Fantasy Hunter

Chapter 2: new world (2)

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"Young master, breakfast is ready," Alex heard a maid speak through the door.

"Oh yes, I'm coming" Alex got up from the bed approaching the closet, when he opened the closet he saw a mirror in which a 15-year-old boy was reflected, big blue eyes, with a face that could be considered handsome and with dark hair. silver After looking at himself for a while in the mirror, he took the clothes he had in the closet, it was a white shirt along with black pants.

after taking some time to dress alex opened the door and went to the dining room, as he went there he looked around despite being only a baronet they had many things this was because their territory was next to the forest of the beasts a gigantic forest that traveled from the north of the continent to the south, powerful monsters inhabited its interior, also within the city that his family controlled there was a dungeon, the typical video game dungeons where monsters appear and every certain number of floors there is a boss room .

There was also something like the adventurers, although they are called hunters here, there is the name of the fantasy game, while waiting on this, Alex arrived at the dining room, the dining room was a typical medieval noble dining room with a large table with many chairs.

At the end of the table there were two women, one was his older sister named Elvira Dranlake, a beautiful 20-year-old woman, tall, with a good figure, silver hair like him and emerald eyes, the other was his mother Ofelia. Dranlake, a woman who looks young but surprisingly over forty, her appearance was more or less the same as her daughter's, only a little shorter and with blue eyes

"good morning alex" said ofelia

"good morning mother, big sister" said alex as he sat down at the table and started to eat breakfast

"alex, you are already 15 years old, you are old enough to write to the royal academy" said ofelia, at the age of 15 the young people of the primus continent go to the academies of the different kingdoms there they learn things to help the kingdom either by fighting learning magic or political,

"mother, I would like to go to the imperial academy" said alex

"Ho ho, why is that?" her older sister said that she was eating in silence

"because I want to be someone admired in the world and that no one but me decide my destiny" said alex excited

hearing this elvira and ofelia were surprised after all the original alex was a more shy than he had just seen this morning, but his mother and his sister were happy because it meant that he was maturing a little and leaving behind the childish attitude of the.

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"Well, as long as it's what you really want, it's fine with me, but as you are now you won't even be able to pass the theoretical exam, you'll have to start studying and training today since you're only 6 months old" said ofelia

"I know, mother, I was planning to go to the dungeon to train after I finished breakfast," Alex said.

"I'll tell the maids to prepare something to eat for you to take with you," Ofelia said.

"thank you mother" said alex as he went to his room, before going to the dungeon he wanted to learn a little magic or how to use it a little

After arriving at his room, Alex looked at the books that he had on the desk, on the desk there were books of all kinds of mathematics, economics, manners, etc... after all, the previous Alex was a nobleman and he needed to know that, but not that. the current alex cared since the only thing he wanted to know was magic, he found his goal, "Magic and its principles" alex was reading the book for a while and this was what he understood

alex sat as the book said, in a lotus position and began to try to feel what is around him, he spent a while trying after several failed attempts he managed to feel the mana around him, after feeling the mana around him and in inside him alex remembered what the book said "mana is an energy that lives in everything that exists, and we simply control it, spells are simply magic that we have guided and shaped"

alex tried to guide part of his mana towards his hand, it took him 5 attempts to achieve it, on the sixth attempt, blue rays appeared in his hand, he opened the window and guided his mana out of his hand

alex was excited with what he had done, it was magic, real magic, alex decided to see his status in case there was any variation, he discovered that his mana had dropped by 8 points and that he had two new skills

[weak lightning: he throws a lightning from his hand, the lightning costs 5 mp and does 30 damage, with a low chance to stun]

[partial coating: you can cover an object or your body with your mana to boost attack and defense, consumes 1 mp/s and increases defense and attack by 10%, items can be applied for different effects]

alex wondered if getting skills was that easy since he only covered his hand once and only cast a lightning bolt, he didn't care much since he wanted to go to the dungeon as soon as possible, but before he went apart from the magic he had already achieved he had to investigate his stats

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