Feng Yu Qing (凤玉情)

Chapter 21: Chapter 20

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Feng Zhijiu went to an immortal sect for the first time, and she was looking forward to it. It's a pity that the place she is going now is the Wu He sect.


Long time ago, the Wu He sect was one of the best sects in the cultivation world. The spiritual veins under their sacred mountain are the purest dragon veins and the highest concentration of spiritual energy. At that time, even the periphery of the sacred mountain was shrouded in thick spiritual energy and form into mist.


Therefore, the origin name of the Wu He sect comes from this mist river. But tens of thousands of years later, the dragon veins under the sacred mountain began to dry up. Spiritual energy also became thinner. Not only in Wu He sec, this phenomenon happened around the Ru Huan Continent. No one knows what the reason is and after years of investigation, nothing came of it. As a result, all the practitioners on the Ru Huan Continent became weaker and weaker.


Even though the dragon veins are dying, the scenery around Wu He sect is still the same. The lines of the mountains were majestic and the clouds flew freely, hugging the peaks like a thin white gauze. The clear blue water is like a blue ribbon and the green plain below is like a huge green coat. Makes everything look so beautiful and vibrant.


Feng Zhijiu looked around and saw these ridges and felt a very comfortable feeling in her heart. She can also see a flock of birds flying freely, an eagle cry comes from the distance. She closed her eyes and leaned against Xie Yuya's chest. She could feel the beating heart beneath these ridges. It's very weak, but it's still trying to survive.


She opened her eyes and saw those flying mountains in front of her. This is the sacred mountain of the Wu He sect. These mountains are now only covered by low-level defensive formations. The glory of the past can no longer be seen. Right now, the years have left traces on these sacred mountains, and it looks like a tired old man.


Seeing this, she couldn't help but sigh. Xie Yuya just silently hugged her from behind, and they passed through the defensive formation in a blink of an eye. Now that Fei Yun has notified the sect of their arrival, they can pass directly through the formation.


They flew for another quarter of an hour before landing on a huge platform. From the outside, the Wu He sect is small because the whole plain and ridge are gigantic. But after landing, from the inside, the sacred mountain of the sect is very huge.


She couldn't hide her amazement. As she looked around from the high platform, her little red lips parted slightly. Huan Ling snorted when she saw her face.


"Country bumpkin."


At that moment, Huan Ling felt pain all over her body. She knelt down and began to cry. "Ah~! Hurt!"


The other disciples hurriedly stepped forward to help her. A female disciple helped her stand up and asked worriedly. "Junior sister, what's the matter? Are you alright?"


"Go away!" She pushed the female disciple and looked at Fei Yun. The female disciple just shook her head and stood up with the help of another disciple behind her.


When calling Fei Yun, her sweet and sticky voice could be heard. But her body became more and more painful and her voice became more and more low, making her look even more pitiful. She gritted her teeth and made a coquettish voice. "Senior Brother Yun~"


Fei Yun just glanced at her lightly, ignoring her. He walked over to Feng Zhijiu and Xie Yuya, and politely invited them to the main hall. "Su Xing, Young Master Han, this way please."


Xie Yuya took back the flying artifact, clasped Feng Zhijiu's hand and followed behind Fei Yun. When they had left this area, the painful feeling that Huan Ling suffered slowly disappeared. She checked her body but other than being soaked in cold sweat, there was nothing wrong.


Fei Yun brought them to the main hall while introducing his sect building and some central parts. This Fei Yun is really a man who doesn't talk much. His presentation was straightforward and not exaggerated at all. But his way of bringing guests was very welcome by this couple. This trio, from the flying platform to the main hall, only produced less than a hundred words. And the distance between these two places can't be said to be close.


When they arrived at the front yard of the main hall, they saw a group of elders. A few are middle-aged aunts and uncles. She saw a rare surprise in Feiyun's eyes as she could guess the identities of those elders. Fei Yun walked faster and bowed politely in front of the elders. 


"Disciple Fei Yun, pay respect to sect master, Shifu, uncle master and aunt master."


A middle-aged elder stepped forward and patted his disciple on the head affectionately. His smile was full of parental love and the eyes he looked at Fei Yun were full of family affection.


"Good disciple, you finally brought your benefactor back." He smiled and patted Fei Yun's head for a long time.


Fei Yun looked back at Feng Zhijiu and Xie Yuya, and could only say to his Shifu helplessly. "Shifu, Su Xing and Young Master Han are still looking. Please stop petting this disciple's head."


Feng Zhijiu couldn't help laughing softly, and Xie Yuya also pretended not to see anything.


"Junior Brother, let's welcome the guests first, then you can pat Yun'er's head as much as you want later." The sect master said with an embarrassed expression.


Fei Yun’s Shifu has now finally let go of his poor head with messy hair. The sect master walked up to Feng Zhijiu and Xie Yuya and bowed. She returned the salute and glanced at Xie Yuya who was motionless.


Those elders didn't mind Xie Yuya's attitude and smiled warmly. The sect master gestured towards the hall and said, "Benefactors, please come in. Our poor sect can't show any good reception, please forgive me."


"Everything is fine, sect master, you're welcome." She said with a smile.


Afterwards, they all walked into the hall with Feng Zhijiu and Xie Yuya holding hands. Several elders glanced at the overlapping hands and sighed with regret. All this could not escape Xie Yuya's sight and there was a bit of chill in the indifferent eyes.



Inside the main hall


They sat in the distinguished guest seats as the other elders sat in accordance with their rank. Fei Yun stood behind his Shifu, the fourth elder.


The Wu He sect main hall is also as big as the rest of the sect. The decoration does not really show wealth, but the grace and dignity of the cultivators who seek the great way. It's simple but clean. Feng Zhijiu guessed that the furniture and furnishings in this hall have a history of at least thousands of years.


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After everyone was seated, the sect master waved his hand and a few cups of spiritual tea were neatly placed on the table beside them. This spiritual tea is something that is only taken out for important guests or important occasions. It can be seen that the Wu He sect attaches great importance and respect to Feng Zhijiu and Xie Yuya.


The first to speak was the sect master. He clasped his fists and said, "I would like to thank Miss Su for saving the lives of our Wu He sect disciples. Wu He Sect will definitely repay this life-saving grace. What Miss Su needs in the future, as long as my Wu He Sect can do it, we will do our best to complete it without violating our Dao heart.”


The other elders clasped their fists and saluted at her. She looked at Fei Yun and remembered that he had said the same thing in the dark forest.


Feng Zhijiu: Indeed. I don't see it wrong. This friend is worth it.


She stood up and bowed to the elders. "What I did was just a little effort. It's no big deal. You are welcome, elders. Moreover, I have gained a rare friend and it is fate to meet him."


She smiled at those elders and at Fei Yun. He smiled back lightly. The fourth elder smiled and said, "I have one more thing to thank Miss Su."


She sat down and waited for the fourth elder to speak.


"When Miss Su and our disciples parted ways in the Green Hill Village, Miss Su gave a lot of spiritual peaches, a bottle of spiritual spring water and a few pieces of paper for Yun'er."


Xie Yuya glanced at her when he heard what the fourth elder listed as 'gifts'.


Yu Yi's information is not accurate at all. He needs more training.


At the same time, Yu Yi, who was on a mission, shuddered and looked around but there was nothing, but a cold feeling behind him.


Feng Zhijiu just smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing. For me, those things are useless except for eating and drinking. The paper is the talisman I made before. When Fei Yun needs snacks, he can contact me."


The elders looked at each other and they all saw the same thing in their eyes. Surprise and gratitude. 


This Miss Su is a strange but kind-hearted girl.


The second elder asked her with curiosity in her tone. "Miss Su, those talismans... We have never seen it before. Please enlighten me. Where did Miss Su learn from?"


She knew that this problem would come when she found that the paper shop had no talismans paper. She wondered how to answer the question for a while. But before she finished speaking, the silent Xie Yuya spoke up. 


"She learned from me."


In the hall, everyone's attention, including Feng Zhijiu, was focused on him.


"This... This so-called talisman was invented by Young Master Han?"


"No." He said calmly.


"Then..." The second elder's eyes lit up, and her eyes seemed very urgent.


He just glanced at the hall, then picked up the teacup and took a small sip of spiritual tea. After that, he gently put the teacup back on the table. The eyes of those people followed his every movement, never letting go for a moment. But he looked relaxed.


Feng Zhijiu: I said, brother. Your way of increasing tension is so pro, ah.


He finally said after a long silence: "The talisman has actually existed since before the creation of the world. But... the creators of this world are either lazy, or they forgot to leave the way to make and use the talisman in this world."


He glanced at Feng Zhijiu, then took out a piece of white jade-colored paper. Everyone's eyes were on the piece of paper and the curiosity in the hall was very high. Even she wanted to see what that piece of paper was. It looks very pretty.


Feng Zhijiu: Rich people are indeed different. Their stuff looks beautiful and expensive.


Seeing her face, he could guess what she was thinking now. He chuckled lightly and the whole person's aura instantly became warm. He waved the white jade-colored paper and said, "This is an example of a defensive talisman. The power of this talisman is continuous. When used, it can cover a larger area than these sacred mountains. The barrier will disappear only when the talisman was broken from the inside. "


Then he threw the talisman paper lightly to the center of the hall and the white jade-colored paper flashed then flew from the main hall into the sky outside. All the elders and the sect master hurried out to see what would happen.


When they arrived at the front yard of the main hall, they saw that the talisman was already floating high in the air, and a rainbow-colored barrier was erected on top of their defensive formation. A few minutes later, the entire sacred mountains of the Wu He sect were shrouded in brilliant countless colors, which looked very beautiful.


Back in the hall, the elders saw Xie Yuya drinking tea calmly and Feng Zhijiu biting pastries. Fei Yun also stood in his place drinking tea without expression. They looked at each other and sat silently in their seats.


Elders : These young people seem calmer than us. so embarrassing.


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