fantasy the destined journey

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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Now that I'm a little less exhausted I can look at the place a little more and everything has a medieval style.

There are clothing stores, bakeries, a potion shop, but I think they are made with herbs without being processed by an alchemist or a potion maker and I saw something that looked like a radio.

in fantasy the destined journey, the technology is highly developed in countries of beings such as dwarfs, phados and draks, these races are very advanced.

The only problem is that because they don't have much birth rate, they can't expand too much and tend to settle for doing the things they like instead of dedicating themselves to expanding their territory.

I noticed that many people were looking at me and I started to ignore the buildings, I don't like people seeing me as if I was a zoo animal and I decided to increase the speed a bit until I left the town.

5 minutes passed, but I already felt exhausted, I couldn't even rest for long, apart from walking alongside Barnar to pick up the bow.

I want to give up, but I know that the things that await me in the future will be more difficult than this, I do not want to die for bandits that are like cockroaches in some fantasy countries the fated journey .

I don't know if this country is one of them, now that I think about it I don't even know the name of this country and I don't really care, but it's good to at least have the most basic information about where I live.

I think it's been 10 minutes already, but I don't even notice the difference from when I left town, I'm already reaching my limit and I feel like I'm going to pass out at this rate.

After starting to get dizzy I stop and start walking, I no longer care about the punishment that awaits me, if I continue at the pace I was going, it is likely that I will end up passing out before I get there.

When I was halfway there I see an abandoned church, that gave me an idea that can be risky to try, if I do it there is a possibility that I will regret it, but at least one of my avatars will have a profession.

After thinking about it, I feel tempted to go, but I'll tell my parents to take me, I don't want to go alone because there may be bandits inside the church.

After walking for 45 minutes I finally got home and I see my father staring at me until he started talking.

"You did better than I thought, I thought you would give up at the first opportunity or force your body to exhaustion."

Hearing what he said I couldn't help but reply "I thought you were going to train me until I passed out" after hearing me he started laughing.

“Listen Zack I may not have taken you too seriously when you said you wanted to be part of a scout guild, but ever since I saw you take the risk of picking up an artifact you didn't know where it came from, I thought you were a person who yearns to power no matter how you got it.”

I stopped listening to his nonsense and simply told him "by the way I want to get my profession, in the book it mentions that by saying a specific prayer in a church you could wake up before having to turn 10 years old".

He looked at me strangely for a few seconds and then sighed "let's talk after we have lunch".

When I entered the house I saw my sister taking a nap at the dining room table while sitting, I shook her a little until she woke up.

"Good morning for the second time today sleepyhead" she looked at me with a bored expression until she covered her nose.

“Zack you should go take a shower you stink of sweat” after hearing it I tried to smell my shirt and realized that it did stink quite a bit.

"Okay, I'll go take a shower."

When I come out of the bathroom I feel a nice smell from the kitchen, 'my mother is probably making a stew' After smelling it I go to my room, put away the bow and change my clothes.

When I got to the dining room I saw my father sitting at the table and my sister sitting on the other side of the table, I sat next to my sister.

My father started talking a bit about how my training went while my mom listened from the kitchen though all she did was send me into town and back which isn't trustworthy for a trainer but I'll keep my complaints to myself .

After seeing that my mom arrived with a rabbit stew and sitting next to my father.

We waited for the food to cool down a bit while my mom talked about my sister's talent with magic, she managed to teach her a wind song and she managed to use it, even if only a breeze came out, doing it after a few attempts was something remarkable.

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Then we started eating the rabbit stew.

Once we finished eating my father said “Zack can you explain what you said to me after you got home from training”.

After listening to him, I responded while saying the explanation that occurred to me “if you talk about obtaining a profession before the age of 10, it's simple, in the book it mentions that if you say the prayer in a temple or church, 'Please, give me the power that I need to be able to overcome my difficulties, I don't mind depending on luck if it's my only way to achieve it', then you will receive a random profession from those available to you”.

After they heard my words my father said “you have caused me more stress in these few days than all the things I had to go through together in the last year”.

Listening to it now, I couldn't help but imagine adopting a child, and then said child suddenly dyes his hair a very striking color, puts on contact lenses so his eyes look a different color, and plays with a gun as if it was a toy.

After imagining that scene my mother began to speak "Zack I know that if you mentioned this it is because you already made a decision, but let me ask you this, did you say that you wanted to become a dimensional manipulator?".

“Yes” after answering her those simple words she looked at me again and said “but if you are going to perform a random awakening then you might not get that profession and stay with a melee profession, I know you hate to fight with close range weapons".

After hearing it, I thought it was the perfect time to reveal one of the artifact's features.

"Actually at night just before I went to sleep I realized that one of the functions of the artifact was that I could have another main profession, but to do it I had to go through the wake up and then I will acquire the ability to have a different body and be able to change them every 24 hours"

After they heard my answer they were shocked, although if I were in their place I would too, it's supposed to be common sense to know that you can't have more than one main profession

While they were processing what I just said, my sister who was thinking from a different perspective, she simply said "Zack, that means you can have another different appearance like the one you got when you made the contract and now that you mention it, I can also go wake up my profession before I was 10 years old”

After our parents heard her they said the same words in a synchronized way "you will wake up like everyone else"

Although it hurts me a little how they reacted so differently I can't blame them, so far they have seen that my sister can use magic in a short time, if someone as talented as her awakens a profession that is not related to magic it would be a great waste

After thinking about it, I told them something that reassured them a bit "you don't have to worry too much about that, the book mentioned that there is a high possibility that the profession is related to the greatest talents"

My father heaved another sigh as he said "okay let's hope what you read is true"

After hearing his answer all of us got ready to go to church

Once we left the house we went straight to the church, as we got closer I could see the church better, it was a small building, a little bigger than a normal house, it was made of stone and had moss growing everywhere

When we entered you could see an altar and behind it were the statues of 2 men and 2 women, I ignore the statues because I never got involved with gods in the game, I had only done some research on temple related professions

I walked up to the altar, looked at them for a moment and then walked up to the altar, kneel down while looking at the ground and said "Please give me the power I need to overcome my difficulties, I don't mind relying on luck if it's my only way to do it”

As soon as I finished saying the sentence a sky blue light surrounded me for 1 second and then a screen appeared in front of me


Name: Zack Lenix

Age: 8 years

race: human



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