
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: A Stranger in the Snow

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Two years passed and winter finally arrived, bringing the cold and snow with it. Zycor was training outside, as usual, doing everything he could to increase his arm strength in order to wield his gauntlet weapon better. The adventurers guild at this point was up and running and had a few members already, some had been there for about a year now. 

“Are you still out here training, kid?” asked one of the adventurers leaving the guild hall, “It’s freezing out here, be careful not to catch a cold.”

 Zycor momentarily paused and faced the man, “Thank you for your concern, mister, but I will be fine.” 

The Adventurer shrugged and, as he began to walk away, chuckled, “Whatever you say kid, just be careful. If Adria found you collapsed and found out I just walked away, I’m certain I wouldn’t live to see tomorrow!” 

As Zycor made his way into the snow covered wasteland to continue his training, he noticed something off in the distance. As he stood there confused, he wondered what it was. The figure  soon collapsed in the snow. Zycor rushed over as fast as he could, hoping he would be able to help them. When he finally arrived, he saw a demi-human girl with pale pink tinted skin and a horn in the middle of her upper forehead. Zycor put the girl on his back and stood up. She was taller than Zycor by about six inches, which made carrying her a bit awkward. When Zycor managed to get a good handle on her, he began to drag her back to the guild hall. When he arrived at the guild he burst through the doors and loudly stated, “Mama Adria, I found someone outside who collapsed in the snow. Can you help them?” 

When Adria came out to take a look and saw the demi-human girl on Zycors back, she told him to bring her to the back room. Zycor followed Adria through the door behind the main desk and entered a medium sized room with bookshelves filled with papers and books. There was a bed against the furthest wall and a closed, locked door to the left. 

“Bring her here Zycor, we need to get her on the bed,” Adria said as she prepared the materials she needed. 

After Zycor laid the girl on the bed Adria began to cast fire magic to warm her up. Adria saw the girl’s horn and pale, pink skin along with her physical build and got a good idea of what she was. Adria, focused on trying to prevent any permanent damage, said to Zycor in a stern tone, “Zycor, bring in a bucket and a cloth.”

After she warmed the girl up a bit to prevent frostbite, Adria checked and unfortunately found a fever. Zycor immediately ran to get the items. When he returned, Adria filled the bucket up with cold water with water magic, got the cloth damp, and placed it on the girl's forehead. Adria told Zycor to hold the patient’s arms down while she closed her wounds with fire magic. Zycor got the best grip he could and applied pressure while Adria began to seal the girl's wounds. When Adria made contact, the girl let out a yelp, tensed up, and began to struggle. Zycor did his best to keep her still, but an eight year old boy can only do so much against a half demon. She lifted the arm Zycor was holding and hurled him across the room. After Adria saw that, she snapped, “Alright, that’s it, girl!” before she cast a fire binding spell and held the girl still. 

“I wouldn’t recommend struggling,” Adria chastised. “Struggling will only make the flames get hotter.”

The girl complied, and Adria finished closing the girls’ wounds. Adria changed the cloth and told the girl to rest as she left the room with Zycor. The curious boy he was, Zycor asked Adria, “Mama Adria, do you know what that girl is? She doesn’t look like you or me.”

Adria nodded and replied, “I do, she is from a demi-human race called the Oni. Their brute strength alone could rival five of the best swordsmen in the kingdom even at her young age. That’s not even mentioning their magic capabilities. Though they don’t interact with others outside of their race often, aside from the occasional raid during food or water shortages. So it does not make any sense for one to be alone and so close to human civilization.” 

As Adria was trying to figure out what the girl was doing alone and so far away from her people, Zycor slipped back into the room. As he watched the strange girl sleeping, he decided to do what he could for her. When Adria eventually returned to the room looking for Zycor, she saw him using bandages to dress the wounds, though very crudely, on her arms. Adria smiled, happy he was still able to care for others despite everything he had gone through. Though, this thought was cut short when Zycor went to bandage the wounds on her chest and stomach not yet understanding the difference between boys and girls. She rushed over and picked him up, “Ok Zycor, I do appreciate you are so eager to help tend to her wounds, but that area is not a place you should be touching. Let Mama Adria handle that part.” 

Confused, Zycor, as he was being escorted out of the room, asked “But why? Did I do something wrong?” 

Adria, a bit embarrassed, replied, “You didn’t do anything wrong per say, more like it’s inappropriate for a boy to touch a girl he barely knows there.” 

Zycor was still confused, but decided to trust Adria and left. When the girl finally awoke the next day, her fever had mostly subsided. Adria was reading in a chair next to the bed, and Zycor was sitting leaned up against one of the walls fast asleep. When she realized where she was she started to panic. However, she was stopped by  her injuries causing her a good amount of pain when she tried to move. Looking up from her book, Adria softly said, “Good morning, I hope you enjoyed your long nap.” 

Adria’s voice calmed the girl's nerves and she began to calm down. “Where am I?” she asked.

Adria replied, “In the backroom of my adventurers guild hall. Since we are in the mood to ask questions, might I inquire about your name?” 

The girl, noticing her wounds had already been tended to, nodded and answered Adria’s question, “My name is Aislin Rose-Lothion. I thank you for patching me up.” 

Adria smiled, “What a unique name. You normally hear the same old generic names when amongst humans, so it’s nice to hear a name like yours once in a while. As for your wounds,” 

Adria looked over at the sleeping Zycor, “That boy is the one who brought you here. He said he found you collapsed in the snow, so he carried you here, after which he eagerly did everything he knew how to try and tend to your wounds.” 

Aislin looked at the boy, and back to Adria, “Well, thank you both for all of your help, I shall leave at once.” 

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Adria stopped her and asked, “So what is someone from the Oni tribe doing all the way out here… alone.” 

Aislin froze for a moment, “So you know what I am huh. Are you going to try and turn me in? Because I won’t go down eas-.” 

Adria put her hand up, stopping Aislin, “You misunderstand, Ms. Rose-Lothion. I merely asked you what you were doing out here alone. If I had wanted to turn you in,” 

Adria’s magic power began to rise as the whole building began to shake, the room was filled with an immense pressure that terrified Aislin. Adria then stated in a serious tone, “I. Would. Have. Done. So.” 

After she finished her threat, the magic power dissipated as quickly as it appeared. Frightened and in awe of her power, Aislin said, “I am sorry, ma’am. I am here because I left my tribe behind. There was a war between my tribe and another demi-tribe, and although we won, many lives were lost. That includes my family, and all of the friends I had in the defense team. So, with there being no reason for me to stay any longer, I decided to set off on my own adventure. I traveled for weeks, until I finally ended up in that snowy field. My wounds were finally getting to me along with my-.” 

As she began to say something, her stomach let out a loud rumble. Adria looked at her and asked, “Would you like something to eat, Ms. Rose-Lothion?”

Slightly embarrassed, Aislin responded, “Yes please.”

Adria grabbed some wooden crutches she had and gave them to Aislin.. As they got to the door to leave, Adria looked at Zycor and said, “Zycor sweety, if you don’t get up soon, all of the food will be gone~.” 

Zycors eyes shot open, and as he swiftly went to stand up, his feet slipped and his face became well acquainted with the ground. Aislin barely had time to process what happened. This kid, who slept through the yelling, magic quake, and roar of a hungry Oni’s stomach, heard he would miss out on food, woke up, and proceeded to fall face first onto the ground. The whole situation was so ridiculous, she couldn’t help but erupt into laughter. “This kid!” she began, “He’s too much! Owowowow.” 

Aislin held her stomach in pain due to the combination of the injuries she sustained along with the intense laughter. As Zycor got to his feet, he asked, “Are you ok? Can I do anything to help?”

Aislin looked at Zycor and said, “Nah, I’ll be alright kid, so you don’t have to look so serious.” 

Zycor, choosing to stop listening after the ‘kid’ comment, replied, “I’m not a kid anymore. And besides, how old are you?”

Aislin, slightly annoyed at the kid talking back to her, snapped, “I’m fifteen kid, how old are you, huh?” 

Zycor, not about to give any ground, smugly stated, “I’m eight and a half.” 

“HAH,” Aislin bellowed, unable to contain herself, “You really are just a kid! I am fourteen you goof! You better watch what you say to your elders! And another thing, where is your emotion? Or is boring your default? You’ll never find a girlfriend acting like that!”

“What is a ‘girlfriend’? Is it a type of weapon?” Zycor asked, not having the faintest idea of what that was.

 As Aislin started to speak, Adria interrupted, “Well, you don’t need to worry about that right now. How about we go get some food instead?” 

Zycor nodded, walked over to Adria who was waiting, and they went over to the kitchen area. After they were done eating, Zycor got up and started to head outside to train some more, but he stopped and walked back to Aislin. He looked at her and asked, “Hey lady, what is your name?” 

Aislin, as she realized he was asleep when she introduced herself the first time, replied, “It’s Aislin, what about you?” 

“It’s Zycor,” he responded.

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