Farmer's Blessed Girl

Chapter 9: CH 9

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Chapter 9 – Agreement

With her short legs, Man Bao ran to look for her sister-in-law. Keke observed the entire process quietly.

Xiao Qian was obviously taken aback. She repeatedly asked Man Bao what Mr Zhuang said at the time. After confirmation, she thought about the matter, placed the things on the stove, and said, “Let’s go. Eldest sister-in-law will take you home first and will return later to clean up.”

Man Bao had excellent memory. As Mr Zhuang just accepted her as his pupil, she was able to describe everything clearly.

However, Old man Zhou still asked three times before squatting at the door’s threshold. He took out raw tobacco from his waist pouch, stuffed the tobacco into his pipe and puffed away.

Everyone else also kept quiet. Mrs Zhou said to Xiao Qian, “Go back to work. This is not a small matter. We’ll have to wait for the eldest son and the rest of them to come home before making a decision.”

Xiao Qian nodded and returned to school.

Mrs Zhou glanced at Old man Zhou, led Man Bao into the room, and looked at her.

Man Bao’s chubby little face looked confused, so, Mrs Zhou realised the little girl probably didn’t understand the significance of the matter.

After giving it some thought, she asked, “Man Bao, do you want to study?”

Man Bao, “I have been studying! I have finished reading the “Thousand Character Classic”. Mr Zhuang said he will teach me “The Analects”. I can even count up to a hundred.”

Mrs Zhou stroked her hair, “Do you like to read?”

Man Bao nodded and replied merrily, “I like it. Reading can be fun. When I am in a good mood, I read the “Thousand Character Classic”. It’s like singing, and I feel even better. When I am unhappy, I also read the classic. After reading it repeatedly, I will be happy!”

Mrs Zhou’s eyes were expressionless. It was not certain what was in her mind as she was silent for a long time before saying, “It’s such a shame…”

Man Bao climbed into bed, snuggled close to her mother, raised her head and asked, “Mother, what do you mean by that?”

“It’s a pity you are not a boy.”

Man Bao pouted, “I certainly don’t want to be a boy. Boys are dirty and smelly, and not as pretty as girls!”

Mrs Zhuo couldn’t help smiling, “Yes, our Man Bao is clean and fragrant…”

But boys could produce a male heir to continue the family’s line.

Mrs Zhou felt she was hard-hearted and couldn’t help crying.

Man Bao was very distressed, and helped her mother to wipe her tears. Her eyes turned red, and she started to cry and asked, “Mother, why are you crying, you don’t like me going to school? Then, then, in the future, I will not go so often.”

Mrs Zhou couldn’t help laughing. While wiping her tears, she pinched Man Bao’s nose and said, “So slick! Just like your father, saying nice things to make others happy.”

Man Bao’s jaw dropped. It was difficult to imagine her father like that.

Mrs Zhou was sad for just a moment, and then, she hugged Man Bao and said, “Since you have the ability to study, then let’s study.

“Studying brings many benefits. Although you are a girl, you are better at studying than others. You will not be deceived or harmed in the future. You can make your life better.”

Although Mrs Zhou was illiterate and a peasant villager who had never even been to town, she was quite insightful.

She whispered, “Look at those men, those who are literate live better than those who are illiterate, while those who know how to count and do sums are sharper than those who can’t. The principle is the same for girls.”

Man Bao nodded vigorously, “Teacher said studying can help one to be sensible and reasonable.

“Bai Er Lang (Master Bai, the landlord’s second son), that idiot, said he wasn’t going to take the imperial examination. He would just inherit his father’s land and collect rent to make a living.

“Mr Zhuang reprimanded him. He said one who is sensible and reasonable would not lack self-confidence no matter where he goes, his conduct is upright, and can…”

The ensuing words were slightly more difficult. Man Bao paused, but Keke reminded her and she continued, “You can establish yourself in an unassailable position, have a strong heart and be invincible.

Although Man Bao didn’t quite understand these words, she felt at the time, Mr Zhuang was so imposing and so impressive that she was overawed. She wished she could run around the river at the entrance of the village three times and scream. This was the reason why she could recall Mr Zhuang’s words.

She looked at her mother with bright eyes and said, “Mother, I want to study and be a sensible and reasonable person.”

Mrs Zhou looked at her earnest face and was about to agree. However, when she thought of the family’s plight, she kept all the words in her heart, and decided to listen to what the head of the family would say.

Da Lang and everyone came home for dinner. At that time, the sun was just about to set, but everyone was ravenous. After all, only porridge was served for breakfast.

Everyone simply washed their hands and sat down at the dinner table. Old man Zhou didn’t rush ahead with the matter. After everyone had their dinner, he sat in the yard and called his three oldest sons.

Xiao Qian looked out, frowned slightly, and kept silent while clutching a rag. Second sister-in-law, Feng also took a look at the yard and couldn’t help whispering, “Father-in-law wouldn’t really want Man Bao to go to school, right?”

Third sister-in-law, He frowned and said, “Not likely? How much money would that cost? Eldest sister-in-law, mother-in-law didn’t agree, right?”

Xiao Qian clutched the rag. Although she didn’t really want Man Bao to go to school, she took her home at noon.

In fact, when she first heard the news, she was delighted. Mr Zhuang had accepted Man Bao as his pupil, and she would have great prospects in the future.

But, when she returned to school, reality hit. Studying was costly.

Even if Mr Zhuang accepted disciples privately and didn’t require remuneration/ fees, the ceremony for Man Bao to be formally accepted as a pupil still had to be conducted appropriately while gifts were required during the yearly festivals.

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These could be considered as minor expenses. You would need to buy books, writing brushes, ink, paper and inkstone, all of which required money.

In fact, Mr Zhuang’s school’s fees were quite low, because Master Bai, the landlord paid most of the fees. But even before Si Lang lost money gambling, the Zhou family couldn’t afford to send any of the grandsons to study. After all, they were too poor to support a scholar.

They couldn’t afford to support a scholar then, but now, this was practically impossible.

Moreover, their mother-in-law was a medicine jar. She had to drink medicine every month which made their burden even heavier.

These concerns wiped out Xiao Qian’s initial feeling of joy. At this moment, she only felt apprehensive.

Of course, the men in the family, especially the head, Old man Zhou, had the same thoughts as Xiao Qian, but were more thorough.

Initially, he didn’t really want Man Bao to go to school, but he repeatedly hesitated after listening to his wife and Man Bao’s conversation in the afternoon.

When it was dinnertime, he watched as Man Bao held a large bowl with her two small hands. She buried her head in the bowl and slurped her porridge with relish.

Then, he looked at his three daughters-in-law who were next to him. The women had put down their bowls and chopsticks. They were about to clear the table, wash the bowls and clean up. As he watched them, Old man Zhou gradually felt more inclined towards Man Bao.

His Man Bao was in poor health, yet had grown to be fair, chubby, and cute. Her father and brothers doted on her but what about in 10 years or 15 years’ time?

At that time, would she marry a farmer like her brothers and become a peasant woman like her sisters-in-law?

Old man Zhou vigorously took two puffs of his pipe and choked. Then, he took out the pipe and knocked it, “You know everything. So, let’s discuss this. What do you think?”

Er Lang and San Lang looked at each other, lowered their heads and said, “We’ll listen to father and eldest brother.”

Old man Zhou glanced at the two of them and looked at Da Lang, “Let’s hear it, Da Lang.”

Da Lang gritted his teeth and said, “Since Mr Zhuang is willing to accept her, then, we will support her. When she grows up, if she can marry into town, she wouldn’t have to be like us who have to beg the land for food.”

“That’s right!” Old man Zhou slapped his thigh. “That’s what I also think. How many girls in this world can read and count?

“Look at all the children at home, who is smarter than Man Bao? Da Tou can’t even get the number of eggs correct even after counting many times while Man Bao correctly counted the eggs in her first attempt.

“Our Man Bao is pretty and will be prettier when older. She might even be able to marry someone who lives in the county, what more, a guy in town.”

Er Lang felt perturbed and said, “It’s easy to talk, but it requires a lot of money to study. Furthermore, she is a girl and can’t sit for exams to be an official…”

As his father glared at him, his voice gradually sunk into a whisper, and he could only poke San Lang.

San Lang, “I will listen to my father and eldest brother.”

Da Lang and Er Lang, “…”

Old man Zhou couldn’t help taking another puff of his pipe and said, “Mr Zhuang will definitely not take any fees, so we’ll just conduct the teacher-pupil ceremony.”

Er Lang, “We still have to buy books, writing brushes, ink, paper and inkstone. It’s not appropriate for Mr Zhuang to pay for these things upon taking Man Bao as his pupil. Father, we don’t even know how much these things will cost.”

None of them had ever went to school. They don’t know the exact prices, but books, writing brushes, ink, and paper were very expensive.

This was exactly one of the reasons why Old man Zhou was hesitant. He calmly smoked and kept quiet.

Da Lang gripped his hands tightly. He gritted his teeth and said, “Father, Man Bao is a good girl. Mr Zhuang also knows the situation of our family. I will beg him. We can buy just one of the books they are learning now. Man Bao is still young, and she doesn’t use paper and ink to practice writing. When she grows older, we should have saved some money.”

Seeing that Da Lang had agreed, Old man Zhou took a deep breath and nodded, “Okay, let’s do this accordingly. The day after tomorrow, you and I will take Man Bao to conduct the teacher-pupil ceremony, and then, discuss the rest with Mr Zhuang.”

Er Lang opened his mouth but eventually, didn’t say anything else. However, he was very worried.

Si Lang was 16 years old and about to get married. The original plan was to get him married in time to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Come spring, husband and wife could work in the fields together.

But he gambled and ruined the family, with all the family’s money used to pay off his debts. His reputation was also affected. He probably wouldn’t be able to marry a wife within these three years.

While Si Lang deserved the setback of marrying a few years later, what about Wu Lang?

He was 14 years old. Two years later, it would be time to discuss his marriage. Marrying a wife would be costly. Moreover, their mother still needed to take medicine.

There were six brothers in the family. Discounting the three single boys, amongst the three married men, the eldest was stable though not very smart, while the third was too honest.

Er Leng was slightly smarter because he often goes to the market to sell things. So, he thinks and considers more aspects than his elder brother.

As soon as the incident with Si Lang took place, he predicted the family could save three to four diao of money within the next two to three years. At that time, they would lend some money to Wu Lang for his wedding.

Then, it would be Si Lang and Liu Lang’s turn to be wed. Once all three were married, the family would be in abject poverty for at least another 10 years. By then, it would be Da Tou’s turn to get married.

He originally planned to work together with his family. His parents were around, and the brothers were working together. However, he made money faster on his own.

Although there were younger brothers, nephews, his son would go on to get married, and he may not have any extra money in his lifetime, but at least, he won’t be too deprived in the areas of food and clothing.

But if Man Bao’s education was added to this scenario, then the family would really have no savings at all.

Er Lang scratched his head.

With a headache, he said forget it, anyway, his parents were the head of the family. If there were areas of concern, his parents should be the ones to worry about them. Now, he only needs to be obedient and take care of his own little family.

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