
Chapter 39: What? Oh…. OH SHI-

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Fuyuki, Japan,

Shinto District (Partially Ruined),

Sparks flew about as the sounds of clanging metal rang about in the back alley.... Well, it was no longer a back alley because the initial clash had blown apart most of the buildings to either side from sheer air pressure it had released.

Kagetora's white hair flowed freely in the wind, with a massive katana in one hand and a long ornate spear in the other, the War God of Echigo skillfully leaned backwards under her opponent's swing, even managing to make a swing her own katana in the same movement, her mana covered blade leaving a trail in the air even if Shuten Douji jumped back to avoid the hit.

"Mhm~, I seem to have more strength than you?" Shuten spoke with a sultry smile, standing a few metres back.

"Indeed! I deem it worthy of praise. However, not nearly enough!" Feeling her magical energy replenish as the connection between her and her new Master, Kagetora raised her lance, lightning covering it in an instant before she threw it at the Assassin class servant.

Just as her previous weapon cut through the air, a massive black jagged sword manifested in the same hand. She proceeded to smash this sword into the ground causing the very ground to shake under the hit, a massive amount of force accompanied it, disorienting Shuten just enough for her to not be able to react to the lance...

..Or so one would think, did she not immediately take out a sword of her own and deflect it.. though it wasn't a perfect deflect and the lightning-covered spear left a deep burnt gash on the Oni's arm.

A fast paced battle with each single exchange resulting in deeply effective injuries and hits that changed the tides on their own.

"I have to say I love how they fight like the damages don't matter." Roman snickered, holding up one hand, the other was on his cane...., "Do they though?"

He could feel the Bounded Field that had been erected over the area by Tamamo no Mae and her own skill coupled with her Divinity made it so that it was the best it could be... As in, a region which had space itself act as the boundary as in, a space completely separated from the rest of Fuyuki.

"I know this should be normal...but, Roman, you're powerful.." Irisviel looked at him with intrigued and proud eyes, the homunculus was referring to the barrier cancelling all the force sent their way..., "What do you think, Saber?"

"It is indeed... commendable." Artoria nodded slowly, it was the truth.. The gravity of the exchange between the two servants engaging now was awe inducing, each single clash seemed to blow away everything around them.

"I don't like this fight." Roman expressed his thoughts with a strange smile on his face, this was going to take quite a while considering the way things were going... It was like... These two were mostly equally matched... Well they both had Divinity sooo....

"It's a fair one on one duel, what displeases you here?" Artoria questioned, slightly confused.



Shrugging, the Magician made his way to one of the still standing buildings, a small smile on his face and tapped the wall with his cane..

Slowly, small cracks spread across the wall's surface before it came down completely, revealing a scared brown haired teenager.... Thin in stature, a frightened expression on his face and mostly average in the looks department.. What concerned Roman however, was the three red marks on the back of his hand.

"W-What do you .....want?!" He trembled, trying to back away from the smiling Magician.

And Roman.. well Roman did as Roman usually does and knelt down on one knee, "I was thinking about murdering you outright but...." He pointed at the marks with a small smile, "You can agree to give me those and this can just be a bad dream." It was clearly just some rando that had been chosen as a Master by the Grail.

"Really?" The teen looked up at the raven haired man with a cane and one eye. He'd just been going about his day when that horned girl appeared out of nowhere and everyone started dying....

"Ja, really." Roman closed his eye, taking advantage of how shocking the situation appeared to be to the other Master... It was a win-win situation really and besides, the kid seemed to be questioning reality.

"A-Alright..." The teen gave Roman his hand, "Just make this.. disappear.."

"Of course." Roman tapped the hand, rendering him unconscious.. He'd heard gaining or taking Command Seals often made a person feel a searing pain on the hand.

Back with the two servants,

Shuten Douji tilted her head to the side, narrowly dodging a longsword thrust but had her eyes widen in surprise when she felt the connection between her and her Master disappear. It didn't linger for long though due to the wakizashi tearing through at the bottom of her neck.

"What wa-...?!"

One of her swords lodged in the Oni's neck, the War God of Echigo grinned madly as she spun her crimson double blade and sent it hurling for Assassin. Manifesting a massive longsword right after, she threw it at Assassin too, the golden blade changing into a massive beam of golden light mid-flight.... She wasn't done yet though, Kagetora spun around, multiple weapons appearing all around her, and grabbed onto a smaller spear.

Reacting to the Lancer's grip, the spear caught crimson fire and found itself hurled at the Oni too.

"...Haha....." Shuten sweatdropped, laughing awkwardly at the impending doom, with her Master gone... She was probably dead too... unless she ran away.. but, why would she do that? "Well... it was a fun ride~... Don't be too hard on that kid, yeah?" The Oni lamented being deprived of her actual prowess and noble phantasm, the beam of light passing through her torso the next instant followed by multiple other elementally charged weapons.

"Eight Bla-"

"Magic motherfuckers."

"Wha-Oh... Oh shi-!" Kagetora leapt on her stallion and ran away quickly as a rain of luminescent bluish clusters of something she didn't even recognise came down on the area. The neighing of her horse completely drowned out by the rocking ground and the deafening explosions behind her.

"Was that you, Master?!" Lancer called out, looking behind in awe at the sheer magnitude of what had happened. The ground was quaking and explosions of magic reached high into the sky...


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"Well... I brought down a star... How hard was nuclear fusion gonna be?" Roman spoke with a calm smile, a hand on his chin as he observed the arguably beautiful spectacle of multiple controlled nuclear explosions...

Yeah this was kinda pretty to watch...., though, hopefully it was enough to finish the already injured servant it was meant for.


The magician uttered, covering his eye from the nigh-blinding explosions occurring nearby...

Now, one might question that even if small, any nuclear explosion would release enough force and energy to send everything there sky high and they'd be right, that was what would happen were the explosions not precisely contained to the area around Assassin by Roman himself... It took extra effort and prana to be that precise but.... too many people would die.


Irisviel and even Saber found herself speechless, the former awed by what a Magician could bring about and the latter shocked that the cause of such destruction was a human.


"The level of Divinity here.... it's nauseating.."

The King of Heroes had a displeased expression on his face as he observed all below him with folded arms, his hair swaying in the strong winds.... There was the fox, one divine being had been slain now and there was also that white haired woman claiming to be the avatar of some Bishamonten.

.... "That Magician is a fool..."

The situation was controlled to within this city at the moment but what if the rest of the humans found out about these beings? Divine beings, Gods, with such inexplicable things, if there was enough proof... Things not explainable by their 'logic' would no doubt return 'Mystery' or 'What can not be explained by man' to the world...

And with enough of it.... Wouldn't 'they' be able to return to the World of Man?

"He doesn't seem to understand the consequences..... but maybe he does?"

The King of Heroes reared his head in laughter, "This is all just conjecture."

"Excuse me, you there with the golden hair, could you not underestimate my Master? And could you please stop monologuing like some third rate villain? You sound stupid, no maybe you ARE stupid." Tamamo no Mae spoke from behind him, having dropped her regal and noble act altogether... Her Master accepted her, who was she to deny herself then?

There was no need to act with him!

Hm, wasn't she amazing? She was, wasn't she? Definitely..

The Fox-eared Caster didn't realise the irony of her thoughts.

"You seem to have gained some guts since our last meeting, mongrel." Gilgamesh didn't turn around, he still did launch some swords at her all the same... Swords that were sent flying away with a single click from the now Divine Spirit.

"Well of course, not my full power of course but mhm, Tamamo can beat you easily!"

"Hoh? Is that so?"

"Of cou-"

Before the two could talk further, dozens of shots fired one after the other and a rain of flaming bullets came down on the rooftop.


Share thoughts.


If the Hunter is a servant, then Master who?

Also, what about,

Reincarnates as the Hunter in Bloodborne + Gets Yeeted to Fate =  Unfiltered Profanity (Fuck this, Fuck you, Fuck your family, Fuck your entire bloodline)


See y'all on Monday~


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