Farewell,My Artist

Chapter 11: Chapter 10:Trouble Is My Business

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"Hmmm.A girl and a boy alone in a house.

Hmmmm." he said while rubbing his chin then followed by a glance to me.

"Cut the fantasies,Izumi.I just checked and chose an artstyle that suits my tastes for my cover.That's all.Nothing more,nothing less."

"Is that so?."

Well what really happen is that we almost did that,in a playground.So he was somehow had a point.

"Anyways,lastly,what you told me up until now is the truth,right?.This is not just a made up story no?."

Even though I'm grateful that he immediately changed the topic in our converstion,this question made my spine to tingle.Afterall,I have been lying to him since he asked me about what I did yestersday after the class ended.

"Of course.You wouldn't go that far on questioning me if you think I'm lying right from the start right?."

"Well you're right."

This man sharpness is really frigtening sometimes,especially in this kind of situations.

"I see.Maybe Mishitsu-san was into average looking guys...." he muttered but enough to hear it by me.

"What did you mean?." I asked curiously.

He drink first the remaining water from the bottle besides him before continuing.When I saw that,I feel the urge on drinking some water so I also do the same.

"I think I haven't told it to you before but you see,I once confessed my feelings to Mishitsu-san."

I chocked while drinking after hearing those words.I coughed for about two or three times.I got surprised with that sudden revelation.

"Oi,oi.Are you okay,Satoru?."

"Ah,yeah.Please continue."

"Well I confessed around February last school year.But of course,I got rejected."

"Hmmm.I didn't expect you like her."

"Believe it or not,she was actually my type of girl."

"But why I didn't hear it among the our batchmates last school year?."

"That's because I confessed to her in private.

I already anticipated that she is not the type of girl to be talk about around the school unless it was related to her art.Also,after she rejected me,she also requested to not make it public.Since I'm still respected her despite of my loss,I followed that.That's also the reason why I also didn't tell it to you,Satoru."

"I see."

I couldn't agree more.I haven't really talk to Mishitsu-san that much until yesterday but she was definitely doesn't want to be centered topic among out batchmates.You can feel it based on the aura that she was showing.

And since we came to that,it was a perfect timing to ask him for a help.

"If that's the case," I continued "can you do me a favor?."


"You see,since I asked Mishitsu-san to draw a cover photo on my work,I might go to her house more often.We might go out from the school together.In that situation,it was inevitable to be seen by others.And if that happens,I want you to control the upcoming rumors."

After hearing that,he seems trying to understand first what I'm trying to say.Then after some moments,he showed an expression where he immediately realized my favor.

"It's okay if you don't want to that,Izumi."

"Ah no,no.I get it.I get.I can handle this.Don't worry.Leave the rest to me."

Izumi is more popular and had a larger scope of communication among our batchmates than me.That's why I think he will be able to do my selfish request.

Of course,I'm not doing it for myself.I can handle those rumors afterall.But I'm sure that this will not be the same case with Mishitsu-san,whose has that kind of "weakness".

Since Izumi and I have the same opinion about that "weakness",things goes smoothly.That was actually a good thing to see.

Right after that conversation the bell rung.

Both of us got surprised.Our conversation was so good and intense that we didn't noticed the time.

"Well let's continue this talk in some time,Satoru."

"You're right."

We both stood up from our seats,throw the water bottles in the trash bin and walked together.While walking,my mouth suddenly opened.

"By the way,Izumi."


He looked at me with curious expression.

"I think you haven't answer this question of mine,about the words you mutter earlier."


"I mean when you said that Mishitsu-san would rather choose an average-looking man."


It seems like he immediately understand what I mean when I gave him the exact details of it.

"I'm just thinking that maybe Mishitsu-san will end up choosing you as her boyfriend."

"How did you came up with that kind of conclusion."

"Well who knows?.At first sight,it seems like the two of you are different but in reality,you two also have similarities to each other."

"Is that so?."

Similarities and differences huh.Somehow,I kinda agreed to that statement.

"What's more.An aspiring author and a talented artist?.I think that was a pretty good combination.You two can become one of the best duo in the future."


At the end,I just laughed and gave him a slight smirk.Then continue.

"But that's impossible,Izumi.If you will gonna ask me,the chances of me being a successful author is still higher than me ended up to her."

This was something I didn't tell to him but the only reason why Mishitsu-san talked to me is because of that request,which she thinks I'm the only who could solve that.

If there is someone out there who is also an anspiring mystery author,she will definitely ask that someone instead of me.Or,well I really don't want to say it,but if her little sister didn't died,she will never approach in the first place.And we will remain strangers until we graduate.

So is our encounter a mere coincidence?.No,I don't think so.

A fate?.I'm actually don't believe to that thing.

Or a trap set up by God?.Maybe.

"Well if you become serious about romance,I always here to support you,Satoru."

After he said that,our conversation finally ended there since we already arrived in our classroom.We didn't say any words as we went back to our seats.

Immediately after that,the afternoon class started.And after some hours,it's time now to go home.

Izumi didn't invite me or anything,which is a good thing.I immediately packed my things and left the school.I went towards the meeting place,which is the playground using my bike.Since this is just a one-way destination,it was not very difficult to find that place.

Upon arriving,I parked my bike for a while and sat on the same bench we used yesterday.I used my phone to kill some time.After waiting for about thirty minutes,Mishitsu-san finally arrived.

"Just like I expected,you will show up."

"Well after thinking it overnight,I realized that this may be not a bad thing at all.Although it took you some time to arrived here."

"That's because you used your bicycle.I just walked all the way here,you know."

Well she was right.

"Anyways,please sit down besides me and tell me the details of the murder case."

"Sit down?.What are you talking about?."


I narrowed my eyes a little bit as I couldn't comprehend what she just said.

"Are you assuming this is where the place we will gonna talk about my request?."

"Isn't it the plan?."

After hearing my reply,she scratched her forehead gently while showing a disppointing face.But she was not looking at me.

"Idiot.We will gonna do it in my house."


My brows furrowed.Don't tell me the story I just made up and told to Izumi earlier is really happening right now.Anyways,I tried to deny her suggestion but saying a rebuttal.

"Wait,wait.Can't we just talked about your request here?." 

"That was a good question.But it was better in my house.We have food there afterall.

"Well,you're right."

"Anyways,prepared your bike to go there.And...let me ride it again this time."

At the end,I just followed her since it seems like there's nothing to lose here even we talked about it in her house.What's more,now that  she already suggest it to herself,I become a little curious what's inside her house.

I got my bike and rode it.Mishitsu-san sat again in the back seat in a sideway position.

He embraced her right arm again to catch a support.But this time,she didn't let her head rest to my back.

Anyways,after confirming that we were in a good tracks now,I started biking.After some minutes,we finally arrived at her house.

It was two floor big house.Based on design and the way how it was created,you can sense that her family is rich enough to be able to accompish this kind of house.There is even a terrace in the second floor.

"Please don't hesistate to enter." 

She said as she opened the front door.I followed her after parking my bike.

"Pardon my intrusion."

I said while removing my shoes.Upon entering,I was baffled on what I saw.

What I first saw is surely the living room part.I immediately recognized that it was an expensive table from the looks of it.The furnitures and sculptures were almost complete.And there were some paintings attached in the wall.

"This is nothing compared to my house...." I muttered.


"Ah nothing."

It seems like she noticed my mumbled,but I immediately denied it.

"Please sit down on the sofa first.I will just go to my room to change clothes."

"Ah.Take your time."

I followed her suggestion and sat on one of the four sofa present in the living room.I also put my bag besides me.On the otherbhand,Mishitsu-san went upstairs.Her bedroom was surely located in the second floor.

You are reading story Farewell,My Artist at novel35.com

I looked around at the first floor.Each kind of room was well recognized.

"This floor alone was even bigger than my whole house."

Unlike to this house,the apartment I was renting is very compact.In fact,the kitchen, comfort room and dining room was almost closed to each other.But I'm not complaining from it since it has an acceptable rent price.

Anyways,changing the topic,the fact there is a lone girl who is changing her clothes above me somehow makes concious.

Wait,a lone girl?.

Right after that thought, Mishitsu-san inally came down from the second floor.She went first to the kitchen,probably to prepare our snacks.

After some minutes,she came back,bringing a plate of cookies and a 1.5 bottle coke.She both put them in the table in front of me.Then she came back again to the kitchen to get two glass cups.After all of that,she finally sat down on the sofa opposite from me.

She got one cookie from the plate and offered it to me afterwards.

"Here,Harakiri-kun." she said as she crossed her legs

I also got one cookie from it.While eating I took a glance to her.She was wearing a white  camisole top dress and a black velvet short.

This combination of top and bottom clothes is actually very erotic as it exposed her slender pale thighs,delicate shoulders and upper chest.

Her camisole was so damn thin that you could see the color of it,which in this case,it was pink.Of course,her bra strap was visible from her shoulders.

It feels like she was letting her guard down.In fact,when she bent down earlier when she get a cookie,she didn't even touch her chest to cover her cleavage,so I ended up seeing it.

"It so hot.."

It seems like thinking those things made my body to heat up.

When I looked at my side,there was an aircon but it was not open.I see so that's the reason.

"Can you open the aircon,Mishitsu-san?."

"Ah about that.That's impossible.It got broke  yesterday."

"Is that so?." Then if that's the case "How about a electric fan?."

"I didn't have that here."

No good huh.I think I will just endure this heat.

Anyways,after I finished eating two cookies and drunk some coke,I got a notebook and a pen from my bag and immediately proceed to the real business.

"Okay Mishitsu-san,in order to solve your request,you need to tell me the entire case right?."


"So please tell them to me,as detailed as possible.All the facts and possible clues,please include them."

And with,she finally started narrating the whole murder case of her older sister.

I didn't aware that after few minutes from this,we will we be in a big trouble.

I guess trouble is my business.

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