Female Protagonist is a Blackened Villainess

Chapter 46: CH 44

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Chapter 44

Departing from Zi Linglong and others, Long Shiyan dashed towards the main forces of the magical beast horde at the fastest speed she had ever gone in her life. To draw the magical beasts away, she was forced to come close to them and once they start targeting her, she will have to change directions.

Her method was very risky because if she wasn’t fast enough, then she will fall under a magical beast’s maws. But she also had to do this because she did not know whether or not her scent would attract the magical beast horde.

Fortunately, things have been within her expectations, when the group of magical beasts saw her, they rushed towards her. Long Shiyan escaped for a while but soon stopped because she knew that she could not escape. Running at the forefront was a speed-type magical beast.

She couldn’t flee from it at all.

Luckily, powerful magical beasts would always examine the area first. Although their speeds were great, they couldn’t arrive here right away even with such a fast speed.

First, a seventh-level lightning bolt launched a sneak attack on Long Shiyan. Long Shiyan did not dare to confront it head-on and subconsciously dodged, allowing the bolt to destroy the big tree behind her.

The seventh-level wind wolf king didn’t fall too far behind, and it blasted countless wind blades immediately towards her. She simply couldn’t get rid of all of them, so she rushed toward the blades and resisted against wind wolf king’s impressive move.

A black lightning leopard flew up to her, but a dark unicorn immediately slammed against it and rushed toward Long Shiyan. Unfortunately, Long Shiyan had already escaped.

A seventh-level dragon also took advantage of this opportunity to fly towards her but was struck down by lightning bolts. At the same time, a white cat with a wind and thunder attribute also used this chance to swoop over her at lightning speeds.

Its movements were too fast, leaving Long Shiyan unable to escape.

Blood sprayed as her sword’s attacks flew into the sky; her left arm held her sword tightly. The white cat quickly plunged from the sky, bit her left arm, and disappeared into the jungle in a blink of an eye.


The roars of different beasts submerged Long Shiyan’s blood-curdling screams. They all rushed towards her, each showing their own abilities to scare each other away and seize their prey. However, a sudden cloud of thick white smoke of the wind and thunder attribute appeared, causing the nearby magical beasts that made contact with it to miserably shriek.

Long Shiyan clutched her left arm could only try to desperately avoid the attack as much as possible. This group of magical beasts was too fast, leaving her no room to resist. Now that she couldn’t use her left arm, her combat power was, of course, greatly damaged.

Fortunately, her body’s constitution was special, so even when her arm was broken, the bleeding quickly stopped. For the time being, there was no danger to her life.

However, she still perceived the feeling of dread.

A broken arm meant that she will only have one arm to use in the future. Only one hand to eat, one hand to hold a sword, one hand…her strength and prior achievements were of the past as her future capabilities would only dwindle.

She did not dare to think about it again. Long Shiyan turned away from this horde of magical beasts, dropping the dragon spleen and fleeing to the distance. But unfortunately, the magical beasts did not all scramble over the dragon spleen. Instead, they continued to pursue her.

At this moment, a horrible storm suddenly arrived from the skies. Long Shiyan’s expression shifted as she subconsciously climbed to higher ground. Her right hand tightly gripped onto a stone on the ground. At the same time, countless storms caused lightning to flash in an instant. It was as if it were the end of the world; the entire forest was being destroyed.

Those who competed for Long Shiyan were also alive, yet still injured. At least, for the time being, they couldn’t withstand the onslaught of the terrible weather as some died. Long Shiyan flung the sand away from her head and glanced towards the sky. There was a group of seventh-level flying eagle magical beasts, also known as the Yun Lei.

Moreover, these types of dreadful magical beasts continued to fly within the sky in great numbers.

Long Shiyan didn’t dare to stay, so she used her wind step magic on herself and fled into the depths of the jungle. Naturally, the magical beasts would certainly not give up on her. They endured the storm and constantly released their wind and thunder magic.

The magical beasts on the ground were bathed by the magic used by the magical beast in the air. This stimulated their bestial nature. While chasing Long Shiyan, the magical beasts in the air attacked each other. Some clever ones continued to search for any remaining parts of dragon’s spleen or robbed those who had already eaten the dragon spleen.

And thus, the process of slaughtering was repeated over and over again.

Long Shiyan herself also had the wind attribute and was a swordsman, so under the blessing of these two factors, her movements were very swift. But unfortunately, with one hand broken, her balance and abilities had likewise dropped by a great margin.

Under this high-speed dashing, her injuries became even worse.

The venom of a flying double-headed snake hit Long Shiyan, and she finally fell. She gritted her teeth and turned over, glaring at the flying double-headed snake that was sweeping towards her.

The snake’s teeth weren’t as sharp as ordinary beasts, and the bite strength wasn’t strong enough. Generally, its prey would not die from being bitten, and it normally won’t wrap around its prey. But now, it couldn’t help but do so.


Long Shiyan’s heart palpitated, and her breathing became rougher. She was constricted by the snake and had no way to break away from its entanglement right away. However, as long as she used her countermeasures for these situations, she should be able to escape.

However, it would take a while.

Just a little bit more!

Long Shiyan felt that her mind was getting more and more muddled. She felt as if she were moving towards the road to hell. The abyss was waving at her.


A dragon bird roared, which was accompanied by countless storms. The forest below Long Shiyan turned into debris, yet she also began to see a ray of hope.

The snake that wrapped around her died, and because she escaped from it, she had another chance to live. As that group of magical beasts rushed towards her, she chose not to hide and her prepared large magic was immediately released.

“Dark storm!”

Numerous wind elements gathered around her. First, the elements were compressed, then compressed, and then compressed again until a certain critical point was reached. Finally, when no more could be compressed, it was violently released. With the addition of the dark elements, its oppressive power increased.

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The earth and the skies were all dyed in black.

It was as if the world had ended.

The magical beasts in the air and on the earth were torn into pieces. Those with stronger defenses were able to resist enough to escape.

She didn’t dare to stay. These were just the first set of speed-type magical beasts. If the latter group was far more powerful and plentiful, then she will have a very miserable time. Moreover, in the direction she escaped to, there were still many magical beasts who were rushing towards her, preparing to devour her.

By chance, she made it to the outer area of the forest where the levels of magical beasts were lower. She could handle this area, and Zi Linglong was also safe.

The magical beast combat power in that area wasn’t high.

At the same time, in the Magical Beast Forest where the Holy Spirit Magic School’s base was located in, a large number of students gathered together. They ranged in size and gender. They were up against a siege of magical beasts.

The reason for this was very simple. The magical beasts here were the ones who originally chased and attacked Long Shiyan. But in order to get to her, they had to pass by the school’s base. This group of magical beasts had very low intelligence, so they ran straight into their base instead of taking a detour. For this reason, they brought a lot of trouble to the students.

The white-bearded dean stood on a large rock, surrounded by a group of stunned students. He stroked his beard and smiled. “Students, good afternoon! As everyone can see, the magical beasts are currently acting abnormally. It’s time for the school’s test to end. Let’s pack up our things, and return to school tomorrow!”

It was a pity there were a group of students who weren’t paying attention to him and simply laid down.

Among the students, there was a student who rested under the tree’s shade. Her appearance was very eye-catching. She was very beautiful and easily stood out among the many other students. Beside her, there was a child around the same size as Long Shiyan.

Her eyes did not look at the dean, but instead, stared at the distance as she frowned. The child next to her watched the dean with an expression of worship.

The sun had already set, and the sky would soon grow dark.

When the dean was about to evacuate the students, a girl hurriedly rushed in. She cried, “Mr. Dean, please wait. The head of the group, Long Shiyan, has gone into the inner clearing and has yet to return. We can’t just leave her there.”

The Dean glanced at the speaker and noticed that it was a member of the Alchemy Research Society. He laughed and said, “The little girl will naturally have her things to do. We don’t have to worry about her. If she couldn’t deal with her own matters, then she wouldn’t have the qualifications to become the head of the Student Holy Spirit Group. Besides, the strength of the little girl, Long Shiyan, is not something that you can compare to.”

“But, Dean, you also said that countless magical beasts came out of their nests, including ninth-level magical beasts. Even if Long Shiyan was their opponent, it’s highly likely that she will fall under the magical beasts’ siege.”

After these words, the students whispered to each other’s ears.

At this moment, a small figure suddenly flew over. She rushed to the dean and shouted, “This isn’t good, Dean. The host encountered a wave of magical beasts and is currently in a life or death situation. Edgar and the others fell into a coma, and I don’t know when they will wake up. Please hurry and save them!”

This little person was the system, Qian Qian.

After listening to Long Shiyan’s instructions, she stayed in the same place, but she felt that it was meaningless. The aftermath of the conflict from where Long Shiyan was originally made her anxious and helpless. Moreover, she also sensed that some magical beasts were coming over to their location. Nevertheless, Zi Linglong and others were still unconscious.

Without a choice, she had to go back and ask for help.

Even if she couldn’t help Long Shiyan, she should at least protect Zi Linglong and others.


After those words, the students immediately caused an uproar.

If they were the ones surrounded by magical beasts, could they still survive?

The white-bearded old man flashed a smile, but he quickly concealed it. An impatient expression spread across his face as he said, “Calm down! Calm down! You should slowly explain what happened.”

Qian Qian was really worried, so she burst into tears. “I don’t know why there were two strange magical beasts fighting in the air. They were so powerful. The aftermath of the battle immediately engulfed everyone. The two magical beasts were very powerful, but the fight caused both sides to lose. One of them died and the other disappeared. The dead magical beast attracted the magical beast army.

Right now, Edgar, the other four are still unconscious, and the host went to attract the magical beasts’ attention in order to save them. Right now, whether she is alive or not is uncertain.”

She stammered through her words and finally finished saying the most important parts.

Sitting down, Moss frowned and couldn’t help but ask, “What kind of magical beasts were those two?”

“I can’t tell you. When you go over there and see the body of the magical beast, you will know what creature it is!” System Qian Qian had no option but to lure them into going there themselves.

“Mr. Moss, now is not the time to ask what kind of magical beast it is. We should be using our time to save people. We must hurry and save the members of the Student Holy Spirit Group.” A majestic man stood up with a resolute expression. His actions also immediately roused the teachers next to him to act.

Although they were part of the Holy Spirit Group, they did not know about Moss’s and the dean’s plans. They simply understood that their students were going to be killed. So they, of course, could not sit still.

“Yes, Dean, we can’t wait any longer. We have to hurry and save the head of the group and the rest!”

“Yeah! Yeah!” the students shouted. Their shouts of imploring only shocked the dean and Moss. The two looked at each other and quickly appeased them. “Everyone should not worry. We will, of course, save the members of the Student Holy Spirit Group. First, calm down.”

“Little Qian Qian, how is my elder sister?” The child that was the same size as Long Shiyan rushed down as the stunningly beautiful woman next to her quickly followed.

“Oh right, how is the head of the group?” In the crowd, a big man squeezed through, followed by a group of men with large broadswords.

“In order to protect us, the host charged toward magical beasts and led the magical beast army away. I don’t know what happened to her afterward…” System Qian Qian sobbed with snot and tears as she added more details to the story to make it seem even more tragic.

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