Fear Not Death

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Swimming in it

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Chapter 2: Swimming in it

Amara Edea was experimenting with a new ritual magic. She was working out the details of a magic that could form temporary but stable crafting materials out of pure magic using a channel to the Astral. She did not lack rare materials aplenty but hoped that this new ritual would enable hopeful crafters to practice with materials that were otherwise far too expensive or rare to afford. However, the Astral was infinite and volatile. Some rituals resulted in success; others failed with a disappointing whiff of rainbow smoke.

Today, she was experimenting with a formula for something more challenging. She wanted to materialize a still-alive plant. As her calm eyes checked and rechecked the magic circle, she poured in the requisite magic to activate it. At first, the circle glowed with the familiar light of success. She soon felt something surge through the magic, and the room was bathed in a sunset glow. She lightly held herself to the ready just in case a monster materialized in the circle. The magic circle did not allow enough magic to materialize a powerful monster, so she was not concerned.

However, what appeared before her in coalescing rainbow mist was the figure of a woman. Her eyes flickered open for just a moment, before closing.

“Well,” Amara sucked in an unnecessary breath out of astonishment. “That was not supposed to happen.” She touched a hand to a bracelet on her wrist, “Chelsea, dear, let Laius know we may need dinner for one more.”



I stirred awake to the dappled light of the sun caressing my cheek, but I didn’t dare open my eyes. My senses felt sensitive from just the sensation of fabric on my skin. In the Astral, I had gotten used to the pervasive sense of magic and power. Having touched down in reality with new sensations to match, I felt like a baby lamb, bleary eyed and weak-kneed. I mentally asked my Guide.

[Query: How long was I out?]

[Answer: Over 3 days.]

After lying still for awhile longer, I finally opened my eyes. I had expected to feel piercing pain to the sensation of physical light. Instead, the room with washed with gentle morning light. I was lying atop a western style canopy bed. The room was large, akin to a hotel suite rather than a bedroom. Across the room adjacent to the veranda there was a corner lounge area, with long couches surrounding a coffee table. The windows to the veranda had a muslin-like fabric drawn shut across them, shielding the room from direct sunlight. Towards the other end was what looked like a desk top workstation. The workstation had empty jars, vials, cabinet, shelves, and drawers aplenty. The décor of the room was earthy and mild, and exuded harmony with nature. Rich green plants such as ferns lined the walls and hung from earthen pots from the ceiling. Fabrics were chosen in shades of browns, greens, greys, and golds. As I looked towards the room door, I sensed someone approach and gently knock on the door.

“May I come in?”


The beautiful woman I had seen moments before I took my Jesus-nap slowly walked in. She gave off the impression of an Amazonian warrior of lore, tall and powerful. She had deep midnight skin, and gold-sun eyes. Her dark brown hair was gathered loosely behind her in a low ponytail.

As she approached, I slowly propped myself up on the pillows into a sitting position. She began setting out a light meal of fruits, porridge, and a cup of warm milk onto a tray atop table she pulled out of nowhere. Once she had set out the food, she similarly materialized a chain out of thin air and settled into it.

“I am Amara, eat first.”

“I’ll probably make a mess. My soul-body coordination is kind of shot right now. It’s nice to meet you.”

One of her eyebrows arched upwards, after I spoke. I hadn’t been using vocal cords or sound waves. I had spoken with my soul in the astral.

She brought the food closer and set it atop my lap. I wasn’t hungry. My soul sustained my physical body, and my soul drew a modicum of power from the astral. But, my mind craved the sensations of food. I began to excitedly pick at some fruits as she explained the situation.

“You have my apologies, miss. I was performing a material summoning ritual experiment. I had never intended to pull in an outworlder like you. You have my assurances of your safety.” She spoke in a measured, even tone. Her voice was chocolatey-rich with an accent like royal cinnamon. She continued, “you are currently in a guest room at our crafting compound. I have three other companions with me, may they join us?”

I nodded, and three others entered the room. The first was a chestnut-haired elven woman with soft green eyes. Her hair was cut in a short wavy bob. She moved with the lightness of a forest nymph. Had she moved through a forest, I could imagine soft green buds springing forth from her every step and trees arching their branches to line her way. Amara introduced this woman as Chelsea.

Next, a sleek jet-black furred lion-man glided through the doorway. Guide told me that this was a Leonid, one of the native species of this planet. He gave the impression of a well balanced and honed blade, but I felt no danger from him. Although I was pretty much unable to do harm. Being seen as so weak as to not be a threat, I’ll take what I can get. He settled quietly near the wall, and he was introduced as Laius.

Maybe one day I can feel his fur.

I had apparently said this out loud, as Amara and the Leonid exchanged soft chuckles.

The last to enter was a brown-haired, steel-blue eyed human. As his large frame filled the room, a gentle invigorating aura permeated the room. His well-maintained beard and small scar beneath his eye lent him an air of maturity and age. He looked the sort of man that would feel equally in place swirling whisky while reading a newspaper as relaxing on a park bench with a large dog at his feet.

“This is Redell, our team healer. Would you let him check your state?”

“Go for it.”

Redell walked over and sat in the chair Amara had prepared for him. He reached out his hand, and I extended one of mine.

“Oh, child, you’ve been through a lot, haven’t you?” His grey eyes leveled with mine. I shifted my gaze away. I felt as if my shoddily constructed body and failing mind would fall apart. My body started to tremble again as certain memories threatened to resurface, and I shoved them down.

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As Redell examined me, she asked, “Are you aware of your situation?”

“Roughly, yes. I engineered it.”

Amara looked slightly surprised. “Engineered it, how?”

“My soul was stranded in the astral. Physical reality cannot exist in the astral, so I hijacked your ritual to help me materialize a physical body in a safe location. If anything I need to apologize to you for the failure of your ritual.” I knew explaining the full situation wasn’t to my advantage. I have always been a foolishly straightforward person and my desperation for companionship (preferably non-imaginary) contributed.

“Regardless, we’d like to offer you aid. Your situation must have been extreme to end up as you are. It is difficult to be alone in a different world.”

“I’d like to offer you something in return.”

“Our offer of aid is not predicated on a price.”

“What I offer would be helping me as much as helping you. Based on your ritual, you are doing some sort of research on materialization of the astral into the physical. I have some experience in that field, as well as memories I’d rather not think about alone. Do you have an empty cup? I’d like to demonstrate something.”

Amara manifested an empty cup and handed it to me.

Focusing, I envisioned something I understood well. Water. H2O. Two hydrogen atoms, One Oxygen atom. It was the basis of life, held together by hydrogen bonds. I tugged on a bit of the astral with my soul and willed it to take form.


Ability: [Astral Domain]

  • You can shape the astral into an Astral Domain. This domain serves as a dimensional storage space. You can remove items from the storage space without entering the [Astral Domain]. This domain can sustain the physical but is not inherently physical. Physical reality cannot be created in the domain. This domain can be used to traverse the astral.
  • You can call up a portal to allow for others to enter your [Astral Domain], should you gain the ability to utilize a portal. Only those you allow for may enter; others cannot forcibly intrude. You do not need a portal to enter your [Astral Domain] due to the effects of [Astral Traveler].
  • You can shape the astral into physical reality equivalent to your current rank.
  • ???
  • ???

The effects of this ability will change upon ranking up.


By utilizing my racial ability, I was able to transmute the astral into physical reality. I felt awed stares from the group of four within the room. The product itself wasn’t special, but the process was.

It was Chelsea who first spoke, skeptically. “Direct manipulation of the astral should destroy you. You’re not even iron rank!”

I responded, “I’ve literally been swimming in it. My soul is more comfortable in the astral than driving a flesh suit in the physical.” I drank the water in the cup then continued, “What I’m offering is my experiences of the astral. I get some much-needed help and maybe some free therapy on the side.”

“What you offer is valuable, more than you may even understand,” Chelsea consented. “What you may not be aware of is that you have alternative options. After a convalescence, we could send you to an appropriate institution with generous support. There’s a famous adventuring school we could send you to. Or perhaps, a God would be willing to take you in.”

“Adventuring? Like traveling the world completing quests? Also, Gods are real?” It was my turn to send her a skeptical look.

“Quests? The terminology is similar, but it is similar to what you describe. Your world does not have Gods?”

“We have imaginary Gods.”

“You worship imaginary Gods? Incomprehensible.” She shook her head in disbelief.

“Please!” I exclaimed, offended. “I would never! Regarding your alternative option, would it be fine to decide after convalescence? I’m not really fit to move, like, at all.” By circulating magic through my body, I was gradually gaining better control over it. It was, however, still more fragile than normal.

Amara interjected, “That is a reasonable course of action.”

Redell looked up from his examination, “It’ll be some time before I would be comfortable sending you off. If you tried to move now you may fall apart trying to go down the stairs. That would be stair-rible.”

Chelsea rubbed her forehead and sighed, “I hope we don’t regret this.”

“Well,” I said, “I think my presence here elevates this.”

Chelsea cupped her hands to her face and sighed while the rest of the members giggled.

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