
Chapter 1: The old scripture: The book of creation

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In the beginning, there was nothing.  There was no darkness to fill the space, for there was no light to cast its shadow or illuminate.  There was no void, for there was no other place within: And there was no dead, for there was no living beings to make their presence.  That was until a time came, where from the nothingness of this place, a being crawled out of this place and appeared inside.  The infant crawled outside of the womb of nothing, and with it came its mind and divine thought.

Through the divine thought, the nothingness was turned to void, for in the infant was knowledge of someplace else, a place different from the endless dark expanse.  In that place, light shone across everything in the world; It would illuminate the green of the earth with its golden embrace and awake all the life that slumbered during the night, and when the time came, it would dim itself and blanket the skies with a night decorated by the stars and a glowing moon whose light it borrowed from the dawn.  With the sky's dark, the creatures of the day would rest their weary bodies, and the beings of the night would come alive, awake from their drowsy stupor, for it was their turn to have world.

Though the infant possessed knowledge and thought, these wishes and visions of another land did not become a reality.  No matter how hard it thought, its efforts would not realize themselves, for there was something missing, a piece important to the process of creation that influenced the reality before it.  The infant knew this fact, much to the dismay of itself: Although it knew something was needed, it knew not what it was nor where or how to find it.  So, with a heart heavy and a mind irritated with impatience, it decided to let time pass.

As the Infant grew older, it's body received a transformation even itself was impressed and surprised with.  As it grew into a young adult, it was endowed a body with two arms and hands, one branded with the zealous excitement of creation and other, the pressing decay of destruction: It also possessed two legs that carried its body through the endless dark with feet that traversed the space without need for foothold. 

Though these gifts were met with surprise and appreciation of the young adult, there were more surprises ahead of itself.  On it's chest, it bore the feminine breasts of the mother that nourished the children of animals, and in its nether region, between its two legs, attached there were two genitals protruding and intruding into its body: The masculine pair of the fathering scrotum and phallus which contained the seed where life would be born and would be delivered, and the womanly vagina that would seedbed the offspring and care for them in her womb.

Now, older and more intelligent than it was before, it knew precisely the method to transform the empty space into the home it knew.  Though it was reluctant and riddled with hesitant fear, it went on in spite of the dangers it imagined likely.  Taking its left hand, whose brand was of destruction, it tore off the flesh from its own stomach and held it to the void.  The chunk of the great being sat in the darkness, neither falling nor climbing the plain.

From the wound, it grasped the blood within and poured it unto the flesh.  The piece they tore off consumed the blood and took the form of blue oceans and seas that covered most of the whole.  There, from the blood of the divine, the flesh took change and became ground from the seas' influence.  From the blue ocean formed from the great beings donation, green began to spread across the land of the new world.  Now, it had created the world it knew, the home it was thrust from and now recreated by their hands.

Though it could see the world with their eyes, it was still cloaked by the darkness that lingered in the place.  With their hand of creation, they grasped the air like a ball and said with the divine word "Let there be light." and in their hand appeared a glowing ball of light that burned the palm it sat in.  Though it burned, the being endured and set it far apart from the flesh that harbored its new world, for if too close, it would scorch the land and evaporate the seas of the planet.  Now with light on one side of the world and darkness on the other, the being spun the planet with their hand, allowing for both sides to have light and darkness.

Though there were trees and plant that lived in the oceans and the lands, there was nothing of the life the great one imagined.  Left with but only a single choice, the being split itself apart into two.  The parts that made up the being separated from each other and created two new existences in their place.

From the actions of the actions of the great creator came the twins that embodied the great one's two halves.  First formed was the goddess of the dark who bore the femininity of the womanly charms of her creator and the womb from which her predecessor had been born.  2nd came the god of light who was bestowed the fathering scrotum and phallus that kept within the seed of life.

Together, these two met and on first sight they were bewitched by the other's beauty.  They spoke amongst themselves and recalled the purpose given to them by their creator.  With one's face red and the other smiling ear to ear, they traveled to the other side of the world that was still cloaked in the darkness of the night.  When they arrived, they could not see much, for there wasn't any light to illuminate the surroundings.  The god took the earth beneath his feet into his hand and threw it into the night sky.

The goddess stood confused for a moment, until a dim light shone onto the side of her face.  She turned to see where it came from and saw a silver moon in the distance that borrowed a portion of light from the other side.  Her silhouette, now fully illuminated by the moon, enticed the god once more, and under the gaze of the new moons bright, the goddess seduced the god and there they joined together, united as one.

After their union, the goddess birthed the creatures of the land and the sea.  Though both were proud of the achievement, they were unsure if this is what the creator meant.  They then searched inside their memories to find the true intent of the great one, only after 12 months did they find what they sought. 

To truly complete their task, they went back to the dark covered earth under the calming presence of the moon and united again.  After this attempt, the goddess birthed twins of each race: the demons who inherited the magic of their mother, the angels who were gifted the magic of their father, the elves whose duty was to protect the environment and land, the dwarves who were tasked to guard the mountains, and the humans who would serve as assistants to all and keep peace between them.

Under the guidance and watch of the two gods, the races lived peacefully with each other to maintain the world given to them by the great creator.  Until an unexpected visitor came to the land.

-The old scripture of Liber, the book of creation

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