
Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Recovery

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Zycor opened his eyes to a familiar voice shouting at him. He began to sit up and found himself in a great amount of pain. The sound of stomping was followed by the door to his room being kicked open. He was greeted by a furious Aisha who, as she walked over to him, yelled, “What the hell were you thinking!? You could have died! You absolute moron!” 

As she arrived at the bed, she gave a hug to the bandage covered Zycor. “You idiot,” she repeated, continuing to hug him for a minute straight. 

As Zycors confusion was replaced with properly organized thoughts, Zycor, in a panicked state, asked, “Where is Aislin? Is she ok?” 

“Yes,” Aisha replied, “Aside from the scar on her back she is completely fine. Hell, she’s already walking around, leave it to an Oni to heal so fast in just three days…” 

Zycor asked, “I have been asleep for three days? Really?” 

“Yeah, I was really scar-,” Aisha paused as she grew embarrassed about what she was saying. She continued, flustered, “I-I mean, duh, you moron! What did you think was going to happen when you drained your mana reserves AGAIN?! Honestly, do I need to babysit you all the time?”

“Did I really run my mana reserves dry? I don’t remember using any magic after the first spell…” Zycor asked. 

“Well, that’s what I was told. I mean, you are so forgetful I wouldn’t be surprised,” Aisha answered

Adria, who stood in the doorway, knocked on the door to get the two’s attention. “I apologize for interrupting, but might I talk to Zycor, alone?” she asked. 

Aisha reluctantly replied, “I guess. But Zycor, when you are better you are treating me to something in town for worr-... I mean, for being an idiot.” 

With that, Aisha left. Adria closed the door behind her and asked, “Well now Zycor, would you have any idea as to why I would want to talk with you alone?”

Zycor remained silent as he looked down at his sheets. Adria sighed, “I am taking your silence as a yes.” 

She walked over to Zycors bed and sat down on the edge as she continued, “Honestly, I was so worried about what Clyde and Aislin would do that I didn’t even consider what you would do. What was I thinking, letting a fifteen year old go on something like this as his first quest regardless of who was with him. Of course you would want to fight, it is literally the whole point of this training phase of yours. Though those two should have done a better job with protecting you.” 

Clutching his sheets, Zycor said, “You’re wrong.”

Taken aback, Adria asked, “What do you mean ‘I’m wrong?’” 

Zycor quickly elaborated on his statement, “Clyde, Barroo, and big sis all warned me how dangerous those bears were. Clyde told me to only provide support because I wasn’t strong enough to fight one myself. It was my fault, not theirs.” 

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Adria smiled, “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Listen Zycor, Everyone makes mistakes. And what happened when you ran in was a perfect example of the consequences of rushing into something blindly. All of your choices will have an effect on those around you, some will be immediate and others will not. It’s important to think through what you plan to do and if you can handle the repercussions that will follow.” 

Adria hugged Zycor and stood up. “Having said that,” She continued, “You are forbidden from attempting any quest or using your weapons for the next three days.” 

“But, mom…” Zycor protested. Adria swiftly cut him off by saying, “No buts. Come down to eat when you are able to move. I love you!” 

Adria stood up and headed out of the room, shutting the door behind her. 

Letting out a sigh, she said, “Are you sure I didn’t go too easy on him, Aislin? I know you asked me to, but what will happen if you or someone else is not there?” 

“He’ll be fine,” Aislin replied, “He’s a tough kid, and I’m certain the experience itself was far more excruciating than anything we could do to him.” 

As Adria and Aislin began to walk downstairs to begin making some food, Adria asked, “Are you doing alright? How’s your back?” 

Aislin chuckled and responded, “Eh, don’t worry about it! It still hurts a bit, sure, but now I’m just gonna look even more badass!” 

“I suppose so…” Adria sighed.

Zycor managed to get out of bed with the help of Aisha and they ventured downstairs for some food. After they ate and Zycor finished his profuse apologies, night fell upon them. Everyone said their goodbyes and left for home while Zycor, Adria, and Aislin all went to their rooms and went to sleep. 

As he laid in his bed, he thought about everything that had happened. Zycor reached his hand out almost instinctively as a hazy memory entered his mind. He remembered he did the same thing during the hunt, though he couldn’t remember what happened after. Still, he was determined to figure out what it was and become stronger.

Meanwhile, under the mountain of which the capital of Velathria found itself, lay an open cavern-like area. A large courtyard leading into a palace carved into one of the walls of the cavern. There were several individuals that roamed the courtyard with purpose as they prepared for…something. Inside the palace was a single large, yet fairly empty, room, save for the structural pillars and the throne at the head of it. The room was gray throughout, the only exception being the black runes carved into the floors and pillars. Sitting on his throne, Mister X watched the events that played out in the woods, using a long-thought-lost item. “What a shame. And here I was, on the brink of… persuading him to reconsider my generous offer. It would appear I must take… extra steps in the future to ensure that no outside forces are able to… interfere with my affairs.” 

As he turned off the viewing item and moved it to the side, he began to stand and muttered, “Oh well, anything worth… Procuring always has obstacles. Though, I do not believe these… obstacles will prove to be too much of a… challenge.” 

As he looked down the hall at a group of people, who were kneeling before him, he said, “My faithful followers. It has been quite some time since the founding of this… lifestyle, and I must admit how… grateful I am for those of you here now, as well as those of the past. The proper time is finally close at hand. There is but a few years worth of mana left to… collect. And upon  its… completion, you will all receive your end of our… agreement.” 

As Mister X ended his speech, he began to laugh ominously, all while his ‘followers’ repeated the phrase, “Salvation through Itzal.”

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