Feng Yu Qing (凤玉情)

Chapter 44: Chapter 43

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Dark Tower's dungeon.


The cold, dark, and humid air in the dungeon was the only thing Shu Ruo could feel. Her body was full of wounds, her clothes were torn, and her appearance was messy. She still didn't understand why her Brother Han Yu was so cruel to her.


‘All of this must be because of that bitch!’


She is the reason her Brother Han Yu treats her like this. Her chapped lips moved, and her dry voice could be heard through gritted teeth. Hate and jealousy were evident in her voice.


"I will kill you…"


As soon as her voice came out, the dark dungeon room suddenly lit up. The heavy and huge dungeon door creaked open. She covered her eyes with her thin hands and squinted.


In her cell, she saw Xie Yuya coming down the stairs and glanced at her from outside the cell. Seeing that handsome face, she quickly crawled to the iron bars of the cell and grabbed hold of them. Her eyes were wide open, full of hope. She reached out her hand from the cell, trying to reach the hem of Xie Yuya's clothes.


Seeing her like that, Xie Yuya's cold eyes were full of disgust. He walked to the only chair in the middle of the huge open space in the dungeon and sat down. Yu Wu, who was in charge of punishment, stood one step behind Xie Yuya's chair.


Xie Yuya's voice was cold when he spoke. There was no emotion on his face, but cruelty was hidden in his eyes.


"The confession?"


Yu Wu stepped forward and bowed before replying, "Answering, my Lord. She confessed."




Yu Wu continued, "The rumor outside, she did it. Before Young Master Bing Ying met her, she also hurt the mistress. She used pills to heal the wound, but the mistress' injuries healed quickly without leaving any scars."




As soon as Yu Wu finished speaking, the armrest of Xie Yuya's chair turned into dust.


"Continue." When he finally uttered a word, his voice was full of killing intent.


"She has confronted Young Master Bing Ying several times, but she failed. She wants to occupy the position of mistress after becoming the wife of my Lord, and kill the mistress. The report is over." Yu Wu then stood behind Xie Yuya's white jade chair.


Xie Yuya sneered and said, "Indeed… This bug is courting death."


Hearing what they said, Shu Ruo could no longer calm down. She yelled in a dry and hoarse voice. Her eyes filled with tears, her pale face contorted with hatred.


"Brother Han Yu! Why are you being so cruel to me?! The person who loves you the most is me! It's me!"


Xie Yuya looked at her crazy face and chuckled lightly. He touched his chin lazily and looked at her coldly. As soon as Shu Ruo saw his cold eyes, she collapsed to the ground without making a sound.


Xie Yuya said slowly: "Bug should stay as a bug. Your life is spared only because of one reason."


Shu Ruo raised her head, tears streaming down her face, wet her dirty face. After a long silence, she softly asked with a trembling voice: "Why?"


Xie Yuya stared at her and smiled devilishly. His smile sent chills down her spine. "You are the bait, to fish him out. If he doesn't come out, you won't die yet."


Shu Ruo could only look at Xie Yuya in horror. The man sitting there was still the same man she loved. But until now, she didn't know his true face. She regretted it, but she couldn't accept such an ending. She gritted her teeth and stared at Xie Yuya with eyes full of love and hatred. She hates him as much as she loves him. She hates him!


Xie Yuya looked into her eyes for a few seconds, then stood up. He walked to the stairs, when he walked to the door of the dungeon, he coldly said, "Enjoy the rest of your time."


The heavy and huge dungeon door made a crackling sound. Leaving a pair of eyes full of hatred watching Xie Yuya and Yu Wu's leaving figure and the slowly closed door.



In the huge crystal bedroom, Feng Zhijiu sat in front of a table full of cosmetics and hair accessories. Her long, silky black hair was delicately combed, with half of it hanging down her back.


The beautiful face that has always been plain, today is carefully touched up with exquisite makeup. The already beautiful face becomes even more stunning. She was wearing a red wedding dress with a long gown over it.


She looked in the mirror and saw the ethereal beauty looking back at her. She smiled, and carefully put on her phoenix crown.


Today is Xie Yuya and her wedding day. After waiting for another three months, her body finally recovered. Although her dantian cannot be fixed, she can still use all her power as before. What's more, she is stronger than before. It was like her shackles were finally gone.


After she put on the phoenix crown, the huge bedroom door opened, and Bing Ying walked in. She looked at her disciple and smiled. Bing Ying looked at her and muttered to himself.


You are reading story Feng Yu Qing (凤玉情) at novel35.com

"Shizun is very beautiful. She was too good for that Xianjun."


She smiled and said, "You should call him Shifu now."


Bing Ying looked away and said, "Not yet."


She smiled, and Bing Ying covered her phoenix crown with a red veil. He took her by the hand and escorted her to the main hall. When they arrived, Xie Yuya was already waiting in the center of the altar in the main hall.


The main hall ceiling is open today. The warm sunlight poured down, and the crystal clear hall suddenly lit up, illuminated by the sunlight that turned into rainbow particles. The scene looks very beautiful.


Before entering the door, Bing Ying looked at her seriously and said: "Shizun, please be happy."


“I will.”


She smiled under her veil, and the two walked towards Xie Yuya. Bing Ying glared at Xie Yuya, then handed Feng Zhijiu's hand to him, then walked to the side.


The huge main hall was crowded with Yu shadow guards. It's a pity that only a chosen few can attend their Lord's wedding. But that small number counts over a few thousands.


Bing Ying who was wearing rare red clothes, standing on the side, looking at his newly gained Shifu, who was carefully leading his Shizun to the altar. He'd never seen a wedding ceremony before, but he knew this wedding ceremony was different.


When Xie Yuya and Feng Zhijiu were already standing in the center of the altar, a light flashed on the altar, and countless stars floated around them.


Xie Yuya made hand seals, drew out a drop of his heart blood, and placed it between Feng Zhijiu's eyebrows. After that, a drop of Feng Zhijiu’s heart blood also flew out and got in between Xie Yuya's eyebrows.


Constellations of stars move in a circular motion around them. In that scene, it seemed that both of them were the center of the universe. Immediately, a large formation appeared above their heads, and slowly fell until it reached their waist-high.


The big formation is getting smaller and smaller, binding the two of them together like a rubber band. After the formation left no space between them, the stars constellations entered their bodies, and the light on the platform slowly dissipated.


Xie Yuya opened his closed eyes, looked at his bride, and smiled happily. He looked at those Yu shadow guards and Bing Ying, who were standing below. There was a rare gentle smile on his face.


"Celebrate this Lord’s wedding as much as you want."


Yu shadow guards knelt down with their heads bowed and said in unison: "Congratulations, Lord! Congratulations, Mistress!"


Bing Ying walked up to the two of them and knelt down. He said with a solemn voice: "Bing Ying congratulates Shizun and Shifu. May happiness always be with you."


Xie Yuya chuckled lightly and asked, "Finally willing to accept me?"


Bing Ying got up and said, "As long as Shizun is happy, Bing Ying has no objections."


Xie Yuya smiled at him, then disappeared with his arms around his wife's waist. Seeing that their Lord had left, Yu Yi said excitedly: "Let's start the banquet!"


Those thousands of Yu shadow guards all disappeared from the main hall, and went to the side hall to enjoy spiritual food and wine. It's a rare occasion for them to relax. They must enjoy it to the fullest!


Yu Er saw that Bing Ying was still looking at the platform and walking towards him. Yu Er patted Bing Ying on the shoulder, and when he saw Bing Ying looking back at him, he smiled at him.


"Young Master, how old are you?"


Bing Ying frowned and began to calculate his age. His voice was less sure when he said, "About 213 or so. Why?"


Yu Er grinned and said, "Young Master, have you ever drank wine before?"


Bing Ying shook his head and said, "Shizun doesn't know how to drink, so we only drink spring water of spiritual tea.Shizun loves tea."


Yu Er shook his head and sighed melancholy. He said, "Young Master, you still never drink at your age? Then you are still a child, ah."


Bing Ying frowned deeper, and said coldly: "Who said I can't drink?"


Yu Er, who succeeded to provoke him, grinned and said, "Then, does the Young Master dare to compete with us?"


Bing Ying snorted coldly and said, "Let's see if thousands of Yu shadow guards can beat me."


After that day, there are unwritten rules between Yu shadow guard. Never challenge Young Master Bing Ying to drink. You are lucky if you could survive his swords. The young master was drunk with only one sip of wine, and became extremely happy as he swung his sword brutally.


But all of this, for the newlyweds who are enjoying their short spring night, they don't know anything about it. It has become a top secret among Yu shadow guards.

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