Falling In Love With My Love Rival

Chapter 9: Chapter 7: Mutual (3)

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For a strange reason, Nishery had a gloomy expression, and as she further remember what Rose told them, her anger rises.

"So, you date girls too huh? I thought gay only like boys!" 

"What's wrong with gay dating girls?"

"Looks like I have fewer rivals, don't I?"

"Whatever. Tyron knows that I like him, so there's nothing to worry about." 

"Really? Dating girls when liking him?!"

"So what does dating girls, have something to do about this? And it's not a date at all."

"You're cheating. You said you like him, so why to date others?! And girls at that?!"

"So I'm supposed to go with other boys?"

"Yes, since you're gay."

"I'm gay, but that doesn't mean I like boys. I only like Tyron, and other boys, disgusting!"

"Hmmp... acting pure!"

"Rose, it's better if we move somewhere!" 

Rozkarl just grabbed Rose's hand before pulling her away from Nishery and her friends.

Rose, being able to hold hands with him, felt grateful towards Nishery in secret.

Nishery seeing their hands got irritated as her beautiful face become twisted.

Her friends didn't dare to breathe when the two were fighting as the atmosphere was serious and didn't feel right to butt in.

"You really hate gays, do you?" 

Lorry seems to get worried for Nishery.

"It's not that I hate gays, I hate gays dating girls!"



"Or, you just hate him dating girls?"

Claire, sensing something hits her girl's radar, asked.

"What? What do your words mean?"

"Nothing. Let's just watch the movie. Let's forget about what happened."

Then the five of them buy some tickets and drinks.

Nishery was still angry about something, or about Rozkarl, maybe because he's cheating Tyron.

She hate to think that Rozkarl was being good with others, but why? She also hates him holding someone's hands, but why?

Nishery was lost in her thoughts, trying to fix herself, and came to the conclusion that she just really hate Rozkarl for cheating on Tyron. 

She hates him because he's a fucking bastard! Yes, he's a shameless gay slut!

Then, as she fixed her thoughts about Tyron, her mood improve, able to continue to chat with her friends.

"Rose is really lucky, does she?"

"Yeah, she's able to hold his hand! Ah, I'm super jealous!"

"Why would you be jealous just for that gay?!"

"You may hate gays, Nishery, but Rozkarl is different. He's manly, he exudes faint masculinity. And didn't you hear what he said, he only like Tyron, and other boys disgusting, meaning that he's not totally gay."

"Why? He like other boys, so he's gay!"

"Not really, although he likes Tyron, he should like other boys too if he's really that gay. And from what I see, if Tyron didn't exist, maybe he already has a girlfriend."

"What nonsense are you talking about! A gay is a gay! Nothing will change that!"

"But gay is different than bisexual! From what I think, Rozkarl is a bisexual."

Hearing this makes Nishery into total depression. That's right, maybe he likes girls, so he might like Rose? Ah, what is this feeling! Why do I feel this!

"Nishery, you don't have any feelings for him, do you?"

"What?! Why would I? I hate him to the bones so how can I like him?"

"Because, although you're always quarreling, but still you're always interacting with him which can cause some psychological changes. Maybe you hate him, but what if you like him too?"

"What nonsense is that?! How can I like that gay!"

"Although he's gay, he's very manly. He's also handsome, athletic, genius, and friendly. And when you're quarreling with him, the way he looks at you is different. He looks gentle but his words and how he treats you are really a little harsh."

After hearing what Jane had said, something in her heart was moved. Does he look gentle? What nonsense is that! She's not.. she's not moved by that! Okay?!

"It's impossible! Tell me, why do you say that I like him?! Because I will prove to you that I will never like someone like him, a disgusting gay!"

"Okay, why are you angry today?"

"What about that? I'm angry because I saw him."

"With another girl, is it?"

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"... No! Because I just see him! What's wrong with him if he's with other girls?!"

"Okay, when you're walking together to pass our homework to our teacher, did you feel nervous or anything else?" 

"Hate! Hatred!" 

 As it was quite true, and quite not right, she really feel nervous around him.

"Does your feeling toward Tyron is still the same as before?"

This question makes Nishery find it hard to answer. It was that she just don't know what to answer.

Did I like Tyron the same as before? 

"What does it matter?"

"Because if your feeling for Tyron change, then it was affected by your interaction with Rozkarl."

"No, I like him much as before. You already know that, don't you?"

"Then, when you dance with him earlier, do you feel uncomfortable, or awkward?"

"No. I'm reluctant to be with him because I hate him."

"Then why when Rose is about to exchange with you, do you suddenly hold his hand? Is it because you don't like him being close with others?"

"No, it's not like that! I just don't want to be with Dave! I heard he's quite a pervert."

"When you're looking at him, do you find him handsome or something that was unusual?"

"No, when I look at him, I can see is that he's normal, not comparable to Tyron."

"So, you really don't like him. But, sometimes, don't make us feel like you like him. We might misunderstand you. We really feel that you have feelings for him, fortunately, you have not." 

Lorry, seeing how serious Nishery is, was convinced and agreed by the rest.

"Why would I like him, a disgusting gay?"

"Okay, we know. Oh, it's time to watch. Let's go." 

The five then went inside the movie theater.

Rose was still feeling shy as she watch Rozkarl pulling her to sit on a table far away from Nishery and the rest.

"I'm sorry. I pulled you so sudden."

"It's fine. Rozkarl, can we be friends after this? Although not romantically but being friends was still fine, is it?"

"Okay. You're quite also good to interact with."

"Anyway, why do you hate Nishery?"

"I don't know too. Maybe because of Tyron."

"So hate for love rival?"

"Yes, maybe that."

"Thank you for agreeing today."

"Okay, don't mention it."

Then the two watch the movie just like the five and after that, they went home.

Nishery walks in a daze toward her room, reflecting in her mind what her friends ask her.

Why do I hate Rozkarl today? It's not because I saw him, because I first felt glad. 

So is it because I'm jealous? But why I will be jealous? I didn't like him! What I like is Tyron. 

And what true jealousy is what I feel when I saw Tyron with Sophia. Is it because he's cheating on Tyron? Yeah, maybe that's the real reason.

Did I feel anything every time I'm walking together with him? 

I feel nervous and uncomfortable but isn't quite normal because the one I'm with is scary. So it's natural that I will be scared.

Did I like Tyron much as before? I'm not sure, but these fast few days, I less think about him. 

But why? Is it really because of Rozkarl? It's true that I sometimes think about him, especially what happened on rainy days, but I'm certain that I don't like him. Do I really not like him.

Did I find him handsome? Of course, since he's born handsome. Although both of them were handsome, but I like Tyron even more, and Tyron is straight while Rozkarl is gay.

Hmmp... Whatever! It's best that I'm certain that I like Tyron and I only hate Rozkarl.

The next day, all students talked about what happened yesterday, mainly gossiping about Rose and Rozkarl which annoyed both Nishery and Tyron.

Tyron has a gloomy mood as he gazes at Rose as if he will eat her, while Nishery glared at Rozkarl.

Sophia felt quite happy because he saw how Tyron was annoyed at Rozkarl as he ignore him this whole time. Rose was still happy, reminiscing what happened yesterday.

Rozkarl on the other hand was unaffected by rumors as he just sleep on his desk because he didn't get enough rest yesterday due to thinking about something.

He sorts his thoughts about, why he always gets angry when Nishery will says that he's gay when it was really true? Why does his heart pound faster when he's around her. Why does he sometimes think about her? Why does he seem to be attracted to her body? Why did he find her pleasing to the eyes? , etc.

But still, he didn't forget about Tyron. Although he wants to explain to Tyron, but he's really sleepy, so he will sleep first before explaining something.

Tyron, seeing him sleeping handsomely has the urge to kiss him, since he's becoming more and more scared that Rozkarl might dislike him, but still, he believes in his oath towards him.

So he began to calm down, unlike Nishery.

When she look at Rozkarl sleeping in her direction, she saw how handsome he is, but why? She felt like he was God. And when she looked at Rose, who was looking at Rozkarl too, she felt annoyed, thus looking at Rose with hostility as if a hen guarding his chicks against a predator.

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