fantasy the destined journey

Chapter 13: chapter 13

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"Who are you?" That was the first thing I asked him, although it was obvious that he was not going to answer me, but i always wanted to say that question in this kind of situation

"Why should I tell you?" I didn't clearly hear his answer, but it was already very easy to understand.

Finding this person was very easy, my eagles are taking turns watching the surroundings and thanks to that we can keep calm without having to worry about our surroundings

I don't know why this person was watching us, but she looked very suspicious and I had no choice but to catch her off guard and by the way she gave me time to relieve myself.

But I must admit that catching him was much easier than I thought, he doesn't seem to be someone very powerful or he is someone who has some assassin profession

I didn't want to waste any time so I just punched his jaw and then I watched him pass out, but it was kind of hard to land that punch as that person was swinging his feet trying to hit me.

He dropped his knife to try to remove my tails with his hands instead of trying to cut them or attack me so it must not be someone with much experience

After confirming that he passed out, I open a portal after finishing urinating, grab him, and return to the carriage.

When I come back I see my father burning some wood and when he sees me for a moment until he looks at what I bring

"You left for a moment and you already brought a victim" he tells me as he starts to stand up and look for something that was on top of the carriage

As my father started looking for something I heard my mother get out of the carriage "Zack let's start cooking so we can go to sleep early"

She frowns when she sees the person I put on the floor and I saw Saya who was also peeking out of the carriage.

When I was about to explain things my father said "I found it" and jumped off the roof of the carriage

He pull out some kind of rope and was going to start tying up the person I caught until I stopped him

"Dad wait, we have to loot it" After he heard me he nodded and I started to take everything he had, which wasn't much if I said so, apart from the knife and the handkerchief that seemed to have been used to eat some kind of bread for the crumbs he also had some type of bag that contained the same type of breadcrumbs only that right now it is empty

I started to take off his clothes and started with his hood and scarf that covered his face I was surprised to find the face of a girl, I really thought it was a boy, but it doesn't matter much either, she is still an enemy and i will not go easy on her because of her gender

I also noticed that he had the ears of some kind of feline or canine animal, not that he knows much about animals either.

My parents were looking at me with a face as if they were looking at someone who looks suspicious while my sister was smiling which made me feel a bit uneasy thinking that if someone saw me and didn't know the situation they would see me as the criminal instead of the victim.

After taking off her upper clothes I noticed that she was wearing a metal necklace and a green bra and then I finished taking off her lower clothes I saw her tail that was hidden inside her killer clothes

"Zack, if I didn't know you and I saw you right now, I would think you're used to doing that kind of thing" said my father while he looked at me smugly and I saw how my mother looks at me in a bad way and Saya who seems a little embarrassed

I really don't know what's going on with this family, the most normal thing would be for them to ask questions about how I caught him, what his motives were and that kind of thing, but they just take this opportunity to make fun of me

But after my father stopped laughing he passed the rope to my mother who immediately began tying the girl up.

After I finished with that I went with my mother to prepare dinner by the campfire

We made some extra food for the person we captured, I do not agree with forgiving people who attack me for no reason and if they do it for a reason it is best to give them a punishment depending on their stupidity

Who faces someone without being sure that they will win?

It's not like I can judge her because I did the same thing I just wanted to take advantage of the surprise moment and I really wanted to go to the bathroom, but someone watching me do it made me uncomfortable so I decided to capture her

Well after we finished dinner I saw the captured girl start to regain consciousness and the first thing she did when she saw us was start crying and say

"Please, please don't kill me or hurt me" she kept murmuring those words while crying, I didn't expect that reaction because of the way she acted when I captured her and the rest of my family started to frown

Just because she makes us feel a little sorry doesn't mean we'll forgive her for harassing us and possibly attacking us if we get the chance.

At least we don't have to worry about her attacking us because the rope she's tied to has a paralyzing spell on it.

"Why were you following us?" It was the first thing my father said

"It-it was because I wanted food and I've been lost in this forest for several days" That was his explanation, but even a child would not believe him, we are literally in the middle of a path

"You know if you explain your situation to us well, it is possible that we will let you go and we will also give you some food" I said while saying it innocently, having a little boy's body helps in this kind of situation, although what I say is a lie it's not too much to try, maybe she'll confess if she has more helpers and she was just a scout

After listening to me, she began to cry “It is the first time that someone cares about me” she kept crying louder and louder and repeating that I am a good person

I don't know if she is good at acting, maybe she is a little gullible, very naive or maybe some circumstances make her behave like that

She began to tell us about her situation, several days ago she ran away from a slave trader

She had the profession of murder so she took advantage of a moment of carelessness of the guard who got drunk while watching her

He lured him closer while he was drunk and ended up stabbing him to death with the knife the guard was carrying.

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Then he stole his keys and began to take off the shackles that chained his feet and he also did it with his younger sister who is only 6 years old.

They loaded a bag full of loaves that belonged to the slavers and left, they were lucky enough to find a pond of water nearby and they could drink it directly

Which I think is very dangerous to drink, you never know if the water has parasites or other types of organisms without having tested it first

But after they escaped they were chased for several days until their pursuers stopped and the worst began.

Her sister was getting sick with a high fever and she didn't have much to do but get lucky and let her recover on her own but she still had to give almost all her food to her sister and kept some to support herself and get food for both of them

Near the forest and had no choice but to steal food from people crossing, which in itself is very dangerous

Her story seemed very cliché to me, but not that I care much, she tried to steal from us and that makes her an enemy

While I was thinking about what to do, I saw how my sister had tears in her eyes, my parents had an indifferent look, but when they saw my sister's reaction they began to doubt

Seriously we should teach her not to be so naive, she can be betrayed or killed by someone she helped, just when she was going to speak I heard her while she also started crying

"Zack, dad, mom, can we help her?" he said as tears came to his eyes

"Saya we are not sure if we should get involved in this kind of situation, many people go through similar situations and we can't worry about every person we meet" that's what my mother said while having a look of concern

I couldn't stand this situation anymore so I started talking "Hey, what's your name?" She looked at me confused for asking her name, but answered after a moment "My name is Alejandra and my sister's is Estefany"

"Okay, if we help you, what could we get in return? Nothing is free in this world." She hesitated for a moment as she had an anguished face before saying, "If you help me, I'll let you become the owner of my necklace."

That means she intends to give us control over her freedom, the slave collar has some restrictions like preventing her from listening to orders about her death, but as long as you don't get to the point of killing her she can obey all other orders

"I can just become an owner right now, so I don't see any reason why I should listen to you."

When he heard my answer he was about to cry again and started to tear up as he spoke "but, but the only thing I want you to help my sister, she was always a kind person despite all the things that happened, without her not even I would have the courage and the will to escape."

I was about to refuse because it would be time to take his sister to be checked by a potionist, maybe someone who knows about medicine or go to a temple and be cured

The last option is very expensive so I discarded it immediately, and when I thought about refusing I heard my sister speak

"Okay we will help you" I saw how my parents did not seem to go against what he said

"Okay, but you must come with me to look for your sister" It was the only thing I could say, my parents did not want to get involved in this matter and I do not want to know him because behind that way of reacting when they are usually overprotective

After I got out of the carriage carrying her and when I finished getting out I asked her which way, she simply pointed her head to the direction that was on the left side of the carriage.

I called Angelina who was sleeping in a nearby tree and asked her to look in that direction, I let Alicia keep watch over the place so that my parents can be prepared if any enemy approaches, it is better that I go alone so I can move more freely

I gave her something to eat because she was going through malnutrition while we waited for Angelina to finish checking for anything suspicious.

After waiting several minutes he came back and started to explain what he saw, I don't understand what my eagles are saying, but thanks to the contract I can more or less understand what they are trying to express

She saw a small cave near a pond in that direction

I didn't think about it for a long time and started to open a portal when I heard Saya speak while having a worried look "Zack, can I go with you?" he said while his eyes were still a little red and puffy

"Saya you can't go, you must stay with us, it can be dangerous if you go with your brother and restrict his ability to move" My mother answered to Saya with a serious look while my father supported her

"Saya you can't go, maybe it's dangerous and we can't blindly trust someone we just met" I replied, I also plan to kill her if what she said was a lie, I hate when people gain my trust only to betray me

"Okay" Saya said as she wanted to cry again, but instead of staying I just created another portal at a distance of 200m, after crossing it I turned the portal that was next to the carriage into a 5cm one

And then I kept crossing several 200m portals until I reached the place I mentioned, I examined the place a bit and I must admit that this place is beautiful even though I could not see it well because of the darkness

Alejandra seemed a little surprised by my way of traveling between different places, but when we saw the cave she stopped showing that surprised expression and started to have a worried look and said "My sister is there, please don't hurt her" I nodded with head and enter the cave

When I entered the cave I felt that it was a warm place, it felt as warm as inside the carriage even though we have a magic tool that increases the temperature while you supply it with mana.

I was prepared to teleport for anything suspicious as I entered the cave and it was there that I saw a 6 year old girl who was sweating profusely in her sleep

I examined her a little and noticed that her beastman characteristics were different from Alejandra's, I didn't think much about it and I approached while carrying Alejandra in my arms

After confirming that it was not a trap, I will fulfill my part of the bargain and create other portals to start repeating what I did before and return to the carriage.

I grabbed Alejandra and put her on the other side of the portal, then I did the same with her sister and repeated this cycle until I reached the carriage


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