fantasy the destined journey

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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Name: Zack Lenix

Age: 8 years

Human race

Profession: Breeder of magical beasts

Sub profession: none

Artifact: 3 paths

Hired Beasts: none

Built wonders: none



Age: 8 years

Race: Drek

Profession: Astral Engineer

Sub profession: none

Artifact: 3 paths

Hired Beasts: none

Built wonders: none



Age: 8 years

Race: Libstrus

Profession: Space Manipulator

Sub profession: none

Artifact: 3 paths

Hired Beasts: none

Built wonders: none


I was very surprised by the fact that my other avatars have achieved awakening

But now I realize that from another point of view thanks to the 3 paths artifact, it is possible that the awakening has already recognized all my bodies as part of the same being

Now in addition to appearing hired beasts, built wonders also appear

If I remember correctly the wonders built increase in number depending on whether I create something worthy related to the profession I got

I will most likely never go up, when I was a Drek in the game I had access to building plans and I know that building wonders is very expensive

Although he was just a puppeteer and never used the blueprints

Also, to increase their number I need to create things that are worthy of an astral architect and it requires mana conductive materials or other types of energy such as aura

Maybe I do create things related to mana and the space element using my work as an astral architect together with a space manipulator, I need to go to a place where I can have access to resources that are conductors of different energies

After some thinking, I'd better use my Libstrus avatar because Drek's won't do me any good without materials.

When I touched my Libstrus avatar I felt like everything around me was spinning and then I stumbled

I stare and see my parents next to Saya giving me worried looks, it took me a moment to think about him because

Until I noticed that everyone was taller

Seeing their intense looks, I couldn't help but joke.

I look at the ground while I fake a shy look next to my feet and interlock my hands.

"Don't look at me too much, it will make me blush"

After my joke was over I saw my sister show a smile that I didn't really like while my parents seemed to want to laugh.

Suddenly my sister hugs me and starts talking

"You know little brother, I don't care if you stay in this form forever, you may feel uncomfortable being like this right now, but you don't have to worry because I will always take care of you."

I gave a blank look while our parents tried to hide their laughter, I couldn't take it anymore and I wanted to get away from my sister when I noticed that I was 4 meters away from her

After that happened I couldn't help but let out a smile and I teleported half a meter away from my sister.

The reaction on their faces is priceless, I start teleporting while doing a different pose every time I do it until I start to feel very tired

I remember that instant teleportation for space manipulators consumes much more mana than opening portals, and I'm surprised that I can teleport so naturally .

That means my current body must have a lot of mana.

My father spoke while smiling "Zack, you seem to have fun, it's different from when you always try to act serious in front of others"

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Although I felt that he was looking at me behind me more than in my eyes, I could not tell due to the great difference in height.

After listening to him I think about what he said before "By the way I heard that you said that you planned to send us to an aristocratic academy"

I saw my sister paying attention to what my parents were going to say, they look at each other for a moment and after nodding, my father begins to speak

“I know someone who has an important position and we planned to send you and Saya when they turn 10 and have a profession, they may not like the idea, but it is a place with many resources and it can allow them to meet different types of people”

When I heard it I thought about the pros and cons "father, where is that academy located?"

When he heard my question he simply told me "in the neighboring kingdom Grevaimor "

After hearing his answer I simply ask “by the way, what realm are we in?”

Hearing my question, the atmosphere became a bit awkward, until my mother asked me

"Zack, what do you know about this kingdom or at least the town that is nearby?"

After listening to it I realized something, I still fall into the habits from when I played the game of ignoring all geography and focusing on things like adventurer or explorer guilds or finding ways to become stronger

In the game I always tried to find the most benefits in combat using sub-professions and ignored things like, taste for food, entertainment, etc.

And among those things that I ignored was geography, politics, I wasn't interested in that kind of thing because I couldn't feel what my avatars were doing, like the mosquitoes, the lands I walked on, the water I swam in just to look for treasures etc

Many times I teleport to war zones only to be pelted by showers of arrows before realizing my surroundings.

"Nothing" makes me a little embarrassed not even knowing the name of the town that is nearby

"Okay starting tomorrow, in the afternoon I'll teach you knowledge about nobles, geography, religions, etiquette, and general knowledge like calculus."

After hearing what my mother said I felt like my heart was squeezing, I imagined going to the academy to get resources and improve my professions by making profits like an isekai fantasy novel

But whenever they went to school they omitted what they teach and if they show it it is because it was necessary and part of the plot

Having to go back to school makes me feel bad just thinking about it.

"I think I will not go to the academy, I know many ways to strengthen myself"

My mother and father looked at each other for a moment before nodding and my father was the one who spoke.

"Zack we know that you have a lot of knowledge about professions, but we don't want you to end up becoming someone ignorant of your surroundings or worse still becoming like Critzdo"

After listening to their reasoning I was going to accept, but then I asked them "what about my sister, maybe she doesn't want to go"

"Zack your sister is a different case, Saya needs to learn different types of magic and we can't afford to buy books on magic and much less grimoires" after listening to my father I reluctantly agreed to go to the academy

“By the way, we planned to send them when they turn 10 years old, but we can send them at the beginning of next year because their professions have already woken up and no one will complain because it is common sense that people wake up at 10 years old”

After Saya heard them say that we entered next year she became happy.

I looked out the window and saw that it was getting dark, I took the opportunity to remind my mother that it is not long before dinner time

My mom looked at me when I reminded her that dinner is not long away and said "Okay, I'll make a great dinner to celebrate that they managed to wake up the professions"

After he said that, I took the opportunity to go to my room while I watched my sister go to hers.

When I came in, the first thing I did was look in the mirror and I saw my eyes.

I can't say that I was surprised since I knew my avatar from before, but I still can't avoid the curiosity of seeing my eyes with star-shaped pupils and sky blue like my hair

When I finish checking my eyes I see my tails that were made of a transparent gray liquid in the shape of a strap, I touch them and they feel like holding a balloon full of water, but a strange sensation comes to my body

I try to control them but it's kind of hard because they move according to my emotions and if I try to control them it feels like trying to control my little toe.

I gave up and stopped trying to control them for now

I look in front of me and try to use the information I got related to my awakening

I stretch out my hands with open palms and try to control the mana inside my body.

I feel that something moves through my body instinctively and in front of me 2 portals appeared

They were shaped like a perfect half circle about 12 cm in diameter with a silver color on the edges and light gray padding.

I put my hand in one and see her come out the other portal

I immediately began to experiment more things, I tried to change its shape and it was difficult to do it to specific shapes and I could only do it in simple geometric shapes

After I went to the window I opened it a little and tried to gather the mana in my index finger and drew a circle in the air and a portal of only 5 cm came out

I press with my mana-charged index finger and a beam of energy begins to come out in the same shape, size and color as the portal, it consumes a lot of mana and I stop doing it

After a moment I thought I should make another 2 portals, but instead of their normal color I tried to make them transparent

When I did it I noticed that the mana consumption increased in extreme amounts and I returned it to normal

I started to feel dizzy, I climbed into bed and tried to take a nap while I wait for the food to be ready.

After falling asleep I feel something pressing on my shoulder and I see my sister shaking me, "Zack dinner is ready let's go down to eat"

After listening to her we left my room and went to the dining room, when we arrived we sat in the same places as always and started eating all the food that was on the table

It was a bit quiet, but I liked it that way, there were a lot of things for a single day

My parents looked at me strangely while smiling, but I didn't pay any attention to them.

After eating I went back to my room and fell asleep without taking a shower beforehand which leaves me with a bad feeling because I always do it before going to sleep, but as soon as I touched my bed I passed out


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