
Chapter 65: Interlude: End of the Einzbern

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(A/N: Second and last interlude, don't skip these you stupid cunts they have important shit in em. The previous one did too.)

Germany, Rhine River,

Einzbern Castle,

"...This weather never changes does it?"

A young pale haired child, no older than 10, commented with a small smile on her face. Her scarlet eyes combing the castle's surroundings for anything out of the ordinary, really, she HOPED to find something... All her life had been spent here! She didn't mind it up until now, truly she didn't but that was only because her doting parents had been with her every step of the way.

That wasn't the case anymore.

Kiritsugu Emiya and Irisviel von Einzbern had left for the Grail War long ago and had yet to return, despite the fact that she'd been reassured they'd be 'back in no time'.

"That simply means all is well, Lady Illya."

A homunculus standing by her side was the one that spoke, her eyes closed and both hands at her stomach, the posture of a dutiful servant.


Illyasviel von Einzbern only hummed, not quite believing of the servant's words, and rested her head in her hands, staring out at the River Rhine, visible from even her private quarters...

It seemed that the scene would be calm and relaxed as ever but, Illya backed away in confused shock as a deafening explosion shook the entire compound, kicking up snow and immediately prompting a small army of homunculi to come alive and move to intercept their attackers.

"Get behind me, my lady! Leysritt, on guard!"

A short haired homunculus that had been silent all this time, immediately jumped into action, drawing a massive, visibly heavy, halberd. She put a hand in front of both, protectively and calmly observed their surroundings for any attackers.


In the ornate castle's main hallway, connected to it's entrance.

An old man stood with his arms behind his back, wearing robes the same colour as his hair and beard... His very 'presence' , one of authority and power, his long pale hair and beard symbolic of his age and wisdom that came with it.

Jubstacheit von Einzbern, a centuries old homunculus that acted as the head of the Einzbern line of magus, residing in Germany.. They'd long forgone any 'human' members and he, was among their greatest creations..  The castle and the servants both were Einzbern, oft created by Jubstacheit himself due to the fact that he carried the acclimation of all the research they'd ever done.

The only human members they did have were the tuner families, their way of contacting the outside world. Still... that relation was a thing of the past now... 'Acht' as he was called by those he knew him, had received news of their complete and total annihilation at the hands of unidentified but armed assailants....

"Hmm...." He didn't quite know what path to take here..... Them getting attacked was a thing most considered impossible..till now at least.. It wasn't just blind arrogance, the bounded fields around this compound had defended them since forever!

Not that.... not that all was lost yet...

Attacking the Einzbern was a thing none would even consider, much less follow through with! Their influence and the homunculi they supplied were tantamount to the research of many a magus, they'd never take kindly to something so daring!

....Not to mention their true guards were the combat type homunculi, more than on par with the run of the mil magi, "..." In silence, Acht stared at the door intently, waiting for news of the enemy's neutralisation and planning on how to make them pay....

The explosion from earlier.... Did they think this would be forgotten? Never, it was an attack on their pride and honour!


"We, Peligor, must do our earnest to support Lord Roman.."

These words were spoken by a blonde in her late teens, her hands clasped together and her pale green eyes surveying the area with a strange seriousness visibly uncharacteristic of her.. Most of her figure was hidden by warm luxurious clothes but that wasn't what one would notice...

No, their gazes would instead be fixed at the scene all around her.

Hundreds of men in dark military gear moved through the snow laden forest, without hesitation, without words between them.. Armed with weaponry ranging from anti material rifles to a variety of explosives... It was apparent that they were highly trained individuals, every single one of them.

"As you say, Lady Camus. But is it truly wise for you to be here?"

"Y-Yes, I must report this.. myself." Camus Peligor, next in line to succeed House Peligor.... A Magus line that owned a corporate giant, "Peligor Corps", focused on making technological equipment like computers and phones etc... They backed another international corporate giant whose owner was, strangely, unknown as of yet.

But we digress, the Peligor owed much of their success on the business side of things to a certain one eyed individual, even if that wasn't information available to any but them. Camus Peligor herself, personally owed much to Roman Trambelio too, having been introduced to one another through Melvin Weins..

For that, the timid girl was incredibly grateful to Melvin, she'd oft worked with the one eyed man many shunned and didn't quite think much of his disabilities.. His prowess in other fields made up for more than that... He'd also done something for which she would be eternally grateful and that was, protecting her from a wild Griffin that had nearly permanently damaged her magic circuits...

That was when a long time suspicion of hers was confirmed, he wasn't incompetent, or lacking.. Nay, Roman Trambelio was a prodigy outclassing most they knew... For what reason he stayed hidden she knew not but she wasn't interested either.... No, that day he'd also won something far more than just her approval.

It didn't matter if this operation was sanctioned by her Lord Father, she'd have done it regardless so long as Roman asked her. Sparing their military wasn't too much to ask in the face of what they owed him... It wasn't easy or even possible for a line of magus to become giants in the technological world what with most of their peers shunning technology entirely.. And as materialistic as they were, they hated being in debt too....

The relation with Roman was one necessary, especially with the channels of access he brought with him.

"Is the other unit done with their task?" Camus asked solemnly, clenching her fists in determination.... Roman had also helped advance their own family magecraft, Shell Projection but that was something only she knew... He'd been insistent it was just because 'we're friends, don't mind it' and blatantly refused to take credit.

"The information provided was correct as well. The Einzbern are ill-suited for armed combat once magecraft proves inadequate."

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"Of course, R-Roman provided it." Camus nodded, aware that this incident wouldn't be traced back to them... no, she trusted her friend's words, he'd assured it would be irrelevant soon enough..... There was also the false evidence they'd be planting...

"The sniper squads are ready as well, my lady."

"....Very well.. Today, the Einzbern cease to exist... Jubstacheit's crest is to be secured... as are the documents here... The child, Illyasviel, is to be left untouched."



The scene at the Einzbern compounds could now be easily described with one word, chaos.. Complete and utter chaos... Gunshots rang all over as bullets sprayed everywhere, the castle buildings were brought down on top of countless homunculi via explosives...

With not a care for what they were doing, every individual encountered would be mercilessly gunned down by what was essentially a private military. There were of course those that tried to resist but, any magecraft they could deploy in the little time they did have would be blocked off by a strange shield emerging from the armed men, acting as a literal barrier towards any attacks made...

And in the end, even the few combat type homunculi lay in the snow, bleeding out with dull scarlet eyes.

Explosions shook the snow, and many were simply buried alive, with none to retrieve or aid them...

Of course, the use of anti material weaponry was a step taken too far as well as something mostly impossible for the common man... But of course, they weren't 'common men' were they, boosted by reinforcement magecraft, among numerous others thanks to a wide array of mystic codes..

Short work was made of the mostly secluded, introverted and ill-suited for any type of combat Einzbern... Many of their facilities were simply torn down after any and all documents were retrieved.


"Well.... h-he's dead.." Camus only slightly stuttered as she looked at the malformed body of Jubstacheit... The old man had been shot with missiles to avoid any chances of him surviving and news of an encounter with Illya had already been relayed to her..

"Roman doesn't want her dead so don't do it."

Had been her response then and ignoring the homunculi guarding her, the units sent that way promptly changed directions and went to secure other parts of the castle.

"This place is.. pretty big, isn't it?"

Camus was a bit jealous of how much money had to have gone into this but didn't voice out any further discontent, "Has the evidence been planted?"

"Affirmative, Lady Camus..."

"Then... call in the helicopters.. Vacate."


As quick as they had come, the combined Peligor and unidentified private militaries simply pulled out, carried away by state of the art air vehicles... One would question how they even had access to such advanced tech but Camus wouldn't... Their collaborators WERE a weapons tech corporation.


Share thoughts mfs.


A bit of expo in case you couldn't get it from the chapter itself.

The Peligor is a line of magus that head the Peligor Corporation, focused on developing phones, computers etc but in the OG work, not with too much of a standing as a company BUT, in this thanks to 'mysterious' aid, they're a corporate giant.

The magus much like nobility, also like to repay debts and this is a huge one because intelligent as they are, they also know they wouldn't have their current status otherwise.

Now, Camus Peligor is the next in line Lord/Lady Peligor friends with both Melvin and Waver and thanks to that, she also met with Roman. Roman, being Roman, went overboard in helping her out and they studied together too, Roman and Waver study together too.

And, studying/spending time with Roman, you'd realise that he's not incompetent. At least, I like to think so.

Anyway, in the OG timeline, a Griffin attacked her around the time the 4th Grail War started and damaged her magic circuits ultimately resulting in her getting kicked out of the Clock Tower BUT, this time, Roman was there and he stopped that.

The fact that he stopped a Griffin affirmed her suspicions of him being a prodigy and not a failure... At the same time, she also knew what would happen if her magic circuits were damaged there so she's loyal to Roman out of gratuity... or is she?

Wonder why she stutters with his name?

That aside, as for the Einzbern being done in, it's canon that they inducted Kiritsugu cause they fucking sucked at fighting. Sucked so bad they got steam rolled in all previous grail wars even with combat type homunculi.

Here they get assailed by a trained force of hundreds protected by magecraft carrying explosives, anti material weaponry and RPGs... They RPG'd Jubstacheit and then brought down the roof on his head with C4.

This here is also a distinction between Camus and Melvin.. Where Melvin killed off Shinji going against orders, Camus followed them to the letter and didn't even think about hurting Illya.... If Melvin came here instead of Camus, he'd have killed Illya too btw.. He's kind of a twisted fuck under that nice guy facade.


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