Farewell,My Artist

Chapter 7: Chapter 6:Impossible Request

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"That was actually my question, Harakiri-kun.What do you think your doing,trying to jump off in the rooftop?." she said in a dissatisfied tone and puzzled face.

Now that I have a closer look at her face,I could finally described her in more detail. She has somehow had an innocent and clean face.Her eyelashes was so perfectly trimmed well.Her tight pink link was also there.And her bust have B,no,it was probably C cups.

Again,she really had a slender and delicate body.

Anyways,I tried to answer her question as vague as possible.

"Well,I have my own reasons."

"Hmmm.By the way,the reason why I approached you is because I have a request to you?."


"But before that,can we talk about it somewhere?.I know a place that will allow us to talk each other freely.What's more,you don't want to be caught by teachers here right?."

There's a slight paused before I answered "You're right."

At the end,she didn't pushed any further on  why I want to commit suicide.However,the "request" she want from me really curious me.What a talented artist needed to someone like me,who doesn't she even talk that much?.

I'm wondering about it but I have no time with that.

"If that's the case,then you go out first from here.I will follow you after few moments."

"I don't want that."


"If I leave you right now,you might do something weird again."

I stayed silent as she guess it right.

"Anyways,come up with me." she said.

"Sorry but I have no time to deal with you."

She narrowed her eyes and and walked towards me and got my bag.

"Anyways,come with me." she said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me with her.

"Oi,oi what the hell are you doing?." I asked but she didn't answer.She just continue walking.

When we got at the corridor,as expected,some students who were still in the school looked on us with confused look.But she just ignored and continue what she was doing.I also did the same.

This was also the same case when we arrived at the hallways.And we reached the school gate,she finally let go of my arm and spoke up.

"You seem using a bike going here in this school.Please get that first." she said with sharp eyes.

She also gave back to me my bag.I had no choice but to followed her orders.I got my bike in the park and went back to her.

"Please follow me.If you run from me,I will never forgive." she added as she narrowed her eyes more.

You got an attitude,don't you?.

I want to say that to her but I guess it will just make her piss off so I just muttered it to my mind.

After that,she immediately walk towards the same direction I'm always using when going home.

Of course,I followed her while walking my bike with me.After some minutes,we passed by my home,but we still not yet in the destination she wants to talk.But after some more walk,

Mishitsu-san stopped walking and turn her head towards me.

"Here.This is the place."

When I looked at my right side,I immediately recognized the place.

It was a playground.And now that I see this,I remember sighting this place whenever I went to the supermall to buy my stuffs from the house.

I followed her walking in a quite long bench there.Of course,I parked my bike with its stand and put my locked on it.

"Here,please seat down beside me."

She suggested after seating in the bench.I follow her obviously while maintaining a quite distance between us.

Right now,there were no children playing in the playground.There were also no students staying here.It was just the two of us.It was quiet.The only thing pr here is the sound of the cicadas from the tree and some vehicles passing by in the road besides us.

"So what kind of request does a talented artist want from me?." I asked.

"Before that,I want to confirm something.You are an aspiring mystery author,right?."

"Eh?.That was...right.But how di-"

"Of course I heard it from Kimura-kun,your close friend."

I know that he was a popular student among the third year students but I'm a little bit surprised that he even talks about that thing to her.I didn't know that.What's more,I even tell him to not tell to other people that I'm an aspriring author.

"Anyways,since you were writing mystery stories,you must also know how to solve one in real life right?."

"What did you mean?."

"My request to you is to solve a murder case."


I was shocked by her words. Solving a murder case in real life?.What's more,she was asking me?.I mean if that's the case,then there should much more reliable people than me.

"I think you should the police and not me if we are talking about a murder case."

"No.That was impossible. Afterall,this case was already solved four months ago." she said in a assertive voice.

Now that statement makes this thing more confusing.

"Eh?.If it is already solved then why are you still seeking for answers?.Wait,for starters, who is this victim?."

"My little sister."


I was not be able to answer immediately since I was a little bit surprised after hearing the victim.It was a member of her family.That must be a tragic event for her.

Meanwhile,she continued.

"The police said that it was suicide after their investigation.But I don't believe that.I think she was murdered by someone.But of course,I  have no idea who is it." she said in low and domwcast voice.

I can relate somehow since it was also the same in mystery-fiction.It become a rule that your murder mystery story you are writing must not end in a suicide since all the assumption that the detective formed will go in vain.

It was also the same in real life but just have different effect.If the murder result into a suicide, that means the real culprit will remain there,lurking in shadows.Of course we don't want that.It was a creepy thing.What if that culprit murdered again someone?.

"That's why I'm asking your help,Harakiri-kun.I believe you can solve this."

That was easy for you to say but there are so many reasons why it was impossible for me to do that.

"I'm afraid that I will not be able to meet your expectations, Mishitsu-san."

"Eh?." she replied in a surprised manner.

"First of all,I'm not a detective, or a police.I'm just a mere third year highschool student."

Just because one is writing a mystery-fiction doesn't mean they can also solve a murder case in real life.It also the same with the detectives.Not all of them can write a mystery story even though they can solve murder cases.

"Second,you said that this case already solve four months ago right?.That means all the evidences and clues is not there anymore."

Specifically,they are in the hand of police now.Without them,it will be hard to solve it,especially by someone like me.

"What's more...."

I paused for a bit.I looked away from her and continue.

"You must accept someone's death."

From the looks of it,she seems can't move on the death of her older sister.But she must realized that all people will die eventually in the end.The only difference is that it may be a sudden death or not.

When I glanced to her,she stand up from her seat and walk towards me.Right now,she was standing in front of me.

"What did you say on the last part?." she said in a irritated voice.

She probably didn't hear what I said so I tried to say it again.

"That you must accept someone's death."


A loud slap was heard. Specifically,I was slapped by Mishitsu-san in my left cheek.

"I'm sorry."

Then she immediately apologized after that.

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Girls sure are mysterious being,isn't?.Although I kinda already expecting this to happen.

Afterall,those words was actually painful to some people.

"You don't understand,Harakiri-kun.But you will only realized this after you solve it."

After saying that,she went back from her original seat.

Then a silence fell between us.I tried to broke it off by saying another reason why I can't accept her request.

"One last thing.I will not gain anything by helping you to found it who is the real culprit."

That's right.Even she asked right away to find out the murderer after her sister's death,I will not still accept it.I'm not the type of person who will do an impossible request but not getting something in return.

On the other hand,Mishitsu-san looks surprised to that statement.As if saying that there is a benefit for me for accepting her request.

"Gain?.But isn't a good chance?.You can serve this murder mystery as your reference to create a story,right?.It's a win-win situation."

"Huh?.What the hell are you talking about that?."


"Did you even know how many mystery stories I already wrote in the past two years?."

"No.I didn't know...."

"It so many.And I didn't even need one more."

I already tried all kinds of mysteries.I even tried to combine some of them to supernatural and science-fiction.But none of them won any everytime I submitted it to a competition.

"What's more...."

I stopped there and didn't continue the sentence anymore.There's no need to tell her that I already give up on writing those stories.

"Well if that's the case then...."

On the other hand,Mishitsu-san seems like she is still trying to find a way to convince.It seems like the sour demeanor she was showing earlier already gone away.

She ponder for a while then after showing a face that feels like she already found another reason,she continue on persuading me.

"How about I create a cover photo to your works?.Isn't the common thing in novels,to have that?."

I see.She was right.It would be more appealing for a story to read if they a beautiful cover.This was always the case for light novels.There are even some illustrations between the chapters in the book.And that makes them more fun to read.

Knowing the great talent that Mishitsu-san have,if I allowed her to draw one for me,it would acquired more readers to my work if I posted it online.But unfrlortunately,that was not the case in mystery novels.

"I'm sorry.I wouldn't deny that your arts are truly exceptional but I don't need those masterpieces with my work."

Mystery stories must be read not because of its beatiful cover but to the mystery itself.I don't want my works to be known just because of its cover. cover.Afterall,the was reason why I want to become a mystery author someday.To be able to write a story that will be known to people because of its content.

Although at the end,I already gave up on that.Which also another reason why I don't need her illustrations anymore.

"I see."

As expected,she was dissappointed with my answer. After some moments,she stood up from her seat and do something strange.

Specifically,for some reason,she started unfastening the buttons of her outer uniform.

Then she removed from her upper body and put it in the bench.She also do the same with her inner polo,not all the buttons but only the upper part while walking towards me.

I was surprised from these unusual actions from her. Before I even open my mouth to say something,she sit down in my lap,facing me.

Then she braced her arms around my neck,as if we are couple preparing to do something erotic.That's when my mind went blank.

After that,she put her face close to mine.Then she whisper something near my ear in a very sexy and arousing voice.

"Then how about being your girlfriend?."

Those words let my guard down.But her next words really crossed the line,as she said it. in much sexier voice.

"Or if that's still not enough,how about being your sex friend?.If you accepted my request,you can f*cked me whenever you want."

After hearing those words,an unexplainable heat comes to my body.On the other hand,she finally distance her face to my ear and instead,she just starred at me with a sadistic expression.

This closeness of our bodies made me realized more about her.Her breathing is intense.I could clearly smell the shampoo from her hair.I could also smell the perfume she use today,which very addicting the moment it goes to my nostrils.

Those things made my genitals below me to react.And the worst case happen,because it seem like she also felt it since she was sitting on my lap.

Right now,for some unknown reason,Haruka Mishitsu,the talented artist is completely dominating me in a worst possible case scenario.

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