fantasy the destined journey

Chapter 1: chapter 1

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I am currently standing in front of a mirror in a room that I don't remember, but for some reason it seems familiar to me what appears in front of me is a reflection of a boy with brown hair, with light brown eyes, he seems to be a boy of 8 years ago, I wanted to treat this as a dream and I proceeded to pinch my cheeks to see if I was still sleeping which didn't help much because I still feel like everything is real and not to get too paranoid I try to think about why I'm in this situation

The last thing I remember is that I was playing a single player open world RPG and just when I finally managed to kill an enemy that took several hours between attacking and being chased without trying to make any mistakes for 12 hours I finally did it. I succeeded and when I did my body couldn't take it anymore and I ended up passing out

That only leaves one possible explanation, which is an isekai, I keep trying to remember more things and suddenly get the memories of my current body back. Right now I'm very worried about all the places where I could have an isekai it was in 'fantasy the destined journey', the only good thing is that I'm only from a wealthy family, my father's name is Fran Lenix and my mother's name is Luisa Lenix, too I have a sister named Saya Lenix which is a bit awkward since I was an only child in my last life.

While I was still in my own thoughts I heard someone knock and then shout from outside the door "Zack get up breakfast is almost ready" when I heard the voice I immediately recognized her because she is currently my sister

"Wait a minute" I said as I opened the door and I saw a girl who has gray eyes while her hair is black. Saya is a year younger than me, but her height is only a little lower than mine and She's wearing a dress that reaches above her knees. “Zack, are you okay? You look a little haggard" said saya "I seriously think I look like usual" I replied "you look a bit more haggard than usual when you first wake up"

'Until now I hadn't noticed, but when I recover the memories of this body I realize that my sister is very good at reading people, maybe it's related to some kind of talent or it's just something natural for her' I keep digressing when I notice Saya looking at me strangely "Saya tell mom I'm coming, I just need a little time to get ready" I told her as I closed the door again "it's okay don't take too long" she left after telling me that although we haven't known each other for more than a month, our relationship is a bit good, at first I ignored her because of what I had to go through, but she was a great spiritual help to my old self, I don't know how I should treat her in my current state because I had become an orphan when I saw my parents being killed by a bandit while the others kidnapped me and seeing them die I ended up passing out, after waking up I found in this house that it turns out to belong to my parents' friends who had gone to rescue them , but they came too late and only found me tied up next to their base and when they finished killing all the bandits which was kind of surprising because they told me there were 20 bandits but then I recorded that the world I'm in should stop being surprised by this kind of thing

The world I'm in is a game where people are only allowed to have one account and to create it they need to authenticate a lot of information like ID and if you ask someone who didn't want to play the game and know if they can create an account so they can have 2 accounts at the same time the person who plays with the 2 accounts can be accused of identity theft

Either by being accused by a third party or by the same person who gave him the permission which was a strange thing, but after some people were sentenced to jail, no one dared to question it, the game consists of having a maximum of 3 avatars, but regular people can only have 1 or 2 because developing a single avartar required a lot of time which although it sounds illogical was something that many players had gotten used to, there was no level system, there were only statistics but no one had access to them, not having the ability to differentiate the difference in strength it was easy to get killed by the first monster or hostile entity no matter how weak it seemed at first people kept complaining and some even quit the game after trying it for weeks, but a lot of people got addicted to it as their avatar growth was becoming more and more noticeable, then there came a point where you could finally go to a temple to select a main profession, which is very hard to change not to say impossible, since a specific artifact was required and the world map was very extensive

Something very peculiar is that the game consisted of having 9 continents, more than 500 countries, which caused a lot of confusion at first because many people appeared in different territories and countries, which was the beginning of an investigation made by the players and they tried to mark all the territories in which they were since each person was generated in a different place, either being an orphan, having a family in a rural town or living in a city, there are many backgrounds when creating a character, there was even a player who was the son of a hero, that was the moment that the maps were not generated automatically and they realized that only the discovered map of the world was very extensive, at first it was believed that each player appeared in a random world, when they went to other countries they were surprised that the texts and voices came out in a different language and there was no translation option

After that they tried to get all the available maps to be able to shape the world and they discovered the 9 continents and there is still a possibility that there will be 14, but they were only considered rumors. I stopped rambling and then I realized that the game didn't contain a main story and it gave the player total freedom and that means that he wasn't tied to follow any plot, but it also means that he was more exposed to dangers, it wasn't weird to be murdered in a slum inn while you sleep due to thieves and murderers being stealthy and very good at picking doors with shoddy locks, getting mugged by bandit in rural places, even getting caught in the middle of a war or coup state was completely normal.

"Zack, the food is ready" I hear my mother shout and I finish fixing my clothes a little before going down, when I get downstairs I see my mother, I must admit that she is beautiful, my mother has the same eyes and hair as my sister but instead of wearing a dress she's wearing jeans and a gray blouse that matches her eye color, I say "good morning" she was in sudden shock 'now that I think about it, it's the first time I've taken the initiative to greet her, normally she greets me and I just nod her head' then she got startled and said to my father "honey, I think I heard wrong, Zack just said good morning to me, it's the first time he greets me" at what which my father replied "you didn't, Zack is finally starting to open up to us" my father has black hair and black eyes or to be more precise dull brown like the ones in my previous world, I could almost see a tear come out from their eyes, I didn't want them to make a scene so I told them “it's cool ok, stop kidding, it would be bad if the food got cold” after I said that they reacted and went back to normal, when I saw my sister come down the stairs and sit on the chair, we started to eat “Mom, dad I have something important things that I want to tell you” when I said those words they were surprised because it is the first time that I call them that, but they decided to continue listening to what I was about to say “I want to start training, so when I receive the awakening of my profession I can have access to a profession that my father dreamed of getting" after listening to me they stopped to think about it for a moment until my mother said "it's ok we know you want to become strong after" my mother hesitated a moment until she finished saying "what it happened to your parents” after hearing her say that I told her “actually I don't want this for revenge or something similar, I want to fulfill my dad's dream of traveling the world and for that I need to join a guild of e explorers, as a starting point” after hearing that they realized that I was not trying to seek revenge and hunt bandits which is simply trying to seek your own death because nothing guarantees that there is not a very powerful bandit and I ended up getting involved where I shouldn't “it's ok but you should know that getting specific professions is very difficult and it's only 2 years before you wake up, you can tell me what profession you want” after hearing it I was very happy and said “portal manipulator, Master of all the portals and dimensions” When I said that my parents and my sister looked at me strange since it is the first time that they saw me so happy and especially because of the strange profession that I just mentioned “Zack, what do you mean by work? 'portal manipulator' is the first time I've heard of that profession” after listening to it I realized something and that is that there was a very interesting concept in the game and it was called unconscious profession is a f phenomenon in which there are professions that cannot be learned if the player's avatar had not heard the name or things related to them, sometimes players had problems when trying to search for a profession and different professions appeared depending on the player this was due to something that had to do with certain requirements when choosing a profession, after people were aware of this fact, something shocking happened since it was the first time that a developer gave information directly related to the game and mentioned that the statistics did exist despite the fact that they could not be seen and also when creating a character each stat would be random between 1-100 and in a very particular case 0 appeared but it only applied to mana or compatibility with some elements and different energies

After taking a few seconds to remember all that, I replied "It's simple, my father had bought a book that explains different professions to a merchant and then I started reading it every day because I found it very interesting” among the professions that I liked the most was portal manipulator who summed up his class as the master of all portals and dimensions, there were some like jester and his summary was the master of all tricks and smiles, there was also Astral Architect and his summary was the pinnacle of all energy mechanics, he said that it referred to his ability to create inventions with any energy, be it divine, mana, demonic, emotions, elements and etc. Except for portal binding, which was a rare profession because you had to have an affinity with space and maybe a little with time, but it wasn't like the others that could only be learned if you were a disciple of someone with that profession before. awakening, not that they even heard some of these professions

"Zack you should be careful about mentioning those professions from now on because the specific information of different professions is restricted to people with a lot of power, an example is the tower of wizards, since magic is not a general knowledge, they can monopolize those who wake up as magicians, the same happens with nobles and knights, I don't know how much information that book has but don't say it much in front of other people 'oh, I'm in that kind of anti-progressive country, it's the name he gave it to countries where it's hard to find specific development information, but it wasn't a problem for players because there was a wiki showing how to progress in common professions and chants of different magics' plus I already memorized a lot of things related to professions, it was necessary because you had to fight against NPCs who had their own professions, there was also a point where your avatar appears the message "congratulations you you lit up, your ability is going to the next stage, recite the spell or think about it before the time runs out and you can move on” At first when the message came out it puzzled people because no one cared about memorizing the chant of a spell, draw or a matrix etc But after time passed there was another message "because you couldn't remember how your own skill works, you lost your enlightenment, now you will have more difficulty in learning and improving all your skills" after that everyone who failed, their characters they had a hard time getting stronger or learning more things in their main or secondary jobs

After thinking about it, I told my mother “mom, your profession is to be a magician specialized in water, can you teach me how to do magic? please" my mother started to think about it, but before she answered I heard my sister say "I also want to learn", after she said that mother stopped thinking about it and said "it's fine, but you should know that trying to learn magic It's usually very difficult at the beginning and even more so when you don't even have a profession related to magic.” My father seemed to agree “how about you train your stamina and strength too, I'll train you when I have time after hunting” after hearing that, I agreed

After we finished eating I went out with my sister and my mother to study magic.

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