
Chapter 20: Foreigner? Invader?

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Fuyuki, Japan,

Riverside Park,

Swords, axes, lances, maces, flails, weapons upon weapons were littered across the peaceful and serene Riverside Park.... It HAD been peaceful and serene a few moments ago but now, now much of the ground had been ripped, soil and grass lay on the paved paths, benches lay splintered and destroyed.

At the same time, the clanging of metal rang out akin to thunder, the sound not the slightest bit dulled by the rain. Saber, or rather, King Arthur (Artoria) swung her sword again and again deflecting what was essentially a hail of weapons, the true nature of the blade hidden by the wind had been unmasked by the sheer power of Archer's nigh endless arsenal of weapons. Weapons that were each a Noble Phantasm.

"He's....not attacking you?" Tamamo no Mae had both of her hands up, a number of tags floated in the air forming a purple barrier to the front, truly the homeland boost had increased her prowess by a lot... The barrier was yet to even crack, even with the noble phantasms raining down on it.

"I can see that. Wonder why?" Roman mused with a hand on his chin, ignoring the two people standing nearby..... He'd long suspected that the nature of his ability was going far beyond the realms of possibility but now, with the words of Gilgamesh, it was confirmed.

"The possibility was always there but.... how did this happen?" Irisviel was having a hard time accepting the situation, ignorant to the ways of the world yes but her education was complete. A Magician wasn't something you could just mull over and his abilities..... Had she seen the full extent of them?

"I.... don't know." Kiritsugu cautiously reached inside his coat, putting his hand on the revolver he had with him, a magician? That was.... just impossible. There were those that believed that no more True Magics would even appear, it was like.... The chances of such a thing happening were smaller than finding a speck of some gem in a desert.....

Even he, who was always calm and calculating, found himself unsure of what he was seeing.

"Stop gawking at me." Roman glanced at them from the corner of his eye, contemplating what to do next.

"You idiot King! Get behind the barrier!" Tamamo shouted with twitching lips, incredibly annoyed with the Saber that had charged ahead, what was the point of getting tired for no reason?

"But I-.."

"Saber, get behind the barrier." Kiritsugu commanded sternly, walking up to Roman with firm steps, "Get us out of this and you will have your alliance." He didn't understand but he didn't need to, he had other priorities at the moment. Irisviel was in incredible danger at the moment, he couldn't have that.. Not with all the new information he'd just obtained. An alliance with this individual would be beneficial nonetheless.

"This is bloody hilarious." Roman snickered, nodding at the Magus Killer, "Guess you're not as retarded as I thought. Good on you." He patted Kiritsugu's shoulder with a shit eating grin.

Gilgamesh paused his onslaught once he saw Roman slowly make his way towards him, raising his head ever so slightly, he spoke authoritatively, "What do you want, magician?" Even he who was humanity's oldest hero couldn't deny the prowess of those who wielded true magic.... Not that it stopped him from looking down on them...


"...Goldie?" The Golden King tilted his head, genuinely confused before, "Hu...Hahahahaha!! The mongrel barks." He burst out laughing again, greatly entertained... At the same time however, a sword was launched at Roman, he had done something preposterous after all.... If he survived... Then Gilgamesh didn't mind listening.

And survive...

Roman survived alright, raising his hand, the one eyed magus...no, magician, stopped the blade midair, subsequently, a fair amount of prana was sapped from the atmosphere as the price for stopping it.

"A price for a desire granted, is it?" Gilgamesh's tone held a bit of intrigue, the Archer was certain he'd not seen this before. Once more, the King of Heroes narrowed his gaze, "You.... What are you?"

"Human last I checked." Roman answered with a pensive smile, Gilgamesh could probably tell Roman more about himself than most and so, he didn't try to end the conversation, "That aside, I'm sure this war isn't to your liking."

"War? You praise it mongrel. This is a sham." The King of Heroes scowled, a sham in an age gone to shit. Humans had become far viler than before, he held no love for such creatures, "But you, you are unlike them. Where have you come from?" Gilgamesh didn't ask his nationality, no, the Archer asked him his origins for in his eyes, the one eyed magician wasn't like a 'human'. He had 'human' traits but he felt more like.... a different breed of human.

"I'm just built different." Roman smiled widely, he was technically an outsider to this verse as a whole. Something like a foreigner or invader, looking at the Root and passing by it had certainly moulded his body but the essence of his being was different... He wasn't a 'human of the nasuverse' so to say....

Of course this was all something that would have never crossed his mind had he not studied up on magical theory. It did sound like a load of shit after all which it probably was too. There wasn't exactly some way to confirm it yet.

"Do not repeat my words, mongrel." Gilgamesh sneered, that was some audacity.

"Well, get Tokiomi to visit the Church and you might see an actual worthwhile war." Roman proposed, holding out a hand to the side, a grin crossing his face.

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"Hm." The King of Heroes only smirked, disappearing into wisps of magical energy.

"That was something." Roman mused with a hand on his chin before turning around, "People, he's gone now."

"Master, you shouldn't go to the front!" The Caster rushed to her Master, did he have any idea how much that worried her?! She'd been positively sick with the notion that the pompous prick might kill her master!

"Tamamo, you sound a little too worried." Roman slightly tilted his head, quite amused with her reactions, this woman was something else.

"How could I not be? Mou, Master!" Tamamo hugged his arm, pouting angrily, how many people would accept the Nine Tailed Demon Fox for what she was? How many out there were like her Master? She was worried, bite her! Call her a loose woman or whatever! Tamamo didn't care!

"Hübsch." The Trambelio softly patted the Caster's head, "Still, it looks like being part fox isn't only an appearance thing."

"Wha...." Tamamo gasped, "Foxes are smart!"

"Then I guess you're a very odd fox." Roman grinned.

".....Master, you're mean..." Tamamo's ears drooped down.

"....What is this?" Artoria spoke in a confused tone, these two were very peculiar in their behaviours... The Saber looked towards her own Master, or maybe her Master was the weird one?... That would make quite a bit of sense actually.

Irisviel.... no longer knew how to address Roman.. If his disposition was to be revealed, he'd become the next Lord Trambelio in a flash and the Edelfelt would be dancing for joy... The fact that he wasn't a magus but a magician would make him immune to any political implications too. They wouldn't dare upset one of his calibre,

"R-Roman..." She tried to speak respectfully.

"Jesus, the change in attitude from you is a shock." Roman dramatically placed a hand over his chest, seemingly hurt by her words, "I thought we were friends."

"No!" Irisviel slightly shouted, upset, but then realised her blunder, "I-I mean, we are friends! I just don't know how to address you..."

Kiritsugu, who was off to the side smoking as he contemplated what to do next, lightly smiled at his wife's antics, he did truly love the woman after all, "The same way I would imagine. I doubt he'd keep it a secret up till now if it was information intended to be public."

"Colour me impressed. For a Jap and a justice wanker, you're not half bad." Roman nodded in approval, his eye slightly wide, the Magus Killer was good at reading situations, "But he's right, you just stay silent about it....." He narrowed his gaze on Kiritsugu, "Let's meet at the Church tomorrow, not familiars, actually you."

With that, the Trambelio started walking away... well, not quite walking considering his unique condition.

"Roman." Artoria slightly bowed her head, speaking respectfully, magus were one thing, magicians were another, they were figures to be respected.

"Idiot." Roman answered in an imitation of her tone, leaving behind a very confused Saber who could only watch as Caster skipped to her Master, all smiles and cheers.... The British King couldn't understand how a servant could be so genuinely joyous.

Kiritsugu silently observed his back, putting a cigarette to his mouth before, for the first time in a long time, sighing, "This just became a mess." Servants were no longer the biggest worries in this war. An individual such as Roman was sure to ruin and change a number of things.


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