Falling In Love With My Love Rival

Chapter 60: Chapter 54.6: John Fronda

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The next day...

Since unexpected visitors had visited the Dela Cruz's mansion so suddenly, the four youths were sent home after having dinner, as the Dela Cruz's family had a serious talk about Nishery and John.

The commotion lasted for the night, and in the end.. Nishery can't do anything but accept that she will get closer to John for two years. The family has also agreed that John will stay at Nishery's house and study at the same school as Nishery has entered.

At the school...

As the Semestral Break has come to an end... every student excitedly enters the school with their own stories they brought so they can talk about them and share with one another. The school has become a busy and noisy place once again.

In Diamond Class..

"Good morning, Class. I'm sure that all of you must have fun during this past semestral break, am i right?" Olivia asked warmly as she was influenced by the energy of her students.

"Yes, Ma'am. It was so much fun!" Students simultaneously said as they began to quietly talk to their seatmates.

"That's good to hear. But before we start our class today... I would like to introduce to you all the unexpected transferees from another region.. John, you can now come in." Olivia said which greatly caught the attention of her students.

The students were surprised to hear another transferee and can't help be become excited if it was a hottie or not.

In the back seat.. two students become annoyed by this since they already knew who's students will it be.

"Good morning everyone. I'm John Fronda, hoping to get along well with you all." John said with a handsome smile that make some ladies blush.

"Uhm.. you can take your seat at the back, beside Mickaella." Olivia said as she began to start her lesson.

"Uhm.. hello. We have already met yesterday, right?" John said awkwardly towards Mickaella since the four gave him a strange glare. And not to mention another stare in front.

"Yeah, we indeed meet yesterday. So why are you here?" Mickaella said to John in a confronting tone.

"Well.. uhm.. grandma had asked me.. to stay at Miss Nishery's house for two years and study at her school to get closer with her." John said acting shy but was actually trying to see if Rozkarl will be provoked. John has no intention toward Nishery or with being her husband or boyfriend... But since his mother said that through Nishery's family they can become more successful, he gives it a try. And also, it was an interesting one to destroy someone else sweet relationship.

Rozkarl hearing what John said suppressed his anger as he clenched his fist and focused on the board to divert his attention.

"Hey! How dare you say that?! Don't ever act like you're close to me!" Nishery angrily said to John as she look at Rozkarl before making an apologetic face.

Rozkarl was quite happy to see that but still.. he can't help but be anxious and jealous. That.. that guy was approved by Nishery's grandmother! That guy can also. live in Nishery's house for two years! Can eat and do more things together with her. In two years time.. it is not impossible for Nishery to indeed fall for him! And that is what it makes Rozkarl fear!

Yesterday.. he wants to show his good side to Nishery's grandmother, to convince her to approve him.. but he didn't expect that her grandmother would send them away from the house the very moment they finished dinner! Rozkarl didn't know if he should be angry or what!

"But.. grandma.." John said anxiously.

"And stop calling my grandma grandma! It's so annoying! I know you also don't like me.. nor be with my family.. so stopped it!" Nishery hostilely said as she then focused on her study.

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The class continued with quite strange tranquility.. because since Rozkarl and Nishery have been together.. the quarrel was put to an end. And besides... Nishery and Rozkarl have become quiet ever since John had appeared in the class.

The students feel like Rozkarl and Nishery have become much more lazy and distracted.

"Nishery.. you okay?" Mickaella.. although they weren't still very close, was so bothered by the changes happening in Nishery.

"I'm fine. I'm just not in the mood." Nishery said perfunctorily.

"Uhm.. if.. if you don't mind, you can ha--" John interrupted as he took out a sandwich from his bag.

"She doesn't need it! Put that away!" Rozkarl annoyingly said as she slapped John's hand away.

"I.. I don't ask for your permission." John was surprised by Rozkarl's action and said without backing out.

"I said so it's true! Don't act like that!" Rozkarl said before he embrace Nishery.

"No. Grandma said that you two should break up." John said acting like a careless man.

"John! How dare you bring it up here?!" Nishery can't help but exclaimed as the students seems to be able to grasp some gossip.

"No. We won't break up! No one can pull us apart!" Rozkarl confidently said.. making other students blush.

"You can't say for now. I won't give up as well." John said provocatively as he smirk at Rozkarl.

"You!! What did you say?!" Rozkarl was about to punch John but Tyron stop him.

"Rozkarl, relax. You can't do that or else you might get to the principal office." Tyron said worriedly.

"John.. I know you don't like me or you have anything to do with our family.. so why do you keep on doing this? What will you gain?" Nishery asked as she didn't know what John would get from this.

What Nishery said was so true. He doesn't have anything to get from it.. but because of that, his life has become boring. Girls like him for his looks rather than his own true self, others befriend him because of his wealth.. and his parents like him for his talent. That's why.. he accepted the offer so that he can have an interesting moment in life. And as he just thought, competing with a person who has the same status was indeed interesting.

"I would gain nothing? But are you nothing? No.. you are more than enough than anything else for me." John said as he walk closer to Nishery and touch her face.

Rozkarl was so angered by that that he can't help but punch John in the face and then embraced Nishery who become out of it.

The students were surprised to see another quarrel starting to spike up, but were shocked to see some actions as well.

Tyron this time didn't stop Rozkarl since he was annoyed by John as well. Sophia and Mickaella were not bothered by this and just like some students, watch the fight.

John on the other hand.. didn't get angry as he just wiped the blood that leaked from his mouth, before whispering towards Rozkarl.

"Don't be too complacent. I might be the one embracing her someday." John said before he walk out of the room while bumping Rozkarl on the shoulder.

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