Female Protagonist is a Blackened Villainess

Chapter 4: CH 4

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Chapter 4: Long Aotian is Reborn

Time had gradually passed. It had been more than four months since Long Shiyan fainted. Long Shiyan was finally able to adjust to her current body.

Today was the sacred calendar’s seventh month of the year 1444, which was also the family’s annual innate skill testing month. Generally speaking, people in Fengling Continent began to take the innate skill test at the age of four and this test did not end until they became ten years old. By the age of ten, if no talent showed up on the test, then that person would be deemed as trash.

The day before the innate skill test, Long Shiyan quietly stayed in the family’s library, seemingly indifferent to the outside world. It was not until a maid arrived to call her to eat did she move from her spot.

In the living room, the family was having a conversation. The one seated in the main position was an old man with a white beard, who was Long Shiyan’s great grandfather, Long Zhentian. Next to him were her grandparents, Long Batian and QingYu. Next was Long Potian and his wife and child. Afterward, there was her beautiful aunt, Long Yuqing. She was currently the cousin of Long Pingtian and Long Aotian. However, Long Aotian was currently not present. Lastly, there was herself. At the end of the long table was the current head of the Long family, who was also Long Aotian’s dad, Long Potian.

To be honest, every time the family gathered, Long Shiyan couldn’t help but think about their names. Zhentian, Batian, Jingtian, Zhantian, and even her own father’s name, Nitian. Every time she thought about their names, she couldn’t help but laugh, but in the end, her laugh could only turn into a light sigh.

“What’s the matter?” Long Potian frowned, glancing at his wife, Nangong Mei. “Why didn’t Aotian come?”

The Nangong Mei was extremely beautiful. She frowned as well, looking a bit puzzled. “Aotian is normally never late. He always prepares for this day beforehand.”

At that moment, a small manservant ran over in a panic; his mouth was stuttering. After a while, he spoke audibly, “T-t-t-t-this is bad…the young master fell… fell into the pond.”

After he said those words, the atmosphere in the hall fell completely silent.

“The young… young master went out to buy some gifts, but he accidentally bumped into a member of the Shangguan family and the two of them had a dispute. Then, the young master was pushed into the water.” The manservant gulped and trembled in fear.

“So, what else is the matter?” Nangong Mei couldn’t help be anxious.

“Afterwards…the young master lost his memory…” the little manservant said cautiously.


Using the excuse of amnesia was extremely common when transmigrating into another world. The male protagonist, Long Aotian, was fundamentally different from Long Shiyan. When Long Aotian transmigrated into the world, he did not have any memories of the original Long Aotian. He had no choice but to slowly absorb the knowledge of the world.

Right now, Long Aotian’s room was full of various people. Long Shiyan sat next to him with a pure and simple appearance. Her heart was serene. The priest, who wore traditional attire, carried out a ritual as he inquired Long Aotian.

It goes without saying that the priest was the same High Priest Kohl who baptized her with light magic four months ago.

During this time, Long Aotian was secretly gnashing his teeth and his face was filled with nervousness. He was worried that this strange priest would figure out that he was not the real Long Aotian.

One moment later.

“Mr. Kohl, how is Aotian? Is there anything wrong with him?” Long Zhentian stood up with a cane; his wizened face was filled with concern. Long Potian and Nangong Mei, including a group of his maternal relatives of the Nangong family, also crowded around Long Aotian.

High Priest Kohl smiled and shook his head. He said, “There isn’t a problem with the body of your son, but his mind seems to have been greatly damaged, resulting in a lack of memory.”

At this moment, the expression of everyone in the room couldn’t help but become stunned. Nangong Mei couldn’t bear it anymore. She embraced Long Aotian and burst into tears. On the other hand, Long Aotian sighed in relief.

“Shangguan Pingyi, that old man!” Long Potian smashed the table beside him, causing the other family members to become scared.

“Potian, do not be rude.” Long Batian frowned, his eyes were cast upon the High Priest Kohl who hadn’t left yet.

“Hehe, no matter.” High Priest Kohl sighed with sorrow.

“High Priest Kohl, my humblest apologies!” Long Potian spoke, then signaled an invitation as he told the members of the Nangong family to go and have a meal.

The men departed from the room to discuss their business. Only the women and children were left in the room. Long Shiyan’s body was suddenly hugged from behind, and tears began to trickle onto her shoulder.

Long Shiyan felt slightly sorry for the one hugging her. Right now, she softly comforted, “Grandma, don’t cry. Amnesia isn’t the worst thing that can happen. Maybe his memories will be restored someday!”

“Yan Yan, you’re right!” QingYu choked with sobs, stifling her tears.

Long Aotian also recovered from his stupor. Nangong Mei re-introduced herself and the family to Long Aotian. “Tiantian, I am your mother, Nangong Mei. This is your grandmother. The one your grandmother is holding in her arms is your cousin, Long Shiyan.” As she spoke, she pointed to QingYu, who was next to him.

Next, she pointed to the lady nearby. “That is your second aunt. She is the wife of the present emperor. She is already in the veritable harem.” Then, pointing to another lady, she said, “That is your aunt and beside her is your cousin, Nangong Lingli.”

Following Nangong Mei’s words, Long Shiyan also turned her eyes to the girl who exuded an air of arrogance. Beautiful doe eyes, black and beautiful hair wrapped in a bun. Under her delicate little face, her small cherry lips were slightly pursed, displaying a disdainful expression.

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The younger generation contained so many beautiful girls. When they grew up, they will definitely become stunning women. It’s a pity all the pretty women will become a part of Long Aotian’s harem. Although the chances of being favored by him were low, they would still be very satisfied with their position. Long Shiyan’s imagination continued to run as her memories regarding Nangong Lingli slowly came out.

Nangong Lingli was the cousin of the protagonist, Long Aotian, and a genius fire magician. She was a proud beauty filled with sex appeal and the childhood friend of the princess of the Fengyun Empire, Ling Qingzhu. She constantly hated the protagonist Long Aotian and thought that Long Aotian was a man without etiquette who didn’t know how to respect others.

With her sinister skills, she was able to hurt other people. There was once a time when Long Aotian was caught unprepared when he was advancing toward Nangong Lingli’s childhood friend. However, Long Aotian once again escaped from danger unscathed.

Later, when Long Aotian finally received the inheritance from his ancestors, he not only obtained tyrannical strength and a stronger “golden pistol” but also replaced his spiritual roots with better ones. This was a foundation for conquering the women of the Crystal Palace.

As for Nangong Lingli, when she was at the School of Magic, she was conquered by Long Aotian and completely fell under the protagonist’s excess lust.

Moreover, she was very pitiful. For some reason, she died in the hands of “Zi Linglong”, who had become completely blackened. She ended up becoming the first woman to die in Long Aotian’s harem.

“Lingli, he is your cousin.” Long Yushuang clapped her little hands together as she sighed helplessly. This girl, Nangong Lingli, really was spoiled.

“I know already.” Nangong Lingli curled her lips and no longer paid any attention to her. Long Aotian stared at her for a while before noticing Long Yuqing as he fell into a daze.

Long Shiyan knew that this Long Aotian had just become captivated.

“That is your little aunt, Long Yuqing.” Looking at Long Aotian’s dumbfounded appearance, Nangong Mei couldn’t help but smile. “Your aunt is really beautiful, right? She is the number one beauty of our Fengyun Empire.”

Long Aotian who had a blank expression, suddenly whispered, 

“A rare beauty in the North…

She’s the finest lady on earth

A glance from her, the city falls

A second glance leaves the empire in ruins

There is no city or empire that has been

More cherished than a beauty like this.” 

(TLN: He’s quoting this: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/jia-r%C3%A9n-qu-%E4%BD%B3%E4%BA%BA%E6%9B%B2-beauty-song-beauty-song.html)

At this point, all the people present were shocked and looked at each other with indescribable expressions. Long Shiyan’s lips cramped as she didn’t know what to say.

“Ao… Aotian, what did you just say?” Nangong Mei said in a panic.

“Aunt… Aunt is so beautiful! I… I…” Long Aotian was obviously overwhelmed.

Long Shiyan understood that the current Long Aotian was still an otaku who has just crossed over. He currently did not possess the original’s exclusive skills. So, of course, he was afraid of accidentally exposing his identity.

“Aotian, you can compose poems?” The second aunt, Long Yushuang, looked at him with astonishment.

“It suddenly came to me. I don’t know how, but it suddenly popped up in my mind.” Long Aotian put on an innocent look and intended to dodge anything that brought up his past.

“I have never heard of this poem, does Shuang’er know?” Nangong Mei casts her eyes on the Long Yushuang. Although Long Yushuang did not know any magic since childhood, she was well-versed in chess and calligraphy. However, Long Yushuang found the poem to be fitting.

“Quatrains! Quatrains!” Long Yushuang sighed with those two words, “I have never heard of this poem, Aotian indeed has good talents. If he became a poet, then he would have many future prospects.”

“Aotian had always loved to read poetry ever since he was a child. Perhaps this verse had already been made within his mind earlier. So when he saw Qing’er’s beauty, he couldn’t help but recall and say it.” QingYu hugged Long Shiyan and said with a heavy expression. “If you pay too much attention to the verses, you might not be able to recover your memories.”

However, at this moment, Long Aotian was completely stunned. He didn’t think that it would be this easy to lie about his identity.

“But, Grandma,” Long Shiyan finally couldn’t resist speaking out,”’A rare beauty in the North.‘ Wasn’t he talking about how little aunt is unique and isolated?”

“If we reside in the eastern part of the continent. Up North should be the Beastman Empire. Even if we judge it by our current position, it could also be considered the West. We should change it since there could be good talents in both the East or the West.” Long Shiyan had an innocent expression. Although she seemed to be naive when she spoke those words, they also seemed to be reasonable. But as soon as she finished, she wanted to beat herself up.

“Maybe, because Aotian once saw a beauty from the North, he decided to make this poem. So when he saw Qing’er, he couldn’t help but shout it out!” QingYu said with a serious expression. When her words came out, the audience couldn’t help but nod.

Long Shiyan: “…”

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