Farewell,My Artist

Chapter 5: Chapter 4:A Delayed Suicide

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I woke up again.When I looked at the wall clock,it was only seven-o'clock.I woke up much early than the previous days.I even woke up before the alarm clock from my phone ring.

Anyways,I fixed my bed and went to the small dining room and ate my breakfast.Then I take a bath.After that,I wore my uniform and watch.I prepared myself and the things I needed and went outside the apartment.

I used the bike to go towards the school.Upon arriving,I immediately went to my classroom.

After entering,some of my classmates,including Izumi who was already here,look suprised.When I sat to my seat,Izumi immediately went to my table and talked to me.

"Yo,my friend.It seems like our classmates saw a miracle when you enter the classroom."

"Is that so?."

I looked at my watch,it was still seven-thirty in the morning.We still have thirty minutes before the class starts.

But there is other reason why they looked more suprised than before.

"Well the difference right now is that you arrived much early than what are expected."

"I sleep yesterday very early so here's the result."

That's right.Even though there were times I arrived at school not late,it was just BARELY, where there were only three to five minutes to spare.But today is different.And that difference is what Izumi was pertaining about.

"Is this the sign that Satoru will gonna change now?.It is not yet too late,you know?."

"I don't know.Today is just an exception.Nothing more, nothing less."

If I have motivation to write a new story again,maybe I already did that yesterday.And it will make me to be late again.But nothing like that happen yesterday.And since I already fed up on watching random stuff in social media,I immediately went to sleep.

"Anyways,it was still good to see you in this kind of situation,Satoru."

"I guess thank you very much for that compliment.."

"Maybe.By the way,I received the PDF file yesterday."

"Oh?.Then that was good to hear."

"Although I only manage to read maybe the first twenty pages of the story since I just see it after going home from the karaoke."

"I see."

The story have at least two hundred and twenty pages in PDF file.That was actually a pretty long story,considering the way how I lay it out in the file-with small font and indentation.

"Don't worry.I will definetely finish it.Although it may take some days."

"Just tell me of you are already done.I want to hear you opinion about it."

"Of course!." he said with a somehow cheerful tone.

Just right after that conversation,someone call him out.When I glanced who is it,it was the boy who was with him in the karaoke yesterday.Maybe they will talk about the events happen there.After saying:"Later,my friend",he left my table and went towards the group of students.

I looked at my watch.There are still roughly ten minutes before the morning class start.I killed time my starring again in the sky outside.Just like yesterday, the weather is good today.No signs of heavy rainfall.

After some minutes,the bell rung and it was time to start the class.Our homeroom teacher entered the class since English, the subject that he is teaching,is the first subject today.

After some hours,the morning class finally ended.As usual,I went towards the canteen and buy my lunch food.Of course,the cheapest one.

After finding out a vacant table,I sat there and quietly eat my food.Today,Izumi doesn't visit me.As I looked around,he was with the people he usually hanging out everytime,happily chatting and talking to each other in the long table.Of course,that was just normal.He didn't need to accompany me everday.He also know that himself.

"It's not that every day is Christmas Day" is what other people say.

Anyways,after finishing eating,I immediately went back to the classroom.After seating in my seat,I killed time by using my mobile phone.

By the way,they allowed students to bring their gadgets in the school as long as you are not using during class and for something bad.Of course,if you are caught,they will confiscate it.

After some time of doing nonsense in my phone,the bell finally rung and it was now time for afternoon class.

The class continues.And after some time,it finally ended.Our homeroom teacher came in the classroom.I thought that I will be able to go home immediately but Samejima-sensei called my name while packing my things.

"Ah Harakiri-kun,please come in the teacher's room.I need to talk to you a litte bit."

Since it was a teacher's order,I have no choice but to follow it.Actually,I have a hunch on what we will talk about.

Anyways,I followed Sensei's direction as soon as he leave the classroom.When we arrived at the teacher's room,he suddenly asked a question.

"Oh by the way,did you have something important to do today?."

"Well,nothing particular."

"I see.I thought that I'm interrupting you with something because of this sudden meeting.Anyways, please sit down on that vacant chair." he said with a calm expression as he point out the chair beside me.

If I will gonna be honest,I want to lie to him about having something important to do today to avoid this situation,just like what I did to Izumi yesterday.But since I feel like this will not take time that much,there's no need to disobey him.He was a teacher afterall.

As I sat down,he immediately went straight to the business.

"You probably know why I called you here,Harakiri-kun?."

"My tardiness issue?."

"That's right.To be exact,coming to school late."

Just like I expected,it was all about that.I mean,I'm already called out here many times in the past two years,of course by different homeroom teacher. And they always talk about this issue of mine every time I came here.

"But I came today here early right?."

"Well I couldn't denied.But you must know that you already hit the limit of being late in class. Actually,if I will be honest with you,it was not normal anymore."

What he mean is that every semester,we were only allowed to be late five times.But if you have a valid reason to be late like an emergency,the teachers will not mark you as late.

In my case,being late because of staying awake late at night is not a valid reason.And so far,I already being late fifteen times in my third year highschool.

"But I'm not really bothering people because of my tardiness right?."

"That was true but of course, you must follow the rules.I'm actually want to talk about this yesterday but I have something important to do that time."

"Is that so?."

"Anyways,although the number of your lates couldn't count anymore on our hand's fingers, at least you are not being absent just because you wake up late in the morning."

"I'm actually proud of that fact."

That was right.Believe it or not, I'm still have a complete attendance so far since the third year highschool starts. What's more,I'm only become absent twice in the past two years.

One on each grade level to be exact.

"Anyways,Harakiri-kun,I really want to talk to your parents about this but you said certain circumtances will not make me to talk to them right?."

I didn't replied immediately.I'm just ponder for a while.I'm actually don't want to talk about a topic that has something to do with my parents.


Noticing my silence to his question,Sensei called me.I immediately throw all my concern and replied to him.

"Don't worry,Sensei.I will promise that I will not be late anymore in the class."

"You also said that back then but you still doesn't changed your bad habit."

"I'm truly serious now, now,Samejima-sensei." I said with a determination tone.

He opened his eyes a little bit after hearing that,then he turn his lips into a smile slight.

"If that's the case then I will not push any further.But if you have problems,don't bother to consult me.It was the duty of a teacher afterall to take care of their students.Of course,if you want some romantic advice, then I will be happier to help you."

"Thank you but unfortunately,I don't have interest in romance."

"Heh.Really?.You should get one,Harakiri-kun."

"No,not really.I'm actually don't need a girlfriend."


"Anyways,I would rather accept a financial support from you rather than a romance advice."

"Ah.That's where things will be different."

"I see."

After that conversation,a silence fell between us.Sensei broke this by asking a question in a serious tone.

"Don't tell me you are really-"

"I'm just joking,Sensei."

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Before he even ask the question,which is I'm already know what is it,I'm immediately interrupt him by replying back.

"Well if that's the case,then I don't have something anymore. You can go home now,Harakiri-kun."

"I see.Then thank you very much for consulting me,Samejima-sensei.I'm really appreciate it."

I stood up from my seat,bow to him and when I'm about to leave the teacher's room,he suddenly called my name.

"Wait Harakiri-kun."


I thought that he doesn't have anything to say but his next words somehow hit me like a truck.

"Did you still writing stories?."

I'm honestly want to say that I'm will not write anymore but I think he will ask so many questions about that.For now,I will just give him a good answer.

"Somehow.Right now,I'm taking a break."

"I see.While you are in your break,please trim your hair."

"Will try my best."

After that exchange,I finally left the place.As usual,I do my common routine.I get my bike and ride it to go back on my home.

Upon arriving,I immediately changeed my clothes and eat food,which is a bread with a peanut.After finishing eating,someone knocked at my door.

I opened it and someone is standing there.Specifically,it was the landlord.

"I just want to remind of you of your rent." she said as she gave me a couple of papers.

"Thank you very much,Satou-san."

Akiko Satou is middle-age women,around forty-five to fifty years of age.She has somehow taller than the average height of a women.Her somehow cone-shaped face is quite distinctive, while her narrowed eyes was partnered by glasses.She has this calm aura around her which makes me to talk to her easily.

"Make sure to pay them at the end of the month."

She immediately after saying that.On the other hand,I looked to the papers.It was a bill for the electricity,the water and the internet connection.

Normally,she will immediately ask for a payment right after she gave me these papers.But after telling her my 'family circumtances',she gave me some considerations.I'm truly grateful for her about that.

Anyways,I put the papers in my bedroom.There's no need to worry about that anymore. Afterall,I'm not alive at the end of the month.

I spent my time by watching again random stuffs in the internet.After some time,I realized it was already seven-o'clock in the evening.

"Time surely flies so fast huh."

As usual,I ate my daily evening food,which is instant noodles. After eating,I decided to take one cigarette as a dessert.

I went outside,lit my cigar and took a sip.Just like the previous days,the stars are visible.I also spotted few vehicles passing in the road.I can also hear the loud sounds form cicadas.

"What a pathetic life I have." I muttered to myself.

After consuming the cigar,I went inside my apartment and brush my teeth.I spent for about an hour by watching again random stuffs in the internet.After that,I prepared the "things" I needed tomorrow.

For some reason,I could feel drowsiness after consuming my time in the computer.And because of that,I decided to sleep much earlier than the usual.

I went to my bedroom,closd  the light and open the electric fan.After starring at the ceiling for a couple of minutes,I eventually fell asleep.

Tomorrow is the end of the long journey.

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