Farming Tycoon of Two Worlds

Chapter 13: 13

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Chapter 13 – Facing Ye You

March 21, 2022

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Cheng Zhou went to the store to buy a new backpack, some common medicines, and food, and returned to the rental house.

Cheng Zhou lost his previous human-powered tricycle in the other world. He had to buy a new one and he loaded it up with food.

Cheng Zhou would try to enter the other world every once in a while. After several attempts, he finally succeeded in entering the other world five days later.

Ye You stood in the corner of the cave and looked at the freshly appeared Cheng Zhou with a gloomy gaze.

Cheng Zhou awkwardly stepped down from the tricycle, braced himself, and greeted, “Hello, master!”

Cheng Zhou thought to himself: The rate of time flow on both sides is supposedly the same. Several days should have passed on this side. Hasn’t Ye You left? It must have not been easy for Ye You to live in this stinky cave for so many days.

Ye You narrowed his eyes and sneered: “Master? So you still remember I am the master. It’s been a few days, and you’re finally willing to come back!”

Cheng Zhou looked at Ye You and said: “I’ve long wanted to return, but I just couldn’t. Master, have you been here the whole time for the past few days?!”

“Are you disappointed that I’m still around?” Ye You sneered.

Cheng Zhou shook his head and said: “That is not true. This subordinate is happy to live and die for you, lord.”

“Oh, to live and die? I didn’t expect you to be so loyal. I’m really surprised.”

Cheng Zhou said with a smile on his face: “The lord has extraordinary strength. It is my honor to serve you.”

Ye You narrowed his eyes and said with disdain, “What a glib tongue. It’s a pity that it doesn’t work on me.”

Cheng Zhou: “……” Doesn’t work on you? That’s great. He also lacks the compliments to continue.

Ye You seemed to sense Cheng Zhou’s thoughts and snorted coldly.

Cheng Zhou stepped forward and cheekily asked, “Master, do you know how to practice fighting force?”

Ye You stared at Cheng Zhou with sharp eyes for a while, and the mockery on his face became more and more obvious. “The book you took from me is the introduction to fighting force. If you can read, you should be able to understand it. Unfortunately, you can’t, right?”

Cheng Zhou saw on Ye You a scholar-tyrant with an undisguised mockery towards a poor trash student. Cheng Zhou sigh in his heart and said inwardly: People have to bow their heads under the eaves! A poor trash student has no human rights.

Cheng Zhou smiled and said ingratiatingly: “Master, don’t get angry. I brought you a gift!”

Ye You raised the corner of his mouth and said with interest: “Oh, a gift! What gift?”

Cheng Zhou took out two cups of milk tea and said: “This is it.”

Cheng Zhou thought inwardly: It is said that having something sweet can improve a person’s mood. I hope Ye will be much easier to communicate with after drinking the milk tea.

Ye You took the milk tea and the straw, and quickly learned how to use it.

Ye You took a sip of the milk tea and said in a good mood: “The taste is not bad.”

Cheng Zhou said somewhat flatteringly, “I knew master would like it. In fact, the reason I left previously was just to buy this for you.”

Ye You rolled his eyes and obviously didn’t buy Cheng Zhou’s nonsense, “Really? Then you really have the heart.”

Cheng Zhou cheekily replied, “This is what I should do.”

Ye You soon finished a cup of milk tea and started to drink the second one. Cheng Zhou peered at Ye You’s demeanor and secretly praised himself for having bought a few more cups before coming over. Preparedness leaves no calamity!

“I have good news and bad news for you.” Ye You said.

Cheng Zhou hurriedly said, “Please go ahead and say it……”

“Your ability to suddenly disappear and appear is somewhat like the special ability of a fallen demon! You should be more careful.” Ye You said.

Cheng Zhou narrowed his eyes. Those with special abilities in this world seemed to be branded as heretics. If they are found, they will be hunted down and killed.

Previously, Parsons, the man in the knight uniform, was elated to see him. It was also because most ordinary peasants were brainwashed, stood on the side of the nobles, and believed that fallen demons were evil. Parsons should have thought that he would certainly help to deal against Ye You.

“What about the good news?” Cheng Zhou asked.

“The good news is that the appraisal mana stone has no reaction. Your ability is something like that of a fallen demon, yet it’s not.” Ye You said.

Cheng Zhou smiled and said: “In my opinion, both fallen demons and knights belong to those with special abilities. However, in the eyes of others, fallen demons are evil and knights are righteous. In my view, the fallen demons and knights are at a disadvantage in the battle. If a fallen demon suppresses the knight, the fallen demon may become a god-giver. After all, history is written by victors. The reason why noble knights will deal with fallen demons is probably that they are afraid of the abilities of fallen demons.”

Ye You looked at Cheng Zhou with great interest, smiled, and said: “Although you don’t understand anything, your ideas are quite amusing.”

Ye You met many commoners and once they found that he was a fallen demon, they will be repulsed or panicked. However, Cheng Zhou was different and had only curiosity. Through the seed, Ye You can feel the fluctuation of Cheng Zhou’s soul. When he mentioned fallen demons, Cheng Zhou was not conflicted. He truly didn’t know about fallen demons and was not pretending.

The fighting force of knights is cultivated step by step. The richer the cultivation resources are, the easier it is to progress. The nobles can guarantee their future glory by providing superior training resources for their descendants.

The fallen demons are different. Most of the fallen demons’ strengths are innate. Many fallen demons are terrifying once they awaken their abilities. In history, there was a fallen demon, an awakened with poison power, who relied on his toxins and poisoned a marquis. The abilities of fallen demons are unpredictable and a great threat to the ruling lord to a great extent.

Ye You sighed and said, “You’re right, but it’s not so easy for a fallen demon to defeat a knight.”

As long as the conditions are present, individuals can cultivate fighting force and improve their strength by taking elixirs.

On the other hand, the awakening of fallen demons is random. Many fallen demons were killed right after awakening, and there was no time for them to develop.

Knights have a context to follow when they want to advance. A fallen demon’s ability depends more on self-realization. They will only become proficient if they frequently use their ability. These people are often hunted and killed, and they dare not use their abilities at all.

Cheng Zhou looked at Ye You and asked: “Did that meat jerky has any special effects before?”

Ye You glanced at Cheng Zhou and spoke: “Are you talking about a horned boar? That horned boar should belong to semi lesser demon beasts.”

Cheng Zhou asked curiously: “Semi lesser demon beasts? What’s that?”

Ye You tilted his head and said: “A demon beast that is in the metamorphosis stage and is transforming into a lesser demon beast.”

Cheng Zhou looked at Ye You and asked: “Is that horned boar beneficial to your recovery?”

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Ye You nodded, suddenly raised his head, peered at Cheng Zhou, thought for a while, and asked: “You want to lure a horned boar, and then hunt and kill it?”

Cheng Zhou bobbed his head and said: “You guessed right!”

Ye You stared at Cheng Zhou, thought for a moment, and said: “The idea is good, but what if you lured in a group of horned boars? Do you think you can cope with it? The impact force of the horned boar is very astounding. Many villagers in Black Wheat Village were rammed to death by the horned boars.”

Cheng Zhou said with some embarrassment: “Isn’t there you, master?”

Ye You narrowed his eyes and said sarcastically: “What? It’s not enough to use me as a free interpreter and still want me to help you hunt? Are you the master, or am I?”

Cheng Zhou said innocently: “Master, how can you think like that? I just want to cook you a good meal, but I am not capable enough. Don’t worry, once I’ve learned the fighting force, I will definitely lead the way for you.”

Ye You grunted and said: “Wait until you learn fighting force? Do you think fighting force is so easy to practice?”

Cheng Zhou smiled and said: “You can try to teach me! Maybe I am a chosen one and can learn very fast?”

Ye You squinted his eyes and said: “Chosen one, are you dreaming?”

Cheng Zhou: “……” He was telling the truth. Why don’t Ye You believe it? There are so many people on Earth, but only he has the ability to traverse the two worlds. If he is not the chosen one, who else can be!

Ye You pondered for a moment and said: “Trapping a horned boar, right? It’s possible.” A fallen demon’s resilience is far beyond ordinary people. Ye You, who was stabbed by the knight chasing him before, have significantly recovered his injuries. If there is enough meat to nourish, of course, he will recover much faster.

Cheng Zhou took stun baton, chuckled, and said: “I’ll give you a hand.”

Ye You focused on Cheng Zhou and warned: “You better not get any wicked ideas. If I die, you won’t live either.”

Cheng Zhou nodded and said: “You’ve mentioned it many times. No need to remind me anymore.”

Ye You glared at Cheng Zhou and said: “Shut up.”

Cheng Zhou: “……” What a bad temper! Just like a firecracker, it explodes when you’re not careful.

Cheng Zhou and Ye You discussed it and decided that Little Lucky would be responsible for luring and Ye You would be responsible for the sneak attack.

Cheng Zhou released Little Lucky and said excitedly: “Little Lucky, let’s go.”

Ye You eyed at Cheng Zhou and said: “Little Lucky? You named it Little Lucky?”

Cheng Zhou nodded and said: “Four-leaf clover is a symbol of luck on our side, so I named it Little Lucky! What’s the matter? Is there any problem?”

Ye You shook his head: “Nothing wrong with that, except that you’re funny, giving a weed insect a name like Little Lucky.”

Cheng Zhou: “……”

Cheng Zhou glanced at Little Lucky and said: “Okay, let’s just get started.”

Little Lucky released the breath of the four-leaf clover elixir and soon attracted a horned boar. Noticing a horned boar approaching, Little Lucky quickly restrained his breath and integrated into Cheng Zhou’s body.

Ye You released a flying knife, and the flying knife cut through the belly of the horned boar.

Cheng Zhou seized the opportunity and switched on the stun baton. The strong electric current struck the horned boar.

The horned boar Little Lucky attracted this time was huge, twice bigger than the one he encountered last time.

The horned boar last time had difficulty moving under the assault of the stun baton, but this one only seemed provoked and turned very violent.

Cheng Zhou still took a lot of risks when he attacked the horned boar. However, Cheng Zhou still wants Ye You to teach him how to practice fighting force, so he must try his best to show it.

Ye You made a move, inserted the dagger into horned boar’s stomach, and slashed across horned boar’s belly again. The horned boar’s innards spilled all over the place.

Cheng Zhou seized the opportunity and continued to attack. Under the effect of the stun baton, the horned boar kept twitching and soon lost its breath.

Ye You looked at the stun baton in Cheng Zhou’s hand and said in a strange manner: “Your weapon is really magical. It doesn’t look like a magic weapon, and its lethality is not small. It’s very precious, right?”

Cheng Zhou: “……” It is only 800 yuan. It can’t be considered particularly precious.

Cheng Zhou looked at Ye You curiously and said: “You can control the dagger from a distance.”

Ye You opened his hand, and the dagger naturally returned to Ye You’s hand. The dagger flew around Ye You’s fingertips like a butterfly dancing around a flower, “Is this strange? This is my companion weapon!”

Cheng Zhou asked inquisitively, “Companion weapon?”

Ye You glanced at Cheng Zhou and said, “When you awakened your magic power, it will naturally appear.”

Cheng Zhou exclaimed in disbelief, “It was created out of thin air? This totally disrupts the law of conservation of energy.”

Ye You looked at Cheng Zhou and asked quizzingly, “What is the law of conservation of energy?”

Cheng Zhou said proudly: “The transformation of energy of a closed system is always equal to the difference between the input and output energy of that system. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another, and the total amount remains constant.”

Ye You stared at Cheng Zhou, shook his head, and said: “I don’t understand.”

Cheng Zhou thought to himself: It’s right that you don’t understand. This time, the illiterate one is not me.

The black throwing knife disappeared from Ye You’s fingertips.

Cheng Zhou’s eyes widened, and he asked in confusion: “Where’s the knife?”

Ye You stared at Cheng Zhou and said: “This is my companion weapon, which is naturally fused into my body.”

Cheng Zhou said with incredulity: “How can it be integrated into the body?” What an unscientific world!

Ye You peered at Cheng Zhou and said grumpily: “This is how it is supposed to be. Instead of thinking about all this nonsense, we’d better deal with the boar first. I’m afraid it will attract wild animals as time passes.”

Cheng Zhou nodded and said: “Alright.”

Ye You narrowed his eyes and said: “Hurry up.”

Seeing Ye You’s impatient look, it feels like returning to the terrifying years when he was ordered by his boss after he just graduated.

Cheng Zhou said to himself: There is no gain without pain. I must bear it!

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