won't make you get anxious now." 

"Hey! I'm.. I'm not getting anxious that she will take you away from me!" Nishery instantly denied it, making it more obvious that what Rozkarl said was true.

"Okay.. if you say so." Rozkarl said with a suppressed smile that make Nishery irritated.

"Hey! Don't smile!" 

"But.. I'm not. Okay.. okay.. sorry, I stop now." Rozkarl gave in as he saw that Nishery was getting really annoyed now as she pout her face.

"That's good then." 

"Wait.. Rozkarl. What if those two, my brother and Mickaella were having a sweet time now and just act like fighting so their relationship wouldn't be revealed?" Nishery, who thought of something insignificant, tells Rozkarl about it.

"Hahaha... Nishery, you have watched too many dramas now. Can't you see how serious their fight is?" Rozkarl didn't agree with Nishery as he knows that the two were truly fighting.

"Rozkarl! Just go with my flow, okay?" Nishery got angry at Rozkarl as she forced the latter to comply with her.

"Okay.. so what do you want to do about that?"

"Well, Uhm.. Uncle.. wanna have a trade with me?" Nishery asked the quiet Henry, startling the latter.

"What? Eh... What deal?"

"Do you have contact with the other uncle that my brother and the girl who hates him board with?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, tried to make him capture some pictures about the two. If you succeed in taking a sweet photo, I'll give you both additional 10,000 pesos."

"What?! 10--10,000?!" Henry was surprised to hear the price and think that he just misheard things.

"Yes. So deal or no deal?"

"Deal! Of course, deal!" Henry didn't hesitate to accept the deal as he contact Thim. Fortunately, luck was on his hand as he still has some signals.

After a moment, a picture with two heads leaning on each other, while eyes were closed, makes Rozkarl and Nishery grin evilly.

"As I thought!! Those two are together! Look at here... That's so sweet! There's no way those two would do it if they're not a couple!"

"Nishery.. maybe.. something happened."

"Rozkarl, are you a fool?! Can't you see how these two were so intimate towards each other?"

"Okay.. okay.. if that's what you said, then it's true." Rozkarl can't win an argument with Nishery as he just gave in. But deep inside.. he still thinks that something might just happen since Hero can't like Mickaella as he hates her.

"Hahaha... I'll tease those two earlier." Nishery said as Rozkarl joined in since it's interesting.

The two with Henry continue to board the boat and spent several hours until they reach the shore.

Tyron and Sophia just also arrive, with Sophia having a red face while Tyron seems anxious or something.

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"Oh.. what a coincidence!" Rozkarl said as he and Nishery walked toward the other pair.

"Yeah. I didn't expect that we would arrive at the same time." Sophia said, kinda a bit disappointed as her time alone with Tyron was already ruined.

"Where's brother and Mickaella?" Nishery asked as she was excited to see how the two would react.

"I don't know. We just arrive as well." Tyron answered while lifting two items of baggage.

"Wow, you are lifting something heavy. Let's just go towards the cottage first, and let's just wait for the other two inside there while resting." Rozkarl said as he wink at Tyron, making the latter shy.

The rest, with Nishery's guide, then went towards the cottage. As they arrive at the cottage, the four immediately find a couch they tiredly sat on it.

"Ah!! It's so tiring." Rozkarl said as he felt like every part of his body has been crushed by something.

"Yeah. I didn't expect that this vacation was so exhausting. I actually imagine something fun and interesting." Tyron agreed.

"Well.. we can have lots of fun tomorrow." Nishery said as she took out her phone.

"Hey.. do you want to see something?" Nishery asked, making the other two curious.

"What's there to see?" Tyron asked as he knew that Nishery might just say something random and insignificant again.

"Hehe... I actually have a photo of my brother and Mickaella sleeping together. They're so sweet. Those two have a secret relationship." Nishery said with conviction, surprising the two.

"What?! Secret relationship?! But.. they're always fighting." Sophia can't believe what Nishery said as she look at the photo.

Seeing how sweet the photo is, she becomes doubtful about the two now.

"Wait, Rozkarl, is that really true?" Tyron asked Rozkarl, so to know whether it was indeed true or not.

"I'm not sure. But I think it's mot like what Nishery said." Rozkarl can't lie as he says what he thinks.

"Rozkarl, are you doubting my girl's instinct? What I said is true. If not, then why is this picture captured?" Nishery retorted to Rozkarl, making the latter shut up.

"But they're always fighting." Sophia also believes what Rozkarl said.

"It's only because they don't want us to know about their relationship." 

"That's possible. But why would they try to hide it?"

"Maybe afraid of getting engaged. Hero is actually at the legal age to marry, and Mickaella was near turning 18.. and since Hero is the only male in our family, it's definite that two families will fix their marriage."

"Eh? But that's kinda bit serious." Sophia thinks Nishery was exaggerating things.

"That's right. So those two were a couple?" Tyron seems to believe Nishery, as he became anxious now. The two have already become a couple, so he should make an answer now. But still, he's been afraid of answering Sophia.

"Yes, Tyron. Hahaha.. let's pretend we didn't know about it and teased them. Hahaha." Nishery suggest an offer that the two also agreed to. It's not a matter of fact if it's true or not, as long as it's interesting, then it's fine to join.

"Wait.. it seems Mickaella and brother has already arrived now." Nishery said as her phone suddenly ring.

"Wait, let's prank those two. Let's make them believe that we were not here, and they'll spend their time together." 

"But Nishery, I'm tired." Tyron finds what Nishery says fun, but his body was still exhausted.

"Aw.. don't be a bummer, Tyron. We will just hide in a room, it's not exhausting." Nishery forced Tyron, making the latter give in.

The four, even the three who were just forced to go with Nishery's flow, went to a certain room, intending to prank the other two.

Nishery taking the phone start to make a lie while Rozkarl helps his partner with pranking. The other two didn't join the fun and just immersed themselves in their own world.

When a barely audible yell was heard, Nishery and Rozkarl can't help but giggled as they suppressed their laugh.

"Hey, those two are entering the cottage now. Don't make any noise." Nishery reminds the other two, as they sneakily put their ears beside the walls to eavesdrop on something.

"Yeah, we know. No need to remind us." Tyron said.

"Damn that Nishery. How.. how dare she make us stay our days being together?" Mickaella said with anger.

"Ha! As if I also want to spend my time together with you."

"Haha... Of course, you wouldn't. Have you ever seen a gay sleeping with girls? They only slept with boys." 

"Mickaella!! Don't try to rile me up again or else I might do what I did to you earlier!"

"Hmmp... As if I'm afraid. Why.. will you push me again?! Kissed me?! Haha.. if you had the guts!" 

As the two continue to fight, the other four now find it hard to show themselves and say that it's just a prank.

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