Fate: Ο ήρωας

Chapter 2: Rebirth(?)

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In a world that seems like pure fantasy, A woman can be seen panting for breath, Gold liquid substance staining her form. opposite of the woman is a man holding ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? , compared to the woman this man seems quite fine. The world around them Damaged, the beautiful world no longer beauting with all craters everywhere , corpse of magical Beasts can be seen everywhere raging from Divine Dragons to some strange winged Horses — pegasus's—

The woman who was panting for breath cursed her own weakness. Its not that she's weak by any means its just that the the man is quite strong.

'To think my children will betray me like this' Mused the woman with ???????????????????? ????????????????. The woman sighed and seem to stand more straight. "I will come back and kill you" said the woman.

The man across her knew that its not a threat, no ,that is a fact. Like someone saying the sky is blue or that humans bleed red blood. So he took that seriously as his form seem to tense.

The woman seems Amused by that as she sighed again '???? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????? , no one is going to take that from me , especially my own children' Thought the woman.

Gods, humans, anything walk upon her physically body and had a gull to look down on her. She clicked her tongue, she is going to show them ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ????????. And like that she dissapeared in a furry of Flower petal and dissapeared from the world foever, ???????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????.


[Αθήνα] (1)

Icarus woke up gasping breath like he is drowning in a sea, never seeing the sun. His body aching in a luna arc, fingers clenched in a fist. His body Twiching, Shaking like he has no control of his own body.

His eyes snapped open , his eyes glowing. The colour of his eyes raging From Dark sea green To a healthy shade of Earthly Green To Black devouring Darkness, Then they settled to Icely pale Blue.

Then his body seems to calm down, any previous action fading away like an illusion.

He woke up being different than yesterday. He woke being another whole person completely, Literally 

He woke up With different set of memories. Well not really, Icarus dreamt of his previous life. Unlike the typical troop of a whole set of memories suddently get shoved in your head.

He is very sure that gotta be unpleasant.

But that raised a question , is he The human Artemis with Icarus Memories or is he Icarus with Artemis memories? well either way he is sure that he is neither Icarus or Artemis.

After all souls aren't missing puzzle pieces that you can just... merge, click, them together even though they aren't of the same type. anyone who says otherwise needs a fucking slap to the face.

You are reading story Fate: Ο ήρωας at novel35.com

Icarus dreamt of his ' Previous' life at the age of 2. He never understood those dreams, he almost thought that Morpheus was messing with him. But he discard that idea immediately , afterall he is no one special , and he doesn't have the arrogance to think a god is going out of its way to play tricks on him. And he almost thought it is a dream, but sometimes—no,more like always— the dreamer has to wake up and face reality, unfortunately —or not depending on the viewer— He didn't wake , thus that suggested that the dream is actually a reality.


Sometimes along the way , Icarus came to accept his new life, not that he has any choice, it is either accept it or die. It is quite unfortunate that he has no death wish —well that's a lie , he has one—


[Daedalus: Pov]

Daedalus knew his son, not too much maybe, and certainly not as good as an average parent, but he knew him. As such he knew something has changed when his son has developed this otherworldly aura around himself, He knew something was wrong when his son had this Dazed look in his eyes like he's not actually there. His eyes were glassy as if he was in some sort of trance. They were unfocused on the world. Unseeing. His eyes were Cloudy, Darkened.

And then he got a shock of his life —Not really , but you get what I'm saying— It was an ordinary day for a master craftsman, an ancomplished Inventor, he was already at the door of his workshop when his son arrived. At first he didn't overthink about that strange action, then his son just...stood there looking at him yet not at same time. with a bland, emotionless, voice ,devoid of any emotions he had asked

"Father, I'm quite bored, would you please give me any book to read?". Now, now Daedalus knew his son isn't a fan of books, He is rather airheaded if he can describe him, as such he had been shocked to the core when his son, his idiotic son , had said that.

Daedalus just... looked at his son, speechless, before he got his bearings together. "Since when you like to read books? now get off here before your idiotic ' disease' spread over to me." Daedalus said with a raised eyebrow. His son just looked at him a moment before he said " Perhaps you should speak more softly to me, afterall, humans die like flies these days"

It took a moment to process this, and it took even longer to understand that yes, his son, his five year old son had just threatened him. Now don't misunderstand, Daedalus love his son, maybe a bit different, but he love his son. Thus when his son had just said that he look at him a bit differently before noticing the blank eyes, the glowing blank eyes. now Daedalus isn't a coward, far from it, if you want to be an inventor on his level you had to have a bit of spine of steel but he couldn't help the shiver that went through his body when he is facing his son.

So he did one thing that would probably bring shame upon him if the public had seen him like that, not that he isn't ashamed of himself already. he took two books in his workshop and handed them to his son before running in his workshop, closed the door before sighing.

'What was that?' he questions. well, he shook his head before getting over his work table to start off his work. putting what had happened in the back of his mind.

It is quite unfortunate he doesn't know what monster he unleashed on this world because of his actions.


Icarus looked at his ' Father' running away from him to his workshop with slight amusement. he looks at the books that his father had giving him, they had a tittle on their cover page. Runes, Spellcasting and the other one called Introduction to magic.

' well, going back to reading I guess'

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